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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Yes, and if anyone cannot figure why, then that person lacks the grasp of how the world really works. Why would I disclose my source to the doubters in this forum when doing so would lead to destruction of his career? Hello....
  2. Buy this new book and read about JFK and the Alien Presence https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-presidents-and-ufos-larry-holcombe/1119182784
  3. Here is an update on this topic: On April 5, 2018, a team of intelligence agents entered the White House and went directly to the library where Nixon's Message to the American People about the Alien Presence was hidden. Using thermal imaging they found it. The Message was hidden in the binder of Volume 2 of American History. The envelope on its outside bore Nixon's handwriting that said, "To be opened in the 2018." The Message did not contain the all-important formula/code that had been developed by scientists at Los Alamos working with a friendly Alien from Niburu (Planet X) who since his arrival on Earth (circa 1952) was under the protection of the American Government. Only Nixon's letter that he gave to Robert Merritt to deliver to Henry Kissinger in 1972 contained the two lines in red ink that spelled out the formula/code. In reality a high intelligent scientist could take the formula/code and from that could write a book that explained its full meaning. Nixon told Merritt that the formula/code would be used for good or for evil. If used for evil it ultimately would lead to destruction of the Earth. If used for good it could lead to benefits for mankind that stagger the mind, such as the cure of all diseases. The question now is how will President Trump use his possession of Nixon's Message? He most likely is attempting to figure out a strategy that would save him and his family members (and others) from being prosecuted for a variety of crimes based on evidence now in the hands of prosecutor Robert Mueller. Could Trump use Nixon's Message in a public announcement to declare that in order to deal with the Alien Presence he was declaring national martial law under a military dictatorship? This could stop Mueller in his tracks. Who know what Trump, one of the most evil persons in history, is planning? Or will the Deep, Deep State (the successor to Majestic 12) take steps to prevent him from disclosure as it did JFK?
  4. Joe: The possibility exists that if Nixon's Message to the American People is found in the White House and Trump becomes aware of this, he will use its discovery in ways to save his presidency that now is doomed because of his treason and corruption. Nixon's Message does not contains the all important formula or code. Only his letter to Kissinger contained that. Nixon's Message is the formal announcement of the Alien Presence and our planet's interaction with it. If the formula or code were to somehow fall into Trump's hands or into the hands of someone as evil as he is, then it would be used for the enslavement of every inhabitant on Earth and not for the good of mankind. Nixon warned Kissinger about this in his letter to him.
  5. John Newman posted this on Facebook today: In November 2017 at the Lancer conference in Dallas, and again in March 2018 at the conference in San Francisco, I gave a presentation on Antonio Veciana and his claim that Bishop/Phillips recruited and trained him in Havana beginning in mid-1960. In Volume III, ("Into the Storm") coming at the end of 2018, there are a least two major chapters on the Veciana story about his relationship with David Phillips. The attached chart is worth studying; it speaks volumes about Veciana's story and how poorly our research community handled the alleged recruitment in Cuba over several decades (the person who noticed was Cuban intelligence chief, Fabian Escalante, in 1995). I am releasing this chart now because it takes a few months just to begin understanding its ramifications. I hope you enjoy working through them.
  6. Joe: I was given permission to disclose that the search took place under the condition that the source of the permission not be disclosed in my doing so. As to the veracity of the source based on the years of his experience I would give him a ten out of a ten. This is not the first time he has been helpful (and accurate.)
  7. I listened to the show also. it was great. Donald is one of the best guests who make encore appearances on coasttocoastam. He has a tremendous grasp of the essence of a multitude of issues and controversies and his delivery is always flawless. He is a great credit to our forum.
  8. Joe: I do not know at this time whether they found the document. There is a chance that I shall learn this later. They used a copy of Richard Nixon's signature to look for the document using thermal imaging. Once they found a document bearing his signature then they examined it to see if it was the one being sought. My guess is that the Intelligence Community first queried Kissinger as to whether he believed Merritt's claim had substance or was a hoax. He most likely responded with a "no comment," which in essence was a form of saying there was something to the claim's validity. Nixon gave Kissinger the all important formula or code 46 years ago via the letter that the president enlisted Merritt to deliver to him, which he did. Who knows what Kissinger has done with this information in the interim period. Doug
  9. Status report on President Nixon’s Message to the American People hidden in the White House Here is a recent strange Snopes report the subject. Much of it deals with an article from The National Enquirer about Jackie Gleason and Nixon, something never even mentioned by Robert Merritt in the Dark Journalist interview of February 15, 2018. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nixon-alien-life-time-capsule/ A highly placed confidential source made contact on Friday to report that on Thursday, April 5, a team of intelligence agents entered the White House and proceeded directly to the library where the Message was hidden. They spent three hours searching for it using a thermal imaging machine that can see through walls. This search would only have been done if the Intelligence Community had concluded that there was veracity to the interview of Robert Merritt. It is not known of President Trump was even aware of that the search took place. A second copy of the Message is hidden in the Library of Congress. That building is so huge and complex as to make any type of a search for the document there impractical and fruitless.
  10. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/release-remaining-jfk-assassination-documents-now-required-law
  11. Reinvestigating the RFK and MLK Assassinations at 50 The 17th Annual Forensic Science and Law Symposium May 2 – 4, 2018 Duquesne University Pittsburgh, PA A three-day national symposium re investigating the assassinations of Senator Robert F. Kennedy and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. on the occasion of the upcoming 50th anniversaries of those history-altering events will be held from May 2-4 at Duquesne University. The conference organized by the university-affiliated Cyril H. Wecht Institute for Forensic Science will feature the noted forensic pathologist Dr. Wecht along with many other experts on the assassinations. Confirmed speakers include: Thomas N. Noguchi, M.D Former Chief Medical Examiner, Los Angeles County Autopsist of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy William F. Pepper, Esq., Ed.D. Appellate Attorney for Sirhan Sirhan Former Attorney for James Earl Ray Paul Schrade Former RFK Presidential Campaign Aide Shooting Victim and Witness Philip Van Praag Acoustic Evidence Expert Co-Author, An Open & Shut Case Cyril H. Wecht, M.D., J.D. Forensic Pathologist, Author and Educator
  12. Judyth Baker posted the following on Facebook yesterday:: Am pleased to announce that THE 6TH ANNUAL JFK ASSASSINATION CONFERENCE will be held Nov. 16-17-18 at the Doubletree-Hilton in Dallas. 31 experts, researchers ...and witnesses will bring you "The Final Verdict" on the real killers of the Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King, plus much more! Tickets are now available at JFKDallasconference.com By getting your Early Bird tickets now, you'll also enjoy some VERY SPECIAL PRIVILEGES. You'll not only save some money, but you'll have a reserved seat in the best section of the ballroom, and when you arrive, you'll receive a free copy of our special CONFERENCE EDITION of "KENNEDY & OSWALD: THE BIG PICTURE" (while supplies last... this book retails at $24.95!). You'll see and hear the evidence and the testimonies that should have made "The Final Verdict” quite different in the murders of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Last year’s “Mock Trial” of Lee Oswald in Houston did not allow important evidence to be presented, resulting in a hung jury. At this conference, you will see the evidence that a fair and unprejudiced Grand Jury would have seen for each case in turn. Our witnesses, researchers, experts and investigators will be tasked to present the kind of evidence that would be acceptable to a Grand Jury. Few people realize that had Lee Oswald survived, a Grand Jury very likely would never have let him go to trial: there was too much evidence of his innocence to do so! Some statements will be in the form of depositions, with you as living witnesses. t For far too long, evidence defending the innocence of Lee Harvey Oswald and others accused of these murders has been improperly presented, almost at random. This time, enjoy a feast of facts that can be shared with the most skeptical of your friends and loved ones. Thousands of once-secret records have now been released, but most remain redacted and censored. Further, the government and media have purposely misinterpreted many of them. Learn the truth: murder, treason and cover-up changed our government and America forever, but we still have time, before all our witnesses and experts leave this world behind, to hear their words and record them for history. What we will be doing this November can change everything. Be part of it! JFK told us, “One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.” OUR SPEAKERS TBA (See Speaker’s Page for more info!) Meeting in a new and better hotel! Learn more about the DoubleTree Dallas Market Center Hotel (A limited number of rooms at the special group rate have been reserved, which you can access using the ‘Hotel’ tab). Purchase your conference tickets and Speakers Dinner tickets under “Register.” SEE YOU AT THE CONFERENCE! https://jfkdallasconference.com/
  13. DC 'Big Event' Boosts Pressure To Disclose Suppressed JFK Records http://www.justice-integrity.org/1461-dc-big-event-boosts-pressure-to-disclose-suppressed-jfk-records
  14. http://www.pressdemocrat.com/news/8118362-181/michael-paine-debated-politics-with
  15. How the emergency room where JFK died was demolished and has been stored in a secret underground bunker for DECADES http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2330674/Kennedy-assassination-How-emergency-room-JFK-died-demolished-stored-secret-underground-bunker-years.html#ixzz59aKO6Lx7
  16. Testimony of Walter J. Sheridan https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32202441.pdf Please read his pertinent testimony starting on page 17
  17. Oswald’s Bulgarian Connection: The Spas Raikin Papers https://www.hoover.org/news/oswalds-bulgarian-connection-spas-raikin-papers
  18. From my autobiography "Being There: Eyewitness to History" that will be published on March 28th: I saw Howard Hunt only three times during the Watergate case. The first was when he came to my residence in Washington on June 17, 1972, at 3:35 a.m. after he had telephoned me from his White House office a half hour earlier. At that meeting he explained what had happened at Watergate and retained me as his attorney to represent him and the five arrested burglars. The second time I saw Howard was at the funeral of his wife, Dorothy, in December 1972, after she had died in a mysterious plane crash at Midway Airport in Chicago. I am not alone in thinking that Dorothy was killed after Howard made this recorded threatening phone call demanding “hush” money to Charles Colson in the White House in November 1972 once Nixon was re-elected: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwNYgiVv-rs. Howard thought so too. In the wake of Dorothy’s death, he called his four children together and told them that he was going to plead guilty at the upcoming Watergate trial in January. He said to them that he was afraid that if he did not do this, they would be killed next. When he pleaded guilty the next month all the work that I had done on his behalf to protect the attorney privilege that led to my being held in contempt and jailed by Judge Sirica was dropped down a memory hole as the Watergate case mushroomed. The third and last time I saw Howard was in early 1975 when he telephoned and invited me to join him at a dinner. He said that he would soon enter prison to serve his sentence for Watergate and that he wished to express his appreciation for my legal representation of him in the case. Even though I had been Howard’s attorney before Watergate broke, we legally had not been able to have a conversation once I was served with a “forthwith” subpoena to appear before the grand jury by Prosecutor Silbert on June 28, 1972, after which my role evolved into being a voluntary witness for the seven defendants and an involuntary witness for the prosecution. But now the case was over and we could talk. Hunt and I chose the Yenching Palace, a popular Chinese restaurant, as our place for dinner in 1975. When the restaurant went out of business in 1997, the Washington Post published an article, “Five Decades of Secrets to Go” because so many important decisions had been reached inside it, including the U.S. representative and his Soviet Union counterpart agreeing over dinner to settle the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. As our dinner progressed I wanted to ask Howard some basic questions about Watergate but sensed that he would be reluctant to answer these. I prefaced my remarks to him by saying that Watergate could lead ultimately to the destruction of Western Civilization. I believe this to this day. Watergate, along with the Kennedy assassination and 9/11, were steps that hastened the decline of Western Civilization and could usher in the future Empire of Chinese Civilization. Howard showed no emotion when I said this. Nevertheless I pressed forward and asked him, “Why did the burglars go into the DNC?” After a pause he said, “I told them to photograph any piece of paper that had numbers on it.” This was obviously a ridiculous answer, so I said, “Come on now, Howard. You cannot get away with that. Think of all that I have gone through on your behalf as well for the burglars.” Howard merely shrugged his shoulders and did not respond. “Well,” I said, “As you know I was a witness at McCord’s and Liddy’s trial and when I was on the witness stand I saw a long table in front of me that was covered with what looked like wiretapping equipment and other electrical things. Didn’t the burglars go into the DNC to fix a defective bug left there from a previous break-in?” After a moment Howard nodded his headed affirmatively while remaining silent in a way that I took it to be assent. After a long pause I then asked, “There was a lot of publicity about a prostitution ring being operated out of the DNC. In fact, another prostitution ring was uncovered on Capitol Hill a few weeks before the DNC break-in in which the book of clients had been recovered. So didn’t you go back into the DNC to get the book of prostitution clients that was there?” Knowing the names of the clients of the rings could lead them to being compromised and subjected to blackmail. Again in response Howard merely nodded his head affirmatively while remaining silent, which I took to be assent. I pressed on, saying “Burglary of any sort is a serious criminal offense. While fixing a bug and getting a list of the clients of a prostitution ring are significant matters, they in no way could justify such a reckless break-in with so much at stake with Nixon’s re-election. There had to be a more important reason, a crucial one, for justifying the break-in.” Howard remained silent for an unsettling period of time and then answered slowly and reluctantly, “Well, there was such a reason. We believed there were important Cuban Government documents inside the DNC dealing with the Kennedy assassination.” It took me a moment mentally to absorb this startling revelation and then I asked, “Cuban Government documents dealing with the Kennedy assassination? What did the documents contain?” At this point Howard raised both his hands so that their palms were facing me and waved them from side to side. It was his way of ending our discussion about Watergate. It was obvious that the burglars were arrested before they could do any of their assigned tasks inside the DNC and there was no way of knowing if Cuban Government documents were there. So the rest of our dinner was devoted to discussing how his children would cope with their mother being dead and with his going into prison and also with my personal circumstances. After dinner and when we were outside the restaurant on the sidewalk I decided to make one more stab at learning what was behind Watergate. I asked Howard, “Why was Kennedy assassinated? What could have been in the Cuban Government documents on his assassination that was so important to justify a break-in?” Howard hesitated for a moment the replied, “Kennedy was assassinated because he was about to give our most vital secret to the Soviets.” Stunned at hearing this, I asked, “Our most vital secret? What was that?” Howard looked me in the eyes and declared, “The Alien Presence.” With that he shook my hand, turned and walked away. That was the last time I saw Howard although we did correspond subsequently and talk on the phone on a few occasions.” In 1975 at the time of the dinner I was not a student of the Kennedy assassination. Nor was I very familiar with Aliens and UFOs. Neither of these subjects was on my radar screen so to speak. So Howard’s parting comments did not register much with me although I did recognize because he had uttered them that they were significant and something to remember. It was not until 2006 when the JFK Assassination Topic of the Education Forum based in England started a members’ thread on me that I began to acquire detailed knowledge of JFK’s assassination. The forum’s thread was initiated because Billie Sol Estes, LBJ’s silent business partner and bagman, had told me in 1984 about LBJ being behind JFK’s assassination. It was also around that same time that I started listening to coasttocoastam on the radio each night whose moderator was the charismatic Art Bell. Many of its programs dealt with the circumstantial evidence of UFOs and Aliens. Only then did I start to connect the dots as to what Howard had told me forty years earlier.
  19. March 1, 2018 Tonight Part 1! Dark Journalist will be Appearing on Coast to Coast AM Radio on Thursday Night, March 1st to Go Deep Into Nixon's ET Time Capsule Hidden in the White House. He will showcase Robert Merritt's Exclusive Interview and Douglas Caddy's Historic Letter to the National Archives. Get Ready to Break the Wall of #UFO Secrecy with Linda Moulton Howe! https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2018/03/01 The program will discuss how the presidencies of both John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon were terminated because of their knowledge of and interaction with the Alien Presence.
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