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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Is General Willoughby mentioned anywhere in the Warren Commission Report?
  2. This is tonight's Wall Street headline. It joins the New York Times in sounding the alarm. : How Russia’s ‘Info Warrior’ Hackers Let Kremlin Play Geopolitics on the Cheap Moscow, with its growing cyber capabilities, appears undeterred by Western sanctions and other countermeasures
  3. Pence Welcomes Bid to Overturn Biden’s Election as Republican Senators Join https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/pence-welcomes-bid-to-overturn-bidens-election-as-republican-senators-join/ar-BB1cpTl0?ocid=UE07DHP&li=BBnb7Kz
  4. Another aide to General MacArthur whom I admired was General Bonner Fellers. In 1954 while still in high school I set up a card table in front of St. Louis Cathedral in the French Quarter in New Orleans and collected signatures on a petition opposing the upcoming vote in the Senate to censure Senator Joe McCarthy. I got a lot of signers on the petition because McCarthy was Catholic and those going in and out of the Cathedral supported him. I sent my completed petitions on to General Bonner Fellers who was running the national petition drive. Two who became friends later in my life but did not know each other used these exact words in describing McCarrhty: ""Things would have turned out much worse without him." One friend was Alice Widener who as the widow of famed Russian orchestra conductor Nicholas Berezowsky infiltrated in the inner sanctum of the Communist Party USA and reported what she learned to J. Edgar Hoover. The other was a "retired" FBI agent in New York City who also was an expert on communism. He once told me that he trailed a diplomat from the Soviet Chancery in Manhattan to Central Park. Once inside the park the Soviet agent suddenly raised his hand that contain an instrument and aimed it into the sky. The FBI later determined that at that exact moment a Soviet satellite passed over Manhattan and the Soviet Agent shot his encoded message to it. This was in the mid-1980's. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonner_Fellers
  5. A Harvard professor says an alien visited in 2017 — and more are coming Bottom of FormJanuary 2, 2021 https://nypost.com/2021/01/02/a-harvard-professor-says-an-alien-visited-in-2017/
  6. A Harvard professor says an alien visited in 2017 — and more are coming January 2, 2021 https://nypost.com/2021/01/02/a-harvard-professor-says-an-alien-visited-in-2017/
  7. Lee Harvey Oswald’s Apartment in Minsk, Belarus - Authentic Traveling
  8. Joe: General Willoughby and J. Edgar Hoover and a small number of others completely understood what communism was about and its unending threat to America and the free world. Communism did not die when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990-92. Its leaders and the KGB merely withdrew from visibility much like the Iraq army did when we invaded. Now communism is re-emerging and poses an ultra serious threat to the free world. Please read today's New York Times article about Russia's hacking of our computer system governing national security that I just posted in another forum topic.. The article hints that maybe Russia even hacked our classified information system. Up until recently it was thought only the unclassified information had been hacked. 2021 will soon reveal that our nation is in deadly peril from both Russia and China. Our very existence is at stake. History will show that those patriots of yesterday who were totally consumed by their anti-communism were right. At no time did they never plan to initiate an internal coup. But there are others today who are planning a coup and it will take place in a few days on January 6 in both houses of Congress.
  9. Additional information of the second and perhaps most serious cataclysmic event of 2020: As Understanding of Russian Hacking Grows, So Does Alarm https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/as-understanding-of-russian-hacking-grows-so-does-alarm/ar-BB1cpAdA?ocid=UE07DHP&li=BBnb7Kz
  10. America is so compromised now that its destruction is a real possibility. As Understanding of Russian Hacking Grows, So Does Alarm https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/as-understanding-of-russian-hacking-grows-so-does-alarm/ar-BB1cpAdA?ocid=UE07DHP&li=BBnb7Kz
  11. Thank you. Richard, for pulling together this compendium of relevant statutes. The ABC national news tonight reported that 140 House Republicans plan to challenge the rightfully designated electors from some states as well as do a few senators. It will be an attempt to overthrow the government, thus meeting the import of the statutes you have cited. Give credit to Senator McConnell for the first time in memory as he said this is the most momentous vote that has occurred since he was elected to the senate. He warned GOP senators not to go down this path.
  12. At his trial Roger Stone did not call any defense witnesses and never took the witness stand. He knew that Trump would eventually pardon him, which happened on Dec. 23. There was a press report after Stone was found guilty that the prosecutors believed that Roger had another back channel either to Assange or Russia but were never able to find it. The full story of Trump/Stone/Assange/Russia will eventually come out as Stone is now subject to being called before a federal grand jury where he will not be entitled to invoke the Fifth Amendment. The judge would order him to testify and if he refused, he could be held in criminal contempt of court. If he did testify and lied, he then could be prosecuted for perjury.
  13. Yesterday I had a three hour telephone conversation with a close friend who knows a lot about a lot of things. It was he who arranged for me to speak with Marina Oswald a few years ago and on one occasion she telephoned me. Here are a few highlights of what he told me on the phone. He knew someone who worked in Guy Banister's office in New Orleans. The fellow told him that on more than one occasion when Banister was not in the office the telephone would ring and it was J. Edgar Hoover calling. My friend said that Hoover and Banister worked closely together because of the threat of communism. Banister was Oswald's handler in New Orleans and when Banister died a large amount of Fair Play for Cuba pamphlets were found in his office. My friend said that Oswald was very intelligent. He was also bi-sexual. He cited Priscilla Johnson's book, Marina and Lee, in which Priscilla wrote that Oswald frequently had difficulty getting an erection. My friend said that Oswald was a teen age hustler when he and his mother lived above a bar on Exchange Street in New Orleans, the most notorious block in the French Quarter. Oswald's sexuality may have formed during this period. Oswald and I were in high school in New Orleans at the same time but we attended different schools. (i have written previously in the forum about how I worked with Banister during my high school years on organized crime in the Big Easy.) I told my friend on the phone about Clay Shaw telling Phil, my friend in Houston, when they were at a breakfast together in New Orleans in 1972 that Oswald was a double agent. Jim Eugenio recently wrote about his interview with Phil about this. My friend yesterday said that he thought Oswald did fire some of the shots from the Sixth Floor but maybe missed JFK purposely because his role in the conspiracy was that of being an informer. There is a big story behind about how and why Gary Francis Power's plane was brought down in Russia. Oswald and Marina attended Power's trial later.. Priscilla worked for the North American Newspaper Alliance as its reporter in Russia, which is why she was able to interview Oswald when he lived in Minsk. The North American Newspaper Alliance was a CIA operation. It one time asked me to write a series of six articles about organized labor's political operations. I did not learn until years later of its relationship to the CIA. Be sure to watch Priscilla Johnson's comments on JFK in the video below, which are perceptive and accurate, and Oswald's Ghost that immediately follows it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priscilla_Johnson_McMillan https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=priscilla+johnson&docid=608001463683321178&mid=09D2B140A153E7742F9F09D2B140A153E7742F9F&view=detail&FORM=VIRE
  14. MacArthur was a childhood hero of mine and is today. I also thought highly of Willoughby and still do. I think the posting above is a worthwhile contribution to history because it focuses on how and why America's right wing in those days was so consumed and rightfully so with the threat of international communism.
  15. Stockwell in his talk focused on how the CIA years ago targeted six countries for destabilization in order to put its favorites in command of the government. What he described fits to a T of what America under Trump has gone thru. The only difference being that it was a former KGB Colonel named Putin and not the CIA that targeted America for destabilization.
  16. Newly released Georgia Senate runoff poll finds Democratic candidates with widening leads Newly released Georgia Senate runoff poll finds Democratic candidates with widening leads (msn.com) mhall@businessinsider.com (Madison Hall,John L. Dorman) 22 hrs ago
  17. Trumpist Lawyer Lin Wood Goes on Unhinged Rant Suggesting Justice John Roberts Is a Murderous Pedophile Trumpist Lawyer Lin Wood Goes on Unhinged Rant Suggesting Justice John Roberts Is a Murderous Pedophile (yahoo.com)
  18. CIA file confirms the White House’s role in “The Adlai Stevenson Affair” Recently released documents suggests JFK used the Agency to try to force Stevenson to resign in the wake of the Cuban Missile Crisis https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2018/sep/17/CIA-adlai-affair/?fbclid=IwAR1e9fBrJANKOvowPsVePcTWHJYUEouX6uz1nkjKHLHPTd1LkNlbyxMWVuk
  19. Attempting to activate the archive now. https://ia800305.us.archive.org/12/items/John-Stockwell_JFK-Assassination/Stockwell - JFK.ogv
  20. Larry Schnapf posted this not-to-be-missed clip on Facebook today: this clip he [John Stockwell] discusses his role in Oliver Stone's movie, JFK, and their eventual parting of ways over differences in belief about the mechanics of the assassination plot. Though both agree that Kennedy was killed by a group of conspirators, Stockwell argues that it was "renegades" where as Stone, using the Garrison investigation and Fletcher L. Prouty as starting points, argues that the conspiracy goes to the highest levels of the US government. Stockwell faults Stone and Garrison for completely leaving out the mafia connection to the assassination plot, despite that there is much evidence for in the Miami nexus of Cuban-exiles, former Havana-based mafia soldiers, and the Central Intelligence Agency. IA800305.US.ARCHIVE.ORG ia800305.us.archive.org
  21. Lee Shepherd posted the following on Facebook on October 19, 2019: Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, recalling a discussion he and Kennedy had about the Bay of Pigs said, "This episode seared him. He had experienced the extreme power these groups had, these various insidious influences of the CIA and the Pentagon on civilian policy, and I think it raised in his own mind the specter: Can Jack Kennedy, President of the United States, ever be strong enough to really rule these two powerful agencies? I think it had a profound effect... it shook him up."
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