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Michael Crane

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Everything posted by Michael Crane

  1. Jack White has just slapped the "correct" silly. *Correct = I agree with the poster.
  2. Speaking in the present tense, David your a man that I really admire.PLEASE don`t take what I said the wrong way.Just a mistake on the way I worded it. *Thankyou for correcting me Chuck.
  3. Mr Lifton, You don`t know this but,you Sir are someone that I have only imagined what it would be like to be able to talk to.The thought of speaking to the man who`s book had such an incredible impact on my life would be something that I would truely cherish.I do realize that what I say may seem odd and that a person such as yourself has to look out for people with "hidden agendas" or someone with "sinister intentions" but,I assure you, that I am a man of my word and have nothing to gain but, to be able to say that I have corresponded with the person that I admire and have the upmost respect for. If you do decide to talk to me,we can do it openly on this forum,or by any method of your choice(E-mail or Phone) My contact information is TheDropper@yahoo.com * I would be more then happy to communicate in anyway at no cost to you. Respectfully Michael Crane *Edited for correctness
  4. David, First of all, I would like to say that, I really admire you,and cherish the thought that you would "even consider" to answer questions relating to the JFK autopsy. You sir are a hero in my mind, there is no doubt about it. Sincerely apprieciated Michael Crane
  5. ""I also have some interesting declassified FBI documents for anyone that is interested." I would be forever grateful if I was able to see the documents of which you speak of. My E-mail address is TheDropper@yahoo.com Sincerely Mike Crane
  6. Thankyou Ron,I appreciate your input.As you can see,I have not been a member here for very long,and there is not very much information that I myself can contribute to this forum that has not already been addressed or discussed.I asked this question because,I have not seen it discussed on here before.I just thought that since FBI agents Sibert & O`Neil had mentioned that there "appeared to be surgery of the head area" that I would bring it up. Once again I appreciate your input.
  7. In David Lifton`s book "Best Evidence" on page 630 Dr. John Ebersole states "Later we found a wound of exit in the neck that had been NEATLY SUTERED by a surgeon in Dallas.That caused some confusion early on because we thought that it was from a tracheotomy.But it was an exit wound" To me...the simple fact that a wound was sewn up was evidence that someone had intercepted the body in between Dallas & Bethesda. All comments & opinions are appreciated
  8. What I would like to ask the forum is, if there are any members that have any evidence, or a opinion about JFK`s body going to Walter Reed hospital prior to Bethesda? All opinion`s welcome
  9. I found this pretty interesting about George H.W Bush http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4...31&q=alex+jones
  10. I am currently working in the construction field. I am a Journeyman Glazier that lives in Manteca, Ca. I have been following John`s (and Robert`s) assassination for almost two decades. I can`t tell you how many books that I have read on the assassination but, it`s easily over 10. I have a burning desire to see our Government officials (including ex-Presidents) held accountable for their actions.I have my own theory on the assassination & I am more interested now in the cover-up, then I am with the assassins. I am most intrigued by the medical evidence.I have read David Lifton`s book "Best Evidence" which I find has the most detail on the assassination itself. I hope that information that I have provided, will insure me as a quality forum member with a little information/opinion that I can contribute.
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