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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. After reading this story in today's New York Times, one has to wonder if the Times has cast its lot with those who believe in UFOs and the Alien Presence. JFK was informed about the matter even before he became president. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/15/arts/television/project-blue-book-history-true-story.html
  2. David Talbot wrote on Facebook today: As I was saying.. You might be wondering where the hell I've been for the past couple of weeks. I've been working hard with a group of prominent Americans on a major joint statement that is aimed at reopening the assassination cases of President Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy -- those four titanic acts of political violence in the 1960s that disastrously changed the course of American history. Over 60 leading citizens have signed the statement so far -- it's a very impressive list and you'll be surprised by some of the names. You too will have a chance to add your name to this historic petition. The joint statement will be released on Sunday, the day before Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
  3. Thank you for making it possible that I can add my name to this important statement. Your project is a gallant call to action. Let us hope that it succeeds.
  4. Howard Hughes, the CIA and a mysterious ship in the Bay Area https://www.sfchronicle.com/chronicle_vault/article/Howard-Hughes-the-CIA-and-a-mysterious-ship-in-10176901.php?fbclid=IwAR0bZrGaz9FfBFSYvMwGADgUJAOamnwYpPr8Zxh8YXSQEBoRdz_d26h_tec
  5. https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKindex.htm?fbclid=IwAR3JKjo8UTU9wJtwsNr2Sv8mEgNvdxko6d725yJ-pGhxV9lzCLTv6JaQhME
  6. Retired NYPD Detective James Rothstein, who had access to intelligence files, told me that the brilliant and patriotic Forrestal was a pederast (the term employed in those days.) This was used by the Alpha Males in the top levels of government to destroy him. It was an era different from today. Since then there has been a successor who was also a fiercely patriotic U.S. Secretary of Defense who has the same sexual inclination. In his case he was appointed because having been compromised he could be controlled to do the bidding of the elite of the elite in government, especially as to the awarding of lucrative Defense Department contracts, primarily no-bid contracts. Today it is all about compromise and control of the victim afterwards (President Trump comes to mind.) The FBI arranged for Robert Merritt to have gay sex with over 100 prominent targets/victims at the Dupont Plaza Hotel in Washington in the 1970s in a room that was wired so that the events could be recorded. This particular film is not precisely relevant but is an eye-opener nevertheless. Here is a perceptive comment by one viewer: "Please notice the BACKGROUND, which Kubrick also directs..... -Two old well dressed men are discussing a teddy bear. then -The Hartford's girl child walks toward the men, looks back one last time, to be sure she is doing the correct thing, and walks further toward the old men. -Mommy and Daddy do not even know where she has gone. -Daughter is simply one more female captured or groomed and used by the wealthy elite." Kubrick died suddenly before the film was finished. Cruise and Kidman not long afterwards divorced. This whole subject is untouchable. Just think of the current Epstein scandal that involves the names of the elite of the elite. It has been alleged that this was a Mossad compromise operation. Bill Clinton once said that he would gladly die for Israel. He has never said that he would gladly die for the United States.
  7. Will Ruha wrote on Facebook today: The plot in Chicago was prevented by a telephone informant who only identified himself to SS Agent Abrham Bolden as "Lee." The patsy was Thomas Arthur Vallee, (like Oswald) an ex-Marine political misfit who had just rented a boarding room and secured a job in a warehouse along the motorcade route Kennedy's limousine would take in his forthcoming visit. Also like fellow ex-Marine, Lee Oswald, Vallee had worked at a CIA sponsored Cuban commando training camp, this one in Levittown, Long Island. New York was the headquarters of the Fair Play For Cuba committee from which ex-New Yorker, Lee Oswald sought membership in 1963. Incredibly, the license plates on Vallee's car were registered to Oswald. But then, Oswald's name had been used by the CIA since 1960 in securing various motor vehicles involved in anti-Castro Cuban operations. In Chicago, Kennedy's motorcade route, in violation of all Secret Service procedures, involved requiring the heavy lengthy Lincoln convertible to negotiate a sharp 90-degree hairpin turn just as it passed under the high-rise building in which Vallee was employed along the Jackson Street exit. That scenario would be repeated in Dallas several weeks later, as JFK's limo slowed to 2 mph after negotiating a 120-degree turn from Houston Street onto Elm, just below the Texas School Book Depository which employed Oswald. Bolden's swift decisive action enabled law enforcement to stop Vallee, whose car trunk contained a high-powered M1 rifle with mounted scope and 3,000 rounds of ammunition. Within hours, a group of militant anti-Castro Cuban sharpshooters armed with high-powered scope-mounted rifles and a map of Kennedy's motorcade route, were rounded-up and interrogated at length regarding the plot to kill Kennedy. As in Dallas, all records of the interrogation, if recorded or transcribed, were never released or revealed. To Bolden's credit, the plot was thwarted. Interestingly, the man who supplied the telephone tip on the planned assassination of JFK in Chicago only identified himself as "Lee," an FBI informant. Lee Harvey Oswald was, at the time, an FBI informant with the classified number S-172. The plotters then switched their assassination site to Miami, where, according to rightwing anti-Castro paramilitary financier, Joseph Milteer, Kennedy was to be shot during his upcoming motorcade by a team of assassins situated in various high-rise buildings firing scope-mounted high-powered rifles. "He's a dead man," Milteer vowed to undercover police informant William Somerset, who, unknown to the conspirator, was wearing a wire. "When asked how he expected to get away with such an act, Milteer is heard on the tape laughing, "Easy," he said, "we even got the patsy picked out." Among the groups the wealthy Milteer was helping to finance was Alpha-66, a virulent right-wing anti-Castro paramilitary force that had trained in triangulated rifle fire during under CIA supervision at No Name Key, Florida and Lake Ponchartrain Louisiana. According to various witnesses, New Orleans-based Lee Oswald was involved with these prospective assassins before relocating to Dallas, where the Alpha-66 members rented a house not far from the residence of former anti-Castro Cuban gun runner, heroin dealer, fellow FBI informant, Dallas police informant, and ex-Chicago union and mafia enforcer Jack Ruby (whose full name appears in a 1947 FBI memo requesting his being excused from having to testify before the House Labor committee investigating alleged communist infiltration of Chicago labor unions because, according to an FBI assistant," It is my sworn testimony that one Jack Rubenstein of Chicago ... is performing information functions for the staff of Congressman Richard Nixon, Republican of California." At the time, Nixon, brought to Congress on the strength of mobster Mickey Cohen's finances, office as campaign headquarters, and loan of mob lawyer Murray Chotiner, was seeking to brand legitimate labor leaders as communists in order to allow the unions to be taken over by mafia families as was the case with Chicago Waste Handlers Union local 20467, in which mob racketeer Jack Rubenstein became Secretary-Treasurer under mobster John Martin who assassinated rival union leader Leon Cooke. With the Miami plot exposed, the site then switched to Dallas. Same identical scenario. A week before the event, Lee Harvey Oswald walked into the Dallas office of the FBI and hand-delivered a personal note. No one knows what was printed on that note. According to Agent James Hosty (whose address and both phone and license plate numbers were later found among Oswald's personal effects), the note was a threat to blow up government buildings if the FBI did not stop harassing his wife. That cannot be corroborated because Hosty admits that, under orders from FBI headquarters, he tore the note up and flushed it down a toilet. Interestingly, despite the threat, Oswald was neither arrested nor placed on the agency's threat profile list. Instead, according to the New Orleans FBI office, immediately after Oswald left the Dallas office, an FBI Telex message was flashed to all Southern FBI offices that a plot existed to assassinate President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963. It appears that FBI informant "Lee" was once more attempting to foil the assassination. Instead, he was entrapped by his CIA and FBI superiors into taking the fall for the President's murder, was systematically eliminated by Jack Ruby, and posthumously convicted as the "lone nut" assassin by the Johnson (ne "Warren") Commission Report. On the evening of November 22, 1963 Joseph Milteer, seen in photographs, smiling in Dealey Plaza moments before JFK is killed, telephoned William Somerset to gleefully report, "You thought we was bullsh*ttin' you? We got him, just as I told ya." Months later, when the "Warren" Commission was calling witnesses to testify, Abe Bolden traveled to Washington seeking to appear and disclose his knowledge of the Chicago plot. Before he could do so, he was urgently recalled to Chicago, where he was immediately arrested in an FBI frame-up on a bogus bribery charge, and quickly railroaded into prison for years. An award-winning Illinois state trooper and honest Secret Service Agent had been silenced, sentenced, sent away, discredited, and ruined in order to effect the cover-up a high-level murderous coup d'etat plot against President John F. Kennedy that had required shifting sites to implement the same assassination scenario.
  8. Forrestal was a mentor to JFK and told him about the Alien Presence as much as he could without violating classified material. I do think JFK was a member of Naval Intelligence. The researcher who spoke in the above video about Forrestal's life mentioned how Forrestal was a troubled person his whole life and how his marriage was a strain on both him and his wife. The researcher in his talk mentioned how on one occasion Stuart Symington confronted Forrestal in a private conversation in a public arena and how visibly shaken and upset Forrestal was afterwards. Forrestal carried two immense burdens: early knowledge that the Alien Presence was interacting with Planet Earth and being blackmailed by those who had proof of what bothered him all his life. It was a different era and certain conduct was condemned if uncovered and the person destroyed.
  9. James: S. T. Patrick of Midnight News Writer, whose interviews of guests on the JFK assassination I frequently post on the EF, would like to join the Forum. How does he go about doing this? Many thanks, Doug

    1. James R Gordon

      James R Gordon


      James needs to contact Kathy Becket. There is an official link to joining, but might be quicker to contact Kathy direct: kathy becket  <criglett@yahoo.com>

      I am sure kathy will be delighted to assist.



  10. MWN Episode 107 – Douglas Horne on the Zapruder Film Alteration Debate https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-107-douglas-horne-on-the-zapruder-film-alteration-debate/?fbclid=IwAR2v16dM3CHLNTtnJQRxGEPkJ5FOe9NwfJckxsP5UCwGZkdswYCw1qKNHSM
  11. “In 1960, he was convicted of assault and served a three-year probation after stabbing his wife, Adele, nearly killing her.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Mailer
  12. https://www.jfklibrary.org/archives/other-resources/john-f-kennedy-speeches?page=28&fbclid=IwAR31Y6eKruQLfRMMS6t9S_BLeGOsf4zAodTfhm7jNxutPw5UMp3o7azvq7E
  13. Will Ruha wrote on Facebook today: Owing to illness at the onset of life that rendered him perpetually bed-ridden, John F. Kennedy had an insatiable intellectual curiosity. From early youth, when he first penned an essay about the moral inequity of a poor suffering child and one of good health and privilege, he pondered the nature of God, the human condition, and systems of social domination. Harvard professor Payton S. Wild said that young Jack was intrigued by the question as to why people obey, i.e., given a few people at the top and masses below, why do the masses obey? This fundamental question set him on a lifelong quest to comprehend, compare, and contrast all socio-political / economic systems existing under humanity's three basic forms of legitimate authority: traditional, charismatic, and legal-rational. Kennedy studied Democracy back to the ancient Greeks, as well as Oligarchy, Anarchy, Autocracy, Dictatorship, Despotism, Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, National-Socialism, Fascism, Conservatism, Liberalism, Imperialism, Plutocracy, Pluralism, Theocracy, and Monarchial rule. Wild said that Jack Kennedy "thought deeply and theoretically," and was able to discuss these matters "with acumen and thoroughness." Fellow professor, Bruce Hopkins called young Jack "surprisingly able . . . a commendable fellow." Classmate Donald Thurber, said of him, “he was a person who asked questions of you, who would challenge your assumptions . . . you got the impression that here was a mind that was learning from other people and that longed to learn from other people he regarded as sources of information and knowledge to fill his own." On a 1939 tour of Europe with Lem Billings, Jack inquired of government leaders, businessmen, students, radicals, soldiers, laborers, and others, how they perceived their government, political events, and international affairs. Billings later remarked that he was astonished at how rapidly Jack grew intellectually following that series of direct, first-hand encounters with citizens of these European and Eastern European nations. That growth never ceased. I spoke with several wartime buddies with whom he shared combat and recuperation. Each remarked about his voracious appetite for information, even to the point of reading gum wrappers and inquiring as to the different ingredients in various brands. "That's just the way his mind worked," said one Navy pal who spent two months in a tent hospital with him, discussing every manner of thing. "I knew I was bright," said the Phi Beta Kappa candidate, "But I also recognized that Jack was just that much brighter. His mind ceaselessly explored everything, turning things over to examine them from every angle. On the island on which we were stationed, Jack was always inquiring of the natives, about their lives - food, housing, health, customs, rules, lifestyle, life expectancy - everything. I think that's where he first came up with the idea for a Peace Corps." An inveterate reader, Jack had his father ship books to him wherever he was: at school or in a far-off hospital; in California or on an Arizona ranch, while in England, Europe, across the country or around the world. He often startled acclaimed writers by mentioning to them a minor work of theirs that appealed to him, aware that the particular work was also one of their favorites. Norman Mailer was taken aback by Jack's mentioning that he had read "The Deer Park . . . and the others." French intellectual Romain Gary, diplomat, novelist, film director, former WWII aviator of Litvak origin, the only author to have won the Prix Goncourt twice, and husband of actress Jean Seberg, remarked, following his initial meeting JFK, after seven years in the U.S., "This man has the most perfectly functioning mind of any human being I have ever encountered. He does not answer your argument, but immediately asks another question. Little by little, I felt as if I were no longer there; he reduced me to an intellectual function. I felt both honored by the excessive attention paid me by the President of the United States and a little dazed to be subjected to such analysis. There was something curiously voracious about his need for information . . . He listened to everything with equal attention, but when I had finished, he did not tell me his conclusion and went on to something else. He did not for one minute forget that he was President of the United States, and although he encouraged me to speak as his equal, the equality stopped there." Among all with whom I spoke having known him, each remarked that John Kennedy was unquestionably the best listener they ever knew. "He listened intently, asked key questions, and made you feel as if you were the most important person in the world. . . He could exhaust you by the very intensity of his attention.” For his inaugural, Kennedy invited mostly authors, artists, and scientists - Hemingway, Faulkner, Steinbeck, Pearl Buck, Edith Hamilton, William Inge, Arthur Miller, Thornton Wilder, Tennessee Williams, John Hersey, Robert Frost, Saint John Perse, Alexander Calder, Stuart Davis, Edward Hopper, Ludwigmies Van der Rohe, Eero Saarinen, Paul Hindemith, Igor Stravinsky, Leonard Bernstein, Fritz Reiner, Eugene Ormandy, and journalist, Walter Lippman. And, (as written in Farewell America): "Like Thomas H. Benton, he could suddenly recite from the Georgics of Virgil, the Thousand and One Nights, Herodotus or Sancho Panza, the New Testament, the German Reformers or Adam Smith, Fenelon or Hudibras, the financial reports of Necca or the acts of the Council of the Thirty, the debates that preceded the adoption of the Constitution, or some half-forgotten speech by a deceased member of Congress. In Chicago he quoted from the Greek poet Alcaeus. When the students of a girls' school translated his Inaugural Address into Latin because the style reminded them of Cicero, he answered them in Latin (with the help of one of his assistants)." This is who we lost on November 22, 1963. Bright, handsome, brave, with a great sense of history and humor, and every aspect of his being in proper proportion and exquisite balance, John F. Kennedy was a marvel of a man, a great guy, and brilliant leader, whose remarkable mind and reserves of restraint and courage uniquely prepared him for the Presidency of the United States. I truly believe that if anyone else, from among the 1960 candidates had been in the Oval Office in October of 1962, we would now not be here to consider him. Born during the first World War, serving bravely in the Second, and almost single-handedly preventing the Third, John F. Kennedy must assuredly be held in history as one of America's greatest presidents. Having lost him, we are lesser people in a lesser land, but we must rise to restore justice, democracy, liberty, and proper economic equity in America if we are to truly honor him and the nation he loved. As he declared, "We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that First Revolution."
  14. Will Ruha wrote on Facebook today in regard to President Trump Oval Office televised address scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday at 9 p.m.) concerning the border wall: "Under the terms of the NDAA that CIA-imposed President Barack Obama very covertly signed into law one quiet New Year's Eve, there is NO legal recourse by either the Congress or Supreme Court to redress his mandates as president and Commander-in-Chief during the period of the declared national emergency and imposition of martial law. None! He has absolute, unimpeachable, unilateral, arbitrary power to do as he sees fit, including, if necessary, shutting down all portions of the government he determines to be uncooperative, and in fact, dispatching via military power, any and all members of the government to any of the 800+ fully-staffed domestic internment camps standing at the ready, with razor-wire-topped walls. Yes, it is clearly unconstitutional, but it is a strangely extralegal authoritarian power given him by the Congress under terms of the NDAA signed into law by President Barack Obama, and it CAN be enforced - at any time." https://icct.nl/publication/the-us-ndaa-and-its-controversial-counter-terrorism-provisions/ As I wrote here yesterday in this topic: "In my opinion there is a real possibility that President Trump, who only thinks of himself and not of anyone else, will use the Message to salvage his scandal plagued Administration and to forestall and derail the likely criminal prosecution of him and his family members by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. He might do by declaring a National Emergency during a televised address to the American people about the contents of Nixon's Message and use the occasion as an excuse to announce that he was instituting a form of Martial Law. This would be the desperate action of a deranged man who had come to his wit's end as he realized what lay ahead for the Trump Crime Family." Will Ruha's recitation concerning "the NDAA that CIA-imposed President Barack Obama very cleverly signed into law one quiet New Year's Eve" should serve as a warning that President Trump may use a National Emergency to impose a total dictatorship using Nixon's Message about the Alien Presence as the pretext for doing so.
  15. Joe: President Nixon told Robert Merritt that the government knows that there are increasing numbers of hybrids on Earth. This is best explained by this recent interview: https://www.nexusnewsfeed.com/article/unexplained/this-planet-will-be-theirs-professor-explains-his-startling-conclusions-about-alien-abductions/?fbclid=IwAR3W-EVRUxmcPQRIQX4KebTMDIY4JJglwIrp1cTLE9n_eVAbPGUP4CU6mfA Public disclosure of the Alien Presence could take place in the not too distant future. Doug
  16. Confidential Informant Robert Merritt, who had three meetings with President Nixon in 1972, including one about Nixon's Message about the Alien Presence, is mentioned on page 91 (see first column on the left) of the Pike Committee Report. Merritt was the sole employee of Nixon's Huston Plan, a copy of which has never been made public. https://www.villagevoice.com/2019/01/02/going-all-in-to-expose-intelligence-malfeasance/?fbclid=IwAR0ErCCdLEr6YPtN2bdAYN3NQrHeVzYeyn0BnZ967QPcwsJmvA5ZFFDTMVE
  17. This is an update on developments since this thread was posted by me in February 2018. I never received a response from David Ferriero, the Archivist of the United States, of my letter to him. There were reasons why he did not respond and I respect his decision not to do so. However, Nixon's secret Message to the American People about the Alien Presence was discovered months ago after Robert Merritt provided detailed information to the authorities where it could be found. It was discovered in a box embedded in the wall in the White House Library located behind Volume Two of American History. President Nixon placed it there during the third meeting that he had with Robert Merritt , the ace Confidential Informant who was the sole employee of the Huston Plan that had been developed by Nixon with the assistance of Tom Huston, a former military intelligence officer who joined the White House staff after Nixon was elected. (Tom Huston was one of the founders of Young Americans for Freedom in 1960 which was when I first got to know him.) During their third meeting that took place in mid July 1972 after Watergate broke, Nixon allowed Merritt to read the Message after which around 3 a.m. when the White House was silent they both went to the Library where Nixon placed the Message inside the secret box embedded in the wall. Nixon then informed Merritt that he had told two other trusted persons of the Message and of its location. The envelop that contained the Message bore Nixon's notation that it was to be opened in the year 2018. Nixon told Merritt it was to be revealed in 2018 but he never told him why it was to be revealed during this particular year. It is my understanding that after the Message was discovered it was delivered to the FBI so that the paper upon which it was handwritten by Nixon could be checked to verify Nixon's fingerprints and to verify his signature. Because Nixon had allowed Merritt to read the Message the FBI was asked to verify if Merritt's fingerprints were on it also. The whole matter is now in the hands of President Trump as to whether he will make public the Message. A little known fact is that Trump had an uncle who was a scientist who years ago was asked by the government to conduct research into the Alien Presence. So Trump had some prior knowledge of the subject before Nixon's Message was discovered. In my opinion there is a real possibility that President Trump, who only thinks of himself and not of anyone else, will use the Message to salvage his scandal plagued Administration and to forestall and derail the likely criminal prosecution of him and his family members by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. He might do by declaring a National Emergency during a televised address to the American people about the contents of Nixon's Message and use the occasion as an excuse to announce that he was instituting a form of Martial Law. This would be the desperate action of a deranged man who had come to his wit's end as he realized what lay ahead for the Trump Crime Family. Jim Hougan, author of "Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat and the CIA" published in 1984, a few days ago posted on Facebook the revelation that as the Watergate prosecution case closed in on Nixon, contemplation was made about his declaring a National Emergency during which 10,000 selected citizens would be rounded up and incarcerated based on a list drawn up by the American Legion and the Church League of America. Hougan named one of the Watergate burglars who had a prior relationship in the development of the list and incarceration. It is interesting that The New York Times today published a four page special supplement sponsored by the History Channel whose headline reads, "Hundreds Witness Mysterious UFOs." The supplement is an advertisement that starting Tuesday the History Channel with introduce a new drama series (10/9c) titled, "Project Blue Book: Based on True Events.' The U.S. Government conducted Project Blue Book from 1952 to1969 whose scientific adviser was J. Allen Hynek, an astronomer and professor at Ohio State University. Hynek started out with an open mind but at the end of the project had come to the conclusion that there was some evidence to support the belief that the Alien Presence was interacting with Planet Earth. Anyone interested in learning more about this should watch the History Channel's series starting Tuesday.
  18. Cory: No, I never met Howard Hughes or Robert Maheu. Howard Hunt never mentioned their names to me. Robert Bennett, who was elected Senator from Utah after Watergate following in the footsteps of his father, played one of the most evil and nefarious roles in Watergate and was directly tied to Hughes. Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia’s biography of him: "In 1963 he went to Washington as Press Secretary to a Utah Congressman, Sherman P. Lloyd, and later as Administrative Assistant to his father. He became the head of the Governmental Affairs office of the J. C. Penney Company in 1965 but resigned from Penney's to accept an appointment in the Nixon Administration, as Director of Congressional Affairs in the United States Department of Transportation. He held this position through 1969 and 1970, leaving in 1971 to purchase the Robert Mullen Company, a Washington, D.C. public-relations company.[citation needed] "Bennett's principal client was Summa Corporation, the holding company of billionaire Howard Hughes. In 1974, he closed the Mullen Company and joined Summa full-time as the public relations director for the parent firm and Vice President for Public Affairs for Hughes Airwest, the airline. After Hughes' death, Bennett left Summa Corporation to become president of Osmond Communications." Here is an excerpt from an undated internal CIA report of one of its agents who met with Bennett shortly after Watergate broke: “Mr. Bennett related that he has now established a “back door entry” to the Edward Bennett Williams law firm which is representing the Democratic Party in its suit for damages resulting from the Watergate incident. Mr. Bennett is prepared to go this route to kill off any revelation by Ed Williams of Agency association with the Mullen firm if such development seems likely. He said that he would, of course, check with the CIA before contacting Mr. Williams for this purpose.” In the Senate, Robert Bennett represented the CIA.
  19. Going All In to Expose Intelligence Malfeasance (The Pike Committee Report) https://www.villagevoice.com/2019/01/02/going-all-in-to-expose-intelligence-malfeasance/?fbclid=IwAR0ErCCdLEr6YPtN2bdAYN3NQrHeVzYeyn0BnZ967QPcwsJmvA5ZFFDTMVE
  20. John Barbour re Garrison Files Release https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzZHYf3mpn4&feature=em-share_video_user&fbclid=IwAR3bqu43WYtYTHTEfUcmqjuaqYSOIgNwHGgA_tb9J1oW-XBUUqymQmM6lS8
  21. I can speak as to Howard Hunt's alleged desire to have Nixon over a barrel. The arrests of the Watergate burglars took place between 1 and 2 a.m. on June 17, 1972. Hunt called me from his White House office at 3:05 a.m. and asked if he could come to my residence because an important matter had arisen. I readily agreed. I lived less than a mile from the White House and a desk clerk was on duty at my apartment house and admitted Hunt upon his arrival at 3:35 a.m. Howard was in a distraught state to say the least. Shortly after he arrived he asked for a glass of milk to quiet his stomach. I can state without contradiction that his demeanor, while cool and controlled, was of a person in total shock. This was not a man who harbored ill feelings toward Nixon. Hunt departed my residence at 4:45 a.m. and went directly home to Potomac, Maryland where he enlisted his son, St. John, age 17, to help in disposing of incriminating materials by tossing them in a remote location of the Chesapeake Canal. Angleton is another matter and I do believe that he played a clever role in creating the scandal that brought Nixon down. https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2017/oct/19/angleton-return/
  22. The CIA & the Student Youth Movement http://stevenhager.net/2016/09/05/the-cia-the-student-youth-movement/?fbclid=IwAR14JWz1i-8V4UHEACc9dfqTqeu3w_kCyF3zgQECjQXKi6lpm1kBdThUDRQ
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