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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Robert: Much of what you write about above is supported in this recent book by Joseph Farrell, which I recommend highly. McCarthy, Monmouth, and the Deep State Paperback – March 31, 2019 by Joseph P Farrell (Author) Senator Joseph R. McCarthy is just about the last name one would expect to encounter in connection to UFOs, the Roswell Incident, above-top-secret black projects, covert operations, or high financial scandal. But with the 2003 declassification of the Monmouth-McCarthy hearings transcripts, that's exactly what we find. Join author and researcher Joseph P. Farrell for a fascinating examination of little known details about the Monmouth-McCarthy hearings. https://www.amazon.com/McCarthy-Monmouth-State-joseph-farrell/dp/B07NMVF1YQ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1P07S4I9SBIN0&dchild=1&keywords=mccarthy%2C+monmouth%2C+and+the+deep+state+by+joseph+p+farrell&qid=1598900049&s=books&sprefix=McCarthy%2C+Monmouth+and+the+Deep+State%2Cstripbooks%2C207&sr=1-1
  2. Witnesses describe the night Kyle Rittenhouse opened fire during protests in Kenosha http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/witnesses-describe-the-night-kyle-rittenhouse-opened-fire-during-protests-in-kenosha/ar-BB18xwR9?ocid=sf
  3. Justice Dept. Never Fully Examined Trump’s Ties to Russia, Ex-Officials Say The former deputy attorney general maneuvered to keep investigators from completing an inquiry into whether the president’s personal and financial links to Russia posed a national security threat. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/30/us/politics/trump-russia-justice-department.html
  4. Michael Moore warns that Donald Trump is on course to repeat 2016 win Film-maker says enthusiasm for president in swing states is ‘off the charts’ and urges everyone to commit to getting 100 people to vote https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/29/michael-moore-donald-trump-repeat-2016-warning
  5. FBI says it may have destroyed records on Trump’s brother Robert https://www.rawstory.com/2020/08/fbi-says-it-may-have-destroyed-records-on-trumps-brother-robert/
  6. Is this action designed to cripple the Rev. Al Sharpton's National March on Washington scheduled for tomorrow? I am certain he obtained the proper permits for the march well in advance.
  7. No one, including Trump and McConnell, has done more to destroy our constitutional republic and democracy than Chief Justice Roberts. John Roberts’ dark and sordid history bodes poorly if the 2020 election goes to the Supreme Court https://www.rawstory.com/2020/08/john-roberts-dark-and-sordid-history-bodes-poorly-if-the-2020-election-goes-to-the-supreme-court/
  8. Detroit mobsters linked to JFK assassination in FBI files https://gangsterreport.com/detroit-mobsters-linked-to-jfk-assassination-in-fbi-files/?fbclid=IwAR1yJKp6JuGenmpoQOv1watnTCjRN6VtNK9joaz7U0huljybdvKgxZ0mQZo
  9. I Fear That We Are Witnessing the End of American Democracy’ The frank racism of the contemporary Republican agenda is on display at the R.N.C. By Thomas B. Edsall Mr. Edsall contributes a weekly column from Washington, D.C. on politics, demographics and inequality. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/26/opinion/trump-republican-convention-racism.html
  10. More than two dozen former employees of Liberty University break their silence on Falwell's reign of terror there https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/09/09/jerry-falwell-liberty-university-loans-227914
  11. From the article: "During my work shift at the Fontainebleau Hotel in March 2012, I was chatting with some girls my age (20 at the time)," Granda told POLITICO. "Becki said, 'Those girls don’t know what they’re doing, you need someone with more experience.'" After chatting, Granda said, Becki suggested they go to a hotel room. "And then she goes, 'But one thing.' And I'm like, "Okay.' And she's like, 'My husband likes to watch.' And just then he comes out and he's wearing a Speedo." The exchange in Miami started an affair that lasted seven years. For much of its duration, the Falwells would fly to Miami multiple times a year and Granda would visit the Falwells’ farm in Virginia, Granda told POLITICO. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/25/jerry-falwell-pool-attendant-401398
  12. Falwell steered Liberty University land deal benefiting his personal trainer https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-falwell-trainer-exclusive/exclusive-falwell-steered-liberty-university-land-deal-benefiting-his-personal-trainer-idUSKCN1VH283 [Looks like Falwell really liked his pool guy and also his personal trainer. Who else did he take a liking to? Coming TV sitcom has comedy, drama, sex and politics titled, "The Conways meet the Falwells.]
  13. The Last Brahmin: Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. and the Making of the Cold War https://yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300217803/last-brahmin?fbclid=IwAR1MaJSuL72BlHzD0wxSNszpXV2wLnysOrV9vUGIrz2diCySuq7S-8eNnbY
  14. The article does not mention that Falwell flew the kid with him around the country on Falwell's private plane.
  15. Posted today on Facebook by Donald Roberdeau: QUOTE) Gerald Ford (president of the United States from 1974 to 1977, editor’s note) was a member of the Warren Commission, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing resumes. "Once I was making a car trip with him, he was then President as I was myself. I said to him: 'Let me ask you an indiscreet question: you were on the Warren Commission, what conclusions did you arrive at?' He told me: 'It's not a satisfactory [i.e., positive (ntr)] one. We arrived at an initial conclusion: it was not th...e work of one person, it was something set up. We were sure that it was set up. But we were not able to discover by whom.' " (END QUOTE) (Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, the then-President of France, sharing a conversation he had with then-President Gerald Ford, the former Warren Commission commissioner. Giscard repeated the same story to the Le Parisien magazine in 2013. He said Ford told him, “We came to the conclusion that this assassination had been prepared. There was a conspiracy. But we were not able to identify which organization had sponsored it.”) See More
  16. Business partner of Falwells says affair with evangelical power couple spanned seven years Claims Falwell watched as he had sex with Falwell's wife https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-falwell-relationship/
  17. 57 percent of Republicans say coronavirus death toll is 'acceptable' https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/513301-57-percent-of-republicans-say-coronavirus-deaths-have-been-acceptable
  18. This ebay listing is for a signed copy of a letter written by Gordon Novel and a courtroom statement made by him. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Darkest-JFK-Assassination-Secrets-in-Signed-Letter-Court-/184334657482
  19. Trump's sister talks about his lack of principles and why his lying shows he cannot be trusted. https://www.startribune.com/in-secretly-recorded-audio-president-trump-s-sister-says-he-has-no-principles-and-you-can-t-trust-him/572196022/
  20. An interesting program, especially the discussion of fabric recovered from crashed UFOs that may contain the secret of the propulsion and maneuverability of the craft. From UnknownCountry’s website: https://www.unknowncountry.com/dreamland/roswell-and-what-it-means-now/ Don Schmitt and Tom Carey join Whitley to discuss Roswell: the Ultimate Cold Case. It was and is the central event in the vast, years long coverup that has characterized the UFO phenomenon ever since it unfolded in July of 1947. The entire rejection of the UFO reality started with official US denial of this incident. But WHY, and what is to come? Don and Tom take us deep into the mystery in this unforgettably powerful show, literally PACKED with new information about Roswell, the bodies, memory metal, the role of the Batelle Memorial Institute, Dr. Robert Sauerbacher and MUCH MORE! Don’t miss this one!
  21. Hillary Clinton Gave State Dept. Job to Ghislaine Maxwell’s Nephew: Report https://www.thedailybeast.com/hillary-clinton-gave-state-department-job-to-epstein-madam-ghislaine-maxwells-nephew-says-report
  22. 22.8 million people watched night 3 of the National Democratic Convention. I was one of them. I thought it was one of the finest events ever shown on television. All the participants, famous and non-famous, were terrific. VP nominee Harris is an extremely talented and capable public servant. She would make a great president.
  23. If Trump pardoned Bannon, New York State would indict him. It would be a fruitless action. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2020/8/20/1970882/-Even-IF-Bannon-is-pardoned-by-Trump-New-York-State-can-still-charge-him
  24. 'Like Armageddon’: Rotting food, dead animals and chaos at postal facilities https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-08-20/usps-cutbacks-post-office-chaos
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