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Michael Crane

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Everything posted by Michael Crane

  1. Thomas, In your honest opinion,do you truthfully & honestly believe that there is no evidence in this case, that has not been in some way,fabricated,altered,supressed or eliminated in any capacity?
  2. I will respectfully say that opinions vary. That is all.
  3. "Thanks, Jack. However, it is true that witnesses can often be mistaken. There is a famous law school exercise where unexpectedly two or three people burst into the classroom, do something strange, say a few words, and leave. The recollection of the law students re the description of the intruders and what they did varies widely." Not that it matter`s,but I can specifically recall this happening to me when I was in the 8th grade (I`m 43 years old) and all I can remember was a man bursting into are classroom with a hat,dark glasses and asking question/s in a loud voice.
  4. Thank you for the quick response Tim, I`m just not sure how hard it would be to make up some "new or different" documents today that could say whatever they want them to say,and pass them off as the originals.
  5. As silly & un-educated as this is going to sound,I am going to ask anyways...I would like to know if,there is a way to verify,that the sealed documents are the originals,and not some re-productions? It would not surprize me that if,and when,the documents are finally released,that they might contain some false or re-typed information. Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated.
  6. I could have sworn that I read somewhere that JEH was telling LBJ in a memo that they know that a sniper was on the 5th floor.Could be wrong though.
  7. Kathleen, I have not killed anyone.There are just some things in life that I know are facts.
  8. "You have to stand behind the victim in order to do it. " Not true. There are many,many more kinds of carotid artery chokes.The only difference is the way that they are applied.
  9. The choke holds that you are referring to are commonly used in MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) and is called a rear naked choke in BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) & Judo circles.A rear naked choke cuts off the blood supply to the brain,while a guillotine choke (windpipe) cuts off the oxygen supply to the brain. The Rear Naked Choke is also utilized in Law Enforcement & is referred to as a "Vascular Neck Restraint" Anyone in the State of California that "chokes" a person out can face the charge of attempted murder. *The safest & fastest way to revive a person that has been choked out (not killed) is to lay them on their back & lift their legs up.Another quick way to revive them is to sit them up and put pressure (with a knee) in the middle of the back and wave their arms in a circular motion.
  10. To me it appears in the gif that Chris made on the first page that one set of windows seem to be more "square" in appearance,then change into smaller "rectangle" shape`s. Just my .02
  11. Can somebody please tell me what the gentlemen in the picture is holding in his hands?Also,in the GIF I see what appear to be abnormal changes in hair style & glasses with the lady on the far left.Shoot...at one point she even looks to be "growing a chin."
  12. If one was to take a closer look at the picture(second one down on the first page)one might even see what appears to be the same people(blended in) only two to two and a 1/2 feet taller.With a short light curly haired women & a man with a white hat on.The women that I`m possibly seeing has a white spot on her left shoulder.
  13. Actually the face is alot easier to see with the enhancement.There is still is no way to tell the idenity of the person.
  14. Make no mistake about it Chris,I can see what you are talking about but,I`m just not in a position to be able to help out in this matter.
  15. Ok Chris, Let`s start at the cement wall.Take a look to the far left of the wall,and go up to about the height of Abraham Zapruders knees and lower.If you look closely(to the far left) at what appears to be bushes,or are in fact bushes,one might see up to about 4 images that look similar to men wearing hats.Two of them appear to be of the military or law enforcement type. Another point of inspection would be to pan to are right & look real close at an image seen in the lower leg of Abraham Zapruder. Now,before I go any further,and making myself look even more foolish,are you able to see what may look like a Highway Patrolman or a person on the police force that rides a motorcycle,sitting down or stepping down from one part of the wall to a lower part,or another gentleman that appears to be wearing a light color pair of pants,with a belt on,right beside Abe on his right side?
  16. Chris, Please do not take my post the wrong way.The only reason I asked the question,is because I believe that there are several images blended together.Now,please don`t think that all I ever did in life was follow around the Grateful Dead & consume large amounts of mind altering drugs.I assure you that is not the case. Although there are not many images that are clearly visable,I believe that there might be several that are blended together. I would like to take this time and ask you,how many hats do you believe you can see in that whole picture?These can be "any" kind of hats,they just can not be visors or beanies. I will anxiously await your answer.
  17. Chris, I studied the photo that you posted (the second down on the page) and wanted to ask you if you added,or changed any images in the photo just for kicks? Please excuse my lack of ability to recognize something that might be very obvious to others.
  18. I just wanted to take this time and thank Bernice & everyone else for sharing.
  19. I might be way out of line here but,I`m going to roll the dice & hope that it don`t come up snake eyes.... I could have sworn that Doug Horne came to this forum and said that he had recently discovered 2 new documents. 1 document that he produced was highlighted & said that Russian intelligence/KGB had information that LBJ was behind or had something to do with the death of president Kennedy. Here is number 2 in which I`m trying to make my point. I could have sworn that Mr.Horne also produced a second document that had a highlighted area indicating that a "bullet" was found during the autopsy behind the ear of president Kennedy. Could this be the "missile" that Sibert & O`Neil signed the receipt for?
  20. Ashton, Since it is "most likely" that a method called "soft edge matte" or I`ll say it bluntly.... one "altered" photograph (or photograph taken after the autopsy/reconstruction) is known to exist in the archives,have you considered the "possibility" of that number being higher? (blurry shirt photograph) * I assure you that I am not trying to be a wiseguy.
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