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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Opening paragraphs from the lead article in today's New York Times: "Six days before a raucous rally of President Trump’s supporters in Washington, Representative Maxine Waters anxiously grilled the chief of the Capitol Police about his preparations for various scenarios: Were the rooftops secured? Would streets be blocked off? Did he know that violent groups like the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers were vowing to stir up chaos? "Ms. Waters, a California Democrat, said each of her concerns was met with a similar response from Chief Steven Sund during their hourlong call: “He assured me that they have everything under control, that they were on top of everything.” On Morning Joe today there were revelations that the Defense Department, Department of Justice, and Homeland Security offered the Capitol Police and the mayor of the District of Columbia ample law enforcement personnel in advance of the march on Washington. The Chief of the Capitol Police and the mayor turned down the offers. They claim now that they did so because the FBI advised them that there was nothing to show alarm. As it turned out for weeks Facebook and other media sites carried talk of planned attack. So our intelligence agencies were asleep for a year while the Russians cyber-hacked on national security networks and again when domestic terrorists were openly planning an attack on the Capitol.
  2. House could vote mid-next week on impeachment. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/rep-clark-house-could-vote-on-impeachment-by-mid-next-week/ar-BB1cAeq6?ocid=UE07DHP&li=BBnb7Kz
  3. This AP article identifies the woman killed in the Capitol, https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-us-news-shootings-san-diego-veterans-e8c7563ff4cce671a2b52a8e7645945c
  4. Joe: The Conservative Movement that I was instrumental in founding in 1958-1960 was vastly different from what was passes as Conservatism today. In another posting in this topic i shall tell the exact date it was taken over by those who control it today for whom I have utter contempt. Here is The Sharon Statement that was adopted at the founding conference of Young Americans for Freedom in September 1961. Please read it and see where you disagree. I was YAF's first National Director. https://www.nationalreview.com/2017/10/young-americans-freedom-sharon-statement-1960/
  5. Trump administration officially says huge hack was likely Russian espionage The statement from the CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS and ODNI comes after Trump cast doubt on a Russian origin for the hack, saying it might have been Chinese. Statement from CIA,NSA, FBI, DHS and ODNI https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/trump-administration-formally-says-huge-hack-was-likely-russian-espionage-n1252882?cid=sm_npd_ms_fb_mj&fbclid=IwAR2bBO4Er3ijBT0Ybqt4VIHMNvptvFonDV_2UPUqGmQKH5lMb-25C35NHnI The statement from the CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS and ODNI comes after Trump cast doubt on a Russian origin for the hack, saying it might have been Chinese.
  6. Let us not forget the 1971 bombing of the US. Capitol Building by a group of leftists: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/bomb-explodes-in-capitol-building
  7. David: Within a few hours of the arrests of the burglars at Watergate, Hunt was identified as being a part of the break-in operation. At this point in time Director Helms and the rest of the CIA cut off future contact with Hunt. Not only had Hunt been sending confidential reports to Helms from the White House for two years, the CIA had provided material assistance to Hunt in the Plumbers Operation. Also a CIA medical specialist had met with Hunt and Gordon Liddy about means that could be used to assassinate columnist Jack Anderson. Hunt always considered the Plumbers Operation and Watergate specifically as akin to a normal CIA intelligence operation. This meant that if anything went wrong, money was the cheapest commodity to clear it up. He could never accept that the Watergate break-in was a political operation where money could not be used to clear it up because the operation violated U.S. criminal laws. This is apparent in his interview with Buckley that you posted above. Another revealing video is Hunt's telephone call to Charles Colson two weeks after the November 1972 election. Hunt's blackmail demands in the call led to the December 1972 killing of his wife, Dorothy,in a plane crash. This was meant as a message to Hunt that he should cease his blackmail threat to publicly tell what he knew. Hunt got the message and pleaded guilty at the start of the first Watergate trial the next month, in January 1973. He told his children that if he did not so plead, they might be the next targets.
  8. On Morning Joe today a retired American admiral who held a supreme position in NATO said that Russian agents who were part of the mob were looking for highly classified documents that could be found in different parks of the Capitol Building. .
  9. It was a longer article. I could only copy the headline and a few opening paragraphs. The overall consensus is that the Russians did the hacking. In fact the Times' article Sunday was quite specific. Why are you actively casting doubt that Russia is behind the hacking?
  10. The New York Times, January 6, 202: Widely Used Software Company May Be Entry Point for Huge U.S. Hacking Russian hackers may have piggybacked on a tool developed by JetBrains, which is based in the Czech Republic, to gain access to federal government and private sector systems in the United States. Officials are investigating whether a Russian company, based in the Czech Republic, was a pathway for Russian hackers to insert malware that would flow to a number of technology companies.Credit...Kirill Kudryavtsev/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images By Nicole Perlroth, David E. Sanger and Julian E. Barnes Jan. 6, 2021Updated 5:16 p.m. ET American intelligence agencies and private cybersecurity investigators are examining the role of a widely used software company, JetBrains, in the far-reaching Russian hacking of federal agencies, private corporations and United States infrastructure, according to officials and executives briefed on the inquiry. Officials are investigating whether the company, founded by three Russian engineers in the Czech Republic with research labs in Russia, was breached and used as a pathway for hackers to insert back doors into the software of an untold number of technology companies. Security experts warn that the monthslong intrusion could be the biggest breach of United States networks in history. JetBrains, which counts 79 of the Fortune 100 companies as customers, is used by developers at 300,000 businesses. One of them is SolarWinds, the company based in Austin, Texas, whose network management software played a central role in allowing hackers into government and private networks.
  11. Manchin is now a Senator with seinority in the governing Democratic party. This means that he may be in line for becoming chairman of a senate committee. Schumer would want to make sure that Mahchin becomes too prominent and valuable in the next two years for the voters of West Virginia to kick out him of office in 2022. Schumer recently said that his greatest mistake in 2020 was to encourage that guy in North Carolina to run for senator. He said that guy could have been elected had he kept his zipper up. His sex scandal in mid campaign doomed him. He could have been the # 51 Democratic Senator. One has to feel sorry for his wife and children for what he wrought.
  12. David: I do not think the idea that Hunt had a CIA case officer was the way it worked. Hunt was one of the original employees of the CIA after it was formed in 1947. He came there from years as an agent in the OSS. He knew everyone at the top. Helms placed him in the Mullen Company and kept novels/books that Howard had written on display in his office when he was CIA director. Hunt invited me to join him and CIA General Counsel Lawrence Houston in April 1972 for a meeting outside the CIA building at which they approached me to become a CIA agent to build a hotel in Nicaragua to lure the Sandinista leaders there to compromise them. In other words, Hunt could meet or talk on the phone at any time with Helms and Houston and others at the CIA's top level. He was too high up to deal with a mere case officer. Hunt may have been assigned to the Mullen Company, after being "separated: from the CIA, so that from there he could skillfully leverage his personal friendship with Charles (Chuck) Colson, a fellow alumnus of Brown University, to land a position inside the White House. This could not have happened if he were still an "active" CIA agent. He accomplished this goal, asking me to write a letter of recommendation for him to the White House on my law firm letterhead for that position. Once inside the White House he regularly sent reports directly back to Helms at to what he observed and learned while working there. He was the CIA's eyes-and-ears inside the White House for two years until Watergate broke. There was someone who physically took his written reports on White House activities directly to Helms but that guy's role was only as a courier. Thank you for asking this question. I plan to use this topic to make short posts about people and events I know personally about that have historical significance. Soon I shall write about how the modern conservative movement was born and when it went awry so that decades later the country ended up with Trump as president/traitor. I turn 83 in March and there is little sand left n my hourglass to pass along what I know first hand.
  13. Netflix documentary alleges CIA flooded black communities with crack https://www.thedailybeast.com/netflix-doc-alleges-cia-flooded-black-communities-with-crack?fbclid=IwAR323E4PKqGj4BzghEglZf4yoojxO5vae7zWIr6De6kf2UcGNszcW0wK8UE
  14. Trump & Punishment The crimes are the worst since the Civil War. For the republic to survive, justice must be served. https://gregolear.substack.com/p/trump-and-punishment?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NTk5NDEyLCJwb3N0X2lkIjozMDY4NTM0NiwiXyI6IkhiQ3FCIiwiaWF0IjoxNjA5ODYwNjEzLCJleHAiOjE2MDk4NjQyMTMsImlzcyI6InB1Yi0yMDY5NSIsInN1YiI6InBvc3QtcmVhY3Rpb24ifQ.ZITYvzk3_7XflY3fLOjtJSIJJ0ZS3EPaQMmTqa2GVhM
  15. I was profiled in the September 1961 issue of The New Leader https://search.opinionarchives.com/TNL_Web/DigitalArchive.aspx?panes=2 Click on cover to see the cover The article in the table of contents was written by Marvin Kitman. It was about the new wave of conservatism
  16. In Gore Vidal's interview of Barry Goldwater in the June 9, 1961 issue of LIFE magazine the Senator was kind enough to praise me for the work I had done in founding the modern conservative movement. https://2neat.com/product/life-magazine-june-9-1961-jfk-in-paris/
  17. https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKcaddyD.htm https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/being-there-douglas-caddy/1126059870
  18. Former Soviet Boss Gorbachev Says Putin Is More Communist Than He Was https://thenewamerican.com/former-soviet-boss-gorbachev-says-putin-is-more-communist-than-he-was/ From the article and be sure to read its entirety: Most Americans believe, as they were told by the media and taught in schools and colleges, that the Cold War “ended” with events including the so-called “collapse” of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the demolition of the Berlin Wall in November 1989. However, those who are aware of the true scope and nature of the international communist menace know that the Soviet Union truly never collapsed, but instead, has metastasized and adopted new and deceptive forms in the Russian Federation. KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn has made the supposed “collapse” of the Soviet Union the subject of his 1986 book, The Perestroika Deception, which outlines the staged fall of the Soviet Union. Golitsyn writes that there is a devious secret intent behind the Leninist strategy which the "former" Communists are pursuing under cover of fake "reform" and "progress towards democracy." The immediate strategic objective is "convergence" with the West -— on their terms, not ours.
  19. China's Xi allowed to remain 'president for life' as term limits removed https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-43361276 From the article: But Mr Xi, who would have been due to step down in 2023, defied the tradition of presenting a potential successor during October's Communist Party Congress. Instead, he consolidated his political power as the party voted to enshrine his name and political ideology in the party's constitution - elevating his status to the level of its founder, Chairman Mao. On paper, the congress is the most powerful legislative body in China - similar to the parliament in other nations. But it was widely believed that it would approve what it was told to.
  20. Paul: I was graduated from the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University with a major in international relations. It is a school to train future diplomats for the State Department's foreign service. I have always been interested in foreign affairs. I toured the Soviet Union for two weeks in 1974 and even had a tour of the Kremlin. In my view there were two cataclysmic events in 2020. The first was the pandemic Covid-19. The second was the discovery that Russia has been hacking our cyber intelligence networks for almost a year. Its hacking goes far beyond that because it got into Microsoft and maybe even penetrated its source code. Many major corporations were hacked. The bottom line is that our nation is in deadly peril. One only has to read Sunday's lead article in the New York Times to realize how serious this is. The article hinted that our most vital classified information may have been penetrated, This means that if we were attacked and the President responded by entering the proper codes into the football there is no guarantee that anything would happen. Putin rules Russia. He will kill or attempt to kill any serious opposition to him. This happened only a few months ago when his charismatic opponent was poisoned and was saved only because the uproar got him out of Russia and into Germany for medical help. The KGB put Putin into power. Do you think that if the U.S.were eliminated as a threat and Europe was neutralized that Putin would continue Russia as it is today? Everything would change and a dictatorship would evolve quickly. Communism did not die. It just went underground to live for another day. One only has to read the Wall street Journal's article last week on Premier XI in China to realize how that country is ruled by the Communist Party and is destroying any opposition such as was mounted in Hong Kong. China may soon attack Taiwan and if the U.S. fails to come to its aid, then the U.S.will lose all respect in Asia. Biden may face such a situation in the early stages of his administration. The problem is that if we do come to Taiwan's aid, we could get bogged down in a war on the other side of the world. Has our military also been cyber hacked so that if we did mount a war we would find our response futile? The world has suddenly changed. Those who serve on the Senate Intelligence Committee and the House Intelligence Committee are well aware of this and are alarmed. Meanwhile 99 percent of Americans are blissfully unaware. But maybe not for long.
  21. Kirk: Two citizens, Kent and Phoebe Courtney, in 1954 sponsored a rally in Audubon Park to support Senator McCarthy in his censure fight. My parents suggested I attend as we lived close to the park. About 40 people attended. At the rally Kent asked me to set up a card table in the french quarter to collect signatures on a pro-McCarthy petition, which I did. Then the Courtneys started a bi-weekly conservative newspaper, Free Men Speak, and I helped on its publication after high school each day. Then Kent invited mm to a Toastmasters breakfast. Then he asked me to attend with him meetings at the Roosevelt Hotel that Guy Banister sponsored. At the time Banister was Asst. Superintendent of the New Orleans Police Dept. The purpose of the meetings was to develop plans to implement the Aaron Cohn Crime Commission recommendations to combat organized crime in the city. Later Banister left the police department and started his sown private investigator business. In 1959 when I was enrolled at Georgetown University and home for the summer Banister, Medford Evans and I spoke at a public rally for conservatives. In 1955-56 while I was still high school and attending these meetings with Banister, Oswald was attending a different high school. He lived with his mother above a bar on Exchange Place in the French Quarter, a short walk from where Banister had his police office. So Oswald, Banister and I were within walking distance during this period but of course none of us knew what the future held. Jump ahead to 1963 and Banister was Oswald's handler in New Orleans and in 1972 I represented Howard Hunt in Watergate who since has been linked to JFK assassination. The friend I spoke with on the phone the other day said Banister was deeply involved in the Citizen Councils. I think he kept J. Edgar Hoover abreast of what was happening in these groups. Next time I speak with my friend I shall ask him if he has any knowledge of Banister talking to Hoover on the phone about Oswald when Oswald was distributing Fair Play for Cuba pamphlets. A few days after Banister died, Kent Courtney telephoned Mrs. Banister who informed him that she in the midst of burning all of her husband;s files in the fireplace. https://groups.google.com/g/alt.assassination.jfk/c/7fKgzfeYtpI?pli=1
  22. Their plan is for Pence to disqualify a sufficient number of individual Biden electors so as to raise Trump to victory. https://www.stamfordadvocate.com/news/article/More-GOP-senators-vow-to-challenge-Biden-s-win-15842072.php
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