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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. You can view the formal announcement tomorrow. From the article: On Wednesday October 11, at 9:00 AM PT and 12:00 PM EST, the team will launch the new initiative at an event to be live-streamed from Seattle. Tom will introduce his colleagues and explain the intentions and purpose of the new company, and its need for public support. To tune in, or to watch it aftewards, click here.
  2. A major development is about to be announced: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/inside-knowledge-about-unidentified-aerial-phenomena_us_59dc1230e4b0b48cd8e0a5c7
  3. Jackie Kennedy's letters to Brown University about JFK Jr to be auctioned http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4964302/Jackie-Kennedy-s-letters-JFK-Jr-set-auctioned.html#ixzz4v8DVSkH7
  4. Dr John Newman on JFK, Oswald, & Cuba http://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-023-dr-john-newman-on-jfk-oswald-cuba/
  5. http://vietnamfulldisclosure.org/index.php/daniel-ellsberg-think-major-omissions-quite-fundamental-disturbed-quite-bit-although-overall-thing-impressive/
  6. Thank you, Joe, for your kind comments. You may find of interest the Dark Journalist video that was released last week. It is part 1 of four parts. JFK's knowledge of the Alien Presence is traced back to when he served in the Office of Naval Intelligence in World War II and later in Congress. Most intriguing are the segments dealing with Gorbachev and Reagan in which they talk about the Alien Presence. Reagan even asks rhetorically, are they not already with us? I am also interviewed on the video.
  7. "Nixon's Gamble" author Ray Locker tells Olivier Knox what he learned about Nixon https://soundcloud.com/siriusxm-news-issues/nixons-gamble-author-ray-locker-tells-olivier-knox-what-he-learned-about-nixon?in=siriusxm-news-issues%2Fsets%2Fpolitical-talk-on-siriusxm
  8. In attempting to access this link a notice comes up. I ignored it and deleted it and the article appeared promptly.
  9. Santo Trafficante And The Business Of Murder With The CIA http://garyrevel.com/news/press_release_10.html
  10. http://nypost.com/2017/09/27/watergate-reporters-object-to-new-films-focus-on-deep-throat/
  11. Len Colodny wrote on Facebook yesterday: "Now Woodward says Movie overstates Mark Felt's (D T) role in bringing Nixon down. Of course he did not bring down Nixon. No those role were actually filled by Al Haig,J Fred Buzhardt and Bob Woodward working together, to force Nixon out: http://nypost.com/…/watergate-reporters-object-to-new-film…/ Also Felt/Haig never told Woodward to follow the money. That was made up stuff."
  12. Len Colodny wrote on Facebook yesterday: "Nice job John. Is there anything in the movie about how Mark Felt knew there were "Deliberate Erasures" on the Nixon tapes and passed that info to Woodward on November 6th 1973 ?: http://www.watergate.com/Woodward-Haig-Con…/Deep-Throat.aspx"
  13. Felt represented the integrity of the ordinary citizen http://www.pressdemocrat.com/opinion/7496672-181/close-to-home-felt-represented?artslide=0
  14. “My friendship with him was perhaps the longest he’d ever had.” Stanford’s Paul Gregory on Lee Harvey Oswald http://bookhaven.stanford.edu/2013/11/lee-harvey-oswalds-american-friend-paul-gregory-of-stanford/
  15. From the article: Coming up: a movie drama on the Papers directed by Steven Spielberg. But, for me, the name Ellsberg does not immediately evoke “Vietnam” but rather “anti-nuclear.” And now he has written a book titled The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner, to be published by Bloomsbury in December. In it he reveals that the 7,000 pages of the Pentagon Papers that he copied from his office at the Rand Corporation in 1969-70 were only “a fraction” of what he had borrowed from office safes. Much of the rest amounted to the “other” Pentagon papers — secret documents on US nuclear war plans and capabilities. https://www.rawstory.com/2017/10/pentagon-papers-reporter-daniel-ellsburg-warns-of-nuclear-dangers-in-trump-era/
  16. https://www.truthdig.com/articles/the-end-of-empire/
  17. http://www.jimhougan.com/NixonInTheJungle.html
  18. SECRET NIXON VIETNAM TRIP REPORTED http://www.nytimes.com/1985/02/17/world/secret-nixon-vietnam-trip-reported.html
  19. Prof. Luke Nichter is co-author with Prof. Douglas Brinkley of the 2015 award winning book, “The Nixon Tapes: 1971-1972.” In PBS' 'Vietnam War,' Not All Voices Get Equal Play Commentary By Luke A. Nichter October 04, 2017 https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2017/10/04/in_pbs_vietnam_war_not_all_voices_get_equal_play_135164.html
  20. http://capa-us.org/see-jfk-film-searchers-promote-oswald-mock-trial/
  21. David Talbot: Watergate, The Church Committee, & The JFK Assassination (2004) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sef5Lziq_8k&feature=youtu.be
  22. http://www.stcl.edu/home/state-of-texas-v-lee-harvey-oswald-nov-16-17-2017/
  23. James Bamford wrote on Facebook today: "I'm very glad that Burns has motivated a lot of people to look back at that war, a war we never seem to learn from." I wonder how many Americans alive today were alive when the Vietnam War was being waged? Those born since the war do not want to view a documentary that covers every contested detail. They want a overall view. The years of the Vietnam War and Watergate overlap. The New York Times today carries an article on the death of Herbert Kalmbach, Nixon's personal attorney who distributed "hush" money in Watergate. How many Americans alive today recognize the Kalmbach's name or the role in played in Nixon's career? How many even know what Watergate was all about? https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/29/obituaries/herbert-kalmbach-who-figured-in-watergate-payoffs-dies-at-95.html
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