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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Angleton, the evil mastermind of the CIA. Jeff Morley talks to Lew Rockwell. https://www.lewrockwell.com/podcast/james-jesus-angleton-ghost/
  2. Book: The Road Not Taken: Edward Lansdale and the American Tragedy in Vietnam https://www.amazon.com/dp/0871409410?_encoding=UTF8&isInIframe=0&n=283155&ref_=dp_proddesc_0&s=books&showDetailProductDesc=1#product-description_feature_div There is a rave review of this book in the weekend edition (Jan. 6-7) of the Wall Street Journal. Robert D. Kaplan, the reviewer, paints a glowing portrait of Lansdale's "sage" advice for winning the Vietnam War being ignored by the JFK administration. The lengthy review makes no mention of the allegation that Lansdale may have played a role in JFK's assassination, nor does the Amazon announcement of the book. I have not read the book, so I do not know if this subject is covered in it.
  3. Story of the Ex-Nazi Officer Who Masterminded the JFK Assassination http://aarclibrary.org/publication-spotlight-the-plot-to-kill-jfk-the-untold-story-of-the-ex-nazi-officer-who-masterminded-the-assassination/
  4. https://theintercept.com/2018/01/01/the-complex-legacy-of-cia-counterintelligence-chief-james-angleton/
  5. Assessing New JFK Records, Alec Baldwin's Slam Of NBC Cover-up http://www.justice-integrity.org/1441-assessing-new-jfk-records-alec-baldwin-s-slam-of-nbc-cover-up
  6. With more to come, new JFK documents offer fresh leads 54 years later https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/with-more-to-come-new-jfk-documents-offer-fresh-leads-54-years-later/ar-BBHsBob?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartanntp
  7. I don't know but clarifying information may be forthcoming from one or more sources.
  8. James Angelton interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTgneJQxCts&t=29s
  9. UPDATE FROM DAVID MIDDLETON: "There is a box set of DVD’s, I think I spent $65 maybe more of Jackie in which she was supposed to say that. Later I learned it was cut out of the interview. Needless to say, that PISSED me off! Plus, I bought it at the TSBD."
  10. Jackie believed Lyndon B. Johnson had John F. Kennedy killed https://www.irishcentral.com/news/jackie-kennedy-blamed-lyndon-b-johnson-for-jfk-murder-127220093-237788131?utm_source=zergnet.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=zergnet_1977478
  11. David Talbot posted this on Facebook on Dec. 24, 2017: Friends, I'm home from the hospital for Christmas -- and I'm very, very grateful to my wife Camille and sons Joe and Nat for making this possible. I also have to thank with all my heart the nursing staff and physical therapists at the Davies Hospital stroke center in San Francisco. They are a special team and, with their unique personalities and combination of traditional and holistic healing, they provided just the kind of care I needed. Finally, I must thank all of YOU -- ...my friends and fellow warriors -- for your mighty stream of love and support. I was read all of your messages, and they kept up my spirits, particularly in the darkest and loneliest hours at the hospital. My head cracked open on the evening of November 18. But because of you I've been filled with light and joy ever since. It's a hell of a way to learn of your sisters' and brothers' infinite capacity for grace and compassion, and I don't recommend it to anyone. I still have a long way to go, but with your help I'll get there one step at a time. -- David
  12. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/12/20/south-korean-dronebot-combat-team-could-target-kim-jong-un.html
  13. LEE HARVEY OSWALD COLOR 8MM HOME MOVIES 11-22-1962, ONE YEAR BEFORE JFK ASSASSINATION. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsrJ6a9rldU Two comments made on Facebook today underneath the YouTube link: John Kirsch: I've always been struck by the fact that the Oswalds' second daughter was only 33 days old on 11/22. This is one reason why I have difficulty believing Oswald shot JFK or Tippit. The bare facts of his life actually run counter to the official story, which wants us to believe Oswald was a hostile loner who wanted to make a big name for himself by killing the president. If you ignore this official story line, what you have is a veteran of the armed forces who was married (perhaps not all that happily), employed, albeit marginally, and had two young children to support. Plus there is the fact that Oswald never expressed any hostility toward Kennedy. To top it off you have the fact that he stood in front of cameras from all over the world and denied killing the president. Why did he do that if he wanted to make a big name for himself by killing Kennedy? What I end up with is a portrait of a man who was rooted in the world, perhaps in an uncertain way, and had no discerbible motive for killing JFK or anyone else. Joseph McBride: He was an FBI informant who had infiltrated the plot against Kennedy and was reporting on it without knowing he was being set up by the CIA and the FBI as the scapegoat. Dallas DA Henry Wade, a former FBI agent, revealed to me that the FBI had spoken with Oswald only a day or two before the assassination.
  14. Follow-up posting on Facebook by John Newman: "The problem was on the Create Space side. I am making a few small changes to the manuscript and the book will be pulled for a couple days after I approve it. It wasn't supposed to be pulled. And now that it has been we can't get it back until I approve the remaining changes. In the meantime, scammers are free to jump onto the Amazon site and tell you they can sell you the book for $1,000 when the truth is they can't sell the book until we sell it to them--it's really not available at all. So don't attempt to buy it until I let you know when it will be available for $29.99. I will post the errata sheet on FB at that time."
  15. "Do not attempt to buy Countdown to Darkness until I tell you to. Someone hacked Amazon and raised the price from 29.99 to $347. Amazon is trying to find out how it happened."
  16. Your summary is a great closing argument in a trial on whether Oswald did it or not and would convince an unbiased panel of jurors, who would then render an unanimous verdict.
  17. Joe: Your analysis hits home to a large degree but there are complicating factors. I really did not understand Howard until I saw the movie, "A Most Wanted Man", which is based on a John LeCarre story of a retired intelligence agent. Hunt was a veteran intelligence agent whose career started in the OSS in World War II. He was among the first employees of the CIA when the OSS was phased out. As far as Hunt having a large amount of cash in the bank'ssafe deposit box and more hidden inside his home, this strikes me as being a common occurrence among intelligence agents where untraceable and unaccounted government funds are made readily available for projects because "money is the easiest commodity", a phrase I heard Hunt use on more than one occasion. Has there ever been an audit of the CIA? https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=a+most+wanted+man+movie&view=detail&mid=C4B9CBCF2F8FA0C31DE3C4B9CBCF2F8FA0C31DE3&FORM=VIRE0&mmscn=tpvh&ru=%2fsearch%3fq%3da%2bmost%2bwanted%2bman%2bmovie%26form%3dPRUSEN%26pc%3dUE07%26mkt%3den-us%26httpsmsn%3d1%26refig%3d2e8679b9ccd54fedbb29b16a0041423f%26sp%3d2%26qs%3dAS%26pq%3da%2bmost%2bwanted%2b%26sk%3dAS1%26sc%3d8-14%26cvid%3d2e8679b9ccd54fedbb29b16a0041423f https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Most_Wanted_Man_(film
  18. More of the Reid interview: http://www.lasvegasnow.com/news/i-team-ufo-study-focused-on-us-military-encounters/885013955
  19. Interview of former Senator Reid: http://www.lasvegasnow.com/news/i-team-exclusive-sen-reid-discusses-ufo-study/883885259
  20. The arrival of JFK’s body at Bethesda Naval Hospital – eyewitness account https://ajmacdonaldjr.wordpress.com/2013/11/10/the-arrival-of-jfks-body-at-bethesda-naval-hospital-what-i-saw/
  21. The article is inaccurate in what is stated here. Both Hunt and Liddy remained free from arrest for four months after the burglars were arrested at Watergate June 17, 1972. They were indicted along with the burglars in September 1972 and immediately arrested then. For example, at the first Watergate trial in January 1973 I testified that Liddy came to the law firm where I worked on the Saturday after the arrests of the burglars on June 17 to confer about his case. At that time Hunt had disappeared and was in California because Dean had told Liddy to tell Hunt flee to Europe and a few hours later he changed this and Hunt was told to flee somewhere in the U.S.
  22. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/features/the-last-confession-of-e-howard-hunt-20070405
  23. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5190201/How-FBI-LOST-fingerprints-JFK-assassins-rifle.html
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