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Michael Crane

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Everything posted by Michael Crane

  1. Edited because content may have been offensive to some.
  2. I would be more then happy to help you Lee if I possibly could trust me,the problem is ...I`m just a apprentice among journeymen. *I hope that I didn`t get your hopes up by responding to this thread. ( I know the feeling of hoping that someone has responded to one of my posts or letters)
  3. I wouldn`t buy Mr.Brennans story with a fake $50.
  4. Gene, I have never seen your question to me until today.Sorry for the late response.I also have reason to believe that the 'smoke" in Dealy Plaza & the surrounding areas might have been a diversion tactic also.It`s just too hard for me to believe that a rifle would emit the amount of smoke that witnesses have claimed to see.The "old days" of rifles producing smoke are far behind us.
  5. Tosh, I posted a GIF that you would get a kick out of,but,when I clicked on the URL is was way too slow,so I deleted it. Respectfully Mike
  6. Denis, Once again this forum has come through because of members like yourself.I sincerely appreciate you taking time in helping me out. Thank you sir! Respectfully Michael crane
  7. I am currently having a discussion with some uninformed people on another forum,so I would like to ask if someone could help me PLEASE find "The Smoking Gun" document? Due to the fact that my hard drive had to be erased when my computer was infected with several viruses.I lost everything but the pictures of documents I saved on photobucket.com.I didn`t anticipate this happening and lost alot of information I had saved. *The document with LBJ & JEH If this could be done without much effort I would be forever grateful. Thank you Respectfully Mike Crane
  8. Yeah I didn`t think that there was any hope,especially since you have blown the picture up Miles.What I thought "may" have been a figure is now in the bottom left of your second blow-up,and no possible way of being something. Hey,I rolled the dice,and it came up snake eyes. Thank you for your effort.
  9. In Miles blow-up photo there might be an image worth taking a closer look at.The image I see appears on the bottom right side to the left of the big white blobs. It`s a long shot but oh well.
  10. Thank you for the reply Lee.I`m going to ask you & anybody else if they see parts in the picture that is on bottom,if you see parts of that picture that have straight "horizontal" & verticle lines which gives them the appearance of being blendid in. *Especially about in the middle of the bottom picture in between the two arms. ** And No,I`m not talking about the verticle lines that appear to be wrinkles or folds. *** I`m telling you guys/gals that I see partial faces of people along with horizontal lines. **** I don`t own any type of enhancing software.
  11. I`m not trying to be a post hog here,but I`m going to guess that what the arrows point to in the pictures above seems to be what looks like an antenna of a communications device,and also the picture beneath it which is even more harder to tell,might just be a figure in a military/police uniform. Am I even a little bit close Lee?
  12. What a difference.Thanks Duncan.I thought I seen what appeared to be two objects similar to heads on a body,when in fact.... sooner or later there was very clearly three people. Nice find BTW.
  13. Duncan, It appears that there might be some activety in next window over from your last pic. *To the right.
  14. Also keep in mind that people that are closer to the camera often look bigger.
  15. My name under Mike Crane was "The ugly" Mike Crane My name under Michael Crane was Michael "The toweler" Crane
  16. Wow! I am simply amazed & overwhelmed of the amount of knowledge & resources that this forum provides.You people are incredible! Nothing short of awesome IMO.
  17. Where`s James Richards? He could probably post a picture of my son & I at Disneyland. ;-)
  18. I was just wondering if anyone who has the resources has had time to check and see who the registered owner was? Texas 711 TQC
  19. Looks like it "might" say "Cross Country" in the back & "might" say "Custom" on the side. *Don`t hold me to this.
  20. I`m sorry Jack,the only difference I can see in the 1st pic is what is directly in front of the man on the far left ...sorry.
  21. I couldn`t help but notice that your letter was dated May 7th 1993.Although I`m having some difficulty trying to read his response,I would think that it was possible by this time that Dr. Perry might have chosen to not give you an honest answer because,it could possibly have meant the shortness of life.
  22. "Scientifically sir,it is impossible for this wound to have not entered from behind or to have not exited from behind" *or something to that effect Dr. Humes Warren Commission Testimony
  23. I remember reading this book a long time ago,and I can`t remember it having anything to do with JFK`s son.I could be wrong,but don`t think so.
  24. I attempted to view your work,but was unable to.I got an error message on both lnks. HTTP Error 404
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