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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Why do you focus your criticism only on Merritt? He was profiled and recruited to be the sole employee of the infamous Huston Plan where his orders came from the White House and from the FBI, CIA, Military Intelligence and the Washington, D.C. Police Department to name a few. He was the water boy for these government entities. He did not dream up the assignments, he carried then out as ordered. Washington, D.C. Police Detective Shoffler sent him to NYC to cover-up how Shoffler had set up the Watergate burglars to be arrested. As the NY Times story indicates, there the U.S. Marshal proclaimed he was working for them. The NYC Assistant District Attorney drafted the affidavit and directed him to sign it although this was an act of perjury. The NYPD and FBI ordered him to plant false evidence in the rooms of tenants of the Kenmore so that they could be arrested and evicted. Should not your criticism be aimed at the higher ups who were behind all these criminal and quasi-criminal activities instead of the flawed high school drop out whom they recruited to do their bidding?
  2. https://www.amazon.com/President-Apprentice-Eisenhower-Nixon-1952-1961/dp/0300181051 President Nixon may have got his idea of a "time capsule" from President Eisenhower. In the highly praised book, "The President and the apprentice," the author writes: "In 1953, after his first few months in the White House, President Eisenhower wrote out a handwritten list for Project X, a secret recollection of his presidency to be deposited in a time capsule at his Gettysburg farm."
  3. Billy Graham tried to stop JFK becoming president https://www.irishcentral.com/roots/history/billy-graham-jfk-catholic
  4. David: You ask above why "Nixon did Nixon need Merritt to deliver tapes and documents to Henry Kissinger when Nixon could see Kissinger privately every gogdammed day?" The answer to this is as Nixon told Merritt there was no one in the White House who he could trust to deliver the letter to Kissinger that contained the all important formula/code. He could not do this himself. His every movement was being monitored. The CIA had a spy operation inside the White House called "Crimson Rose" which was headed by Howard Hunt. The Pentagon had its own spy operation inside the White House under which thousands of Kissinger's documents had been secretly copied and ended up on the desk of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Fox News article below explains how General Alexander Haig was involved in this. It was also Haig who gave the order to John Dean who in turn gave the order to Gordon LIddy to go into the DNC. Nixon told Merritt that the break-in had been hi-jacked by the CIA that led to the arrests of the burglars on June 17, 1972. It was Angleton who orchestrated the hi-jacking, just as he had carefully planned the assassination of JFK. Washington, D.C. police officer Carl Shoffler, who was actually a military intelligence agent, was alerted two weeks in advance of the break-in of the plan by Merritt and he was on the scene to arrest the burglars. Fox News published an article on December 15, 2008, by James Rosen titled, “The Men Who Spied on Nixon: New Details Reveal Extent of ‘Moorer-Radford Affair.’” Here are key excerpts from it: A Navy stenographer assigned to the National Security Council during the Nixon administration "stole documents from just about every individual that he came into contact with on the NSC," according to newly declassified White House documents. The two-dozen pages of memoranda, transcripts and notes -- once among the most sensitive and privileged documents in the Executive Branch -- shed important new details on a unique crisis in American history: when investigators working for President Richard Nixon discovered that the Joint Chiefs of Staff, using the stenographer as their agent, actively spied on the civilian command during the Vietnam War. The episode became known as "the Moorer-Radford affair," after the chairman of the Joint Chiefs at the time, the late Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, and the stenographer involved, Navy Yeoman Charles Radford. The details first surfaced in early 1974 as part of the Watergate revelations, but remained obscure until historians in the 1990s and this decade began fleshing out the episode. The affair represented an important instance in which President Nixon, who resigned in 1974 amid wide-ranging allegations that he and his subordinates abused the powers of the presidency, was himself the victim of internal espionage. In adding to what has already become known about the episode, the latest documents show how the president and his aides struggled to "get a handle on" the young Navy man at the center of the intrigue and contain the damage caused by the scandal A trained stenographer, Radford was in his late twenties when he was assigned to the NSC staff of Henry Kissinger during Nixon's first term. The yeoman worked out of the Executive Office Building under two admirals, Rembrandt Robinson and Robert O. Welander, who served as formal liaison between the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the NSC. As Radford later described his work -- in polygraph tests, sworn testimony, and interviews with historians and journalists -- he spent 13 months illegally obtaining NSC documents and turning them over to his superiors, with the understanding that the two admirals were, in turn, funneling the materials to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs and other top uniformed commanders. Radford's espionage took many forms: making extra photocopies of documents entrusted to him as courier; retrieving crumpled drafts from "burn bags"; even brazenly rifling through Kissinger's briefcase while the national security adviser slept on an overseas flight….. Under intensive polygraph testing in late 1971, Radford denied having leaked the India-Pakistan documents to the columnist. ([Columnist Jack Anderson died in 2005 without ever disclosing who had been his source, but he told author Len Colodny in November 1986: "You don't get those kinds of secrets from enlisted men. You only get them from generals and admirals.") However, the young stenographer did eventually break down and tearfully admit to Nixon's investigators that he had been stealing NSC [National Security Council] documents and routing them to his Pentagon superiors. Radford later estimated he had stolen 5,000 documents within a 13-month period..... He [John Ehrlichman’s aide, David Young] encouraged Ehrlichman to mention to Admiral Robinson that the young stenographer-spy had already told investigators that he believed the material he had been stealing was destined to go to "your superiors," meaning the Joint Chiefs. Young also urged Ehrlichman to determine the extent to which Kissinger's top NSC deputy -- Alexander Haig, who had personally selected Radford to accompany Kissinger on his overseas trips, and who later went on to become secretary of state in the Reagan administration -- was "aware of Radford's activities." Nixon and his men eventually concluded that Haig had been complicit in the Pentagon spying, but opted not to take any action against him. [Note: Haig later become Nixon’s chief of staff.] http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2008/12/15/men-spied-nixon-new-details-reveal-extent-moorer-radford-affair.html ------------------------ So Nixon knew it was not safe to give the all-important document and tapes directly to Kissinger inside the White House for fear that Haig or some other Pentagon or CIA spy would learn about it. In Nixon’s opinion the document and tapes were so important to the nation’s national security that he had to summon Merritt to a clandestine meeting deep beneath the White House to assign to Merritt the task of getting the document and tapes to Kissinger without anyone knowing about it. This Merritt faithfully did.
  5. Joe: Nixon found in Robert Merritt the ideal person he was looking for to work under the Huston Plan. You are correct in your speculation directly above about how Merritt in his youth was shaped into a flawed individual. That is why he was employed to carry out criminal and quasi-criminal assignments by the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police, FBI, CIA and NYPD to name some but not all law enforcement groups he worked for from 1969 until just a few years ago. Here is a 2014 article about him from The New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/03/nyregion/takeover-of-kenmore-hotel-informer-recalls-his-complicity.html
  6. https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2018/03/01 Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe presents an in-depth discussion about a reported "time capsule" letter handwritten by President Richard Nixon disclosing a "message to the American people about UFOs and ETs." Robert Merritt, who worked with Nixon, is coping with an incurable cancer and wants to make sure the time capsule is revealed before his death.
  7. Kent Johnson posted the following on Facebook today: Billy Graham and Dwight D. Eisenhower were both assets of Texas oilman Sid Richardson. In 1950 Richardson bankrolled the 32 year-old Graham's meteoric rise to worldwide fame and in 1951 recruited Ike to run for president by purchasing a farm at Gettysburg for the retired general. Eisenhower and Graham formed a powerful team in the Christianization of American government. The story is told by Kevin M. Kruse in the book One Nation Under God.
  8. Texas Oil Merchants of Death feared JFK would end their precious oil depletion allowance.
  9. Kent Johnson wrote on Facebook today: Billy Graham was an essential actor in the right wing political takeover of evangelical Christianity. From the time he met his wife Ruth Bell at Wheaton College, the career of Graham, son of a North Carolina dairy farmer, was guided by his father-in-law Lemuel Nelson Bell, MD. Dr. Bell had been a medical missionary to China, one of the many refugees from their imperial calling embittered by the Democratic Party's "loss of China". Bell hooked Graham up with Youth for Christ, a parachurch affiliated with the Christian anti-Communist movement,progenitor of the Religious Right, and placed him under the tutelage of Pastor William Bell Riley, the raving anti-Semitic Conspiracy theorist and anti-evolutionist known as the "Grand Old Man of Fundamentalism". Pastor Riley, who believed in "an international Jewish-Bolshevik-Darwinist conspiracy to promote evolutionism in the classroom" chose Graham to succeed him as president of Northwestern Bible College in St Paul. Red-baiting was a feature of Graham's debut on the national stage, his famous 1949 Los Angeles tent revival: "Do you know, that the Fifth Columnists, called Communists, are more rampant in Los Angeles than any other city in America?" Communism, he said, "is a religion that is inspired, directed, and motivated by the devil himself who has declared war against Almighty God." (Christianity Today) Business leaders of the far right immediately saw in Graham a vehicle for their goals of rolling back the New Deal and defeating organized labor, under the guise of fighting communism for Jesus. While the LA revival was still under way, publisher William Randolph Hearst wired his editors to "Puff Graham!". Introductions to other titans of business and politics followed. South Carolinians Henry Luce, the Time-Life magnate, and financier Bernard Baruch teamed up Graham with governor Strom Thurmond for a statewide tour in March of 1950, when Strom was leader of the white nationalist Dixiecrat Party. Later that year, Graham met the man who would become his biggest patron, right wing oilman "Mr Sid" Richardson, who would soon encourage Dwight D. Eisenhower to run for president, in part by purchasing a farm for Ike and Mamie at Gettysburg, PA. Considering that that Graham and Ike were both sponsored by Richardson, Ike's sudden conversion to Christian orthodoxy by Graham between his election and inauguration looks somewhat unmiraculous. So important was Richardson to Graham that Billy, who never lived in Texas, placed his official church membership at Richardson's First Baptist of Dallas, and kept it there throughout his life. (When Billy was at home in Montreat, the nominal Southern Baptist preacher attended the local Presbyterian church with wife Ruthand father-in-law Nelson, a leader of the effort to revive Confederate era Calvinism that resulted in the Presbyterian Church in America. PCA was founded in 1973 in Birmingham, at the height of the school busing crisis.) When Mr Sid and other Texas oilmen were defending their Oil Depletion Allowance, a most generous federal tax break, Graham came to their aid by producing two feature films celebrating the Christian virtues of the Lone Star state petroleum fraternity. Oilman J. Howard Pew, a John Birch Society leader, would succeed Mr Sid as Graham's biggest financial backer. He would join Nelson Bell as co- publisher of Christianity Today, which presented itself as the voice of moderate, mainstream evangelicals. ( Even while Bell was simultaneously publishing the newsletter of the Confederate Calvinism revival movement.) Together they ousted the erudite Carl FH Henry as CT editor because of his opinion piece condemning evangelicals who reflexively opposed the Civil Right movement. Repeat: The two Birchers who ran Billy Graham's magazine canned the editor who suggested that the Civil Rights movement might have some merit To be continued
  10. How the Washington Post Missed the Biggest Watergate Story of All https://consortiumnews.com/2018/02/20/how-the-washington-post-missed-the-biggest-watergate-story-of-all/
  11. Could this help solve JFK's murder? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5421537/Scientists-lift-fingerprints-fired-bullets.html
  12. Additional information on this topic includes references to JFK: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/nixons-et-time-capsule-dark-journalist-alexandra-bruce/
  13. NY Times article about Detective Rothstein http://www.nytimes.com/1977/11/10/archives/prostitutes-from-midwest-vanish-from-8th-avenue-during-hunt-by.html
  14. http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article200392489.html
  15. Here is the actual indictment released today: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/02/16/us/politics/document-The-Special-Counsel-s-Indictment-of-the-Internet.html
  16. Here is the new link to the Dark Journalist interview with Robert Merritt. Using a pretext someone who had the power disabled the link to the interview that was first put up this morning. Let us hope this does not happen again with the new link.
  17. There is a Part 2 to this Dark Journalist program and it should be put up on YouTube tomorrow or the next day.
  18. One of the great mysteries of Watergate is the role played in it by the controversial Huston Plan. Robert Merritt was the sole employee of the secret Huston Plan. White House Counsel John Dean took over administration of the Huston Plan after Tom Huston was eased out. Merritt recently recounted to me a key aspect of the plan that has never before been revealed. This was the existence of a secret court that convened in a secret location in Washington before which Merritt appeared on at least twelve occasions in 1971 and 1972. Each time he submitted to a three judge panel there an affidavit sworn to by him but which was actually written by the FBI that was shown to him only fifteen minutes before the court convened. Invariably the court would issue a warrant for wiretapping or search or surveillance or a combination of these aimed at a specific target. In at least three cases the target was a law firm. The only law firm Merritt remembers today was Arnold & Porter for which a wiretap warrant was issued. Another target was the Institute for Policy Studies. The secret court always convened at 1 A.M. and was located beneath an apartment building on P Street, NW, three blocks west of Rock Creek Park in Washington, D.C. Entrance was gained through the garage beneath the apartment building. Inconspicuously located there was a small elevator that held only three persons that descended two stories further down beneath the apartment building. The elevator opened onto a small corridor that led to a door that had three separate locks on it, each of which required a separate key. Once that door was opened there were two other unlocked doors that ultimately led to a small courtroom. On each side of where the three judges sat were American flags. The judges wore black suits, not judicial gowns. “In God We Trust” appeared on the wall behind the judges. Merritt, following the orders of the FBI agents, recited to the judges the basic contents of the affidavit prepared by the FBI of which he had no personal knowledge. He then submitted the affidavit to the judges who read it and then handed it back to Merritt to sign. Lawyers from the U.S. Department of Justice were always present. The proceeding usually lasted 45 minutes after which Merritt was escorted out by the FBI agents and subsequently driven back to his residence. When President Nixon fired John Dean as White House Counsel in April 1973, Dean took the only copy of the 31-page Huston Plan with him and submitted it to Chief Judge John Sirica. To this day this copy has remained among the federal court’s sealed records beyond the reach of a subpoena. Its contents are unknown to the public.
  19. Retired NYPD Detective James Rothstein with whom I have been working for the past several years has told me says that he had dozens of confidential informants providing crucial information to him when he was a NYPD officer and that Robert Merritt was one of them. He also says that many persons become CIs because they have been abused in their youth. Merritt had a step father who was mean to him and an alcoholic mother. Two catholic priests sexually abused him in high school, which ultimately caused him to became a runaway two months before being graduated and flee to Washington, D.C.. Detective Rothstein says that CIs always hold something back. They give you most of the story but not all. Yesterday after I asked some questions about the Message that Nixon had secretly left behind in the White House, Merritt volunteered the following new information that he had withheld about what occurred at his final meeting President Nixon in the second week of July 1972: Nixon showed him the document that he was planning to hide. It was comprised of six pages in his hand writing. The first page was written on White House stationary. It bore the presidential seal (as did all the other pages). It served to explain what the document was about. The other five pages were lined paper from a spiral notebook. Nixon wanted his handwriting to appear neat and organized. The pages were bound together by a paperclip. The document was about the Alien Presence. Nixon told him that other presidents knew about this but solely he had been supplied by the CIA with the most vital information. He said only under his administration was the Aliens' formula or code deciphered by the scientists at Los Alamos working with the cooperative Super Alien. His said his handwritten document would mean that he would be remembered forever in history as the president who achieved this supreme goal and brought understanding to what the Alien Presence was all about. Merritt said Nixon prepared two secret documents that contained the same information about the Alien Presence and planned to hide these in different places in the White House. At their final meeting Nixon was extremely distraught. He knew his presidency was over. His actions showed that he was wrapping things up. The only time during the meeting that Nixon temporarily ceased being emotionally distraught was when he discussed the secret message that he was leaving behind. Only then did his drawn and serious composure change as he broke into a big smile when he talked about being remembered forever in history for what had been accomplished under his leadership as president in dealing with and understanding the Alien Presence.
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