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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Bernardo de Torres: The Gusano Who Killed the JFK Witnesses https://www.scribd.com/document/194675885/Bernardo-de-Torres-The-Gusano-Who-Killed-the-JFK-Witnesses?fbclid=IwAR2Gdj2TVzAhJByBoGp-0cMTs3RrmBXM2FBSqPoPioMKWEIbmfvEsK19qtA
  2. Reassessing Watergate with Geoff Shepard Part One https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-102-reassessing-watergate-with-geoff-shepard/ Park Two https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-108-reassessing-watergate-with-geoff-shepard-part-two/?fbclid=IwAR3cjDs9EjjS8LEwcuGob_CgMxbdeU8hXztOBt4qjcidaO6wg19uf7pMGSA
  3. Well written and informative article even it one is not a fan of Roger Stone: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/broward/article2766816.html?fbclid=IwAR2B9SxU1wfNeoX7B_NdWYON3H63gaUSC7fWoNY8c7Kf8S2ZxnxkE4tDB9w
  4. Who Killed JFK? - David Talbot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEEsddcHBmE&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR3sia4DqslUBim0JT1ofHnnC2ViACOZgo10jtASgy9YrFNZUurkvgsFAig
  5. JFK Assassination Panel with Roger Stone and Jim DiEugenio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekxtNaL1Tsk&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3VQuLMEC14oXODxAvbUDI0WQj20VeBD3MJM4xaOZwqHMgLkkHUrvMVqJ8
  6. https://spartacus-educational.com/COLDbayofpigs.htm?fbclid=IwAR1YB-5qVL5JOqlMW_q1o-43p6tMUJ-DCykGRIrEp2ilGY1BTr54MCHZitM
  7. Stone may or may not have a gun in his home but according to an article in The New York Times Trump carries one on his person: Trump and Cohen Received Gun Licenses in Exchange for Favors, Former Police Official Alleges By Ashley Southall Jan. 24, 2019 The New York Times President Trump, his eldest son, and his former lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, were among a roster of rich and powerful people who received gun licenses from the New York Police Department in return for special favors, a former lieutenant has claimed in court papers. The former lieutenant, Paul Dean, said the men received permits to carry guns in New York City without the proper paperwork after donating to two charities with close ties to the department. They were among a list of other well-connected people who Mr. Dean said benefited from a “systematic culture of corruption” that stretched from the department’s gun licensing division to the upper echelons of the department.
  8. From the article: For many, Friday’s arrest of Roger Stone, the veteran political trickster and longtime adviser to Donald Trump, was a sign that the special counsel investigation into Russian electoral interference is entering its final phase. Yet there were also several indications that the probe may not be as near its conclusion as many observers assume — and that the true target of Friday’s F.B.I. actions was not Mr. Stone himself, but his electronic devices. Mr. Stone’s early-morning arrest at his Florida home unsurprisingly dominated coverage, but reports also noted that federal agents were “seen carting hard drives and other evidence from Mr. Stone’s apartment in Harlem, and his recording studio in South Florida was also raided.” The F.B.I., in other words, was executing search warrants, not just arrest warrants. Even the timing and manner of Mr. Stone’s arrest — at the absolute earliest moment allowed under federal rules of criminal procedure without persuading a judge to authorize an exceptional nighttime raid — suggests a concern with preventing destruction of evidence: Otherwise it would make little sense to send a dozen agents to arrest a man in his 60s before sunrise. The indictment itself — which charges Mr. Stone with witness tampering, obstruction of justice and false statements to Congress — takes little imagination to translate into a search warrant application, and also hints at what Robert Mueller might be looking for. In describing the lies it alleges Mr. Stone told a House committee, the document places great emphasis on Mr. Stone’s denial that he had any written communications with two associates — associates with whom he had, in fact, regularly exchanged emails and text messages. That’s precisely the sort of behavior one might focus on in seeking to convince a recalcitrant judge that an investigative target could not be trusted to turn over documents in response to a subpoena, requiring the more intrusive step of seizing Mr. Stone’s devices directly. Of course, as the indictment also makes clear, the special counsel has already managed to get its hands on plenty of Mr. Stone’s communications by other means — but one seeming exception jumps out. In a text exchange between Mr. Stone and a “supporter involved with the Trump Campaign,” Mr. Mueller pointedly quotes Mr. Stone’s request to “talk on a secure line — got WhatsApp?” There the direct quotes abruptly end, and the indictment instead paraphrases what Mr. Stone “subsequently told the supporter.” Though it’s not directly relevant to his alleged false statements, the special counsel is taking pains to establish that Mr. Stone made a habit of moving sensitive conversations to encrypted messaging platforms like WhatsApp — meaning that, unlike ordinary emails, the messages could not be obtained directly from the service provider. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/26/opinion/roger-stone-indictment-mueller-investigation.html
  9. I wonder how the other convicts in prison will react in the communal shower when they see a picture of Nixon on Roger Stone's back.
  10. The White House says that the arrest of Roger Stone today on seven criminal counts has nothing to do with Trump and with Russia. However, this is the first indictment of Stone. There will be most likely a subsequent one of him (and others) linking him and (others) to Trump and Russia. The first shoe has dropped. Wait for the second one to drop in the not too distant future. At least one legal expert believes that this first indictment does indirectly link Trump: https://www.rawstory.com/2019/01/stone-indictment-appears-point-finger-trumps-direct-involvement-wikileaks-dumps-cnns-toobin/
  11. John Newman wrote on Facebook yesterday: What is still on my mind is the ending--the last six paragraphs-- of "Into the Storm": The formula used at that meeting on behalf of the Kennedys was not a direct affront to Lemnitzer’s plans for war in Cuba. But the reprimand of Lansdale put the ball firmly in Lemnitzer’s court. He understood what he had to do. And so, Lemnitzer put his Operation Northwoods on the table two weeks later, on 13 March 1962. In Chapter Fourteen, I discussed the morally depraved details of Lemnitzer’s plan—sinking an American ship, attacking Miami, Washington and other American cities, and blaming it all on Cuba. Three days later, Kennedy and Lemnitzer met face-to face with, perhaps, a half dozen other officers. It is very difficult to find a formal memo of the discussion in that meeting. We do have a brief handwritten note authored by Deputy Under Secretary of State U. Alexis Johnson who witnessed the event: "The president also expressed skepticism that, in so far as can now be foreseen, circumstances will arise that would justify and make desirable the use of American forces for overt military action. It was clearly understood no decision was expressed or implied approving the use of such forces although contingency planning would proceed." However, as this volume went to press, I discovered a memorandum indicating that a blunt rebuke of Lemnitzer by JFK took place. I will discuss that memo further in Volume IV. Here, as a career U.S. Army officer, I am compelled to speak my mind. I speak for myself and will leave other officers of the American Armed Forces to their own counsel in this matter. General Lemnitzer betrayed his country and his oath of office to protect and defend its constitution. U.S. Army Major General Joseph Alexander McChristian, perhaps the finest Army intelligence officer ever to wear the uniform, was once asked what it means to lie about the enemy in a time of war. He spoke for what is in my heart when he replied, “It jeopardizes not only the lives of the soldiers on the battlefield, but also the future liberty of your people at home.” ****************************** As the moment of maximum danger in the Cuban Missile Crisis approached, the president finally got around to firing Lemnitzer. On 1 October 1962, Kennedy installed General Maxwell Taylor as the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The choice of Taylor, as events turned out, was a very bad mistake. Taylor would end up working secretly with other senior officers to subvert President Kennedy’s order to begin the withdrawal of U.S. military advisors from Vietnam. The ship of the brothers Kennedy was sailing headlong into the winds of war. Though they might still stop it in Cuba, war was coming nonetheless. The miraculous conclusion of the Cuban Missile Crisis would be short-lived. It was only an intermission—much like the passing eye of a huge hurricane. At the moment, for me—save for the steadily building hatred for the Kennedy brothers and the metamorphosing CIA plots to assassinate Castro—what lies on the other side of that intermission is mostly dark. But a saying John Kennedy was wont to quote comes to mind: Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh in vain. [Psalm 127:1] —Remarks prepared [undelivered] for speech at the Trade Mart Dallas, Texas, 22 November 1963
  12. Abraham Bolden wrote on Facebook yesterday: Pardon Request Update After having been denied a pardon under Presidents Nixon and President Clinton, in the year 2015, I filed again during the presidency of Barack Obama. President Obama never responded to the Petition for Pardon Due to Innocence nor did any person from his office reply to me personally. I also solicited the aid of the Congressional Black Caucus to no avail. After President Trump took office, a letter was written to the president and in June, 2018, President Trump ordered an investigation into my petition. I have been interviewed by the FBI and several of my references and college friends have been interviewed. Background checks and neighborhood interviews have also been concluded by the FBI. There has been no final decision; however I am hopeful that president Trump will act favorably and grant the petition.
  13. John Newman wrote on Facebook yesterday: I want to thank all of my research associates and friends who helped me with this book. I consider it to be the most difficult of all of the volumes so far in this series. In particular I want to thank Bobby Kennedy, Jr. for his generous endorsement: Major John Newman has crafted a groundbreaking work that finally illuminates the dark places where democracy goes to die. Using formerly classified CIA and Military Intelligence documents, Newman -- a twenty-year veteran intell...igence officer -- here exposes the now undeniable involvement of high-level military and intelligence officials in the assassination of my uncle, President John F. Kennedy. Major Newman is a brilliant and meticulous historian and sleuth from whom secrets cannot seem to hide. Newman is the ultimate patriot; devoting his life to righting the treacherous wrongs committed by clandestine spy agencies against our country and revealing existential truths about our national values. By patient parsing, he here exposes the momentous official lies that for fifty years have been corroding the heart of American idealism. —Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., President, Waterkeeper Alliance, author of American Values, Lessons I Learned from My Family. Thanks also to Peter Dale Scott for this endorsement: Using analytic techniques from his days in Army Intelligence, Newman collates and overlays disparate covert narratives to provide an unmatched overview of his explosive topic: how interagency intrigues have helped obscure our understanding of the JFK assassination. The result is a fresh perspective on many other major events of Kennedy’s curtailed presidency. I have to say that I was so deeply moved by Chapter One, about the Blue Bomb and the 1960 election, that I am almost shaking. The events themselves are very powerful, but so is Newman’s narration (including the last line) -- all wonderful! Future serious historians will have to deal with this masterful book. —Peter Dale Scott is the author of Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, The War Conspiracy, The Road to 9/11, American War Machine, The American Deep State. Dallas ’63, and Poetry and Terror. Volume III is now available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/172264897X/ref=sr_1_2…
  14. Robert Morrow wrote yesterday about the New Yorker article: "By 1940 Lyndon Johnson had become the Money Man in Congress thanks to funneling money from his Texas oil men to other Democratic congressmen. By November, 1963 these wealthy men were on the verge of having their decades' long investment in Lyndon Johnson, who protected and enriched them in so many ways, utterly destroyed by the Kennedys. "Amazingly, Robert Caro with all his Pulitzers and book awards can't figure out who put a bullet into JFK's head and why in Dallas. "However his articles on LBJ are useful. His latest is "The Secrets of Lyndon Johnson's Archives:"
  15. The Secrets of Lyndon Johnson’s Archives https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/01/28/the-secrets-of-lyndon-johnsons-archives
  16. New Film Footage of Jack Ruby Surfaces https://www.dmagazine.com/frontburner/2017/12/new-film-footage-of-jack-ruby-surfaces/?fbclid=IwAR1YWQy2cmr_clVoymm2Ny0-BJ4lpO7ooTIe0mGrQjDP9weLEJsWv7U_nLc
  17. Robert: Bill Buckley was aerodyte. The multitude of guests of all persuasions that he had on his Firing Line program shows that he was at ease in discussing any number of subjects. I suspect now that the modern Conservative Movement has been taken over lock stock and barrel by psychopaths, sociopaths, opportunists and traitors that he would aghast and would find nothing in common with these deplorables.
  18. Alan Dale Interviews Joan Mellen on the Subject of “Blood In The Water” http://joanmellen.com/wordpress/2019/01/09/alan-dale-interviews-joan-mellen-on-the-subject-of-blood-in-the-water/
  19. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/watchdog/2018/11/19/jfks-assassin-shot-husband-wants-buried?fbclid=IwAR0pRpKiAwPDhJMDcs64aB7hdsSbpbmzVGOUK1qB3QnFWrQ25M2PnItSvRo [This article posted for informational purposes]
  20. Lee Harvey’s Legacy https://www.texasmonthly.com/politics/lee-harveys-legacy/?fbclid=IwAR0VZhVNSX9w-8p2uDih98q3-0lOuE6PbaOU8G5-k6M_GeXzty-Rq8uKe4A
  21. Quote from post that opened this thread: "Buckley didn't believe him; takes it as a version of what he heard Hunt told attorney (and active member here) Douglas Caddy -- that it was a UFO thing. WFB thinks this is yet another piece of disinformation, and doesn't want to be associated with such a topic." Too bad that my close friend, William F. Buckley, Jr., with whom I founded the Conservative Movement in the 1950s and 60s, did not live long enough to see credible persons and entities embrace the idea of the possibility of UFOs and the Alien Presence. I feel certain that Buckley would have enjoyed talking with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii about their arranging for the Pentagon to open up a research project into the subject. Then there are the front page articles in The New York Times in the past year that injects credibility into the topic of UFOs and the Alien Presence. Now comes along The New Yorker magazine with an interview of a Harvard University astronomer who talks about the possibility that Earth was recently visited by an Alien object. https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-new-yorker-interview/have-aliens-found-us-a-harvard-astronomer-on-the-mysterious-interstellar-object-oumuamua?fbclid=IwAR1vL22HpzWn_Axtsa7KzOcM7qMSp56GP_VUpjQ4ee06TT2cZsDGehXQbqY
  22. I typed into Goggle "New York Times article on Blue Book Project" and the following link appeared. Hope it works for you this time. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/15/arts/television/project-blue-book-history-true-story.html
  23. Cyril Wecht shreds 'nonsense' JFK single-bullet theory for Fox Chapel Area students https://triblive.com/local/foxchapel/14511026-74/cyril-wecht-shreds-nonsense-jfk-single-bullet-theory-for-fox-chapel-area-students
  24. After reading this story in today's New York Times, one has to wonder if the Times has cast its lot with those who believe in UFOs and the Alien Presence. JFK was informed about the matter even before he became president. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/15/arts/television/project-blue-book-history-true-story.html
  25. David Talbot wrote on Facebook today: As I was saying.. You might be wondering where the hell I've been for the past couple of weeks. I've been working hard with a group of prominent Americans on a major joint statement that is aimed at reopening the assassination cases of President Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy -- those four titanic acts of political violence in the 1960s that disastrously changed the course of American history. Over 60 leading citizens have signed the statement so far -- it's a very impressive list and you'll be surprised by some of the names. You too will have a chance to add your name to this historic petition. The joint statement will be released on Sunday, the day before Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
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