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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. While at the CIA, William Barr drafted letters calling for an end to the Agency’s moratorium on destroying records Decades before he was Attorney General (twice), Barr served in the Agency’s Office of Legislative Council in the wake of the the Church Committee hearings https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2019/apr/16/cia-barr-crest/?fbclid=IwAR2-EHPaIoyHNGe8MoPct6X3E7CJtNWqDAPUfXagjkbzYGCtHT5b6jKspI0
  2. A Bradenton bank robbery and the killing of JFK https://www.heraldtribune.com/news/20150816/a-bradenton-bank-robbery-and-the-killing-of-jfk?fbclid=IwAR1WE5t4mJRYY6OcnRQzqsJv4C3wF7gPFSDtSkyYMsrzmi6uXa7pQeniOco
  3. The evidence that the US government got into the assassination business https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/17/opinions/us-assassination-attempt-maier/index.html?fbclid=IwAR2b_W5BOJ7JadQNkWYDwcJF1Sje2YYN1a8Nf-9pBJv8U2R8Rmh3fWtie2g
  4. Robert Morrow Notes on Robert Caro book signing for Working at Book People at Austin, TX on April 14, 2019 (which, btw, was the same day that Tiger Woods won the Masters at age 43) Robert Morrow: Robert Caro was interviewed by Lawrence Wright for about 30 minutes and then opened up the floor for Questions and Answers. Robert Caro, age 83, said some notable things. Caro said that he thought that the thesis of avid Halberstam’s book The Best and the Brightest had held up all these years. That thesis (unstated by Caro, was the JFK’s governmental advisors were the ones who stampeded Lyndon Johnson into the Vietnam War, something that is harshly disputed by Jim DiEugenio and Univ. of Texas professor James K. Galbraith). I suggest googling DiEugenio’s essay “JFK’s Embrace of Third World Nationalists” for keen insight into JFK’s foreign policy. Ominously, Robert Caro also said that he and his wife Ina had become very close friends with Ed Clark and his wife Anne Clark. Caro said that the two couples had many dinners and that Ina Caro’s job was to keep Anne and Ed Clark talking so that more information would flow out. Barr McClellan, worked worked closely at Ed Clark’s law firm, has said that both Ed Clark and Don Thomas, law partners and decades-long inner circle Lyndon Johnson advisors, used to brag that Ed Clark (and LBJ) were behind the JFK assassination. In the Q&A, I asked Robert Caro why he never did interview Madeleine Brown, Barr McClellan or Billie Sol Estes. Caro said that he thought Madeleine Brown’s book Texas In the Morning was a plagiarism of a novel that he had read, although Caro was unable to tell the name of which novel that was. Caro needless did not say why he never interviewed Barr McClellan or Billie Sol Estes, except to say that in all his years of research he had never found a shred of evidence that LBJ was behind the JFK assassination.
  5. New York Times analysis of the released Mueller Report: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/18/us/politics/the-mueller-report-excerpts.html
  6. Cleburnite Shaw closes book on mysterious JFK-era figure By Pete Kendall/reporter@trcle.com Jun 20, 2011 https://www.cleburnetimesreview.com/archives/cleburnite-shaw-closes-book-on-mysterious-jfk-era-figure/article_a798542b-0289-50fc-8470-76dfb6c6d8b9.html?fbclid=IwAR2jndwHVZwiNZYGjWfiaNO4yLxuNUrQXlHxF-WmkVEYm8eM2VGv80T8QgY [Note: it takes a minute or two for the article to be pulled up]
  7. From the article: The [Vietnam] war did not go well for Mr. Conein. He was increasingly unhappy as a small covert operation grew into a huge military disaster. He retired from the C.I.A. in 1968 and contemplated a war-surplus trading venture in Vietnam. In 1971, he declined an offer from E. Howard Hunt, another retired C.I.A. officer, to join President Richard M. Nixon's ''plumbers,'' the secret team that bungled the Watergate burglary. Lucien Conein, 79, Legendary Cold War Spy By TIM WEINERJUNE 7, 1998 https://www.nytimes.com/1998/06/07/world/lucien-conein-79-legendary-cold-war-spy.html?smid=fb-share&fbclid=IwAR0NxhbEcTWHoOXM8o0PQNERAgI3q9qjo4RrNDkrBM6VZWshuPSYr_c1sPc
  8. McCord remains a mystery to me to this day. That said, he was the only one of the original seven defendants that sought me out to thank me for what I had done to protect their legal rights to a fair trial. He did this at the beginning of the first Watergate trial in January 1973. Hunt invited me to an appreciative dinner just before he want to prison in 1975 but at the dinner he never uttered a word of thanks even though I had allowed myself to be held in contempt of court by vicious and venal Judge Sirica to protect his and the other defendants' attorney-client privilege and the Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel.
  9. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://suxc75rb44-flywheel.netdna-ssl.com/images//ReynoldsWeldLetterMay1985.gif&imgrefurl=https://gizadeathstar.com/2012/01/a-little-update-on-the-inslaw-matter/&docid=TpUCVUFJ8bz9NM&tbnid=ZsoY-EFhcy5NfM:&vet=1&w=670&h=622&source=sh/x/im
  10. The foreman of Watergate grand jury No. 1 has been watching the confrontations with another president Washington Post April 15, 2019 From the article: Pregelj said his grand jury interacted little with Sirica or the special prosecutor, but grew close to the assistant prosecutors who worked with them day-to-day after they were convened June 5, 1972. Photo: James W. McCord Jr. demonstrated how to rig a bugging device in a telephone at a May 1973 hearing. (Charles Del Vecchio/The Washington Post) After three weeks of hearing routine street and violent crimes, they got the case of the June 17 Watergate burglary. When one burglar — James W. McCord Jr., a former CIA officer providing security for the Nixon campaign — began cooperating, it unraveled a scheme that occupied three grand juries over more than two years.
  11. 7th Annual JFK Assassination Conference in Dallas https://jfkdallasconference.com/?fbclid=IwAR1nRwPAVS1SSGO-UBvy2-BsqZGTnxJIUJSTIpdKHClRSXF6a7EwjfRJy9s
  12. Dirty Money https://www.nytimes.com/1973/07/22/archives/dirty-money-money-cont.html?smid=fb-share&fbclid=IwAR3OuCM7fASHjkoVV56Ch7tAC5JmnhEdnpupSBjrYd9J_7iV9WD8lNA9nJc
  13. Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy From the author’s bio on Amazon: As a consequence of my interest in the Middle East, I obviously did a lot of reading on the topic. I discovered back in the mid to late 1980's that there was one aspect of U.S. Middle East policy that was hardly explored at all in most published material on the subject. That was the fact that John F. Kennedy was engaged in a secret behind the scenes war with Israel, over Israel's drive to build nuclear weapons of mass destruction. As we all know, nuclear weapons of mass destruction were at the center of the war against Iraq and certainly at the center of the intended war by the Zionist and their bought and paid for politicians in America. That is the subject of their drive for war against Iran. So as I began to explore — I was always interested in the Kennedy assassination, being interesting in politics — I began to see that all the published works on the Kennedy assassination, there was never anything mentioned about JFK's war with Israel. https://www.amazon.com/Final-Judgment-Missing-Assassination-Conspiracy/dp/0974548405/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Final+Judgment&qid=1555181762&s=books&sr=1-1
  14. From the Jerusalem Post, 1/23/63: "The [US] Government hopes aid to Israel can soon be terminated, it was revealed yesterday by President Kennedy's new foreign ...aid director. . . In New York, the Wall Street Journal noted the pro-Israel activities of a leading Washington lobbyist in an article on Senator J. W. Fulbright's forthcoming investigation of . . . foreign agents in Washington."
  15. Trump is "financially" compromised by Russia says ex-federal prosecutor https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-russia-mueller-report-1394575?fbclid=IwAR3j4FPTxu4f65qOEAGZSD6A7J4W_Bk47aSA8qtJqKIcLcOoAT6chxTkCyc
  16. Roger Stone pleads the Fifth to snub Senate document request https://www.politico.com/story/2018/12/04/roger-stone-fifth-amendment-1044597?fbclid=IwAR2I0EHUWmTQK_Svcq0URRpxzdKzZ9OMfDGsn7jkHguFk7JNksV_YvUv_uI
  17. Full Text (Photo Images) of Donald Trump Jr and Wikileaks Correspondence https://www.justsecurity.org/47063/full-text-donald-trump-jr-wikileaks-correspondence-dms/?fbclid=IwAR0WIgjJ0pPzIvInvwBDHL7s_NTb4JB7Nb_7lC1UKIPopGtCoZA2sxuKmmk
  18. Transcription of Tape Recorded Interview of Admiral Robert O. Welander by John D. Ehrlichman https://vital.tamuct.edu:8443/vital/access/manager/Repository/vital:2429?site_name=Texas+A%26M+University-Central+Texas&exact=sm_creator%3A"Ehrlichman%2C+John"&sort=sort_ss_title%2F&fbclid=IwAR19m5_X_qb9KVJgwUsJqhKaE-DZjI2djfGhIImUliHCWhcOeaxA5v15_4U
  19. The JFK Brain Mystery https://www.fff.org/2017/03/29/jfk-brain-mystery/?fbclid=IwAR0zfTJ01VhfXwrHFPeKraHt8C01-v7BbrLRX9gaWcLB5zP6LbYBgCVjQGg
  20. Roger Stone writes an article claiming he will be vindicated: https://spectator.us/roger-stone-will-vindicated/
  21. Order the PDF E-VERSION of “garrison.: The Journal of History & Deep Politics” https://midnightwriternews.com/order-the-pdf-e-version-of-garrison-the-journal-of-history-deep-politics/ Why should you read the first issue of garrison? * You want to challenge the historical establishment and the textbook conglomerates that control information today * Lisa Pease on “Why the CIA Killed RFK” * Jim DiEugenio on President John Kennedy and the Middle East * Jim Hougan on G. Gordon Liddy and the Washington Post * The first printing of a 2005 interview Kenn Thomas did with John Judge re: 9/11 * Joseph Green on “Ted Kennedy, Richard Nixon, and Chappaquiddick” * William Davy on Jim Garrison * Keith Harmon Snow on Rwanda * Donald Jeffries on government-sponsored human experimentation * Caitlin Johnstone on fighting establishment narratives * S.T. Patrick on a possible assassination attempt on JFK in Springfield, IL. * Richard Bartholomew on the Deep Political Realities of 2020 * Randy Benson on his first trip to a JFK conference and what it means today * Professor David Denton on William Harvey * Walt Brown on The Warren Omission * Emma Best on Ramparts magazine vs the FBI * Nicholas Levis on 9/11, Condi Rice, and Phillip Zelikow * Douglas Horne and S.T. Patrick on the November 30, 1941 Hilo Tribune Herald “Warning” * A letter to the editor from Kenn Thomas of Steamshovel Press
  22. Mueller says searches yielded evidence of Roger Stone-WikiLeaks communications https://www.cnbc.com/2019/02/16/mueller-searches-yielded-evidence-of-stone-wikileaks-communications.html
  23. Ron: Send an email to the address below and recount how you paid your $15 via Pay Pal and could not find the Note. Then supply your mailing address. midnightwriternews@gmail.com Hope this works for you. Doug
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