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Michael Crane

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Everything posted by Michael Crane

  1. James, I happen to own a copy of "Murder in Dealey Plaza",but unfortunately do not own a copy of "The Great Zapruder Film Hoax".Is there any chance of producing an enlargement of Zapruder frame 374 for the forum? It would be very much appreciated.
  2. Bill, I had not seen your additional information from Doug until now.You can rest assured,that if I did,I would have thanked you.So,at this time,I would like to say thank you again.
  3. To me it looks as if the head is photoshopped and just a little too big.
  4. Harry, Best I could do.I apologize for the quality. The small writing says L.H. Oswald 544 Camp St New Orleans,LA http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v393/The...pg?t=1262033918
  5. Oh,I have gotten what I needed.I have always been intrigued by the medical evidence.The biggest question that I have ever faced was.... where could the alterations have occurred at & by whom?I had my suspicions that they might have occurred at Walter Reed,but this fits nicely into the puzzle. There is no question that Doug`s books will be in my possession as soon as I am able to buy them. Thank you for enlightening me with the information before I can obtain the set.
  6. Wow, Amazing stuff if true.I`m talking about the pre autopsy allegation made by Horne.Doesn`t seem so far fetched knowing that Dr.Humes & Boswell were under the order of silence. This news,if true,just blows me away.
  7. Don`t know if this is of any help,but Tosh posted some pics he took of a Nash Rambler on here about two years ago,that look very similar.
  8. Although I have not completed reading "The Man Who Knew Too Much" I have not heard if any of the information he had was ever released.Is this true,or did he go to his grave with it?
  9. I just realized what I said in a previous post & thought that I should correct myself.The X-ray might not have been "altered" but probably was taken after the reconstruction of the head IMO.
  10. Christopher, I`ll give it my best..... Brad,the drawing below is an exact copy in regard to location & dimensions of the drawing I made for Josiah Thompson in 1966.Best wishes Robert McClelland.
  11. Don,I have to respectfully disagree with you.I have seen a episode on the History Channel that shows Dr.Mantik addressing the altered X-Ray.Good stuff.
  12. I was not aware of this at the time I posted it.Thank you for the information.
  13. One document worth reading. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v393/The...if?t=1224016715 * Click on document to enlarge it.
  14. Edited because my guess was laughable at best.
  15. Possible candidate? http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v393/The..._MysteryMan.jpg
  16. "All of this was long ago discussed on this forum." I can assure you Thomas that I did not read the thread or even know about it when I asked this question.But,once again because of some of your research,I find myself having to look into different areas that I have not looked or believed before.All I am saying is that you force me into looking into different theories,and that can be a good thing.
  17. Thanks again Jack. Wouldn`t it be a coincidence if JFK was reacting to being shot just as he passed these zones in the Zapruder frames? Oh well, I found out what I was asking for by the helpful members on the forum. Thanks again for the help.
  18. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v393/The...if?t=1210212247
  19. That`s good stuff right there Jack thank you.I must admit that I have been humbled by the information supplied.I had originally thought that this was an attempt of a timing method employed for the gunmen.
  20. Once again I can`t thank you guys enough for helping me in this matter.I don`t think that you guys/gals realize how much I appreciate it. Thanks to all who responded (pm`s included) Respectfully Michael Crane
  21. I seem to remember seeing a picture or film that had what appeared to be a "yellow" zone or zones painted on the curb on Elm street.That could have been placed there to judge distance for the assassins.Anybody have information on this?
  22. I was going to post the difference,but I felt it would be taking from your thread. Carry on.
  23. Chris, While your at it,take a look at frame number 302 & 303. 302 is blurry while 303 is more clear.This could be where there is foul play.
  24. I myself have benefited from used books online.I just received "Murder in Dealey Plaza" for around $10.00 (shipping included) And I also found "A Conspiracy of Silence" for a penny. (which I have not received yet) Amazon Marketplace Receipt Date: 19-April-2008 Order #: 058-9368990-1734164 1 of J F K: A Conspiracy of Silence (Signet) by Charles A. Crenshaw; Jens Hansen; J $0.01 Buyer: thedropper@yahoo.com Seller: help@betterworldbooks.com Shipping & Handling: $3.99 Your Total: $4.00
  25. A wise man once told me... Be who you are & say what you feel because the people who mind don`t matter and the people who matter don`t mind.
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