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Michael Crane

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Everything posted by Michael Crane

  1. Ray, I stumbled onto this.Sorry,this is how it appeared online.
  2. Daniel, According to Roger Boyajian,the casket arrived at 6:35 PM.That`s a little bit more time for the evil doer`s to get their work done.I`m thoroughly convinced that Humes tried to leave us little clues about some of the events that went on that night,but could not come out & say it. The words "preliminary inspection" & "it is impossible for this bullet to not have entered or exited" come to mind.
  3. I`m pretty dog gone sure that David knows about this information,but I would like to post it for others to see & form their own opinion. http://www.manuscriptservice.com/AutopsyRoom/
  4. What`s also interesting to read is that she states that a brain was located along side of the body in one of the pictures. So,it`s confusing.The pictures could have been pre or post autopsy (since she states that the body was clean)
  5. According to Saundra Spencer it must have.She developed autopsy pictures that show the wound only being 1/2 inch wide. Q: What is your best recollection of the approximate size of the wound on the throat that you identified before? SPENCER: Just about like that, just like a finger, half-inch. Q: Do you remember whether the wound was jagged or how that appeared? SPENCER: No, just - it appeared just indented. It was, again, clean, pristine, no - you know, it wasn’t an immediate wound, it had some cleaning done to it or something. I`m really starting to believe that some changes were made on the body at Bethesda by the pathologists. This plus the statement from Thomas Robinson about the craniotomy just about has me convinced.
  6. Because,I just found this online & thought that it would be very exciting to see these video tapes. Records Created by GNC Communications Mr. David volunteered that in 1992 he went to Pittsburgh and participated in a group meeting/interview of Navy personnel who had participated in President Kennedy‘s autopsy or events related to the autopsy, set up by GNC Communications (a company based out of Connecticut); participants in this group meeting, which was videotaped, were himself, James C. Jenkins (JFK autopsy technologist), Paul K. O’Connor (JFK autopsy technologist), Floyd Riebe (John Stringer’s photography assistant), and Jerrol Custer (X-ray technician). Another participant was Dr. Cyril Wecht, forensic pathologist. Subsequently, in 1994, he said that someone at GNC Communications had arranged for (and paid for) the videotaping of a hypnosis session in which he (Dennis David) was hypnotized (in New York state) and his memories of events related to the assassination were probed under hypnosis. Mr. David volunteered that what he thought was about 1 O-1 5 minutes under hypnosis, actually turned out to be about 1.5 hours, and that on a scale of 1 to 10, the hypnotist/interviewer had characterized his veracity as “an 11,” meaning that he considered Mr. David to be very credible. Mr. David said he had personal VHS videotape copies of both the 1992 group interview/meeting, as well as of the 1994 hypnosis session. When I asked whether we might have access to these videotaped records, he seemed uncertain as to whether this would violate GNC’s copyright of these materials, and suggested that it would be preferable if we contacted GNC ourselves to pursue these records. In conclusion, I told Mr. David that we may wish to contact him again, if we felt there was a need to clarify, or to tape record, any of the topics covered in this interview. He said that would be fine. Any comments?
  7. I noticed an interesting comment in the comment section of the Youtube video.Seems as though the man in front head disappears at one point.
  8. Thank you for the info Ian.I honestly did not know that it was supposed to happen last year.
  9. Thomas, Forum member Tosh Plumlee was kind enough to supply this photo of one of the Ramblers that could have or probably was used after the assassination (he did not mention it`s exact location) I wish that I would have saved the other two.If I remember correctly....the blue sticker that is visable on the rear side window has something to do with Mexico.
  10. Thanks Thomas, Going back to Tosh`s description of DCM....Yes,he states that "Gator" had a missing finger & a abnormally large Adam`s apple. FWIW) It appears that Tosh & Sergio were almost directly across the street from UM & Gator/DCM.
  11. Hopefully somebody besides myself will remember that Tosh Plumlee on this very forum identified the DCM as Gator,a man he knew from the CIA.He flew back to South Florida right after the assassination with pilot Emanuel Rojas,Sergio,Gator & two other individuals that he did not know.
  12. Speaking of "other films" wouldn`t it be nice to have been able to view the film that Commander Pitzer was rumored to have?
  13. Bernice, Isn`t the picture that you are looking for on the second page of this thread? It was posted by James Fetzer I believe.
  14. Sorry Greg, I was under the impression that you might have seen a different film. My misunderstanding.
  15. I find it refreshing that we have a member such as Greg who has seen a different copy of the film.I would just like to ask you Greg is how close would you estimate that the person filming the motorcade was to Abraham Zapruder?
  16. Just so you know.... I copied and pasted the comments.Why there contains spaces & the smiley face....I have no idea what-so-ever how they got there.
  17. I could only find this Robin. Embalmina and reconstruction of the President’s head: -Mr. Robinson said he worked right over the President for over 3 hours, but that he was NOT the person who reconstructed the President’s head; he said that was done by John Van Hoesen. -Embalming was done before reconstruction. -The President suffered from some very slight blue discoloration under the eyes, but that the area -._-. ., around his eyes was not “black and blue” by any means; to IRobinson this was evidence that President ..-.. - -.-.- Kennedy was “instantly dead” when shot. He based this opinion on his previous observations of autopsies and cadavers during embalming. --.-_ -Robinson said that Ed Stroble (now deceased) had cut out a piece of rubber to cover the open wound --.. in the back of the head, so that the embalm~ing fluid __...., would not leak; the piece of rubber was slightly larger than the hole in the back of the head, and Robinson estimated that the rubber sheet was a circular patch about the size of a large orange (demonstrating this with a circular motion joining the index fingers and thumbs of his two hands). -He said the cranium was packed with material during reconstruction, but that he did not believe it was plaster-of-Paris; rather, he said it was either cotton or kapok material used in conjunction with a hardening compound. The Rubber sheet was used outside of this material to close the wound in the area of missing bone. The scalp was sutured together, and also onto the rubber sheet to the maximum extent possible, and the damage in the back of the head was obscured by the pillow in the casket when the body lay in repose, so that upon completion of embalming and application of restorative art, President Kennedy’s body was ready for an open casket funeral, if one had been requested. No damage to the head could be seen when Gawlefs crew had finished their work. In this condition, President Kennedy’s head was laying on the pillow in the casket, turned slightly to the right. -Robinson described in considerable detail the embalming procedures employed re: infusion of the _~ .._.. thoracic region and head with formaldehyde. -Robinson said that there was considerable pressure on the Gawlefs crew to finish their work as soon ___. as possible, and that it was coming from an Admiral. He recalled becoming upset by this, and being calmed down by Joe Hagan; he recalled responding to one query about when they would be finished by saying, “You can’t put on make-up with a barn brush!” He remembered with pride that someone else in the morgue said that the President “looked good” when they hadf&shed their work, and Robinson reiterated at this point that an open casket funeral could have been held if the Kennedy family had desired one. -When asked whether the pathologists stayed in the morgue during the embalming and reconstructive work, he said they did not http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/arrb/master_med_set/pdf/md180.pdf
  18. My postal connections at The Six Floor Museum have informed me that the event was captured on film,but the film appears to have been spliced & possibly altered.
  19. Pat, I found this information on this website interesting.Although I`m pretty sure that you probably know about it 10 times over. Not sure if it`s related. http://www.whokilledjfk.net/well.htm
  20. Ron, I live in Northern Ca & have Comcast Cable so it`s on channel 27 in my area.Tru Tv is on channel 204 for those who have Dish Network.Channel 246 for those who have Direct TV.
  21. Interesting that the photo shows what could be a Nash Rambler in the background near the fence line.
  22. It was a velosity question that I enquired about Jim.Having replaced my share of float,tempered & yes,even laminated glass,I never studied how or where the bullets came to rest. Thanks again.
  23. Actually,what I was implying is that the ARRB was going up against one of the best pitchers in baseball who happens to hold the all-time record with 110 shut outs. Hard to win.
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