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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. David, knowing Howard as I did I would hazard that his advice from the beyond the grave to you would be, "Friend, don't you realize that you are a born writer, possessing a genuine way with words? It is never too late to write that Great Novel that opens the readers' eyes, maybe even one that tells the real story behind JFK's assassination and Watergate as you know it from your intense research all these years. I'll even try to help you from afar. Get on with it, man!"
  2. MWN Episode 119 – Brian Edwards on the Tactical Dealey Plaza and the Ed Hoffman Story https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-119-brian-edwards-on-the-tactical-dealey-plaza-and-the-ed-hoffman-story/?fbclid=IwAR3NTwBIbsNQ6v-qJP1krOAtrWhi2NneFOCwsXmqu953PZKyq-LINOD1k98
  3. The FBI’s Former Top Lawyer Says the Russia Probe Was Not About Trump “It was about what Russia was, and is, doing and planning.” https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/05/the-fbis-former-top-lawyer-says-the-russia-probe-was-not-about-trump/?utm_source=mj-newsletters&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=the-russian-connection-2019-05-16&fbclid=IwAR2IfApDUTb85HQRSYkKbD_EhNn633Q4cea7KY-qvhMsG5iYT3PBFg5acws
  4. I worked with Guy Banister in New Orleans in 1954-55 while in high school and later in 1959 while I was a student at Georgetown U. on summer vacation.
  5. Ty: I have a copy of House of Trump House of Putin that I have finished reading which you can have free. If you want it just send me a private message me through the forum with your address and I shall mail it to you at no cost to you. It is worth reading for sure. Doug
  6. From my statement when I started this thread: I am posting my legal file on this subject in the JFK Assassination Topic of the Forum because the events described within it initially came about when Roger Stone contacted me in 2012. He requested any information that I might have on LBJ, which I was pleased to provide. In 2013 Stone published his book, The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, which became a best-seller. In his book Stone credits me as a primary source for information, as is disclosed in the file. Thus, in a roundabout way JFK five decades after his murder is providing from the grave a nexus of how the 2016 presidential election was rigged. Don’t you think he is pleased at doing this?
  7. Barr's investigation of the investigators is at this stage only a preliminary review. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/14/us/politics/russia-investigation-review.html
  8. A Secret Order: Investigating the High Strangeness and Synchronicity in the JFK Assassination https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CCTUUAM/ Be sure to read reader James McDonald’s review of the book
  9. FBI’s real-life “X-Files” documents strange connection between UFOs and the JFK assassination https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2016/dec/05/fbis-real-x-files-documents-strange-connection-bet/?fbclid=IwAR046YgwUIto2tKOvHOOgg7Ko-n_EOuUIA-HBKF9tlTZ9MKJqY5qUWIDe8s
  10. Trump now feels free to complete his treasonous sellout of America so that the Great Three -- he, Russia's Putin and China's Xi -- can rule the world through interlocking dictatorships. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/the-latest-putin-says-trump-call-implied-restored-ties/ar-AABljNF?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=UE07DHP From the article: President Trump has shown far less appetite to confront Russia. He has in fact repeatedly questioned whether Russia is an enemy at all. By accounts from within his own administration, Trump’s reluctance to confront the Russia threat is driven in part by his perception that acknowledging the 2016 interference would diminish his victory. Special Counsel Robert Mueller may have absolved Trump of an explicit conspiracy with Russia. But Trump’s continued reluctance to identify and address the Russia threat may be just as damaging to the U.S. and just as helpful to Russia—and the possibility that political intrigue will leave America paralyzed suits the architects of Russia’s shadow war just fine. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/05/jim-sciutto-kremlin-waging-new-kind-war/589387/?utm_campaign=the-atlantic&utm_medium=social&utm_content=edit-promo&utm_term=2019-05-14T10%3A00%3A39&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR14VEU6f02pmFGkpd7_dwi8HBBZv5fan8MLJ8CIxJ35Z_GtaeDKG8CrziM&fbclid=IwAR3lL1Ss3YbryJNN0CC3xrw7E0y4g1-wL6BJ97GfFTOUEdbBi5DnCQqSj10
  11. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/13/us/politics/russia-investigation-justice-department-review.html Barr assigns Conn. prosecutor to investigate origins of Russia probe
  12. CIA's Secret History is on coasttocoastam tomorrow (Tuesday) night, including a disclosure of its assassination bureau https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2019/05/14
  13. Report from LaRouche Pac on Roger Stone court filing https://larouchepac.com/20190511/blockbuster-roger-stone-swings-fences-court-filings-seeks-prove-russians-did-not-hack-dnc?fbclid=IwAR3SFijRGRq7jSSu9kTZlBwR4AgxAZz_bHfXgbHAojsDski7EmAUeUxd16A
  14. Roger Stone was being investigated by Mueller for far more crimes than he now faces charges for, attorneys say By Katelyn Polantz, CNN Updated 8:55 PM ET, Fri May 10, 2019 From the article: The "FBI was investigating various crimes at different times, such as Stone for accessory after the fact, misprision of a felony, conspiracy, false statements, unauthorized access of a protected computer, obstruction of justice, witness tampering, wire fraud, attempt and conspiracy to commit wire fraud, and foreign contributions ban," Stone's attorneys wrote in a filing in his federal criminal case on Friday, citing search warrants that are still secret. https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/10/politics/roger-stone-mueller-crimes/index.html
  15. The U.S. ambassador to Ukraine is abruptly leaving her post following a concerted effort by Rudy Giuliani and Trump’s media allies to connect Yovanovitch to a wide-ranging conspiracy theory involving Hillary Clinton, Paul Manafort, and Joe Biden’s work in Ukraine. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/05/donald-trump-fox-news-us-ambassdor-ukraine-masha-yovanovitch?verso=true&fbclid=IwAR00655QOw0g88dvPW9g6T_dvlwbkg-kpzLobr5os2vtmbSes5c-3a84l64
  16. Alfred Baldwin resigned from the forum many years ago after he was relentlessly attacked and smeared by member Ashton Gray who also targeted me again and again with his venomous criticism. John Simkin stood by and did nothing to stop Gray. Only when Gray started attacking other members was the decision reached that Gray had to go from the forum. By then Baldwin was long gone. Baldwin could have shed a lot of light on what Watergate was all about but he undoubtedly concluded that contributing his knowledge was not appreciated in any way. Robert Merritt is also no longer a member of the forum but for other reasons.
  17. Jim: Hougan writes on pages 121-22 of Secret Agenda: “Adding to the suspicions surrounding Shoffler is the fact that he is no ordinary cop. Prior to joining the police department in Washington, he had served for years at theVint Hill Farm Station in Virginia. This is one of NSA’s most important domestic “listening posts.”…. “Shoffler’s work at Vint Hill Farm was mentioned in passing in the staff interviews of the Ervin Committee. This occurred as the result of an allegation against Shoffler that was made by his former commandeering officer at Vint Hill Farm, Captain Edmund Chung. According to Captain Chung he had occasion to dine with Shoffler in the aftermath of the Watergate arrests. Chung claimed that Shoffler told him the arrests were the result of a tip-off , that [Alfred] Baldwin and Shoffler had been in contact with each other prior to the last break-in, and that if Shoffler ever made the whole story public, ‘his life wouldn’t be worth a nickel.’…. “And, really, in spite of all appearances, Shoffler would indeed seem to be innocent of everything but making the Watergate arrests.” -------------------------------------- The real truth is that Robert Merritt informed Shoffler on June 2, 1972, of the plan to break into the DNC. Rita Reed, Merritt’s closest friend, had heard of the planned break-in in a telephone conversation that he/she had overheard while operating the telephone switchboard at the Columbia Plaza Apartments on May31, which was where the prostitution ring operating out of the DNC was located. Rita told Merritt on June 1 of what she had overheard and Merritt told Shoffler the next day. Shoffler did know Baldwin because before Watergate both had worked on monitoring the Anti-War groups in Washington. But Baldwin was not his source. Shoffler could never reveal that Merritt was his source because they were gay lovers. Shoffler was married and had two children but he spent most nights at Merritt’s apartment in Washington that was centrally located. Shoffler’s family resided in Maryland. Shoffler was a closeted bi-sexual gay. For this to come out publicly in the wake of the Watergate arrests that crowned him with “hero” status would have been disastrous to him. All the above is covered in the book “Watergate Exposed” that I co-authored with Merritt which was published in 2010.
  18. Robert Merritt under a subpoena was called to testify before the Senate Watergate Committee in executive session. He was told to report to a location on Capitol Hill from which he would be escorted to the room where the executive session was being held. His escort was Wayne Bishop who told him en route to the room that he should be careful in what he revealed or else he would end up in the jail in the basement of the Capitol. It was a direct threat. When the executive session began the first thing that occurred was that the woman who was assigned to write his testimony for the record was told to the leave the room. Senator Ervin then asked Merritt a generic a question and Merritt responded that he would not answer because of the threat he had received from Bishop. This shocked the committee members. Senator Ervin and Senator Baker then conferred among themselves and Ervin announced that Merritt would be excused and his testimony would be taken on another day. Weeks later Ervin asked Merritt to come to his office. Upon arrival Senator Baker was there as was Rep. Barbara Jordan. The three listened to what Merritt had to say but his statement was not recorded. Remember that Merritt was the sole employee of the Huston Plan. The Senate Watergate Committee printed hearings show that he was a witness but other than that the record is bare. It was after all this occurred that Officer Shoffler told Merritt that Ervin had received death threats against his family members should a few topics be explored and become formal part of the Committee's record.
  19. WMPD Detective Carl Shoffler told his Confidential Informant Robert Merritt that there were a few topics that Senator Sam Ervin could not explore through the Senate Watergate Committee because there had been death threats against his family members if he proceeded to do so.
  20. When WMPD Detective Carl Shoffler died in 1996 at age 51, the U.S. Government required his family members to sign a non-disclosure agreement that forbid public comment. Shoffler, of course, was the Detective who arrested the Watergate burglars after having been given a tip weeks before the burglary that the crime was being planned. Perhaps McCord's family was required to sign a similar NDA. Shofller was a Military Intelligence Agent assigned by the Pentagon to the WMPD. When the Intelligence Division headed by Sgt. Dixie Gildon, a close friend of President Nixon, decided in the wake of the Watergate scandal to purge key information from its files, including unsavory information about key Washington players, Shoffler was designated to destroy these files. Instead he took them home and stored them in file cabinets in his garage. Whatever happened to these files after his death is unknown.
  21. MWN Episode 118 – Casey Quinlan on Frontier Justice in the JFK Assassination https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-118-casey-quinlan-on-frontier-justice-in-the-jfk-assassination/
  22. Stealing Nixon’s Millions, Part 1: Plans to rob the president of his secret fund https://www.ocregister.com/2003/02/23/stealing-nixons-millions-part-1-plans-to-rob-the-president-of-his-secret-fund/
  23. 'We Want Them to Shut Up': The Two Dallas Cops Who Earned Hoover's Ire After JFK Killing https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/declassified-jfk-documents-show-show-feud-between-fbi-and-dallas-police-10015830?fbclid=IwAR1lOFF6Vn_4PZv7GGr41743MYkj7QizO0s9-9D0HeKWn8pUKSWvLP6v3yI
  24. The Garrison Files; The David Ferrie files part 2 Published on May 8, 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVwsL0AbmYI&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR3CEs9h4hg6C4Dl3u0zaamFsjXOFZo3v35LBBayMpomc3jTelh6IyehGnY
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