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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. I posted the following two days ago in the Watergate topic on Nixon, Trump's Space Force and 2020: THE SECOND CATACLYSMIC EVENT OF 2020 Nixon predicted in 1972 that the year 2020 would be cataclysmic not only for America but for the whole planet Indeed the Covid-19 pandemic has been cataclysmic this entire year. But there is now an even more serious cataclysmic event evolving as this is being written in December, The Russians have cyber-hacked into America’s vital national secrets. This was done from March 2020 to the present time and actually will continue until our system is cleared completely from their electronic tunnel spying that may take years. No one in the government or private sector for nine months realized that the system had been hacked. It was only discovered recently when a security breach alarm went off on a computer in a private company, a breach that could easily have been overlooked but fortunately was not. How serious is the hacking? Senator Nick Romney on NBC’s Meet The Press said Sunday that the Russians now have the capability of disconnecting all electricity and distribution of water in our country, turning the U.S. into dead zone without the population even knowing what was going on. Fortunately only the unclassified information was breached. The classified information is still secure. This means that if Russia did turn the country into a dead zone, our nuclear armed submarines prowling the world’s waters could still be alerted and given counterattack orders that would in turn transform Russia and China into dead zones. How could this cyber-hacking have happened? To understand this one merely has to go back to Robert Merritt’s third meeting with President Nixon in mid-July 1972 that took place in Nixon’s hideaway office deep underneath the White House. This is what Nixon told Merritt as previously recounted in this topic: “Nixon disclosed that he had prepared research dossiers on the FBI, CIA, Military Intelligence and one other that Merritt cannot remember. Nixon criticized all the agencies, declaring that should the country be attacked in a nuclear war these agencies would not be up to the task of defending the country. He said he was tired of reading reports from these agencies that were composed with the primary intention of the agencies’ claiming questionable accomplishments designed to make themselves look good…. “The President spoke about the goals of his presidency that were now in jeopardy. He said it might be years before the historians would realize what he had hoped to accomplish, which was to assure the security and well being of Americans alive and those of future generations. “Then the President swore Merritt to secrecy. Once Merritt had assured him of this the President said that he had prepared a document that would explain why and what he had done to assure national and international security. The document was his “Message to the American People.” He had hidden this historical document inside the White House in a secret location where it might be many decades before it was discovered. He informed Merritt of the secret location and told him that if the time came when Merritt was still alive and believed it was the right time for the document to be revealed he was giving permission to Merritt to reveal its secret location.” Nixon created the Huston Plan to bypass these agencies tasked to defend our country in which Nixon had lost confidence. The Plan’s purpose was to defend America from its enemies, internal and external, using extra-judicial means. These were so strong and shocking that the contents of the multi-faced Huston Plan have never been disclosed publicly. Today hundreds of thousands of persons are employed by the government and in private firms operating under government contracts in intelligence gathering. Yet not a single one from March to December discovered that the Russians had cyber-hacked our national security, penetrating a large number of government agencies, private firms and corporations. So Nixon was right when he disclosed to Merritt in July 1972 that “he had prepared research dossiers on the FBI, CIA, Military Intelligence and one other that Merritt cannot remember. Nixon criticized all the agencies, declaring that should the country be attacked in a nuclear war these agencies would not be up to the task of defending the country.” Nixon understood what communism was and is all about. So did J. Edgar Hoover. So did Alice Widener, a journalist in whose Park Avenue condo I lived in the 1960’S while I worked in Governor Nelson Rockefeller’s private Manhattan office and attended New York University Law School at night. Alice was the widow of Sergei Nicholas Berezowsky who had escaped Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution and fled to America where he became a famed orchestra conductor. Alice, as Berezowky’s widow, donated monies to the Communist Party U.S.A. and gained entre in the party’s inner sanctum when in reality she was a patriot and an informant who sent reports regularly to Hoover at the FBI’s headquarters in Washington. What Nixon, Hoover and Alice could not have imagined is that beginning in 2017 the Russians would succeed in placing agents of influence, assets and traitors in the highest government offices, including the Oval Office in the White House. These persons gained access to the key information about our national security system and gave this to the Russians. The Russia cyber-hack was an inside job. Two weeks ago a person whose name I did not recognize put the following on my Fa cebook homepage: “50,000 Chinese troops poised on our Canadian border, Chinese armed submarines off our Pacific Coast and Russian armed submarines off our Atlantic coast.” At the time I did not know what to make of this insertion on my homepage and neither did others who read it there. I now wonder if this person was on to something, maybe privy to the near future plans of our nation’s enemies. Earth is not the first planet that the Alien Presence has considered extending its offer of “A new World you will take it.” The Alien Presence views the leaders of Russia and China as dangerous threats to the cosmos. Trump has named his U.S. Space Force military personnel, “Guardians.” He may be the biggest criminal in the history of the world but his Guardians will be no match if the Alien Presence deems him and them undesirable and dangerous. A secret hidden in plain sight: President Donald Trump's role as a Russian asset https://www.rawstory.com/trump-putin-2649563857/
  2. SolarWinds adviser says his warnings were ignored Austin-based company now finds itself at center of cybersecurity attack By Ryan Gallagher BLOOMBERG NEWS 12/22/2020 A former security adviser at the IT monitoring and network management company SolarWinds Corp. said he warned management of cybersecurity risks and laid out a plan to improve it that was ultimately ignored. In a 23-page PowerPoint presentation reviewed by Bloomberg News, Ian Thornton-Trump recommended to company executives in 2017 that Solar-Winds appoint a senior director of cybersecurity, and said he told them that “the survival of the company depends on an internal commitment to security.” The following month, he terminated his relationship with the company, saying he believed its leadership wasn’t interested in making changes that would have “meaningful impact.” Thornton-Trump, as well as a former SolarWinds software engineer who talked to Bloomberg News, said that given the cybersecurity risks at the company, they viewed a major breach as inevitable. Their concerns about SolarWinds are shared by several cybersecurity researchers, who discovered what they described as glaring security lapses at the company, whose software was used in a suspected Russian hacking campaign. “My belief is that from a security perspective, Solar-Winds was an incredibly easy target to hack,” said Thornton-Trump, now the chief information security officer at threat intelligence firm Cyjax Ltd. Hard to detect Last week, the Austin-based SolarWinds found itself at the center of the largest cybersecurity attack in recent memory. Suspected Russian hackers breached the internal networks of at least 200 customers, including U.S. government agencies and an as-yet-unknown number of private companies, a cybersecurity firm and people familiar with the investigation told Bloomberg. In an operation that cybersecurity experts have described as exceedingly sophisticated and hard to detect, the hackers installed malicious code in updates to SolarWinds’ widely used Orion software, which was sent to as many as 18,000 customers. The malicious code provided the hackers access to the customers’ computer networks and, as clients around the world continue to comb their systems for signs of the Russian hackers, the list of victims is expected to grow. In a statement posted on the SolarWinds website Friday, Kevin Thompson, the company’s chief executive officer, said that the company’s top priority was “to ensure that our and our customers’ environments are secure.” “Security and trust in our software are the foundations of our commitment to our customers,” he said. “We strive to implement and maintain appropriate safeguards, processes, and procedures designed to protect our customers.” Responding to Bloomberg News’ questions about the 2017 presentation and other security issues identified by researchers, a Solar-Winds spokesperson said in a statement, “Our top priority is our work with our customers, our industry partners and government agencies to determine whether a foreign government orchestrated this attack, best understand its full scope, and to help address any customer needs that develop. We are doing this work as quickly and transparently as possible. There will be plenty of time to look back and we plan to do that in a similarly transparent way.” In addition, the company said it is collaborating with law enforcement and “will continue gathering all relevant information to ensure an incident like this does not happen again.” Password leaked online Cybersecurity researchers also said they’ve discovered flaws with SolarWinds’ security practices. One of them, Vinoth Kumar, said he notified Solar-Winds in 2019 that the password to one of its servers had leaked online. The password, according to Kumar, was “solarwinds123.” SolarWinds told Kumar that the password had been visible due to a “misconfiguration,” and removed it. In addition, until recently SolarWinds advised its customers on its website to disable virus scanning for Orion platform products so those products could run more efficiently, according to several cybersecurity researchers who posted about it on Twitter. The SolarWinds’ webpage has subsequently been removed from public view. Jake Williams, a former hacker for the U.S. National Security Agency who is now president of cybersecurity firm Rendition Info-sec, said technology companies such as SolarWinds that build and produce computer code often “don’t do security well.” “Security is a cost center, not a profit center,” Williams said. “I think that probably has a lot to do with it. An underlying problem at SolarWinds has probably crept in through some missing security best practice.” Even if SolarWinds had robust cybersecurity practices, however, it might not have deterred the alleged Russian hackers, who U.S. authorities described as highly skilled, patient and well resourced, demonstrating “complex trade-craft” in their attacks. “The reality is that sophisticated threat actors, no matter how good the defenses, will eventually succeed,” said Costin Raiu, director of global research and analysis at the cybersecurity firm Kaspersky. “If the cost justifies the effort, the breach will happen.” Though it isn’t a household name, SolarWinds’ software is popular in IT departments in the U.S. and elsewhere, with more than 320,000 customers, providing technology that monitors the performance of computers within a network. Company officials appear to be content with maintaining a low profile. Since it was founded in 1999, SolarWinds and its partners have been awarded contracts with the U.S. government worth more than $230 million, according to sales records reviewed by Bloomberg News.
  3. Will Ruha wrote on Facebook today: Mary Jo Kopechne had access to very sensitive information and phone calls between Smathers and his nefarious associates like Ed Ball of the DuPont fortune in Florida, as well as business partners like his high school classmate Bebe Rebozo and mob attorney Dick Nixon in pre-Castro Cuba. In fact, when Nixon took the OPA job to protect Meyer Lansky's East Coast investment in gas station operations and petrol & tire rationing, Smathers and his father oversaw local OPA regulations that together illicitly made Rebozo a multi-millionaire. Smathers also helped manage LBJ's media assets, allowing him favorable FCC rulings in his monopolistic Texas broadcast operations, which made him a multi-millionaire. Meanwhile he and his aide, Scotty Peek were knee-deep in Bobby Baker’s mob-related business operations involving associates of New Orleans Mafia godfather Carlos Marcellos. Kopechne was extremely perspicacious and diligent in her duties handling Smathers’ calendar and files. Terribly ambitious and notoriously corrupt, Smathers used Jack Kennedy by pimping for him to befriend him, ever-ready to supply his Addison’ Disease associate with only the most comely young women (many covertly supplied by Lansky and associates), but, as Kopechne noted much to her dismay, the rightwing Florida solon voted against Jack Kennedy's legislative proposals 62% of the time, and incessantly pushed Castro's assassination to JFK, until finally, one evening, Kennedy so forcefully replied in the negative to his alleged good friend, that the normally imperturbable president broke his White House dinner plate with the thrust of his fork downward in emphasizing his anger at Smathers' ceaseless insistence. Smathers was deeply tied into the CIA's anti-Castro ops, accepted an invitation to be the keynote speaker at CIA agent Bill Buckley's inaugural convention of his newly-formed arch-conservative Young Americans for Freedom, which had recently formed an alliance with anti-Castro paramilitary groups, financed in no small part by JFK assassination co-conspirator Joseph Milteer. Mary Jo had taken the job of Smathers’ secretary only because she had initially believed him to be a close persona friend of the president. What she discovered, deeply disturbed her. A few days before JFK’s departure to engage in pre-election-year appearances in Florida and Texas, Kennedy stopped by Smathers’ Senate office to complain to him his irritation at having to try to resolve internecine party spats that he felt, as he said, “You and Lyndon should be handling. I don’t want to go.” Smathers grandly made a show of it by grinning broadly and warmly hugging the president. “Nonsense,” he replied, “You have to make these trips, Jack. The people will love you down there. They want to see their president.” Kennedy wasn’t entirely mollified. He was aware of the various plots against him, had chided the Secret Service about his protection, and had been repeatedly warned against these trips that followed his June 11, nationwide civil rights address. But Smathers continued to flatter, cajole, and insist to him the absolute necessity of his taking these trips. Kennedy finally relented. Watching all this was Kopechne, who took the opportunity to ask JFK for an autograph on the photo of him that she kept posted above her desk. Smathers took the opportunity to chide his “friend.” “There, you see, Jack? She’s MY secretary, but you don’t see a portrait of me above her desk. You see how the people love you? You’ve got to go.” Meanwhile, as Smathers’ was being named in the Senate’s deepening inquiry into the nefarious mob-related business dealings of LBJ’s secretary, Bobby Baker, and an explosive Life magazine article was being prepared to publicly expose all this, Milteer’s Florida anti-Castro assassins awaited the president’s arrival, having Lee Oswald, who had infiltrated their group. picked out as their patsy. Fortunately, undercover police informant, William Somerset, secretly tape-recorded his conversation with Milteer and reported it to Attorney General Robert Kennedy, and precautions were taken to spare Jack’s life in Florida. Bobby already had information on Baker’s links to LBJ financier, Clint Murchison and several Mafia bosses, as well as Johnson’s corruption in bribes and kickbacks. which included the awarding of a $7 billion contract for a fighter plane, the F-111, to General Dynamics, a company based in Texas for whom the father of John Connally’s son-in-law, Bobby Hale, worked, while dispatching his sons to Hollywood to break into the apartment of JFK mistress Judith Campbell only weeks after Marilyn Monroe had been terminated by CIA/mob assassins. A month prior to JFK’s visit to Smathers’ office, Bobby Baker was forced to resign his post, as did Naval Secretary John Connally’s replacement, Texan Fred Korth. Not to pun, but it was all coming to an explosive head, when Kennedy visited Smathers office and for the first time, met Mary Jo Kopechne, who adored him. And as the Milteer plot was exposed, and as Lee Oswald, in Dallas, dispatched a warning (his second within the past month, of a pending assassination attempt against the president), the assassination locale shifted to its secondary back-up site (following Chicago and Tampa): Dallas. When it happened, a number of those in Smathers’ office, wept. But not Mary Jo. Peck and others noted that she simply stared out into space, deeply contemplative, “as though she saw things the rest of us, didn’t.” Shortly after, Mary Jo Kopechne resigned her position with Smathers and went to work for Robert Kennedy. In short order, her ex-roommate, Nancy Carole Tyler, former secretary to Bobby Baker, was terminated. Mary Jo did intelligence work for RFK in his ’68 campaign to attain the presidency and thus bring to justice his brothers’ assassins. Then, he was terminated. The following year, having her first opportunity to speak privately with Ted Kennedy about all this, she and the 1972 Democratic presidential front-runner encountered Nixon’s hit team. She, along with a Ted Kennedy presidency, was terminated.
  4. Joe: Clint Peoples was the classic great Texas Ranger, an honest and dedicated man. The photo of him on the horse shows the real man. Also your remarks about Mac Wallace are right on target. Clint Peoples never faltered in his pursuit that LBJ and Wallace be exposed for what they were.
  5. Thank you, Andrej, for your cogent and informative analysis of the firm (and for posting Part 2).
  6. I was surprised to learn this also. I shall contact Phil for any additional info he may have. Happy holidays to you.
  7. Oswald and JFK UNSOLVED CASES — Part 1: The Pawn - NHK WORLD PRIME Oswald and JFK UNSOLVED CASES — Part 1: The Pawn - NHK WORLD PRIME - YouTube
  8. THE SECOND CATACLYSMIC EVENT OF 2020 Nixon predicted in 1972 that the year 2020 would be cataclysmic not only for America but for the whole planet Indeed the Covid-19 pandemic has been cataclysmic this entire year. But there is now an even more serious cataclysmic event evolving as this is being written in December, The Russians have cyber-hacked into America’s vital national secrets. This was done from March 2020 to the present time and actually will continue until our system is cleared completely from their electronic tunnel spying that may take years. No one in the government or private sector for nine months realized that the system had been hacked. It was only discovered recently when a security breach alarm went off on a computer in a private company, a breach that could easily have been overlooked but fortunately was not. How serious is the hacking? Senator Nick Romney on NBC’s Meet The Press said Sunday that the Russians now have the capability of disconnecting all electricity and distribution of water in our country, turning the U.S. into dead zone without the population even knowing what was going on. Fortunately only the unclassified information was breached. The classified information is still secure. This means that if Russia did turn the country into a dead zone, our nuclear armed submarines prowling the world’s waters could still be alerted and given counterattack orders that would in turn transform Russia and China into dead zones. How could this cyber-hacking have happened? To understand this one merely has to go back to Robert Merritt’s third meeting with President Nixon in mid-July 1972 that took place in Nixon’s hideaway office deep underneath the White House. This is what Nixon told Merritt as previously recounted in this topic: “Nixon disclosed that he had prepared research dossiers on the FBI, CIA, Military Intelligence and one other that Merritt cannot remember. Nixon criticized all the agencies, declaring that should the country be attacked in a nuclear war these agencies would not be up to the task of defending the country. He said he was tired of reading reports from these agencies that were composed with the primary intention of the agencies’ claiming questionable accomplishments designed to make themselves look good…. “The President spoke about the goals of his presidency that were now in jeopardy. He said it might be years before the historians would realize what he had hoped to accomplish, which was to assure the security and well being of Americans alive and those of future generations. “Then the President swore Merritt to secrecy. Once Merritt had assured him of this the President said that he had prepared a document that would explain why and what he had done to assure national and international security. The document was his “Message to the American People.” He had hidden this historical document inside the White House in a secret location where it might be many decades before it was discovered. He informed Merritt of the secret location and told him that if the time came when Merritt was still alive and believed it was the right time for the document to be revealed he was giving permission to Merritt to reveal its secret location.” Nixon created the Huston Plan to bypass these agencies tasked to defend our country in which Nixon had lost confidence. The Plan’s purpose was to defend America from its enemies, internal and external, using extra-judicial means. These were so strong and shocking that the contents of the multi-faced Huston Plan have never been disclosed publicly. Today hundreds of thousands of persons are employed by the government and in private firms operating under government contracts in intelligence gathering. Yet not a single one from March to December discovered that the Russians had cyber-hacked our national security, penetrating a large number of government agencies, private firms and corporations. So Nixon was right when he disclosed to Merritt in July 1972 that “he had prepared research dossiers on the FBI, CIA, Military Intelligence and one other that Merritt cannot remember. Nixon criticized all the agencies, declaring that should the country be attacked in a nuclear war these agencies would not be up to the task of defending the country.” Nixon understood what communism was and is all about. So did J. Edgar Hoover. So did Alice Widener, a journalist in whose Park Avenue condo I lived in the 1960’S while I worked in Governor Nelson Rockefeller’s private Manhattan office and attended New York University Law School at night. Alice was the widow of Sergei Nicholas Berezowsky who had escaped Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution and fled to America where he became a famed orchestra conductor. Alice, as Berezowky’s widow, donated monies to the Communist Party U.S.A. and gained entre in the party’s inner sanctum when in reality she was a patriot and an informant who sent reports regularly to Hoover at the FBI’s headquarters in Washington. What Nixon, Hoover and Alice could not have imagined is that beginning in 2017 the Russians would succeed in placing agents of influence, assets and traitors in the highest government offices, including the Oval Office in the White House. These persons gained access to the key information about our national security system and gave this to the Russians. The Russia cyber-hack was an inside job. Two weeks ago a person whose name I did not recognize put the following on my Fa cebook homepage: “50,000 Chinese troops poised on our Canadian border, Chinese armed submarines off our Pacific Coast and Russian armed submarines off our Atlantic coast.” At the time I did not know what to make of this insertion on my homepage and neither did others who read it there. I now wonder if this person was on to something, maybe privy to the near future plans of our nation’s enemies. Earth is not the first planet that the Alien Presence has considered extending its offer of “A new World you will take it.” The Alien Presence views the leaders of Russia and China as dangerous threats to the cosmos. Trump has named his U.S. Space Force military personnel, “Guardians.” He may be the biggest criminal in the history of the world but his Guardians will be no match if the Alien Presence deems him and them undesirable and dangerous. A secret hidden in plain sight: President Donald Trump's role as a Russian asset https://www.rawstory.com/trump-putin-2649563857/
  9. Billie Sol Estes introduced me to U.S.. Marshal Clint People in early 1984 and I subsequently worked with Marshall Peoples to solve the murder of Henry Marshall. Marshal Peoples was one of the most honorable and impressive persons I have ever had the privilege to know.
  10. https://lbjthemasterofdeceit.com/2020/12/01/the-murder-of-clint-peoples/
  11. [Best article yet on this subject] How to Understand the Russia Hack Fallout Not all SolarWinds victims are created equal. How to Understand the Russia Hack Fallout | WIRED
  12. New strain of virus is 50% more transmissible. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/13521261/new-covid-strain-mutant-south-east/
  13. BUSTED? Why the numbers behind Mitch McConnell’s re-election don’t add up https://www.rawstory.com/2020/12/why-the-numbers-behind-mitch-mcconnells-re-election-dont-add-up/
  14. Phil Nelson On Billie Sol Estes: A Sordid History Atoned: “Sol” Finally Vindicated https://lbjthemasterofdeceit.com/2020/12/16/billie-sol-estes-a-sordid-history-atoned-sol-finally-vindicated/
  15. The Zapruder Film Mystery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_QIuu6hsAc&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR0JYjrPC55b6BrDrs-_7_5D83_f518N97cm4BIV24y73-y0h9xopSUy4y4
  16. President Kennedy in Florida on November 18, 1963 President Kennedy in Florida on November 18, 1963 - YouTube
  17. JFK Assassination ~ Officer Bobby Nolan JFK Assassination ~ Officer Bobby Nolan - YouTube
  18. I Was the Homeland Security Adviser to Trump. We’re Being Hacked. The magnitude of this national security breach is hard to overstate. By Thomas P. Bossert Mr. Bossert was the homeland security adviser to President Trump and deputy homeland security adviser to President George W. Bush. · Dec. 16, 2020 · At the worst possible time, when the United States is at its most vulnerable — during a presidential transition and a devastating public health crisis — the networks of the federal government and much of corporate America are compromised by a foreign nation. We need to understand the scale and significance of what is happening. · Last week, the cybersecurity firm FireEye said it had been hacked and that its clients, which include the United States government, had been placed at risk. This week, we learned that SolarWinds, a publicly traded company that provides software to tens of thousands of government and corporate customers, was also hacked. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/16/opinion/fireeye-solarwinds-russia-hack.html
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