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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Eyewitness captures Polaroid of moment JFK was shot https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/eyewitness-captures-polaroid-of-moment-jfk-was-shot?fbclid=IwAR3mSsjDdN0hlX1su23ee8aeMnc2phuylJo4Ua7I3G4e6rojuCbLge9kH1k
  2. MWN Episode 099 – Dallas 2018 Conference Review http://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-099-dallas-2018-conference-review/?fbclid=IwAR2_C0pKvn2UYo8iSoNa_ELFTtxMWLHRsKBkFDxznVtWDPAyi3-6Kp_Ejms
  3. History ties Oswald and Ferrie in Southeast Louisiana http://hlarledgebooks.com/2018/11/history-ties-ferrie-oswald-to-southeastern-louisiana/?fbclid=IwAR0TXEULWQA0YxQHOK09YQ_42fD2q9kHm8Deg7FXEcgfOYWn5gom8M5qY2g [This is being posted for informational purposes only]
  4. Vince Palamara 11/22/63--Secret Service agents Don Lawton and Henry Rybka beside the limousine
  5. Trump, JFK and the Deep State: Part Q https://www.lewrockwell.com/2018/11/no_author/trump-jfk-and-the-deep-state-part-q/ This opinion piece is mishmash. Nevertheless it is a worthwhile read. The author writes: “The Q phenomenon could be killed in an instant, in a very simple way. All President Trump has to do is tweet: “Q is not real. It’s not anyone connected to me.” Boom. Done. But he hasn’t done that, or anything like it, such as having a friendly journalist pitch the question to him. For whatever reason, he wants Q to continue. Why? And why is the media scared to ask him about it, especially if they’re so sure that it’s just a larp, but nonetheless oh so very dangerous?” Actually the Q phenomenon will soon be “killed in an instant , in a very simple way.” This is when Special Counsel Mueller unseals his 30-plus sealed indictments and releases his official report. The ground will shake under the feet of the Trump supporters whose ignorance of how the law functions will reveal what fools they have been.
  6. Rodney: I concur 100% with your opinion of the program. I was disappointed that the author of the new book, The Inheritance, did not provide much substance for thought in his presentation. Here is a summary of the program: https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2018/11/21
  7. On this day in 1963, President Kennedy departs Andrews AFB for Texas. "He will not return again to his house, nor will his place know him anymore." - Job 7:10
  8. John Birch Society sound recordings collection, circa 1953-1971 https://findingaids.library.emory.edu/documents/birch1261/ Note: Early in his presidency, JFK launched a concerted attack on the John Birch Society.
  9. MWN Episode 032 – Lee Harvey Oswald – A Life http://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-032-lee-harvey-oswald-a-life/?fbclid=IwAR3lbQzEzNpXXFTp4bRP__6qgq2_4Mfk-u0a6OQ-hi19UD5FQkxCUAcQOAQ
  10. Joe: My friend who has known Marina for years and who arranged the initial call between her and me earlier this year telephoned me today. He called on a totally unrelated matter that we are working on and I took the opportunity to call his attention to the current National Enquirer story. I am bound by my promise to Marina not discuss the substance of our two conversations. However, there may come a time when, while I cannot discuss the substance of our conversations, I may be able to disclose an action she took in recent years that astounded me and would cause the same reaction in you if it became known. Such disclosure may come about through the natural course of events. It could happen in the near future or maybe years away. I have no control over this.
  11. I had two telephone conversations with Marina this year. The first call was arranged by a mutual friend who has known her for many years. The second time was when she called me after seeing me being interviewed on the History Channel's Ancient Aliens. Our agreement is that I will never disclose the substance of our conversations. So the only thing that I can disclose at this time is that mentally she still possesses a keen mind and is quite interested in past and current public events.
  12. Here from coasttocoastam is a summary of last night's program, which I personally found convincing: https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2018/11/17
  13. The movie Unacknowledged also dovetails with the interview that I gave Dark Journalist in 2014 about what Howard Hunt told me at our dinner in Washington, D.C. in 1975 when I asked him why Kennedy was killed. This was a few months before he entered prison to serve his three and a half year sentence for Watergate. Hunt said Kennedy was killed because he was about to give our nation's most vital secret to the Soviet Union. When I then asked him what that was, he looked me in the eye and replied, "the Alien Presence" and shook my hand and turned and walked away. While we remained irregularly in phone and mail contact over the following decades, that was the last time I saw Howard. I repeated this historical account in my coasttocoastam interview this past July 3, 2018, that dealt with the content of my new autobiography, Being There: Eyewitness to History. As I told George Noory who interviewed me, this viewpoint is a minority one in the JFK assassination community as only the late Jim Marrs, Linda Mouton Howe and I believe it to be the real cause of JFK's death.
  14. David: Thank you for calling attention to this movie that I did not know had been released. It does appear to dovetail to Nixon's secret letter. I plan to view it in the near future. https://www.bing.com/search?q=the+movie+unacknowledged&form=PRUSEN&pc=UE07&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&refig=a437b3303ccc4cfc884409a312c4dc07&sp=1&qs=AS&pq=the+movie+unack&sc=2-15&cvid=a437b3303ccc4cfc884409a312c4dc07
  15. MWN Episode 034 – From Maury Island to JFK with Kenn Thomas http://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-034-from-maury-island-to-jfk-with-kenn-thomas/?fbclid=IwAR3s0ZSlQ6uL8ySaZ5NEHAmyClYoYlEMMsWb3iRdPC0gG7BFX6CMz013Eik
  16. MWN Episode 097 – JFK in Popular Culture http://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-097-jfk-in-popular-culture/?fbclid=IwAR3l-oQApNt-XLl7J3cMcleToGUa1Qmo5UB2-xIYkaJotRC7Xu7GCrx3w-c
  17. Joe: I received this email today from my sister who is a nurse, age 78 years, living near the Northern California fire. Your sister and niece can relate to what she writes about: I had been up very early trying to figure out how to get to Chico with all the road closures and not slept well. The HR person texted me a back roads route. I was part of a law enforcement small caravan as I got closer to Chico. Strange feeling to have everyone going the opposite direction from me. The smoke was thick and disorienting at times. The Enloe Hospital had 300 staff who lived and probably lost homes in the Paradise Camp Fire. I gather the previous night was more intense as the Feather River Hospital burned and patients were brought by helicopter and in cars of FR staff to Enloe. I was also called to go to Yuba City where staff of a credit union that had burned were brought there, but time wise did not work out. I did not realize the enormity of the loss until I got to the hospital. Town wiped out, including schools, etc The area smoke was strong enough at the hospital that some of the staff wore masks. Coming back I took the main highway 99 and found it was open though burned area was up to highway. The Feather River Canyon is beautiful but acted as as wind tunnel as fire went over the ridge. Moved too fast for many people to get anything. It was interesting to see the Command Center that was quickly set up at the hospital mainly for patients and staff, but anyone who called in needing help. Big white boards with list of evacuation shelters and other resources. Probably 15 people with phones and computers. Previous night they were on the phone with staff who were driving in with fire on both sides of road. Though I am somewhat close to the fire area as the crow flies, I feel very safe, especially being close to town and two fire stations within 2-3 miles. Ironically, I had given the PEO program two weeks ago on Critical Incident responders, first responders and the American Red Cross DAT -Disaster Activation Team. Also gave a list of what people needed to pull together in preparation for evacuation when there is a fire, based on my experience as the RN at ARC shelters- meds plus list of them, glasses, teeth and hearing aids (if needed) , important papers or thumb drive of them, comfortable shoes, change of clothes, cash ,credit cards, drivers license and keys, change of clothing, etc …Important to know how to manually open garage door as electricity will be off. Got good feedback on the program and list requested and sent out in email. Also learned that is good idea to have things in car when going to work in case of evacuation and not able to get home. Will send picture when I was up at the Redding Carr Fire at the multi-acre PG&E Base Camp. First day I was sent there after being at an Engineering firm where 2 employees had lost homes and had to figure out way to dress down. Nice shoes gave me away and next day, wore my gardening shoes and clothes using the PG&E colors as close as possible. Quite an experience in many ways- a whole new world. Was largest fire base camp in CA for that fire season. Learned a lot about organization for disasters and the companies that set up army-like camps quickly. Food excellent and in large quantity. Large truck trailers with sleeping and wifi for 30 in each, like a Pullman car. Everything well done. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/11/us/california-fire-paradise.html
  18. John Barbour wrote on Facebook yesterday: Mon. Nov 12th at 5pm pac time we were scheduled to do one of our most exciting amazing shows ever about the murder of JFK on johnbarboursworld on BBS Radio.... with TRINEDAY publishing icon and iconoclast KRIS MILLEGAN, and CHRISTOPHER FULTON author of the page turning thriller "THE INHERITANCE,' but the devastating fires in Paradise,CA, forced the evacuation of the whole area..which includes the homes of Don and Doug Newsom..and the offices of BBS Radio. We can only pray everyone and their property and pets are safe!!! Stay tuned!!
  19. https://www.facebook.com/midnightwriternewsshow/photos/a.1154822801327778/1518279324982122/?type=3&eid=ARBYADtTgRGKG6f1DMyzlYcu0GsXC_Os89pp8vubXNXS9pESbBA3x-kMlyCj8KH2Tu1Oi4ceEsj5S6y5
  20. MWN Episode 031 – Robert Groden and the JFK Assassination http://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-031-robert-groden-and-the-jfk-assassination/?fbclid=IwAR2NzIDcSmx5t8JKFPF07BcKFYkyc4wFy-k2VO1nDyoDlylgjGxElRE6uB4
  21. Watergate: CIA withheld data on double agent https://www.foxnews.com/politics/watergate-cia-withheld-data-on-double-agent
  22. MWN Episode 072 – Lisa Pease on The Life and Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy http://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-072-lisa-pease-on-the-life-and-assassination-of-robert-f-kennedy/?fbclid=IwAR0zWqcYnszAoW0l7d9gmQvvtH_zNXz0ZHdR4EaAEU05NakjdqYjR_8ERlI
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