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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. McConnell Cynically used the Trump-Monster to get Tax Cuts and SCOTUS, Now Dropping him like a Squeezed Orange Juan Cole01/13/2021 https://www.juancole.com/2021/01/mcconnell-cynically-squeezed.html
  2. NJ Rep. Sherrill says lawmakers held ‘reconnaissance’ tours before Capitol riot https://nypost.com/2021/01/13/nj-rep-says-lawmakers-held-reconnaissance-tours-before-capitol-riot/
  3. Famed astrologer Ray Grasse wrote on Facebook today: Over the coming twelve days or so, the key celestial pattern in effect will be Uranus aligning with Mars, both of which will be squaring Saturn (all of which is being amplified by the fact Uranus is creeping to a halt, making it much stronger). If I had to sum that all up in a single image? It would be an anarchist throwing a molotov cocktail through a government window.
  4. There are 940 distinct hate groups in the U,S. according to this Southern Poverty Law Center report. https://www.splcenter.org/sites/default/files/yih_2020_final.pdf
  5. QAnon congresswoman faces calls for arrest after live-tweeting Nancy Pelosi's location to rioters https://www.rawstory.com/lauren-boebert-twitter/
  6. Invoking 25th Amendment ‘could cause huge uprising’ and ‘armed protests before inauguration: FBI’ https://www.the-sun.com/news/2119913/trump-insurrection-25th-amendment-armed-protests/
  7. It was posted on Facebook by Joseph McBride who is always credible in what he writes and posts.
  8. A Dark Journalist program in which I discuss historical events in my life in which I was a part::
  9. Amazing how this guy was traced down -- being with his mother no less at the storming of the Capitol. Zip-Tie Guy Photographed Inside US Capitol Identified by Social Media as Nashville Bartender "Zip-Tie Guy" was photographed wearing tactical gear and carrying zip-tie handcuffs in the U.S. Senate Chamber during Wednesday's attack on the Capitol. Zip-Tie Guy Photographed Inside US Capitol Identified by Social Media as Nashville Bartender (ibtimes.sg)
  10. Pre-poopoo Germany tells us the fight to save American democracy is just beginning Michael Brenner, The Washington Post https://www.stamfordadvocate.com/opinion/article/Pre-poopoo-Germany-tells-us-the-fight-to-save-15857908.php
  11. This was posted on Facebook today by one of my Facebook friends: The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, comment “directs the (director of national intelligence), in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the heads of such other agencies, to submit a report within 180 days of the date of enactment of the Act, to the congressional intelligence and armed services committees on unidentified aerial phenomena.” Extending beyond the military, the report is also to include “[a] detailed analysis of data of the FBI, which was derived from investigations of intrusions of unidentified aerial phenomena data over restricted United States airspace… and an assessment of whether this unidentified aerial phenomena activity may be attributed to one or more foreign adversaries.” “The newly enacted Intelligence Authorization Act incorporates the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report language calling for an unclassified, all-source report on the UAP phenomenon,” according to former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence Chris Mellon. “This was accomplished in the Joint Explanatory Statement accompanying the bill.” “Consequently, it’s now fair to say that the request for an unclassified report on the UAP phenomenon enjoys the support of both parties in both Houses of Congress,” continued Mellon, who is also a former staff director of the Senate Intelligence Committee. “Assuming the Executive Branch honors this important request, the nation will at long last have an objective basis for assessing the validity of the issue and its national security implications. This is an extraordinary and long overdue opportunity.” “I’m hopeful the new Administration will rigorously execute its oversight prerogatives because the concerns of the public and numerous U.S. military personnel have been ignored by a complacent national security bureaucracy for far too long,” Mellon added.
  12. Russian agents were among the mob that stormed the Capitol. In fact I believe that the strategy for the event was invented months beforehand by Putin's think tank in Moscow and then transmitted to Trump to carry out. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9125611/DoJ-warns-national-secrets-stolen-mob-ransacked-Capitol-offices.html
  13. Famed author David Talbot wrote on Facebook today: Trump Inc. Of course the Trump reich was enabled not just by the Mitch McConnell cabal on Capitol Hill but by the corporate overlords who rejoiced in his tax cuts, slashed regulations, skyrocketing traffic and wider access to overseas markets. Let's call these CEOs what they are: moral eunuchs. They served on Trump's commissions, they held fundraisers for him, they sung his praises in public -- while their PR spinmeisters tried to gently distance their corporations from his grotesque excesses. It's not just Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley who should walk the plank for sedition -- it's all the major executives who shilled for Trump because he was good for their bottom lines. These men (and a few women) exemplify why corporate capitalism is a monster that is laying waste to civilized values. Trump is no freak -- he's the logical product of this ravenously selfish and greedy system. The names of these CEOs must go down in infamy. If their boards of directors contained an ounce of conscience, these top executives would all be forced to resign: Tim Cook of Apple, Steve Schwarzman of Blackstone (pictured), plus the Murdochs of (Fox) News Corp., Larry Ellison and Safra Catz of Oracle, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Jack Dorsey of Twitter, Stephen Ross -- billionaire developer and owner of the Miami Dolphins, Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan, Doug McMillon of Walmart, Julie Sweet of Accenture, Peter Thiel of Palantir... This is just a partial list. Every name on it is a stain on his or her corporation. And yes, that's one of Trump's barbarians during Wednesday's riot -- and yes, he's wearing a hoodie celebrating the Auschwitz death camp. These are the values that these CEOs have been promoting for over four years-- from Access Hollywood to Charlottesville to Kenosha to the Capitol invasion. But hey, how about those Trump tax cuts for billionaires! For more (nauseating) reading: https://www.nytimes.com/.../corporate-america-trump...
  14. Capt. Mark Kelly wrote on Facebook today: 10 years ago today, a man tried to assassinate my wife, Gabby Giffords , and in the process killed 6 people and injured 12 others. This anniversary is always difficult for our family, but today's feels different after the violence on Capitol Hill this week. This time, it was Gabby who received the call that I might be the one in danger, and the experience sent both of us back to January 8, 2011 — the day Gabby was shot and forced to fight for her life. At a time when many would have given up, Gabby pushed forward and persevered. I'll never stop being inspired by my wife. Her commitment to service is remarkable. Even after being shot in the head, she has never wavered in her commitment to serve her community and fight for what’s right. Gabby knows that when we serve each other and work together, our community thrives. The January 8th shooting robbed our community of 6 family members, friends, and loved ones. And Tucson showed us how resilient we are and that we would not be defined by the horrific act that day.
  15. David Talbot wrote on Facebook just now: The nightmare could have been worse... After watching this footage of the Wednesday invasion of the Capitol by Trump's Freikorps, I agree with MSNBC's Chris Hayes -- it was a "miracle" that there was not a bloodbath in the Capitol. The standoff between a thin blue line of a few brave besieged cops and a howling mob is stunning to watch. At least one Trump militant in combat gear who broke into the Congressional chamber just moments after it was fully evacuated held zip-tie handcuffs -- suggesting they meant to at least take members of Congress hostage. Others combatants howled for Mike Pence's head and built a gallows to hang him. If the invaders had been heavily armed, the Capitol would've been been awash in blood. The question on everyone's lips is, How could this happen? Why was Capitol security so easily overrun when it was overly mobilized against BLM protesters? The scholar of dark power in me always suspects that there are underlying explanations for these "deep events," as Peter Dale Scott calls them. I'm reminded of the eerie White House tapes from 1962, recording President Kennedy, Attorney General Robert Kennedy and their top aides wondering why military units based in the South were so slow to respond to JFK's orders to move swiftly to the Ole Miss campus, where an armed insurrection was in progress against the first African American student to enroll in the university. Blood was shed on the Mississippi campus during the violent rioting, as it was on Capitol Hill, because of the suspiciously slow response of security forces. In those chilling hours, President Kennedy and his aides wondered out loud about the loyalty of U.S. armed forces. And the following year, as the president's Secret Service protection suddenly disappeared in Dallas, he became a victim of the very national security forces that he and his devoted brother feared had become their enemy. There are numerous calls now by political leaders and pundits to investigate this week's strange, historic breakdown in Washington security. We should all demand a real Washington investigation this time. Meanwhile, Big Tech -- suddenly awake to the threat from the extreme white right that it helped empower-- is now warning about new invasions of the capital planned for January 17 and Inauguration Day on the 20th. Will there be adequate security on these days? WASHINGTONPOST.COM Video shows fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt in the Capitol The Washington Post obtained video showing the chaotic moments before 35-yea
  16. Mr. Niederhut: The answer to your question is complex because there were two government agencies that decided to destroy Nixon. This stemmed from Nixon creating the still secret Huston Plan that was designed to bypass these and some other agencies because Nixon thought they were ineffectual in protecting the nation’s security. The two agencies, the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon, were resentful that their powers were being diminished. Both also opposed Nixon’s opening to China, afraid that doing so would awaken a sleeping giant that in time would threaten America. They were right about this. Inside the CIA James Angleton led a faction that was determined to undermine Nixon even if it meant sacrificing Howard Hunt, a longtime CIA agent in doing so. Angleton from was chief of CIA Counterintelligence from 1954 to 1975. Hunt’s reports from inside the white House on Nixon pushing the Huston Plan alarmed Helms and Angleton. The Pentagon’s Operation inside the White House Fox News published an article on December 15, 2008, by James Rosen titled, “The Men Who Spied on Nixon: New Details Reveal Extent of ‘Moorer-Radford Affair.’” Here are key excerpts from it: A Navy stenographer assigned to the National Security Council during the Nixon administration "stole documents from just about every individual that he came into contact with on the NSC," according to newly declassified White House documents. The two-dozen pages of memoranda, transcripts and notes -- once among the most sensitive and privileged documents in the Executive Branch -- shed important new details on a unique crisis in American history: when investigators working for President Richard Nixon discovered that the Joint Chiefs of Staff, using the stenographer as their agent, actively spied on the civilian command during the Vietnam War. The episode became known as "the Moorer-Radford affair," after the chairman of the Joint Chiefs at the time, the late Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, and the stenographer involved, Navy Yeoman Charles Radford. The details first surfaced in early 1974 as part of the Watergate revelations, but remained obscure until historians in the 1990s and this decade began fleshing out the episode. The affair represented an important instance in which President Nixon, who resigned in 1974 amid wide-ranging allegations that he and his subordinates abused the powers of the presidency, was himself the victim of internal espionage. In adding to what has already become known about the episode, the latest documents show how the president and his aides struggled to "get a handle on" the young Navy man at the center of the intrigue and contain the damage caused by the scandal A trained stenographer, Radford was in his late twenties when he was assigned to the NSC staff of Henry Kissinger during Nixon's first term. The yeoman worked out of the Executive Office Building under two admirals, Rembrandt Robinson and Robert O. Welander, who served as formal liaison between the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the NSC. As Radford later described his work -- in polygraph tests, sworn testimony, and interviews with historians and journalists -- he spent 13 months illegally obtaining NSC documents and turning them over to his superiors, with the understanding that the two admirals were, in turn, funneling the materials to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs and other top uniformed commanders. Radford's espionage took many forms: making extra photocopies of documents entrusted to him as courier; retrieving crumpled drafts from "burn bags"; even brazenly rifling through Kissinger's briefcase while the national security adviser slept on an overseas flight….. Under intensive polygraph testing in late 1971, Radford denied having leaked the India-Pakistan documents to the columnist. (Columnist Jack Anderson died in 2005 without ever disclosing who had been his source, but he told author Len Colodny in November 1986: "You don't get those kinds of secrets from enlisted men. You only get them from generals and admirals.") However, the young stenographer did eventually break down and tearfully admit to Nixon's investigators that he had been stealing NSC [National Security Council] documents and routing them to his Pentagon superiors. Radford later estimated he had stolen 5,000 documents within a 13-month period..... He [John Ehrlichman’s aide, David Young] encouraged Ehrlichman to mention to Admiral Robinson that the young stenographer-spy had already told investigators that he believed the material he had been stealing was destined to go to "your superiors," meaning the Joint Chiefs. Young also urged Ehrlichman to determine the extent to which Kissinger's top NSC deputy -- Alexander Haig, who had personally selected Radford to accompany Kissinger on his overseas trips, and who later went on to become secretary of state in the Reagan administration -- was "aware of Radford's activities." Nixon and his men eventually concluded that Haig had been complicit in the Pentagon spying, but opted not to take any action against him. [Note: Haig later become Nixon’s chief of staff.] http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2008/12/15/men-spied-nixon-new-details-reveal-extent-moorer-radford-affair.html Washington Metro Police Sergeant Carl Shoffler, who was actually a military intelligence agent assigned to the police by the Pentagon, learned from confidential information Robert Merritt of the burglars’ plan to break into the Democratic National Committee in Watergate two weeks before the actual burglary took place. He used this information to set up the burglars and then was parked a block away from Watergate on the night of the break-in. When he received word from police headquarters that the burglary was underway, he entered the building and arrested James McCord and the four Cuban-Americans. Howard Hunt and Gordon Liddy who were in the Watergate Hotel fled the scene. With the arrests of the burglars, the fuse was lit for the eventual destruction of Nixon. The Huston Plan Tom Huston, the co-author with President Nixon of the Huston Plan, was one of the founders of Young Americans for Freedom in 1960, which was when I first got to know him. He is now one of my Facebook friends. During the time he was employed by the Nixon Administration he was kind enough on one occasion to give me a tour of the White House and to introduce me to Pat Buchanan, the president’s speech writer. What I remember most about Buchanan’s office were the large number of television sets that were being played simultaneously to monitor breaking news. Robert Merritt was one of two employees of the Huston Plan, being paid by cash funds provided by John Dean from the White House to Sergeant Dixie Gildon of the Washington Metropolitan Police Department who disbursed the money to Merritt. Merritt maintained that Gildon had a fairly detailed knowledge of the Huston Plan. The Huston Plan is best described in a CNN article by Professor Douglas Brinkley, CNN’s Presidential Historian, and Professor Luke A. Nichter, published on June 17, 2015. Here are some excerpts from their article, “Great Mystery of the 1970s: Nixon, Watergate and the Huston Plan”: Chaired by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, ICI [Interagency Committee on Intelligence] membership included the major intelligence agencies, including Richard Helms of the CIA, Donald Bennett of the Defense Intelligence Agency, William Sullivan of the FBI, and Noel Gayler of the National Security Agency. The White House liaison was Tom Charles Huston, a conservative-minded attorney and former intelligence official, whose name will be forever associated with the mysterious report. The Huston Plan gave new domestic and international powers to the intelligence community, including break-ins, domestic surveillance, and surreptitious entries. It remains classified "Top Secret" today. Ironically, we know more about illicit domestic surveillance performed by the intelligence community in recent years, due to hackers, than we do about such activities from more than four decades ago. Some scholars have even floated the idea that the Huston Plan was a forerunner to the authorities granted to the intelligence community in section of 215 of the Patriot Act, which authorizes the bulk metadata collection program. On May 16, 1973, White House special counsel J. Fred Buzhardt reported to Nixon that top NSA officials, including Deputy Director Louis Tordella, had told him the Huston Plan had been put into effect, according to a tape released in August 2013 by the National Archives. When the existence of the Huston Plan first became public during Watergate, we were led to believe that it was never implemented. Nixon ordered the plan and then recalled it, so the story went. However, the reason the Huston Plan remains classified today is likely because at least portions of it were indeed implemented after all. The basis for its continued classification is to protect secrets that were operational….. Our chance to learn about the Huston Plan and whether it was the authority upon which the Watergate burglary took place slipped away when former White House counsel John W. Dean III turned over the White House copy to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on May 14, 1973. Dean took the plan with him when he was fired on April 30. As a result of his giving the document to the courts, it became out of the reach of congressional subpoena and out of the reach of the Freedom of Information Act, even though it was a document created by the executive branch and should have been reviewable under the FOIA. The document and associated records have been in the custody of the court ever since. (Incidentally, we have a petition backed by the American Historical Foundation to review and hopefully release these records. In addition, there are still 700 hours of Nixon White House tapes that have not been released by the Archives.) When word reached the intelligence community that the Huston Plan was no longer in the custody of the White House, panic swept across the FBI, CIA, and NSA on May 17. The FBI feared it could end up in the hands of congressional investigators then looking into Watergate, with the result being that "inference is likely to be drawn by Congressional committees that this committee (the ICI) was a prelude to the Watergate affair and the Ellsberg psychiatrist burglary."..... There was indeed a "cancer on the presidency," as Dean said to Nixon on March 21, and the apparent answer of the national security establishment was to cut it out -- to cut Nixon out. The President had to resign, and he had to be pardoned to ensure that inquiries into broader U.S. government wrongdoing could not continue indefinitely. http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/17/opinions/brinkley-nichter-nixon-watergate-huston-plan/index.html
  17. Republican state attorneys General spent money promoting insurrection march on Capitol https://www.rawstory.com/capitol-riot-2649793422/
  18. From a 1/6/2021 Newsweek article: The Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf is actually in the Middle East, evidently not thinking that the threat was severe enough for him to be in Washington. The DHS has been indiscriminate in using its law enforcement arms, now the largest in the federal government—Secret Service agents, ICE, Customs and Border Protection, Homeland Security Investigations, Federal Air Marshals and even the Federal Protective Service—to intervene over the past year when protests didn't involve pro-Trump, right wing mobs. The Capitol Police did come out in force when Black Lives Matter and Antifa approached Capitol Hill last summer. FBI sources told Newsweek that the Bureau was closely watching the various protestors converging on the city, that the Department of Justice was taking the law enforcement lead no matter what other agencies of the government were doing, and that the Bureau had a good sense of the protestors, the size of the crowd, the leaders, and the dangers. The intelligence apparently did not anticipate what the news media was openly speculating about and what the president and his supporters were publicly tweeting. The District of Columbia government was the only prepared and ready force on Wednesday. Mayor Muriel Bowser activated 340 District National Guardsmen and women before Wednesday. In keeping with a desire not to use soldiers to enforce the law, she kept them unarmed and assigned them to traffic control and other duties to relieve more police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department—3,800 strong, the sixth largest municipal police department in the nation—to enforce the laws.
  19. Nixon at times was on the movie set of "Nixon" advising Oliver Stone “Nixon” quotes (1995) “- John Dean: Can I ask you a question? How the hell do you have the temerity to blackmail the President of the United States? - E. Howard Hunt: That's not the question, John. The question is: why is he paying?” https://www.moviequotes.com/s-movie/nixon/
  20. Well worth reading: https://gregolear.substack.com/p/trump-crusaders-on-the-march?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NTk5NDEyLCJwb3N0X2lkIjozMTEzODU3MywiXyI6IkhiQ3FCIiwiaWF0IjoxNjEwMTI0NTgwLCJleHAiOjE2MTAxMjgxODAsImlzcyI6InB1Yi0yMDY5NSIsInN1YiI6InBvc3QtcmVhY3Rpb24ifQ.o6Z6BcsYHs965JYiw_bUZNDzurc4tcwt0Vc2UiTfzTM
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