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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Post script to my above posting: I believe the not too subtle blackmail phone call below from Howard Hunt to Chuck Colson in the White House in November1972, right after Nixon was re-elected, sealed Dorothy Hunt's fate the next month. The decision was made soon after it that Hunt had to be shut up and Dorothy, as the reluctant courier of the hush money, was to pay the price. How could Hunt not have foreseen the consequences of his phone call before he made it? Just look at Trump and Hillary and see how ruthless are those at the top of the pyramid? It is true today and was true in 1972. Shakespeare got it right in his writings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwNYgiVv-rs
  2. Pat: William F. Buckley secured the lawyer for Hunt. The lawyer represented Hunt for years, including the trial in which Mark Lane was a principal. Thus, I would hazard to suggest that the removal of the material from the book was done by the lawyer upon the direction of Buckley. I tend to think that Buckley was not a close student of the Kennedy assassination and the idea that Hunt had a role in it boggled his mind, causing him to reject it outright. It wasn't until decades after Watergate that information began to emerge that Hunt and some of his Cuban-American burglars were also involved in the Dallas murder. So Buckley in my opinion never did possess the full picture. St. John Hunt in his speech at the recent 4th Annual JFK Assassination Conference in Dallas attacked Buckley, whom he termed a CIA agent. It must be remembered that Buckley was aghast that Hunt had delegated to him as the children's godfather the responsibility of taking care of Hunt's four children once Dorothy was dead and Hunt faced years in prison. St. John was especially critical of Buckley for placing the youngest, David, at age twelve with a Cuban-American in Miami who turned out to be a drug dealer. St. John told the Dallas audience that his mother, Dorothy, had cautioned Hunt in the planning of Watergate that the higher ups were merely using him. Hunt rejected Dorothy's wise counsel. The higher-up did use him and Hunt in turn, as a longtime intelligence agent, used others, starting with his Cuban-American friends by enlisting them as burglars, by dropping the case in my lap as his attorney hours after the arrests and then disappearing for weeks, by using St. John at age 17 to help him dispose of evidence employed in the Watergate operation by tossing it in the Chesapeake Canal only hours after the case broke, and by enlisting Dorothy, who had opposed the planning of Watergate, to be the courier for the hush money. So Hunt was used and he turned around and used others. When I saw the movie "A Most Important Man" based on a book by John Le Carre I immediately recognized the protagonist, an intelligence agent played brilliantly by Phillip Seymour Hoffman, as being someone just like Hunt. St. John said in Dallas that his father, after Dorothy's death, had assembled his four children and told them that he was going to plead guilty in Watergate because he feared that if he did not do so they would become victims just as had Dorothy. In some ways for Hunt his intense suffering for what he had done in Watergate was a form of Karma. Hunt, as a CIA agent, for many years was responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people in Central and South America that was done in the name of fighting communism but more realistically was done to help American corporations, such as United Fruit Company, reap the profits from their enterprises there. Watergate for him was payback. It was also payback for America. Doug
  3. I am not a member of CAPA, an organization that I learned about for the first time at the recent 4th JFK Assassination Conference in Dallas. Thus, I cannot answer your question and suggest that you direct it to one of CAPA leaders using its website to do so.
  4. Well worth reading. http://www.hogueprophecy.com/2016/11/clinton-recount-electoral-college/
  5. Stop the presses -- The New York Times has joined the conspiracy community ------------------------------------------------- Billionaires vs. the Press in the Era of Trump A small group of superrich Americans — the president-elect among them — has laid the groundwork for an unprecedented legal assault on the media. Can they succeed? By EMILY BAZELONNOV. 22, 2016 http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/22/magazine/billionaires-vs-the-press-in-the-era-of-trump.html
  6. Marita Lorenz mourns Castro: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3974736/Woman-mourns-death-love-Fidel-Castro-says-tried-carry-CIA-assassination-plot-against-Cuban-dictator-five-decades-ago.html
  7. There is a new organization that recently announced its existence: Citizens Against Political Assassinations http://capa-hq.com And there is now John Barbour's Citizens for Assassination Justice, which sponsors the Ten Most Wanted that is posted here in the forum today.
  8. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_TRUMP_THE_LATEST?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2016-11-27-13-29-53
  9. http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/11/the_democrats_real_strategy_in_launching_recounts.html
  10. From Business Week magazine (Nov. 28-Dec. 4, 2016), article titled, "The Five Stages of Trump Grief: 1. Shock 2. Acceptance 3. Elation 4. Richer 5. More Richerer": "Excitement for the treats the next president might bestow on Wall Street reminds [Bill Brandt jr. president of bankruptcy consulting firm Development Specialists and a friend of the Clintons] of what he felt when he left a meeting in Florida two decades ago with President Bill Clinton and Senator John Kerry. 'They turned and said, "We're going to repeal Glass-Steagall," Brandt recalls. "And I said, 'I'm all for it, because it'll make me rich.' and it did."
  11. http://thegarrisontapespart2.com/indexwp.html
  12. http://abcnews.go.com/US/russian-hackers-targeted-half-states-voter-registration-systems/story?id=42435822
  13. Richard Charnin, vote counting expert, wrote on Facebook today: Open Letter to Jill Stein Jill, I believe that you are doing the recount because you believe your votes have been stolen and that this is a great opportunity to bring the election fraud bogeyman out in the open. I have been doing election fraud analysis since 2003. View my blog: https://docs.google.com/…/1Ib27G_vDNtQDNLDR8rXiU2LJLCn…/edit#. I believe you made a mistake in picking just the three states to recount. What about the states that Clinton barely won? Like VA ME MN NH CO NV In addition, I would recommend a recount in CA, a state that Clinton stole from Bernie. Did Clinton pad her margin at your expense in CA and elsewhere to show that she won the popular vote? Do you really believe she did better than Obama in CA? Check out the results in Humboldt County, CA,. It is the only county in the US which uses an Open Source system to count and audit the results. It is a foolproof system. You had 5.2% of the vote in Humboldt, but just 1.8% in CA. Did you actually win 5% in CA? That would add 300,000 votes to your CA total. If you had 5% nationally, it would mean that you had 6.5 million votes, not the 1.2 million you are credited for. In conclusion, recount everything. And make sure the recount is done fairly. They rig recounts too, you know. Best, Richard Charnin
  14. From the article: In March 1962, the head of Operation Mongoose, Brig. Gen. Edward G. Lansdale, the Kennedys' personal choice for the job, asked the Joint Chiefs of Staff for their views on top-secret plans to concoct a pretext for a military invasion of Cuba. Those plans involved staging phony attacks against Americans and anti-Castro Cubans. They included what the documents call ''a 'Remember the Maine' incident.'' That slogan was shouted when the United States went to war against Spain in 1898, blaming Spain for sinking an American warship in Havana. ''We could blow up a US warship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba,'' the memorandum said. ''We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington,'' it continued. ''The terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven in the United States. We could sink a boatload of Cubans enroute to Florida (real or simulated).'' http://www.nytimes.com/1997/11/19/us/declassified-papers-show-anti-castro-ideas-proposed-to-kennedy.html
  15. Did the announcement of a recount in Wisconsin force the Trump crooks to take remedial action to cover up their criminality? http://www.politicususa.com/2016/11/25/report-thousands-wisconsin-votes-trump-recount-begins.html
  16. http://www.commondreams.org/news/2016/11/22/we-can-beat-guy-sanders-urges-mass-mobilization-against-trump
  17. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/26/us/politics/clinton-camp-will-join-push-for-wisconsin-ballot-recount.html
  18. http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-11-26/clinton-campaign-will-participate-in-stein-s-state-recounts
  19. Hillary joining the recounts: http://www.rawstory.com/2016/11/clinton-to-follow-steins-lead-and-back-recounts-in-michigan-and-pennsylvania-campaign-attorney/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/hillary-clinton-recount_us_5839ad95e4b09b605600a69b
  20. http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/11/25/trumps-economic-plan-this-isnt-going-to-work/
  21. John Newman posted the following on Facebook today (Nov. 25, 2016): Twenty-five years ago, "JFK and Vietnam" was published. It was also my PhD Dissertation, and I defended it with Honors in History that same year at the George Washington University. It did what dissertations are supposed to do: It overturned an orthodoxy—that LBJ continued Kennedy’s Vietnam policy—and it broke new ground: It provided hard documentary evidence that, during the months before he was assassinated, Kennedy ordered that the American advisors that he had dispatche...d to Vietnam must be brought home. Over the next twenty years, the release of new White House tapes and more documents has borne out the thesis of "JFK and Vietnam." I have reissued the book for release in 2017—it will be available on Amazon in January. It contains most of the original text with new insights where appropriate. It is also supplemented with the story of what happened to the book. An important new section (Appendix IV) details the long, sometime tempestuous, but, in the end, cooperative relationship that developed between Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and myself as the secretary worked on his Vietnam book, "In Retrospect." When it was first published, the book received high praise from "Publisher’s Weekly" and was favorably reviewed by Kennedy Historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. (see Appendix II), in the "New York Times Book Review." Elsewhere, the book caused a media firestorm. On the far right, critics claimed that I had vilified Kennedy beyond the wildest dreams of his worst enemies (Harry Summers, Jr.) while, on the left wing, Noam Chomsky claimed that I had made a saint out of JFK. The book was the basis for the scenes about JFK’s Vietnam policy in Oliver Stone’s film "JFK." Strange things began happening. The National Security Agency tried to block publication of JFK and Vietnam (Appendix I), even though the U.S. Army had, after its pre-publication review, given its authorization for the book’s publication. I stood my ground, and NSA finally backed off—the morning of the press junket (that I was a part of) for the film "JFK." Then, the original publisher, Warner Books, declined to give me a book tour, pulled the book from book stores and put them in storage, and refused to answer my phone calls. The intercession of the Galbraith Family (described by James Galbraith in Appendix III) with Time Warner Inc. led the publisher to yield the copyrights to me and allow the books to be sold in stores. James Galbraith has written Appendix Three for the 2017 edition, and he concludes: “Needless to say, it's a small measure of very belated justice that this important book is now back in print, although the damage to our national discourse—and to John Newman's career—cannot be repaired.”
  22. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/18053715/ns/politics/t/maryland-sidesteps-electoral-college/#.WDeC4Gfrs5s
  23. Karl Wagner was the CIA man who was General Cushman's assistant and liaised with Howard Hunt, getting him the materials he used for the Ellsberg break-in and Watergate. https://archive.org/details/KarlWagner
  24. From the analysis: It is clear that the third party vote is a key factor. Jill Stein had an implausibly low 1% share. Where did her votes go? Compare Trump’s 2.18 million True Vote margin in Scenario 1, in which third parties had 10.3%, to his negative margins in scenarios 2 and 3 where third parties had 6-7%. The differential indicates that Stein did better than 1%. Her votes were stolen. https://richardcharnin.wordpress.com/2016/11/23/2016-election-scenario-analysis/
  25. Flip De May wrote on Facebook today: Some facts: In Wisconsin, Outagamie County, Village of Hortonville 1.949 votes for president were counted on ... 1.516 voters. 436 ghost-votes. Initially Trump got 1.369 votes. When the impossible result was corrected, Trump retained only 904 votes. The entire erroneous vote went to Trump. Same problem in Grand Chute, 4.214 votes for president out of 3.088 voters. Here also the impossible tally was noticed. Before correction Trump got 2.844 votes, after the correction it w...as admitted he only got 1.644 votes. The entire error of 1.126 votes favoured Trump. Trump "wins" Wisconsin with 27.000 votes, so errors like this (together 1.562 votes in two small villages) are critical. How can a computer give more votes than voters, and then allot the entire difference to only one candidate? Are there other counties with similar (unnoticed) mistakes? Are there other mistakes than these obvious errors? Are these errors deliberately?? Is it a human or a softsware-problem??? Everyone who cares about democracy should request the answers on these questions. I think Hillary will stay moot and Stein will not do it on her own. They have to overturn the results in all three states to change the election-outcome. Even if they can do that, the election (in electoral votes) will remain very close, and question will become how electoral voters would react... If none gets the 270-treshold the house decides, and then you have again Trump, or some Republican surprise-president, in any case, the country would become even more gridlocked than it was already, and a disputed election would bring the US on the brink of civil war. I do not think Hillary is willing to take that risk... Democrats are losers because they don't fight in the same despicable way as republicans. And... imagine Trump's reaction on something similar like this but with "ghost-votes" for Hillary???
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