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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Where is JFK When You Need Him? – The Future of Freedom Foundation (fff.org)
  2. Summary of the above cited program: UFOs and the CIA | Coast to Coast AM Links between the CIA and the UFO mystery stretch back to 1947. Two veteran CIA officers, both of whom have expressed personal interest in UFO/UAP issues and cases, joined George Knapp to discuss the CIA's role in the study of UFOs, and their own experiences. Jim Semivan appeared in the first half. He spent 25 years with the CIA and then joined up with other former government insiders as part of Tom Delonge's To the Stars Academy. He detailed how he was inducted into the CIA and learned spycraft, which takes years to master. The CIA works on a "need-to-know" principle, so when it came to UFOs, Semivan was not made specifically aware of research on this topic, though CIA analyst Kit Green was known for pursuing the paranormal. Semivan described his own alien-type encounters that occurred to him and his wife starting in 1990, in which beings showed up in their bedroom. The incident was authentic, and not a hypnagogic or dream state, he stipulated. The couple subsequently observed on-and-off poltergeist activity in their home, and more recently, he said he saw a hooded figure that resembled the Death Eater character from Harry Potter, who perhaps materialized to herald the death of a close friend. Semivan said he concurs with a remark made by Skinwalker Ranch researcher Colm Kelleher that the UFO phenomenon is a lot more than nuts & bolts and machines, as there are also psychic and biological elements that ratchet up the high strangeness. To the Stars' investigation of "metamaterials" with odd isotopic ratios (possibly associated with UFOs), was ongoing, he added. -------------------- John Ramirez, a 25-year CIA veteran who specialized in ballistic missile defense systems, was featured in the latter half. He recalled his long-standing interest in spycraft, and how he shifted from being a Navy officer to the CIA in 1984. He compared intel gathering to being a journalist for a news service, though his sources for reports were typically clandestine. Like Semivan, he, too, experienced what might be considered alien abduction-type experiences, including being placed on an examination table in a circular craft. Interestingly, a number of his counterparts in the CIA and NSA also had UFO experiences, he revealed. In his job related to missile defense, he became aware of times when Russian radar would detect unusual craft, and in one instance, he said they tried to lure a UAP into landing. Ramirez noted that CIA historian Gerald Haines wrote about the agency's study of UFOs from 1947 through the 1990s, for a division that was initially called the Office of Scientific Intelligence. What was particularly intriguing to Ramirez was that the division had life sciences and medical people on staff, indicating possible interest in alien bodies. He also described how an Air Force pilot on a plane that flew near Kamchatka to monitor Russian tests observed a massive "milky white wall" of light flying toward him at 6,200 mph, though the Air Force assumed it was some kind of countermeasure by the Russians. Regarding the military sightings of 'trans-medium' UAP like the Tic Tacs, Ramirez said he does not believe that Russia or any foreign countries have the capabilities to produce this kind of antigravity technology.
  3. Summary of the UFOs and the CIA program: UFOs and the CIA | Coast to Coast AM Links between the CIA and the UFO mystery stretch back to 1947. Two veteran CIA officers, both of whom have expressed personal interest in UFO/UAP issues and cases, joined George Knapp to discuss the CIA's role in the study of UFOs, and their own experiences. Jim Semivan appeared in the first half. He spent 25 years with the CIA and then joined up with other former government insiders as part of Tom Delonge's To the Stars Academy. He detailed how he was inducted into the CIA and learned spycraft, which takes years to master. The CIA works on a "need-to-know" principle, so when it came to UFOs, Semivan was not made specifically aware of research on this topic, though CIA analyst Kit Green was known for pursuing the paranormal. Semivan described his own alien-type encounters that occurred to him and his wife starting in 1990, in which beings showed up in their bedroom. The incident was authentic, and not a hypnagogic or dream state, he stipulated. The couple subsequently observed on-and-off poltergeist activity in their home, and more recently, he said he saw a hooded figure that resembled the Death Eater character from Harry Potter, who perhaps materialized to herald the death of a close friend. Semivan said he concurs with a remark made by Skinwalker Ranch researcher Colm Kelleher that the UFO phenomenon is a lot more than nuts & bolts and machines, as there are also psychic and biological elements that ratchet up the high strangeness. To the Stars' investigation of "metamaterials" with odd isotopic ratios (possibly associated with UFOs), was ongoing, he added. -------------------- John Ramirez, a 25-year CIA veteran who specialized in ballistic missile defense systems, was featured in the latter half. He recalled his long-standing interest in spycraft, and how he shifted from being a Navy officer to the CIA in 1984. He compared intel gathering to being a journalist for a news service, though his sources for reports were typically clandestine. Like Semivan, he, too, experienced what might be considered alien abduction-type experiences, including being placed on an examination table in a circular craft. Interestingly, a number of his counterparts in the CIA and NSA also had UFO experiences, he revealed. In his job related to missile defense, he became aware of times when Russian radar would detect unusual craft, and in one instance, he said they tried to lure a UAP into landing. Ramirez noted that CIA historian Gerald Haines wrote about the agency's study of UFOs from 1947 through the 1990s, for a division that was initially called the Office of Scientific Intelligence. What was particularly intriguing to Ramirez was that the division had life sciences and medical people on staff, indicating possible interest in alien bodies. He also described how an Air Force pilot on a plane that flew near Kamchatka to monitor Russian tests observed a massive "milky white wall" of light flying toward him at 6,200 mph, though the Air Force assumed it was some kind of countermeasure by the Russians. Regarding the military sightings of 'trans-medium' UAP like the Tic Tacs, Ramirez said he does not believe that Russia or any foreign countries have the capabilities to produce this kind of antigravity technology.
  4. HSCA - Robert Gambino Interview Jul 26 1978.pdf - Google Drive
  5. This Sunday UFOs and the CIA | Coast to Coast AM
  6. UFOs and the CIA UFOs and the CIA | Coast to Coast AM
  7. Oath Keeper leader's estranged wife releases photographic evidence of his 'elaborate escape tunnels' - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
  8. Steve Rosen's reply to just above: yes that's correct. Whitaker worked under Sheffield Edwards, Howard J. Osborne, and Bannerman in OS, and served overseas with Edwards. DCI Helms awarded Whitaker a Certificate of Distinction in March 1969 around his retirement, calling him "An old hand at maintaining our security." He also may have worked under Carl E. Duckett, Deputy Director for Science and Technology. Do you have any additional information on Whitaker?
  9. Joseph Backes to Steve Rosen on Facebook: Is that to a Hollis Whitaker?
  10. Steve Rosen's reply to posting: Bob Bannerman, OS, 1970. I haven't found a picture of Robert Gambino yet.
  11. Jay Harvey's reply to posting: I couldn’t make out a lot of the handwriting on first pass. But it looks like Office of Security internal notes regarding a Gambino interview by the HSCA. I saw Bob Bannerman and Paul Gaynor both mentioned. Looks like Birch D. O’Neal was cut out of the loop.
  12. This is the kind of thing that drives researchers crazy. This morning, as I was working on Volume IV (Uncovering Popov's Mole) and finishing up a chapter on the CIA Office of Security, I came upon a document from my files that I wanted look into deeper. It turned out to be another example of an HSCA document that was released as Open in Full--this one on 22 June 1995--that later disappeared. We are fortunate that Malcolm Blunt sent a copy to me long ago, before it grew little feet and walked out of the National Archives. +3
  13. From the New York Times: Justice Stephen Breyer to Retire From Supreme Court The vacancy will give President Biden his first chance to name a new justice. He has promised to nominate a Black woman.
  14. From Anton's article: America changed course after Kennedy’s murder. We gave up our industries and lost our skills. We gave power to unaccountable Globalist financiers. Their speculation and deindustrialization have bankrupted the Western world. Other powers are now rising who won’t follow Globalist rules into poverty and national suicide.
  15. The U.S. Betrays Its Heritage by Threatening World War III Against Russia and China (pressenza.com)
  16. More than half of Americans view right-wing militia groups as a threat to US: poll | TheHill
  17. Joe: This is a very moving account of your life, made more so because you possess a natural writing talent. You could have written the great American novel just using as its background what you wrote above. You still can do this. Happy to learn the local fire poses no threat. Hope your recent health scare in now ancient history. Best wishes to you for 2022. Doug
  18. Captured German soldiers being marched through Red Square in 1944 (en route to Siberia)
  19. Judyth Baker posted this on Facebook yesterday: A very important book about the Kennedy assassination has arrived - COUP IN DALLAS - by the late Hank P. Albarelli, Jr. A careful and intelligent investigator, Albarelli's discovery of the daybook of a ubiquitous CIA operative -- Jean Perre Lafitte -- cements what I have been telling you for years --that Lee really did go to Mexico City, that he did not go alone, and that he was betrayed by the CIA to take the blame for Kennedy's assassination. My great hope in 2021 was to get EVERYTHING I knew about Lee's trip to Mexico City recorded in Austin, Texas, in August, but when that didn't pan out, most of my burden of knowledge reached those of you who experienced the proceeds of the 9th JFK Assassination Conference this past November in Dallas. The information is also in my updated book, Lee Harvey Oswald and Me, as well as in the DVD set of the Conference, both of which are now available (just go to the end of this post to see how to order!) There was not enough room in my original book, Me & Lee, for all that I had to say, and in 2010 I did not have supporting documents to back me up, but I do now. Files have been released and witnesses have been found to support what I have been saying. Since Lee Harvey Oswald and Me was at the printer's months before Albarelli's book was published, it has been a pleasure to find that the two books complement each other. Combined, LHO and Me and COUP IN DALLAS give you a 360 degree view of the Kennedy assassination from both Lee Oswald's viewpoint (who knew he was in great danger) and from Lee Oswald's handlers in the CIA (who believed Lee was a clueless patsy). There are a few assumptions made by Albarelli and his co-authors, who finished his book when he died of a stroke, which we will discuss, below, but all-in-all, Coup in Dallas reveals stunning new details that fit well with what Lee Oswald told me. Here is a list of some of the many interesting new revelations. 1. Albarelli got to know Viola June Cobb, the attractive CIA asset working in Mexico City in 1962-1963, so well that she almost became a family member. He trusted her entirely, which in a lesser man might have been a fatal flaw, but Albarelli uses caution regarding Cobb's information. Cobb supports Elena Garro's story of seeing Lee Oswald at Silvia Duran's "twist party" in Mexico City --as do I. 2. The daybook, some state, might not be authentic, based on some entries that seem to be written in a different, sloppier hand. This doesn't bother me, because when I'm in a hurry, my handwriting can be sloppy, too. LaFitte's cryptic entries look authentic to me, I wish to make clear. Indeed, I'm writing this critique to support Albarelli's book (and of necessity, must use some quotes and show a photo to establish context). LaFitte's entries tell the world many truths, such as that Lee Oswald went to Mexico City. 3. In my book, the mysterious Albert Osborne is involved with Lee's trip to Mexico City. It's the same in LaFitte's notes. 4. In my book, Lee seems to have pretended to check in at the Comercial Hotel, but he told me he actually checked in at a Quaker hostel -- from which he immediately moved -- when the expected hand-off of the bioweapon did not take place --to a good hotel. LaFitte has Oswald meeting Thomas Eli Davis at the Luma Hotel. The fine researcher Dick Russell has supporting information. 5. Lee mentioned what had to be Red Bird Airport regarding his escape plans, and so did LaFitte, concerning using Red Bird for the esape purposes of the assassins on Nov. 24. Had Lee been with them, they surely would have arranged to kill 'the Commie.' 6. Lee Oswald and I were hired in 1963 by Standard Coffee (of Wm. B. Reily Coffee Company) in New Orleans, and were involved some three months there, where Lee worked as a maintenance man. In 1962, Pierre LaFitte (under the name Jean Martin) also worked for three months for Standard Coffee (of Wm. B. Reily Coffee Company) in New Orleans --also as a maintenance man. 7. Albarelli says "Both Reily and ...(Ed) Butler were close to CIA Assistant Director Charles Cabell" of the CIA, adding that Butler was the founder of INCA, when both Butler and Dr. Alton Ochsner were INCA's actual founders. Albarelli avoids all mention of Ochsner, despite Ochsner's close involvement with his friend Clay Shaw and the Trade Mart, which are often center-stage in the book. 8. On May 10, 1963, the day Lee and I began work at Standard Coffee/Wm. B. Reily, LaFitte was ordered to 'tail' Lee Oswald. (For how long?). Lee and I met only briefly at Standard that day, after which Lee and I separated to work in our respective departments. After work, we went by bus to 4905 Magazine Street, Lee's new apartment, and did some cleaning there. Nobody followed us: we were very alert for that. One of LaFitte's aliases was "Louis Hidell." "Hidell" and "Hideel" were aliases used or referred to, by Lee. Perhaps the "tailing" began on the 11th, when Marina arrived from Irving, Texas, compliments of Ruth Paine. "T" (Apparently Tracy Barnes -- an important figure in the CIA) ordered LaFitte to take on this task. At this time, LaFitte was working as a renowned Chef in New Orleans. As such, he could only tail Lee in the mornings, when Lee was often working with Banister or doing errands, when not at Reily's. Weekend mornings, Lee was with his family. Our work on The New Orleans Project never occurred in the morning. LaFitte thus did not discover the true extent of the relationship between me and Lee. 9. Lee told me that CIA spymaster James Jesus Angleton was actively keeping track of him, and that Angleton didn't trust him because he didn't come back from Russia in a coffin. LaFitte,"who would become a close friend" of Angleton (p. 95), frequently mentions Angleton's ongoing interest in Lee Oswald. 10. Many intriguing connections are seen in LaFitte's entries, involving the CIA, FBI, the military, Big Oil, JFK's indiscretions involving exotic call girls,and JFK's friends and outspoken enemies, with Allen Dulles doing business as usual within the CIA. despite having been fired by JFK. There are a hundred unexpected links to convenient suicides, murders, MKULTRA, Project Artichoke, Projects Paperclip and Mockingbird, poopoo's, John Birchers and corrupt Dallas police. 11. Though the CIA leads the plotting, LaFitte also guides us to Gen. Willoughby and Gen. Edwin Walker, William Buckley and media propaganda, the Bobby Baker scandals, H. L. Hunt, religious leaders, many of Ochsner's oil millionaire friends, the Mafia (of course), and anti-Castro contract agents, plus Hoover's hatred of JFK driving the cover-up, with the Dallas Police cooperating in framing Lee Oswald -- and much more. 12. It was well known that Marina Oswald, who spoke only Russian well, had to have a translator after the Kennedy assassination, in order to be questioned abut her husband. Revealed here, for the first time, we learn that the Dallas Police picked up CIA asset Ilya Manantov at his home to do the translating for Marina at 12:20 pm -- ten minutes before Kennedy was assassinated. Amazing. 13. The reader comes away with the realization that the Coup in Dallas involved a wide array of movers and shakers, yet curiously missing is LBJ himself, as if the nation's most ambitious politician was but a mere onlooker. Nor is the Secret Service mentioned much. Even so, the book brings us closer and closer to the truth as good researchers get access to this new information and to what hasn't yet been destroyed. 14. The assassination plot was supposedly called "LANCELOT." Lee Oswald was described as a "pigeon"and a patsy whose 'wings would be clipped.' He would take the blame. Marina was to have special controllers, to make sure she cooperated. 15. It is disappointing that COUP IN DALLAS shows a timeline for Lee Oswald that relies solely on what The Warren Commission gave us. For example, "March 25 LHO retrieves the rifle and revolver at the P.O." We now know there is no evidence whatsoever that this event actually occurred. The rifle and revolver were ordered at different times, but somehow arrived on the same day, and the record for the pickup -- supposedly by Oswald-- was 'lost' and the Post Office had no "Hidell" listed to allow "Oswald" to get the rifle and revolver. The reporting Post Office official was an FBI informant. The money order for the rifle had a '4th quarter 1963' number instead of a lower '1st quarter 1963' number and was never stamped as cashed by the bank. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: COUP IN DALLAS is a hardcover book, well-bound, with 677 pages, with fewer typos than LHO AND ME, but hobbled by poor photos of LaFitte's entries (these can be enhanced, to be legible, and I will post one for you under "comments."). A photo of one of the subjects is also missing. The paper quality is low. The content, however, is astonishing. Published by Skyhorse and can be found wherever books are sold. LEE HARVEY OSWALD AND ME is a hardcover book with 586 pages, on coated, archival quality paper with over 100 good photos, with 8 full pages in color. There is a whole paragraph repeated and there are a number of typos, which will be corrected in later reprints, but it contains information unavailable in any other book about the Kennedy assassination, with new witnesses and evidence. Published by Silver Bullet Publications and can be obtained from me by sending $40 to JFKConference@yahoo.com using PayPal. It will also soon be offered on Amazon. You can obtain the 2021 Conference DVD set now -- by sending $40 to JFK Conference@yahoo.com using PayPal. If you live in a foreign country, please add $20 ... if you live in Australia, please send $60 EXTRA (sorry, SHIPPING COST IS $79, SO $60 MORE THE BEST i CAN AFFORD TO DO FOR YOU-- they insist!). If you own both Albarelli's book and mine, plus Ed Haslam's Dr. Mary's Monkey and James Douglass' JFK and the Unspeakable, your JFK Assassination library will have the complete story of how our country was ruined. Thank you for your support, your love and your concern! We must obtain the full truth, for our country has been greatly weakened and its very nature has been changed by terrible events that are truly UNSPEAKABLE. There wasn't room in Me & Lee to cover all I wanted you to know, but LEE HARVEY OSWALD AND ME comes closer. Me & Lee has biographies on all the main players and many background details in end notes, printed on ordinary paper, while LEE HARVEY OSWALD AND ME has important updates, new evidence, new witnesses and incidents which had been edited out of ME & LEE to save space, and is printed on archival-quality paper, with superior photos, many in color. Together, both books make an amazing set. If you want BOTH books --over 1,100 pages -- send $55 to jfkconference@yahoo.com, using PayPal. As we enter 2022, we must realize that the CIA and other secret agencies have a death-grip on the truth. As Christ said, the truth sets you free. With your help, I will continue to bring you the truth, to the best of my ability. Here's to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom from medical tyranny, and freedom of thought, in a world where humanity itself is now at risk of lifelong enslavement by the privileged few.
  20. Joe: ABC national news tonight reported there was a major fire near Monterey. I hope it does not affect you directly.
  21. From today's front page New York Times article, "For many who marched on January 6, it was only the beginning": A national survey led by Robert Pape, the director of the Chicago Project on Security and Threats at the University of Chicago, concluded that about 47 million American adults, or one in every five, agreed with the statement that “the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump and Joe Biden is an illegitimate president.” Of those, about 21 million, or 9 percent of American adults, shared the belief that animated many of those who went beyond marching and invaded the Capitol, Mr. Pape said: that the use of force was justified to restore Mr. Trump to the presidency. “They are combustible material, like an amount of dry brushwood that could be set off during wildfire season by a lightning strike or by a spark,” he said.
  22. The super-rich live on a different planet. Their thoughts on US salaries prove it | Arwa Mahdawi | The Guardian
  23. John D. Thomas wrote on Facebook yesterday: Soviet KGB records of Oswald’s time in Moscow and Minsk that were obtained by Norman Mailer are now in the possession of Mailer’s former associate Lawrence Schiller, who refused to turn them over to the ARRB. MISSING RECORDS (aarclibrary.org) AARCLIBRARY.ORG MISSING RECORDS
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