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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. FBI lawyer, accused of falsifying document in probe of Trump’s campaign, to plead guilty A former FBI lawyer has agreed to plead guilty to altering an email that helped justify surveillance of a former Trump campaign adviser as part of the 2016 investigation into Russian interference in the election, according to his lawyer and a person familiar with the matter. Kevin Clinesmith, who worked in the FBI general counsel’s office, is expected to admit he doctored an email so it said that former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page was not a source for the CIA, even though Page previously had a relationship with the agency. Relying on what Clinesmith had said, the FBI ultimately did not disclose Page’s relationship with the CIA as it applied to renew a warrant to monitor him as a possible agent of a foreign power. The case is the first against someone involved in the Russia probe brought by U.S. Attorney John Durham, who was specially tapped by Attorney General William P. Barr to broadly look into how the FBI handled that matter. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/kevin-clinesmith-fbi-trump-russia-john-durham/2020/08/14/2f579994-de26-11ea-809e-b8be57ba616e_story.html?hpid=hp_hp-more-top-stories_fbiprobe-1215pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory-ans&itid=hp_hp-more-top-stories_fbiprobe-1215pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory-ans
  2. Pentagon to launch task force to investigate UFO sightings https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/13/politics/pentagon-ufo-task-force/index.html
  3. Pentagon to launch task force to investigate UFO sightings https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/13/politics/pentagon-ufo-task-force/index.html
  4. Michael Cohen says Trump wants to be leader for life to avoid prison https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8625749/Michael-Cohen-says-Trump-wants-leader-life-avoids-prison.html
  5. Towards a US-China War? The Creation of a Global Totalitarian System, A “One World Government”? Is this a Remake of the 1941 Hitler Stalin Great War? By F. William Engdahl Global Research, August 11, 2020 https://www.globalresearch.ca/remake-1941-hitler-stalin-great-war/5720769
  6. Quote from today's New York Times article on QAnon, the movement that has scored some Republican primary victories recently; “They’re delusional to dismiss it as a powerless fringe,” said Steve Schmidt, a longtime G.O.P. strategist and campaign veteran who has become a Trump critic. “The Republican Party is becoming the home to an amalgam of conspiracy theorists, fringe players, extremists and white nationalists that is out in the open in a startling way.”
  7. From the Washington Post today: The Supreme Court on Thursday rebuffed the Republican Party and allowed a consent decree to go forward so that Rhode Island voters during the coronavirus pandemic could cast mail-in ballots without in-person witness verification. It was the first time the justices had agreed to a pandemic-related voter relief effort. But they explained in a short, unsigned order that state officials had agreed to relax the rules, and the change already had been implemented during the June primary. Unlike “similar cases where a state defends its own law, here the state election officials support the challenged decree, and no state official has expressed opposition,” the order said. “Under these circumstances, the applicants lack a cognizable interest in the state’s ability to enforce its duly enacted laws.” [Supreme Court says Alabama does not have to loosen ballot requirements] The vote was not announced, but Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito Jr. and Neil M. Gorsuch noted that they would have granted the stay requested by the Republican National Committee and the state Republican Party.
  8. Millions of people like me got their $1200 stimulus check in the mail, not by direct deposit. If there is ever a stimulus 2.0, how is it going to help Trump that he slows down the mail to rig the election with the unintended result being that the checks for stimulus 2.0 arrive after the election? Just asking.
  9. Experts weigh in on Trump’s chances of going to jail https://www.rawstory.com/2020/08/experts-weigh-in-on-trumps-chances-of-going-to-jail/
  10. Kamala Harris' Favorability Rating Higher Than Trump, Pence and Biden's: Poll http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/kamala-harris-favorability-rating-higher-than-trump-pence-and-bidens-poll/ar-BB17UZid?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=UE07DHP
  11. I posted this relevant information in the Watergate topic on Sunday. The topic has approximately 6000 views. This topic was initiated here on July 28, 2019, and is just over a year old. It has never been mentioned in any media report during that period despite its citing Nixon's prediction in 1972 that the year 2020 would be cataclysmic not only for America but for the whole planet. Nixon knew this because he had been made privy to the Alien Presence's timeline for revealing itself and offering us a New World if we will take it. I am not complaining that efforts here have done unnoticed by the media because this topic's role is only that of being the messenger, not a player, and does not possess any special insider's information as to the disclosure plan of the Alien Presence. That said, I shall recite an interesting incident that occurred around last December. I live four blocks from the Chinese Consulate in Houston that the U.S. Government ordered closed in a month ago because it was a center for spying. Four blocks away from the consulate in another direction is a McDonalds on Westheimer Road. I arrived at 6 a.m. as usual to join a group of friends for breakfast. A Chinese man and woman entered the McDonalds at the same time I did. They ordered their meal and sat not far away. Then the man and woman came to our table and asked if they could take a group photo, telling us the woman was a tourist and wanted the picture. We agreed as a matter of courtesy. The woman then came over to where I was seated at the table and put her hand on my shoulder while the man took the photo with his cell phone. A member of our group then asked the man how he planned to use the photo. He replied that it had already been sent to Beijing. So what I read into the incident is that Chinese Intelligence follows this topic and wanted a photo of me as its author. Howard Hunt, a CIA agent, prior to Watergate once told me that the role of intelligence agencies is to gather information. So that is what the Chinese couple were doing, ordinary work for spies. WATERGATE, TRUMP’S SPACE FORCE AND 2020 Who in 1972 when Watergate broke could have foreseen that the scandal eventually would lead back to President Trump’s uncle John G.Trump, an eminent scientist at MIT in the 1940’s who was delegated by the government among other classified tasks with reading Tesla’s secret files after his death and investigating the UFO phenomenon and then into the next century to Donald Trump inside the White House in a titanic struggle for control of the universe? Only one person foresaw this: President Richard Nixon who 47 years ago predicted that next year, 2020, would be cataclysmic not only for America but for the whole planet and who 32 years ago predicted that Trump one day would be president.
  12. I agree with Jim about what he said about the presidents. My friend, Alice Widener, met with General MacArthur in his suite in the Waldorf Towers and he told her that after Eisenhower asked for his advice on foreign policy at their meeting just after Ike was elected, John Foster Dulles cut in and reminded Ike of how MacArthur and Ike had differences in the past and then tried to end the meeting. Rank-and-file loyal Democrats got played by Bill Clinton and Obama. I was ready to drop out if Biden chose Susan Rice but the more I learn about Kamala Harris the more I come to admire her. She is brilliant and multi-talented.
  13. The New York State Attorney General and the Manhattan County District Attorney already have enough evidence through records and documents to indict Trump. It would be nice to have his tax returns but they can come later and be the basis of a superseding indictment. What are the odds that this will happen before November? My guess is that they are pretty good.
  14. Both Bidens may be targeted in the Durham Report that will be released within a month. AG Barr visited McConnell on Capitol Hill earlier this week. The groundwork for something big from Trump's viewpoint is being laid.
  15. [Senator Schumer should announce that anyone rigging the election through politicization of the postal service will be indicted and prosecuted if Biden is elected.] A conspiracy’: Alarms sound after postal worker reports removal of sorting machines https://www.rawstory.com/2020/08/a-conspiracy-alarms-sound-after-postal-worker-reports-removal-of-sorting-machines/
  16. [Prof. Juan Cole, as usual is head and shoulders above everyone else in his analysis and commentary.] Kamala Harris is the America that Trump tried to Stop: the Best of Jamaica and India and born in Oakland Juan Cole08/12/2020 https://www.juancole.com/2020/08/america-jamaica-oakland.html
  17. From the Washington Post: Rep. Ilhan Omar on Tuesday soundly defeated a well-funded primary challenger, the latest in a series of victories for liberals looking to secure their foothold in Congress and move the Democratic Party further left. The Minnesota Democrat was leading Anton Melton-Meaux 57 percent to 39 percent with 96 percent of precincts reported when the race was called, putting to bed weeks of speculation that her career on Capitol Hill could be cut short by an opponent who argued Omar was more interested in fame than representing her district.
  18. I didn't say this. I was probably quoting Will Ruha. I was never a fan of Tulsi, who will not be in the next Congress. I support the Biden-Harris ticket.
  19. Harris was born in Oakland, California. https://www.bing.com/search?q=Where+was+kamala+harris+born&form=PRUSEN&pc=UE07&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&msnews=1&rec_search=1&refig=945d97c2781b4693a82d40e6c9cd23b1&sp=-1&ghc=2&pq=where+was&sc=9-9&qs=n&sk=&cvid=945d97c2781b4693a82d40e6c9cd23b1
  20. I am voting for the Biden-Harris ticket. I would not have voted if Biden had chosen Susan Rice. I would feel comfortable if Harris became president in the event Biden died in office or chose to retire early for health reasons. Will Ruha just posted this on Facebook: So, 77-year-old cognitively degenerative CIA asset Joe Biden has picked 55-year-old CIA agent Kamala Harris to retake the White House on behalf of Wall St fascist-imperialists and their terrorist agency. Harris is a manufactured political image, ala 3rd-gen CIA agent Obama, a cunning political panderer whose proposals have the appearance of ethics and civil rights, but are, in fact, pandering to key ethnic and racial groups for her political advantage. She is an opportunistic, conscienceless, ruthless, pathological fraud. Obama is half-black, half white. Harris can go him one better: the Harris family’s heritage includes noted Jamaican slave owner Hamilton Brown. Like Obama, she derives from a racially-mixed marriage of foreign-born people brought to the U.S. via governmental (likely CIA) programs. Her grandfather was an Indian diplomat. Her Tamil Indian mother was a scientist from Madras, and her Jamaican father is a “post-Keynsian” (retired emeritus) econ professor at conservative Stanford U, who taught The Theory of Capitalist Development, and gave lectures on “the analytical conception of the process of capital accumulation and its implications for a theory of growth of the economy,” in his extended foreign travels to the Caribbean, Canada, England, Holland, France, Italy, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Thailand – which smacks of cover for CIA intelligence work. His academic career was aided by a Shell Oil scholarship, Ford Foundation fellowship, tenure as a visiting professor at Yale, and at the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington D.C., all CIA connections. He has served as a “consultant” to such intl agencies as the UN, UNCTAD, UNDP, IDB, and World Bank, plus governments, and private foundations. He has been a key U.S. econ consultant to Jamaican and other Caribbean govts, a veritable CIA profile. Like third-generation CIA agent, Obama, Kamala often traveled abroad, ostensibly to visit her extended family, but with likely intel purposes. As preparation for politics, Kamala, like career CIA agent Bill Clinton, received her education in Washington D.C. Also, like Obama and Susan Rice, her political emergence has been unduly expeditious. She got her foothold in CA politics as the “steady girlfriend” of powerful black (married-but-separated) Speaker of the Assembly / SF Mayor, Willie Brown, a paramour twice her age, who appointed her to high-paying positions, from which she launched her run for the office of S.F. D.A. She’s only been a Senator since 2017. Prior to this, her positions were all at the state and local level. Ergo, she has virtually no qualifications to handle foreign policy and economics issues bearing down on us, this century. Evidencing this is her positions on Syria and Israel, her vote in favor of Trump’s $675 billion military budget, and her defense of the CIA. She also refused to prosecute Steve Mnuchin. In 2012, the CA Justice Dept. found in an investigation that OneWest Bank participated in “widespread misconduct” when foreclosing on homes, recommending that Harris file a civil enforcement action against the bank. Harris declined to prosecute OneWest or its then-CEO, Steven Mnuchin, despite the recommendation. In her 2016 bid for a U.S. Senate seat, Harris was the only Democratic candidate to receive a donation from Mnuchin. Her campaign received at least $765,000 from the securities and investment industry prior to her announced run for the presidency., and before this, she reached out to Wall Street executives, as potential big donors. Harris routinely interposes inflammatory issues into politics like race, reparations, lynching compensation, LGBT children, and transgender rights, while also making multifarious racial resolutions to emphasize her female “black” (Jamaican / Indian heritage) that conveniently mask the fact that she is an ardent supporter of America’s murderous foreign policy, as shown by her votes in favor of Trump’s $675 billion military budget, her ardent support of the CIA claim that Syrian President Assad was responsible for the Khan Shaykhun chemical attack, which he fervently argued was a CIA staged op, and her vow to support Israel, by doing “everything in my power to ensure broad and bipartisan support for Israel's security and right to self-defense,” despite its heinous campaign of genocide against Palestinians. Harris voted to give Trump increased military spending two different times, supports Trump escalating war in Syria, and co-sponsored the bill that let Trump impose sanctions on Iran which violated the nuclear deal and lead to currently rising tensions. She opposed the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement targeting Israel, co-sponsored a resolution expressing objection to UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which condemned Israeli settlement building in the occupied Palestinian territories as a violation of intl law, and at the AIPAC conference, said that "the first resolution I co-sponsored as a U.S. senator was to combat anti-Israel bias at the UN.” She is, like Obama, a fraud, a ruthlessly opportunistic manipulator of public opinion as a diversion from what is strong advocacy of our imperialist-fascistic foreign policy and support of the Wall St financial and MIC oligarchy controlling U.S. policy. Her political duplicity includes: as CA AG fightimg to keep people in prison in cases that included evidence of wrongful conviction. She refused to pursue the death penalty against a man who killed a police officer, but defended CA’s death penalty system in court. She resisted calls to investigate individual police shootings. Her mortgage crisis response was (ala Obama) to espouse tough Leftist reforms but ultimately accept a settlement that left some with underwater mortgages and little financial relief. She verbally excoriated bankers, but refused to prosecute OneWest Bank’s Steve Mnuchin. Harris, who capitalized on her minority status by announcing her candidacy on Dr. King Jr’s birthday, is a ruthless race-baiting opportunist and flagrant grandstander who shades the truth or outright lies in order to appear heroic as she reframes the debate on her “safe” racial terms and slanders others. This she did to Biden, while also lying that she had opposed Obama’s Immigration policies. From 2011 to 2013, she cravenly failed to support the Trust Act designed to limit ICE at the state level. Angela Chan, policy director for Asian Americans Advancing Justice, told the Huffington Post, "We were at the forefront. She didn’t get why it was important to support it at the time. She only signaled support when it was safe to do so." Indeed, she only issued her memo on local law enforcement independence, following mass grassroots pressure from immigration activist groups. UCLA law professor and past co-director of the UC Irvine Immigrant Rights Clinic, Sameer Ashar, said, "She never led in the fight at the time. If anything, she led from behind.” Immigration experts say Harris was largely absent in CA’s early efforts to pass laws limiting local cooperation with federal agents. She relented, they said, only after pressure built to pass those state laws. I shall NOT vote nor support this CIA ticket. If that helps re-elect Trump, so be it. His death count is a fraction of that of Biden’s as VP in an administration that annihilated more than SIX MILLION human beings at a cost to the U.S. taxpayer of $1 million per victim.
  21. JFK was killed in 1963, Kamala Harris was born in 1964, Robert Kennedy was killed in 1968. She was one year old when JFK died and 4 years old when RFK died. As a child their assassinations did not play a role in her formative years.
  22. My guess is that a majority of Americans alive today were born after the assassinations of JFK and RFK. Like the Vietnam War, this is ancient history to many and not relevant to their lives today.
  23. Appeals court seems wary of ordering dismissal of Flynn case https://apnews.com/e5197ecacce9125418a68d3a7bf24917
  24. Trump's Postmaster General has slowed down delivery of the mail so much that I have decided to mail out my Christmas cards now in the hope that they arrive by December 25.
  25. How did Americans become such Wimps? Silence as Trump kills tens of Thousands, Destroys Social Security and Post Office, Plots Election Fraud Juan Cole08/10/2020 https://www.juancole.com/2020/08/americans-thousands-security.html
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