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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth | HMH Books
  2. Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth | HMH Books
  3. In late 2017, scientists at a Hawaiian observatory glimpsed an object soaring through our inner solar system. Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb concluded that the object (which became known as 'Oumuamua) was not an asteroid or comet; it was moving too fast along a strange orbit, and left no trail of gas or debris. In the latter half, he shared his controversial theory that the object was a piece of advanced technology created by a distant alien civilization, and the profound implications of this. The object had no trace of carbon-based molecules or dust around it, and because of the way sunlight reflected off it, Loeb determined that it was pancake or disc-shaped rather than the cigar shape that was popularly depicted (as in the illustration above). Such flat objects are not produced in nature, he noted, suggesting that 'Oumuamua was artificially created. The interstellar object has been traveling in our solar system for 10,000 years, he cited, but if astronomers had spotted it during its closest approach, we could have sent a CubeSat to photograph it ('Oumuamua was discovered after it was already moving away from us). Loeb hypothesized that there may be numerous similar objects in our solar system, and their purpose could be as signposts for ET navigation or as a communication relay system. The object may also be a form of alien space junk, a defunct piece of equipment, with layers of it ripped away. Even if 'Oumuamua turns out to be natural, it's something we've never seen before, so it's worthy of close study, he added. https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2021-01-17-show/
  4. In late 2017, scientists at a Hawaiian observatory glimpsed an object soaring through our inner solar system. Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb concluded that the object (which became known as 'Oumuamua) was not an asteroid or comet; it was moving too fast along a strange orbit, and left no trail of gas or debris. In the latter half, he shared his controversial theory that the object was a piece of advanced technology created by a distant alien civilization, and the profound implications of this. The object had no trace of carbon-based molecules or dust around it, and because of the way sunlight reflected off it, Loeb determined that it was pancake or disc-shaped rather than the cigar shape that was popularly depicted (as in the illustration above). Such flat objects are not produced in nature, he noted, suggesting that 'Oumuamua was artificially created. The interstellar object has been traveling in our solar system for 10,000 years, he cited, but if astronomers had spotted it during its closest approach, we could have sent a CubeSat to photograph it ('Oumuamua was discovered after it was already moving away from us). Loeb hypothesized that there may be numerous similar objects in our solar system, and their purpose could be as signposts for ET navigation or as a communication relay system. The object may also be a form of alien space junk, a defunct piece of equipment, with layers of it ripped away. Even if 'Oumuamua turns out to be natural, it's something we've never seen before, so it's worthy of close study, he added. https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2021-01-17-show/
  5. FBI probing if foreign governments, groups funded extremists who helped execute Capitol attack https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/fbi-probing-if-foreign-governments-groups-funded-extremists-who-helped-n1254525 As part of the investigation, the FBI is examining payments of $500,000 in bitcoin to key figures and groups in the alt-right before the Jan. 6 riot.
  6. Pelosi was right when she said about Trump that all roads lead to Russia. The assault on the Capitol was the product of a think tank is Moscow that was passed on to Trump to enact.
  7. FBI investigating whether woman stole laptop from Pelosi's office to sell it to Russia The Pennsylvania woman was seen in footage near Pelosi's office Jan. 6. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/17/pelosi-laptop-office-capitol-460147
  8. Robert Reich: Biden must be bold and not govern from the center. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/jan/16/joe-biden-govern-center-inauguration-trump-robert-reich
  9. https://www.newsweek.com/biden-jfk-more-similar-you-think-opinion-1561756?fbclid=IwAR1XJ2Ao6IdU7AFktpz_NloMQs-hsO34dpk6TaE0S5wU9JjwVg26Ap9d4tk
  10. Excerpt from " The Few Courageous Senators" by Peter Beinart in today's New York Times: "In 1956, Senator John F. Kennedy -- despite himself skipping a vote two years earlier on censuring the demagogue Joseph McCarthy -- chronicled senators who represented 'Profiles In Courage.' Among his examples were two legendary Southerners, Thomas Hart Benton and Sam Houston, who a century earlier had become pariahs for opposing the drive toward succession."
  11. America now has its own Green Zone, as Trumpian Fascism erects Racist Red Zone By Professor Juan Cole https://www.juancole.com/2021/01/america-trumpian-fascism.html
  12. Pelosi says members of congress who aided and abetted the insurrectionists will face prosecution. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/pelosi-says-any-lawmaker-who-helped-insurrectionists-could-face-criminal-prosecution/ar-BB1cMSBS?ocid=UE07DHP&li=BBnb7Kz
  13. I assume Jack Anderson's question was part of a much longer interview. Don't forget this: https://timeline.com/president-plot-kill-reporter-2739dc7351b8?gi=24555d1a5892
  14. FBI investigating 37 rioters in connection with killing of Capitol Police Officer. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-fbi-is-investigating-37-in-the-killing-of-a-capitol-police-officer-by-a-pro-trump-mob/ar-BB1cMUL4?ocid=UE07DHP&li=BBnb7Kz
  15. Dozens of people on FBI terrorist watch list came to D.C. the day of Capitol riot https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/dozens-of-people-on-fbi-terrorist-watch-list-came-to-dc-the-day-of-capitol-riot/ar-BB1cL1mx?ocid=UE07DHP&li=BBnb7Kz
  16. Sedition Laws Give Prosecutors Powerful Tool for Capitol Riot https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/sedition-laws-give-prosecutors-powerful-tool-for-capitol-riot/ar-BB1cKNgf?ocid=UE07DHP&li=BBnb7Kz
  17. A close friend posted this on Facebook yesterday: So apparently Trump supporters are now somehow shocked that he stabbed them in the back even though he has decades of doing it to everyone around him. Equally angry was user ConfiscateTheCoats, who wrote on the forum: “F*** Donald Trump. This f***ing piece of s*** dragged us into DC for what? To leave us holding the bag? What the f***.” Their sentiments were shared by many others, including bck-, who commented: “Wow, what an absolute punch in the gut.” “He says it’s going to be wild, and when it gets wild, he calls it a heinous attack and middle fingers to his supporters that he told to be there. Unbelievable.” Another user, named Toughsky_Shitsky, said: “Thousands exerted time, money, and emotion on his request to travel to DC and let their voices be heard in support of fair elections and in support of Trump… only to get a rusty sheave [shiv] in the back when they act like free people in a free nation.”
  18. Corporate and trade association that from 2016 who gave donations to members of congress who voted against recognizing Biden as lawfully elected president: https://www.citizen.org/article/bankrolling-the-disenfranchisers/?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=35e21273-dbae-4a1e-a8ab-a87cd6fbe52a#_ftn2
  19. Continuing database of persons arrested for participation in the Capitol mob riot: https://extremism.gwu.edu/Capitol-Hill-Cases
  20. There is a sizable Fifth Column in our country today that favors the overthrow of our government. Authorities now realize that such persons can be found in the military and police. Maybe 20% of the GOP favors this. I wonder if on the way out of exiting the White House Trump will start a fire in Lincoln's bedroom to burn the building down.
  21. Twitter blocks account of Congresswoman who twitted Pelosi's location during the mob's insurgence. This is the same Congresswoman who tried to carry a pistol onto the House floor yesterday but was bused by the Capitol cops, https://www.rawstory.com/lauren-boebert-twitter-locked/?fbclid=IwAR3hMNSUYezPwndzkgnotMBYe8FaTS6qFT2EhguUhO-Y5Vj1VI3EixutMPs
  22. Cruz Office’s Contact Info Written In Note Found In Indicted Pro-Trump Rioter’s Truck Cruz Office’s Contact Info Written In Note Found In Indicted Pro-Trump Rioter’s Truck (talkingpointsmemo.com)
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