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Terry Adams

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Posts posted by Terry Adams

  1. http://www.jfk-online.com/jfk-back.jpg David, when I first looked at this picture, it caused me to stop and say to myself; wait a minute, this could really change everything. It looks like JFK's shape makes the 'single bullet theory' entirely plausible. His 'back' is much higher and the front of his neck appears much lower than most people, which would allow for the bullet entrance to look as if it were lower on his back, yet be in line to come out the front of his neck.

    I must argue, however, that a simple shrug of the shoulders will put ones back and neck in nearly or identically the same location.

    Therefore, a single picture, obviously, cannot necessarily be relied upon to reach a particular conclusion.

  2. "Perhaps the most significant change was the movement of two motorcycles scheduled for the rear of the president's limo to much further back, one of the officers was questioned about that - his name is in the book, I don't recall it - and stated that they were told to move from their slotted position by an individual who had come from the Vice President's car - its likely they assumed he was Secret Service"

    Larry, this is blatant 'LBJ did it' stuff. Was this confirmed by anyone other than the motorcycle police officer? If he was being honest, this sounds, to me at least, like a guess on his part. I mean, did he 'know' where the gentleman came from that told them to pull back?

    I am certainly not questioning your research, because from reading some of SWHT, it is clear the amount of cross referencing, background,etc. that was done before you ever put pen to paper. It just seems that this officer had his opinion on who was responsible for the assassination and this was his opportunity to go public with it.

  3. Shane, It took me a very long time to even think that there was a second gunman in the Robert Kennedy assassination. Your film goes directly to the sources to show that was, in fact, the case. Just the two police officers that said they saw and 'felt' the bullets in the support beam for the doors showed too many bullets.

    Anyway, thank you so much for the RFK film, and I am looking forward to 'Killing Oswald'. It is obvious that you will not be swayed by innuendos or hearsay, and are working with the facts, regardless of where they may lead.

    My best to you!

  4. Thanks Dave for that information. Sadly though, we have come to know that anything said by many government officials may need to be scrutinized beyond their statements.

    I seem to remember reading (or listening to a tape) that Hoover was very worried with what was going on in New Orleans with Garrison's case, and said so to the President. I believe he said something to the effect that he (Garrison) might win that thing!

  5. Lyndon Johnson told John Connally that the Garrison investigation was a fraud because the Warren commission people had heard the same rumors concerning Clay Shaw and David Ferrie, and, after interviewing both of them, came to the conclusion that there was nothing to it. If this has been discussed before, I apologize for posting on it. I was on Youtube listening to a phone conversation between President Johnson and Governor Connally, and the President told the Governor that he had heard about the Shaw/Ferrie situation from two other sources. While listening to their converation, I felt that the President was attempting to convince Governor Connally that it would not be a big deal, but he was going to speak to the Attorney General about it, and they would talk again.

    Is this news or old business?.......................... I would appreciate some input.

  6. Bill and Paul T. I was going to comment, as you have, on the fact that the FBI acted on a 'clearance request', which by the way, was to Hoover himself. I suppose the Bureau had nothing better to do than go after a guy who was just a 'gadfly' and tell him that he will not be 'cleared' because there was nothing to clear him of anyway since he wasn't even an informant.........lol.

    By the way, I believe Mr. Harry dean and consider him to be one of the lasting remaining direct connections to the assassination.

  7. Mr. Aynesworth has an opinion, in fact, the same opinion he has had since the assassination. I do not agree with him, but my question to Billy King, Thomas Graves,Pat Speer and Bill Davies, with each having your own opinion as well, is; do each of you have the same, or a different opinion/theory, as to the who and why concerning what occurred in Dallas on that fateful day. The sheer number of theories is, IMO, why we have not been able to work toward getting another grand jury to look at this. I certainly, as Pat Speer indicated, do not appreciate his words: "fruitcakes and frauds". He has done a terrible injustice to the dedicated researchers who have basically spent their lives attempting to get at the truth. But we do have some whacked out theories out there, such as Bill Greer as the shooter, or the Secret Service man accidentally killing him with his Ak47. I could go on and on, but it is clear that the researchers here, which I do not begin to include myself as one, must work toward some consensus in order to counter such name calling by such people as Mr Aynesworth.

  8. Robert, I thought that to be the general consenus, in the research community, as well, but this was a surprising bit of information, at least to me, that Bill posted; 2) Joe Molina - worked in the credit dept. of TSBD, member of organization considered subversive so the DPD Special Services Unit - Jack Revil, Capt. Gannaway, et al. raided his home at 2 am on the morning of Sat. Nov. 23, to question Molina and get any subversive materials or evidence they could find in his home. So, the DPD, at least, were still looking.

  9. I have always been under the impression that this print was found in the sniper's nest. I have even read where different experts declared it to be that of Malcolm Wallace. Isn't that how most members have seen it. I am somewhat bewildered to hear, now, that there was no such print ever found. I read the pages that Mr. Von Pein posted from the Warren Report which stated that only a palm print was left unidentified. Is there other information substantiating that a fingerprint existed. I certainly would appreciate some input from others on this forum.

  10. Tom, in the South, the common vernacular for a soft drink was a "bottle of pop" and, more often than not followed with a "moon pie." Usually that "pop" was an RC Cola. Another description was a "jar of dope". Obviously that was in days gone by considering what "dope " is today.

  11. Martin, I was thinking that it looked like a person taking pictures as well. IMO, he had to get in the shade to do so, because otherwise in the sunlight he would only get glare and would be unable to see what he was attempting to get a picture of. As much as I think that prayerman looks like Oswald and thought we had the smoking gun, I do believe a camera in his hands would remove him from consideration. (that is, of course, if it is a camera that he is holding)

  12. Robert, thanks for your response. What I was attempting to show was how the media would accept this "fixed" match as probable, but, instantly, say that it would only be conspiracy theorists that could believe that someone would set up the killing of a president. It is even the very same names. Also, it is not "stuff of legends' that Trifficante told several people, including his own family that he was involved in the assassination. This may seem menial to some, and others may say that it does not belong on this particular forum. When I saw the names of the people involved, I immediately felt it was fitting to bring it up for discussion. I certainly want the moderators to move it elsewhere, or even discard it if they feel it has not merit.

  13. Why didn't this writer tell about all of us "conspiracy-minded" NUTS having a UFO in the back yard for good measure! He clearly implies that the throwing of this tennis match is very believable, but in no uncertain terms ("everything is connected") could there have been someone pulling the strings in the murder of our president!

    Hal Shaw, an assistant golf pro at Tampa's Palma Ceia Golf & Country Club, recently told ESPN's "Outside the Lines" that he heard several notable Mafia figures, including Santo Trafficante Jr. and Carlos Marcello, discussing how Bobby Riggs would throw the match in order to pay off more than $100,000 in gambling debts. (For the conspiracy-minded: Marcello later claimed he had ordered John F. Kennedy's assassination. Everything is connected!)

  14. "As your co-conspirator Gary Mack pointed out to me on the Paul Bentley thread,

    absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."

    Raymond, that reminds me of another great American's statement: :"That depends on what your definition of 'is' is"! Bill Clinton...........lol

  15. I think that this does put Oswald outside as the "prayer man". He said that he went outside to see what all the excitement was (not to watch the parade). This would mean, in my opinion, that he just stepped outside to see why there was so much moving about, running, etc., then back in the building and on to the 2nd floor lunchroom to get a coke. and, it my remembrance as well that Officer Baker wrote that LHO had a coke in his hand and that part was later marked out.

    Hello Mr. Adams

    I have heard before, as you stated, that Oswald said he went outside to see what the excitement was all about following the shots, but I have never been able to find the source of this. Do you know when and to whom he was supposed to have said this?

    More specifically, did Oswald actually refer to the excitement as being the commotion following the assassination? He may have been referring to the crowd outside the TSBD seeing JFK coming down Houston St. and the resulting elevation in excitement.

    What a pity Oswald never lived to stand trial.

    Hello Robert, here is what I found on that; WC testimony of postal inspector Harry D. Holmes on the score of what Oswald said in custody on the Sunday morning:

    Mr. BELIN. By the way, where did this policeman stop him when he was coming down the stairs at the Book Depository on the day of the shooting?

    Mr. HOLMES. He said it was in the vestibule.

    Mr. BELIN. He said he was in the vestibule?

    Mr. HOLMES. Or approaching the door to the vestibule. He was just coming, apparently, and I have never been in there myself. Apparently there is two sets of doors, and he had come out to this front part.

    Mr. BELIN. Did he state it was on what floor?

    Mr. HOLMES. First floor. The front entrance to the first floor.


    Mr. HOLMES. There was a commotion outside, which he later rushed downstairs to go out to see what was going on. He didn't say whether he took the stairs down. He didn't say whether he took the elevator down.

    But he went downstairs, and as he went out the front, it seems as though he did have a coke with him, or he stopped at the coke machine, or somebody else was trying to get a coke, but there was a coke involved.

    He mentioned something about a coke. But a police officer asked him who he was, and just as he started to identify himself, his superintendent came up and said, "He is one of our men." And the policeman said, "Well, you step aside for a little bit."

    Then another man rushed in past him as he started out the door, in this vestibule part of it, and flashed some kind of credential and he said, "Where is your telephone, where is your telephone, and said I am so and so, where is your telephone."

    And he said, "I didn't look at the credential. I don't know who he said he was, and I just pointed to the phone and said, 'there it is,' and went on out the door."

  16. I think that this does put Oswald outside as the "prayer man". He said that he went outside to see what all the excitement was (not to watch the parade). This would mean, in my opinion, that he just stepped outside to see why there was so much moving about, running, etc., then back in the building and on to the 2nd floor lunchroom to get a coke. and, it my remembrance as well that Officer Baker wrote that LHO had a coke in his hand and that part was later marked out.

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