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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Well said, Joe. As another forum member recently remarked, you have an effective way with words.
  2. Why LBJ Chose Not to Run for Reelection in 1968 – Then Attempted to Retract it https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/07/phillip-f-nelson/why-lbj-chose-not-to-run-for-reelection-in-1968-then-attempted-to-retract-it/
  3. ACLU files lawsuit against federal agents in Portland https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/507922-aclu-files-lawsuit-over-federal-agents-in-portland
  4. Border Patrol admits agents are deployed to Portland — but denies ‘arresting people for no reason’: report https://www.rawstory.com/2020/07/border-patrol-admits-agents-are-deployed-to-portland-but-denies-arresting-people-for-no-reason-report/
  5. Rob: Each time you have a program dealing with some aspect of JFK, could you please post it here in the forum? Members are intensely interested.
  6. [Trump's and Putin's October Surprise is coming. Until then there is this:] Steve Schmidt goes on epic rant and demands Oregon’s governor arrest Trump’s ‘Secret Police’ in Portland July 17, 2020 https://www.rawstory.com/2020/07/steve-schmidt-goes-on-epic-rant-and-demands-oregons-governor-arrest-trumps-secret-police-in-Portland/
  7. Several forum members in this thread have attacked the credibility of Col. Philip Corso whose assignment from the Pentagon during the JFK Administration was to provide materials from crashed UFOs and those given to the U.S. directly by the Alien Presence to major corporations for back engineering. I listened to Col. Corso years ago when he was interviewed on coasttocoastam and found him to be highly credible. Joe Bauer asked above: "Has anyone here actually viewed the William Pawelec interview on You Tube I posted a link to? " I have listened to this interview. Mr. Pawelec spent almost all of his professional life providing security programs to the U.S. Government and major corporations, security programs of the highest order. Listen below to five minutes starting at minute 50 about what he says about the type of work in which Col. Corso was engaged and decide for yourself whether Col. Corso's book should be written off as "garbage."
  8. Pay for Play? Heritage’s Cozy Ties With Foreign Weapons Maker Raises Concerns The GOP think tank has been taking millions from a conglomerate while publicly promoting its landmines and autonomous machine guns. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/pay-for-play-heritages-cozy-ties-with-korean-weapons-maker-raises-concerns/
  9. A message for President Donald Trump from his niece: 'Resign' In exclusive, Mary Trump said it's "dangerous" for her uncle to lead the US. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/message-president-donald-trump-niece-resign/story?id=71779486
  10. https://www.spreaker.com/user/7338953/quick-hits-12-jfk-assassination-research?fbclid=IwAR0KBHqph0tFvYLQGMamNaw9LSsqX7YgLqZGiKglbW0ZzpJMiiNooOlf5GI Rob Clark and Doug Campbell join Alan Dale
  11. Judge demands more information about Stone's commutation https://nypost.com/2020/07/13/judge-demands-information-on-roger-stones-commutation/ Also this: https://www.rawstory.com/2020/07/former-white-house-lawyer-explains-why-roger-stone-shouldnt-put-away-his-orange-jumpsuit-just-yet/
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_J._Corso
  13. Bloomberg) -- Ghislaine Maxwell today pleaded not guilty to charges that she helped her longtime friend, financier Jeffrey Epstein, run a sex-trafficking scheme targeting girls as young as 14 The British socialite entered her plea Tuesday in her first hearing before a federal judge in Manhattan, where she will also be arguing to be released from custody on $5 million bail ahead of trial. Prosecutors are opposing bail, claiming Maxwell may flee. U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan set a July 2021 trial date for Maxwell. Prosecutors told her their investigation was “ongoing” but they did not anticipate bringing additional charges beyond those already filed against Maxwell.
  14. What if key persons in power in the government and media know that what President Nixon told Robert Merritt in July 1972 about the Alien Presence is true? What if the Message to the American People about the Alien Presence that Nixon in 1972 hid in the White House Library was found in 2018 and is now in the hands of President Trump? What if Henry Kissinger has acknowledged to key persons that he received a handwritten letter about the Alien Presence from President Nixon in July 1972 mailed to him by Robert Merritt in accordance with Nixon’s instructions and that attached to the letter were two recorded disks? What if Nixon’s prediction in 1972 that there would be a cataclysmic event in 2020 that would affect not only America but the whole world is the raging pandemic virus? What if the pandemic is only a prelude to the real cataclysmic event still to come which is the announcement by the Alien Presence to the peoples of the world of “life as we do not know it?” What if that announcement in the not too distant future is accompanied by an offer from the Alien Presence of a New World if we will take it? What if for reasons we can only surmise key persons in the government and media do not want the public to know of the above questions and their answers and what is being posted when timely in the Watergate topic? The video shows what happened in the death of Vince Forster and what may be happening right now regarding the Alien Presence.
  15. This is a fascinating true story about someone who accidentally knew something he should have known about the mysterious death of Vince Foster. It is an older story but shows how the world really works then and today. Well worth viewing. Sort of a true Alfred Hitchcock type movie. Because of what I have been through in my life I identify with it to a great extent. Why is this relevant here? What if key persons in power in the government and media know that what President Nixon told Robert Merritt in July 1972 about the Alien Presence is true? What if the Message to the American People about the Alien Presence that Nixon in 1972 hid in the White House Library was found in 2018 and is now in the hands of President Trump? What if Henry Kissinger has acknowledged to key persons that he received a handwritten letter about the Alien Presence from President Nixon in July 1972 mailed to him by Robert Merritt in accordance with Nixon’s instructions and that attached to the letter were two recorded disks? What if Nixon’s prediction in 1972 that there would be a cataclysmic event in 2020 that would affect not only America but the whole world is the raging pandemic virus? What if the pandemic is only a prelude to the real cataclysmic event still to come which is the announcement by the Alien Presence to the peoples of the world of “life as we do not know it?” What if that announcement in the not too distant future is accompanied by an offer from the Alien Presence of a New World if we will take it? What if for reasons we can only surmise key persons in the government and media do not want the public to know of the above questions and their answers and what is being posted when timely in this topic? This video shows what happened in the death of Vince Forster and what may be happening right now regarding the Alien Presence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=eii7LBSziSM&feature=emb_logo&fbclid=IwAR2NYrTI8_3YHlZxZn_30Ex4p0EmBLvzQmcL9bhaTmjFRy9qZogTmyDXt0E
  16. Maxwell tried to escape as FBI pounded on the door to her mansion http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/alleged-jeffrey-epstein-sex-crime-accomplice-ghislaine-maxwell-tried-to-flee-from-fbi-agents-before-arrest-prosecutors-reveal/ar-BB16GskC?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=UE07DHP
  17. Since you already possess a copy of Col. Philip Corso's book, The Day After Roswell, I would suggest you not delay too long in your research in reading it. One of the reasons JFK was assassinated was the fear on the part of the assassins at the top of the pyramid that he would give the materials that our government had acquired from crashed UFOs and directly from the Alien Presence to the Soviets. Col. Corso pursuant to orders from the Pentagon had distributed these materials from 1961-1963 during the Kennedy Administration to major U.S. corporations for back engineering. No one knows what was in JFK's mind when he sought to open up various avenues of joint endeavor to Premier Khrushchev and the Soviets. There was also fear that because he was under the occasional use of mind altering drugs, he might do something treasonous. Here is what appears on the back cover of The Day After Roswell: From the Back Cover A landmark expos' firmly grounded in fact, "The Day After Roswell" ends the decades-old controversy surrounding the mysterious crash of an unidentified aircraft at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. Backed by documents newly declassified through the Freedom of Information Act, Colonel Philip J. Corso (Ret.), a member of President Eisenhower's National Security Council and former head of the Foreign Technology Desk at the U.S. Army's Research & Development department, has come forward to reveal his personal stewardship of alien artifacts from the Roswell crash. He tells us how he spearheaded the Army's reverse-engineering project that led to today's: Integrated circuit chips Fiber optics Lasers Super-tenacity fibers and "seeded" the Roswell alien technology to giants of American industry. Laying bare the U.S. government's shocking role in the Roswell incident -- what was found, the cover-up, and how theyused alien artifacts to change the course of twentieth-century history -- "The Day After Roswell" is an extraordinary memoir that not only forcesus to reconsider the past, but also our role in the universe. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
  18. This is a fascinating true story about someone who accidentally knew something he should have known about the death of Vince Foster. It is an older story but shows how the world really works then and today. Well worth viewing. Sort of a true Alfred Hitchcock type movie. Because of what I have been through in my life I identify with it to a great extent.
  19. Judgment Day Comes for Maxwell But Maybe Not https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2020/07/09/judgement-day-for-ghislaine-maxwell-finally-arrives-or-maybe-not/?fbclid=IwAR1hwsj5P1CFkr1ZSNf61MOXL7OCieQ35IqaszL3-f5ajxml4x8q-WVU31w
  20. In reality Roger Stone has seven felony convictions since he was convicted on each of the seven charges against him. Mueller rightly calls him a convicted felon.
  21. Trump has a new campaign manager that he keeps under wraps. Why? Because he is Roger Stone. That's right, Trump's real campaign manager is a convicted felon.
  22. Rudy Giuliani unexpectedly reveals ‘all’ of Trump’s IRS audits have been ‘settled’ https://www.rawstory.com/2020/07/rudy-giuliani-unexpectedly-reveals-all-of-trumps-irs-audits-have-been-settled/ [What Giulani says raises more questions that answers.]
  23. From a column in today's NY Times titled What Trump Wants from Roger Stone: From the article: This time if he is defeated, he will suffer global humiliation. President Trump has reportedly lashed out at his re-election team for his floundering campaign. As he seeks to right the ship, Mr. Trump would surely want to turn to Mr. Stone, whose political acumen he has trusted for nearly 40 years and who has far more experience in presidential campaigns than anyone else in the president’s inner circle.
  24. Maxwell moved 36 times in the past year https://www.the-sun.com/news/1123883/ghislaine-maxwell-moved-house-36-times-fbi/
  25. Ghislaine Maxwell filmed US politicians with underage girls, former pal claims https://nypost.com/2020/07/11/ghislaine-maxwell-allegedly-filmed-politicians-with-underage-girls/?sr_share=facebook&utm_source=NYPFacebook&utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_medium=SocialFlow&fbclid=IwAR2mKmu0CDo038ANl7oJqV7pqqEBSdib6amvhGkxM3Ean7xsA_PPEwxHFTc&fbclid=IwAR1FZV0hzPDnw7a6tWVo25Xuj8-aWetxsDZDnTMwyuC6DOYyyIyLnPk7yEE
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