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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Iranian government official raises eyebrows with tweet listing locations of Trump’s properties https://www.rawstory.com/2020/01/iranian-government-official-raises-eyebrows-with-tweet-listing-locations-of-trumps-properties/
  2. Nancy Pelosi says House will vote to limit Trump's war powers on Iran http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/nancy-pelosi-says-house-will-vote-to-limit-trumps-war-powers-on-iran-as-tensions-grow/ar-BBYE4bf?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=UE07DHP
  3. David Talbot wrote on Facebook today: What a hugely important, timely and riveting documentary Taghi Amirani has made. "Coup 53" explains all the dark history about the toxic relationship between the U.S. and Iran -- a story that all Americans MUST learn asap. But despite its artful production -- the film was co-created by Hollywood legend Walter Murch and features powerful archival footage, current interviews, dramatic recreations (with the skilled participation of actor Ralph Fiennes) and espionage revelations... -- "Coup 53" is being blocked from audiences. This distribution blackout is not unlike the media disappearing act that my dark history of the CIA, "The Devil's Chessboard," received when it was published in 2015. As filmmakers Amirani and Murch are learning, we have freedom of the press in America -- but only for those who own one. The powerful truth -- the kind that blows people's minds (and opens them up) -- is usually hidden. But "Coup 53" is too essential a film to be censored. Spread the word about the film -- make sure it gets shown in your local theaters or on your local public TV stations. Resist Trump's war propaganda. Free "Coup 53." Here are a few scheduled screenings that the filmmakers have managed to arrange in the next few weeks: Screenings + Q&A with editor Walter Murch and director Taghi Amirani -- 7,8,9 Jan at Palm Springs Film Festival https://www.psfilmfest.org/film-festiva…/film-finder/coup-53 9 Jan at 3pm Dolby Theater in San Francisco 10 Jan 6pm Roxie Theater in San Francisco https://www.roxie.com/ai1ec_event/coup-53/?instance_id=38501 28 Jan at Brown University with Stephen Kinzer joining the panel 30, 31 Jan + 1 Feb Gothenburg Film Festival More US festival screenings to be announced soon "remarkable" "passionate and fearless" "will enthrall documentary and history geeks" "jaw dropping revelations" “has the air of something that grew from an impudent home movie into a magnum opus" Todd McCarthy - Hollywood Reporter "spine tingling revelations" Variety "a work of art and a masterpiece of political intervention" “a thriller that had me on the edge of my seat” "beyond extraordinary" Ariel Dorfman "masterful storytelling makes this a taut and thrilling watch" “captivating tour-de-force” BFI London Film Festival "this is material worthy of John le Carré” Vancouver International Film Festival "this is one of a handful of documentaries that can truly make the argument for being seen in a cinema" 24fps UK "a superb work of journalism and research" Vancouver Observer "an astonishing feat of film-making" London Metro “Nail-bitingly suspenseful, plays like a thriller London Metro See More First official teaser for the feature documentary COUP 53 https://coup53.com/ Producer Director TAGHI AMIRANI Editor WALTER MURCH Writers TAGHI AMIRANI WALTE... About this website youtube.com COUP 53 - OFFICIAL TEASER First official teaser for the feature documentary COUP 53… First official teaser for the feature documentary COUP 53 https://coup53.com/
  4. David Talbot wrote on Facebook today: As the sane world reacts with horror, disgust and fury to Trump's brazen assassination of Iran's widely popular military commander, Pentagon officials are rushing to cover their asses -- leaking to the New York Times that they were "stunned" by Trump's crazy decision to kill General Soleimani. So once again, we can only shudder at this rogue presidency which now asserts authority to commit acts of war in the world's most combustible region. But Trump has to be seen as only th...e latest U.S. president who believes he can operate freely above international law and order. This is what President Obama fretted about while he was still in the White House -- that a future, volatile president could use the extraordinary, post-9/11 powers granted the commander-in-chief to go rogue whenever and wherever he (or she) wanted to. Obama, schooled in constitutional law, tried to establish some legal limits on the office of the president -- but it was a feeble effort and never stood a chance against Washington's all-powerful, bipartisan war lobby. And, of course, President Obama himself continued to use his unleashed powers to sharply escalate drone assassinations and to continue mucking about in the Middle East charnel house. Trump's insanely provocative drone strike against General Soleimani's motorcade is a natural extension of the U.S. mayhem-in-the-Middle East that worried Obama, but never stopped him from escalating these tactics. And then there's Israel's Bibi Netanyahu. Trump clearly sees the chest-thumping, thuggish Israeli strongman as a role model. And though it hasn't been reported yet, I suspect that Trump was given secret encouragement by Netanyahu to strike at Iran's top leadership. Israel has devolved into a permanent war state. Yitzhak Rabin briefly tried to change Israel's course in a more peaceful direction, but the poisonous backlash to Rabin's diplomatic efforts -- encouraged by Netanyahu -- resulted in Rabin's 1995 assassination by a far-right, religious zealot. In America, we've seen Washington take this same dark path over the last 50-plus years, following the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King Jr. So now we have leaders like Trump in the U.S. and Netanyahu in Israel -- and yes, rigid ayatollahs in Tehran, instead of the peace-oriented, democratic Iranian government that the CIA overthrew in 1953, a coup that has trapped America and Iran in their never-ending nightmare ever since. "The past is never dead. It's not even past," as William Faulkner famously wrote. America, whose leaders have the historical awareness of reality TV hosts, is doomed to keep repeating its dark past. And with each coup, invasion, assassination, etc, we slouch closer to the apocalypse.
  5. From the editorial: Lawmakers had expected a public document that would clearly explain — to them and the American public — the reasons for the attack but received a classified one instead. “The highly unusual decision to classify this document in its entirety compounds our many concerns, and suggests that the Congress and the American people are being left in the dark about our national security,” said Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House of Representatives. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/04/opinion/editorials/trump-iran-threats-Suleimani.html
  6. Golden Globes 2020: 'Marriage Story,' 'Irishman' aim for Oscar momentum as awards season kicks off http://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/golden-globes/golden-globes-2020-marriage-story-irishman-aim-for-oscar-momentum-as-awards-season-kicks-off/ar-BBYDqXm?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=UE07DHP
  7. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/01/trumps-threat-to-commit-war-crimes-against-iran-could-push-gop-lawmakers-towards-impeachment-ouster-cnn-analyst/
  8. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/pelosi-slams-white-houses-war-powers-notification-on-soleimani-strike/ar-BBYBpQQ?li=BBnbfcL&ocid=UE07DHP
  9. David: You are one talented writer with a perceptive mind that constantly amazes me with keen insights that I missed seeing in whatever matter that is posted. Our forum is fortunate to have you and so many others like you. What a group of exceptional people from all walks of life united in the common cause of searching for the truth.
  10. https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2020/01/04?fbclid=IwAR1DFYKn-bEov_l6gfpX1HaCG0uSh4U9cgAczFh6seNWcprB6zAHUJwd0kI CTC likes to interview Donald regularly as a guest because he is articulate and fearlessly tackles the big issues facing society.
  11. MWN Episode 137 – Rob Clark on The JFK Assassination Hit Team https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-137-rob-clark-on-the-jfk-assassination-hit-team/
  12. Ghosts of the Disciplinary Machine: Lee Harvey Oswald, Life-History, and the Truth of Crime By Jonathan Simon* https://scholarship.law.berkeley.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1058&context=facpubs [Robert Morrow sent me this document, which I am posting for educational purposes only]
  13. Iran has good reason to be more than just being mad at the United States, which it portrays as the Great Satan. Of course, the media never mentions the historical events that caused the two nations to cease having friendly relations.
  14. Trump will deliver the State of the Union address on Feb. 4. How many members of Congress will stand and applaud a president who has been impeached by the House, is facing an impeachment trial in the Senate on convicting and removing him from office, and has unilaterally declared war against Iran that has put the whole world on edge and at risk? Expect the furor over his actions to increase dramatically in the coming weeks as the fear rises that Trump is capable of doing anything, including starting a nuclear war. Then there is that on Feb. 5 the judge will sentence Roger Stone on his seven count conviction. This is the same judge that Stone publicly pictured being assassinated after he was indicted. Then there is General Flynn who will soon be sentenced also by a judge who said his actions were treasonous.
  15. The odds are inceasing daily that the Senate will conduct a fair trial on the House Articles of Impeachment and will convict Trump and remove him from office. Why? Because even Republicans in Congress are now recognizing that Trump is not just a loose cannon but a phycho lunatic as well. He declared war against Iran and did so without consulting anyone other than his son, Eric, and Senator Graham. Trump is so reckless that he could lead the world into a nuclear war on a 24 hour notice. Senators are coming to realize that convicting him of impeachment and removing him from office now is the quickest way to get rid of him before he can do any more mind-boggling damage. If the Republicans in the Senate do not convict and remove him, they will put their reelections in November in peril because rest assured Trump will do a number of things that will scare the pants off Americans and the world in the months between now and the November election.
  16. From the article: “Here’s the way I look at movies,” Chuckie said, near the end of our conversation, after he had calmed down. “Hollywood could turn a monkey into a peanut. That’s their business. They don’t care about the truth. It’s entertainment. The guy who bought the ticket isn’t going to write a letter complaining about the truth if he is fascinated by the movie.” Mr. Scorsese basically agrees. “I don’t really care about that,” he recently said when asked about the truth of his portrayal of Mr. Hoffa’s death. “The point is, it’s not about the facts.” For him, the film is about “the world” his characters inhabit and “the way they behave.” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/03/opinion/the-irishman-movie-chuckie-obrien.html
  17. 2020 HAS ARRIVED. WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT? President Richard Nixon 48 years ago predicted that the year 2020, would be cataclysmic not only for America but for the whole planet. A cataclysmic event is one of violent change and upheaval. He made this prediction to Robert Merritt at a meeting in July 1972 in a room deep beneath the White House at which he described “life as we do not know it” about an Alien Presence from elsewhere in the universe. If this is the year that the Alien Presence will establish formal contact with the inhabitants of Planet Earth, how will they make their initial appearance? No one on Earth knows the answer to that. But here is a possible scenario. One day this year the inhabitants of Planet Earth will awake and find two immensely large space crafts had stationed themselves on each side of the Earth and at miles above earth that make them look as large as the Moon only because of their being close to Earth. They would be clearly visible during daytime and glow at night and would remain in their stationary positions as the earth revolved every 24 hours so that they could be seen by the world’s population at most times. One would face the Northern Hemisphere and the other the Southern Hemisphere. Anyone with a telescope would discern that portions of the space crafts were transparent with their inhabitants moving around inside. At the end of two weeks during which time the world’s peoples trembled in fear in anticipation at what would happen next, a small craft would depart from the immense space craft that was visible during the day time in the Northern Hemisphere. It could be seen traveling towards earth. It would land in New York City adjacent to the United Nations. Its Alien Presence delegation would disembark and enter the United Nations where the delegation’s leader would address the UN’s General Assembly and those watching on television around the world not by speaking aloud but by using thought transmission. What the leader communicates and what happens next is anyone’s guess. https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap191228.html?fbclid=IwAR1trpRmH0B20lxZ-JzukBabRR1voCbU_S5gF9o9RlLz6-Xt-z9ECrEbc6w
  18. If I were a young university graduate student today and chose to write my thesis on the subject of a conspiracy in the assassination of President John Kennedy, I would be puzzled at what I found. I would discover that dedicated researchers for decades had promulgated that the CIA and its leaders Allen Dulles and James Angleton were the conspiracy’s principal decision makers and planners. That is up until now. Then I would find that a new belief is taking hold among these dedicated researchers, led by renowned scholar John Newman, that the old conspiracy theory was not correct, that everyone had been looking in the wrong direction for all these years, and that this required reorienting research efforts by 180 degrees. The real principal conspirators were in the U. S. Military, not the CIA, and the Pentagon had labored successfully to keep itself clear of the entire tragic saga. Chief among those Pentagon conspirators was General Lyman Lemnitzer, who served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1960 to 1962 and then as Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NAT0 from 1963 to 1969. As I continued to work on my thesis I would discover that President Kennedy was intrigued by a 1962 book titled, Seven Days in May, and had even made the White House available for filming to lend authenticity to the movie based on the book. The movie was released three months after JFK’s assassination. I would then read the book and view the movie that is about a military-political cabal’s planned takeover of the U.S. government in reaction to the president’s negotiation of a disarmament treaty with the Soviet Union. After that I would wait for the dust to settle among the dedicated researchers into the JFK assassination about this new controversial theory before I finished writing my graduate degree thesis.
  19. Posted by Gene Koch on Facebook today: A book on Army Intelligence https://history.army.mil/html/books/060/60-13-1/cmhPub_60-13-1.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0fXdB8NCpxTOmB-WsJRPxhcgxc9RCvfEdezKJReRSM8mmSPjMe-jr1rVM
  20. A New York Times reporter last week observed in a TV interview that there are 17 major intelligence agencies and thousands of contractors that are being paid to collect and analyze worldwide intelligence who employ hundreds of thousands of employees but that all this is for naught since Trump and Putin talked regularly on the phone and no one knows what they talk about. So it boils down to two persons running the intelligence operations of the United States today, one of whom is a former KGB officer and the other is a t---------. Edited December 30, 2019 by Douglas Caddy
  21. My 1989 request was that the Federal Election Commission investigate the IRS for hiding a Reagan-Bush $1.5 million secret fund in the 1984 President campaign. This came about as part of the 1986 Moody Foundation Scandal involving Shearn Moody, Jr. The Federal Election Commission has declared my request to be a "classic" case. https://classic.fec.gov/disclosure_data/mur/2925.pdf
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