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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Thanks, Joe, for your emotionally moving reaction to what took place on that airplane as LBJ was sworn in as president. It sort of staggers the mind that there are scholars of the history of the assassination who are adamant to this day that LBJ had nothing to do with JFK's assassination.
  2. Billie sol in his autobiography "Billie Sol Estes: A Texas Legend," wrote that he believed that the deaths of Mac Wallace, Cliff Carter (LBJ's White House aide) and John Cofer (LBJ's and Estes' longtime attorney) were not natural. Apparently each of them knew too much about LBJ's criminal activities and LBJ's secret financial empire. Wallace died when his car suddenly veered of the road and hit an abutment, the same way that legendary U.S. Marshal Clint Peoples died. Both "accidents" occurred in Texas.
  3. In her book, “Faustian Bargains: Lyndon Johnson and Mac Wallace in the Robber Baron Culture of Texas,” Professor Joan Mellen goes to extraordinary shameful lengths to attack and darken the character of U.S. Marshal Clint Peoples, a truly great American whom I feel privileged to have known. Mellen’s book, nevertheless, is definitely worth reading to get an overall picture of what Texas was like when LBJ and his crooked cronies ruled the state unchallenged. Mellen focuses in her book on Malcolm (Mac) Wallace, whom Billie Sol asserted was a stone cold killer that LBJ used when necessary. In her book, Mellen writes, “Mac Wallace is a case in point, his history with Lyndon Johnson is a window into Johnson’s methods. Wallace’s story is so intriguing because, unlike other of Johnson’s acolytes, it is difficult to prove what he did for Lyndon Johnson and what Lyndon Johnson did, in turn, for him. More than any other of Johnson’s protégés and acolytes, Wallace’s connection to him remains cloaked in secrecy. “In the major events of Mac Wallace’s life, Lyndon Johnson remains invisible. Yet one truth is irrefutable. Everything that was positive and promising in Wallace’s life came to him before he made the acquaintance of Lyndon Baines Johnson and joined Johnson’s circle.”
  4. Joe, thank you for posting this incredible tape and for your incisive and perceptive commentary that precedes it. I am posting your Forum topic on my Facebook page so that it will reach a wider audience and also be permanently enshrined in my Facebook archive.
  5. FBI file reveals some of the secrets of Howard Hunt’s White House safe https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2018/jul/17/hunt-white-house-safe/ [This is posted here because Howard Hunt has been linked to the JFK assassination.]
  6. FBI and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad FOIA Redaction https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2018/jul/12/fbi-bad-redactions/ I am posting this here because of the references to Howard Hunt, a key figure in the JFK assassination
  7. Pew Research: Which President has done the best job in your lifetime? From the report: About one-in-ten adults (12%) say John F. Kennedy did the best job in office during their lifetimes. But Kennedy is named as the best or second best president by about a quarter of those who were alive during his presidency: 24% of Baby Boomers and 25% of those in the Silent Generation. http://www.people-press.org/2018/07/11/obama-tops-publics-list-of-best-president-in-their-lifetime-followed-by-clinton-reagan/
  8. From the article: The 2-to1 decision authored by Judge Brett Kavanaugh (a George W. Bush appointee and co-author of the Kenneth Starr report that published extensive details of the Monica Lewinsky affair), agreed with Justice Department and CIA lawyers that because the history volume was a "pre-decisional and deliberative" draft, its release would "expose an agency's decision making process in such a way as to discourage candid discussion within the agency and thereby undermine the agency's ability to perform its functions." https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/news/20140521/
  9. When I represented Billie Sol Estes in 1984 his era of being the King of the Wheeler Dealers was over after having served two prison terms. He told me that he merely wanted to set the public record straight of what had transpired between him and LBJ over decades. That I why I view the startling information that he gave in 1984 to the Justice Department in his quest for immunity and to the Robertson County (TX) grand jury in the Henry Marshall case a high degree credibility.
  10. https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/education/2018/07/06/marquette-professor-john-mcadams-prevails-academic-freedom-case/759800002/
  11. Joe: Yes, Merritt is still alive. I have no first hand information but my guess is that the grand jury's investigation may deal with national security matters and the authorities believe the witnesses who have been summoned, including Robert Merritt, may have knowledge pertinent to the grand jury's inquiry. Hence a gag order by the judge is entirely appropriate.
  12. Joe: In response to your question posed at the end of your comment above, Robert Merritt (the fellow who had the three meetings with President Nixon in 1972 at which Nixon disclosed the Message to the American People that he had hidden in the White House library) appeared before a grand jury recently in Washington but because of a gag order imposed by the judge nothing is known about the subject or any aspect of the grand jury investigation.
  13. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/03/fashion/jackie-kennedy-texas-packing-list.html
  14. Here is the coasttocoastam summary of the program: Clarification of the summary needs to be made that while I filed a formal complaint with Special Prosecutor Mueller about a year ago concerning the possible role of Roger Stone in the Trump/Russia collusion criminal case, the special prosecutor has never contacted me in any fashion in response to my filing the complaint. If indeed Roger Stone is indicted, only then will it be known whether my complaint was a factor in the decision to prosecute. https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2018/07/03
  15. Remarkable article. Should JFK be added to this list although of a later date? http://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-the-jfk-assassination-part-ii-who-did-it/
  16. From the article Among those who grow skeptical of establishment media verdicts, there is a natural tendency to become overly suspicious, and see conspiracies and cover-ups where none exist. The sudden death of a prominent political figure may be blamed on foul-play even when the causes were entirely natural or accidental. “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.” But when a sufficient number of such persons die within a sufficiently short period of years, and overwhelming evidence suggests that at least some of those deaths were not for the reasons long believed, the burden of proof begins to shift. Excluding the much larger number of less notable fatalities, here is a short list of six prominent Americans whose untimely passing during 1944-1949 surely evoked considerable relief within various organizations known for their ruthless tactics: Wendell Wilkie, lifelong Democrat nominated for President by the Republicans in 1940, Died October 8, 1944, Age 52, Heart attack. Gen. George Patton, highest-ranking American military officer in Europe, Died December 21, 1945, Age 60, Car accident. Harry Hopkins, FDR’s “Deputy President,” Died January 29, 1946, Age 55, Various possible causes. Harry Dexter White, Soviet agent who ran the Treasury under FDR, Died August 16, 1948, Age 55, Heart attack. Laurence Duggan, Soviet agent, Prospective Secretary of State under Henry Wallace, Died December 20, 1948, Age 43, Fall from 16th story window. James Forrestal, former Secretary of Defense, Died May 22, 1949, Age 57, Fall from 18th story window. I do not think that any similar sort of list of comparable individuals during that same time period could be produced for Britain, France, the USSR, or China. In one of the James Bond films, Agent 007 states his opinion that “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.” And I think these six examples over just a few years should be enough to raise the eyebrows of even the most cautious and skeptical. http://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-our-deadly-world-of-post-war-politics/
  17. Bernard Wilds' website of rare JFK research PDFs http://dealeyplazauk.org.uk/jfkrestore/ I am indebted to Robert Morrow for calling my attention to this valuable research resource.
  18. https://www.amazon.com/Being-There-Eye-Witness-History/dp/1634241142/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1529954011&sr=1-1&keywords=douglas+caddy
  19. Yes, this is the same person. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Unz
  20. American Pravda: The JFK Assassination – What Happened http://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-the-jfk-assassination-part-i-what-happened/
  21. RICHARD BARTHOLOMEW: THE DEEP STATE IN THE HEART OF TEXAS http://www.saysomethingrealpress.com/bartholomew.html
  22. From Playing with Fire by Lawrence O'Donnell. The moment Bobby Kennedy learned that his brother had been shot, he leapt into action: "[Upon learning that his brother John F. Kennedy had been shot,] almost immediately, out of his shocked, choked silence, Bobby started doing a lot of talking. In the next forty-five minutes at Hickory Hill, still not knowing his brother's fate, Bobby used the phones to circle the wagons. "Keeper of the president's secrets, steward of his reputation, Bobby, wearing sunglasses to hide the horror that was only just beginning to over­come him, did what he always did for President Kennedy. He started getting things done. "He called McGeorge Bundy, the national security adviser. He told Bundy to change the locks on JFK's White House files: the most impor­tant stuff was to be moved immediately to the national security office and put under guard. He called the Secret Service. They were to uninstall the secret Oval Office and Cabinet Room tape recorders. "At 2:30 p.m., [FBI director J. Edgar] Hoover called Bobby back. 'The President is dead.' Eight minutes later, the CBS anchorman Walter Cronkite announced that news to the nation. President Kennedy with his brother Robert, 1963 Who did it? As the awful day wore on, that became Bobby Kennedy's only question. Somehow his horror and overwhelming grief focused, in those early hours, on a desperate need to know. "The CIA. That was Bobby's first thought. He called John McCone, director of the CIA, and asked him to come over, right away. McCone ar­rived minutes later. Bobby wasted no time. He put the question directly to McCone. McCone was startled. Though he was director, he felt there were things about CIA activities that Bobby knew more about than he did. RFK had been deeply involved in covert activities, among them assassination attempts on Fidel Castro. Many in the CIA hated JFK; among other things there were rumors that he'd been planning to restructure the agency, dis­sipating its power. McCone was Roman Catholic. These two grieving men shared a language of faith, and they fell back on it now. The CIA director swore to Bobby Kennedy by everything they both held sacred, in fear of eternal damnation, that the CIA was innocent of the death of President Kennedy. Bobby believed him. "Certain Cubans were also on Bobby's list. There were Fidel Castro and his operators in Havana, of course. They had reason enough to kill JFK. JFK's operatives had tried to kill Castro. But there were also the anti­Castro Cuban exiles in the United States. They felt betrayed by JFK's withdrawal from the Bay of Pigs operation. A U.S. warship that the exiles had expected to support the invasion of Cuba had pulled out, leaving them stranded. And the FBI had received intelligence of threats against the president from exiled Cuban freedom fighters. "It was late afternoon now, and the Kennedy children were coming home from school. Bobby spent time hugging and comforting them. The radio reported the arrest in Dallas of Lee Harvey Oswald. Early news on Os­wald placed him with Cuban exiles who had been plotting against Castro in New Orleans. "Kennedy called Enrique Williams. Bobby was close to Williams, a leader of the Cuban exiles still hoping to invade Cuba and oust Castro. Williams was in D.C. that day, meeting at the Old Ebbitt Grill with his exile compadres. On the phone with Williams, Bobby was accusatory. " 'One of your guys did it,' he told Williams. "Williams denied all knowledge. Bobby hung up. The list was so long, so bewildering. There were Mafia kingpins with reasons to have JFK killed. Sam Giancana, the Chicago mobster, had shared a girlfriend with JFK. Bobby himself, as attorney general, had drawn Giancana's and others' ire by aggressive investigation into their activities. To Giancana's face, Bobby had compared the mobster's laugh to the sound of a little girl. "There was big labor, hardly above committing murder, often indistin­guishable from the racketeers that Bobby had spent so much time harass­ing and prosecuting. Jimmy Hoffa, the leader of the Teamsters, was on Bobby's suspect list that afternoon. But so was the Soviet regime. So was Lyndon Johnson. Any and all of them could sound plausible enough to keep the world guessing for the rest of the century. Hundreds of books would be written about what was driving Bobby Kennedy crazy that afternoon. Who killed JFK?" S Playing with Fire: The 1968 Election and the Transformation of American Politics Author: Lawrence O'Donnell Publisher: Penguin Press Copyright 2017 by E. B. Productions, Inc. Pages: 68-70
  23. https://whowhatwhy.org/2018/06/05/was-sirhan-hypnotically-programmed-to-assassinate-rfk/
  24. Rights Pioneer's Obit Prompts Disputes Over JFK Murder Half-Truths https://www.justice-integrity.org/1493-rights-pioneer-s-obit-prompts-disputes-over-jfk-murder-half-truths
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