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Sid Walker

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Everything posted by Sid Walker

  1. Quite so, Len. My point exactly. He is married, gainfully employed presumably doing something he enjoys, has hobbies. In that respect, he sounds very much like Mohammad Sidique Khan Simply possessing illegal explosives doesn’t make someone a terrorist suspect. I agree 100%. Now, how about a simple demonstration to prove this important point, Len? Dress up in drag, like one normallly would at Carnivale - but this time be a little more risque and wear purdah and sunglesses. Take a walk to the nearest Town Hall with a couple of belts of explosives stapped to your waist. Using your best Semitic accent, explain to the nice man at the door that you have come to inspect the foundations and you'd prefer to use the stairway that isn't monitored by CCTV. Remember to leave a note explaining that your logically impeccable view that "possessing illegal explosives doesn’t make someone a terrorist suspect" just in case you don't make it through the day. Anyhow, Len, welcome back. I had vaguely wondered where you've been the last week or so. Busy with a damage-limitation assignment in New Zealand?
  2. Well aint this a cold slap in the groin. Say there... is "groin" a swear word? I don't want to screw up and have Antti get his knickers all in a twist again. ... Oops! Is "screw up" a swear? Gosh, it's such a verbal mine field when moderators decide to police language. And I do so want to avoid having my gosh darn diddley doodley posts censored. (Is "gosh darn" a swear?) I remember girls like you from schooldays, Myra. You sat at the back of class, giggled a lot, told great jokes, popped bubble gum when teacher's back was turned (and sometimes stuck it under the desk), had the best parties and my mum warned me about you. Now I know what happened when you grew up
  3. One needs only to read the 'critique' of JFK conspiracy theories (punchline above) to see what a sad piece of disinfo this article is.Of course, the author insists on (the official) conspiracy theory when it comes to 9-11, which he claims was instantly obvious to any normal person: The hand of "Islamic terrorists" obvious from the second impact? Really? I'd counter that, in the case of these opinion pieces, the hand of a Zionist shill was apparent before the end of the first article. I remember on the occasion of 9-11 itself witnessing a succession of Israelis on TV - Barak, Peres, Netenyhu etc - all pushing a similar instant view of Arab guilt. These liars fooled most of the people (in the west) for most of the last five years. But the human species is growing up - and wising up. Fast.
  4. CNN reports Berezovsky calls for coup As Berezovsky seems be believe he is the 21st Century's answer to Lenin, it beats me why MI6 doesn't take a leaf out of Ludendorff's book and put the home-sick exile on a sealed train headed for the Motherland.
  5. The irony is that compared to the really vile things this man has done, nepotistically fixing up his girlfriend's promotion is way, way down the list. Indeed, it may well have been his kindest and most humane act since rising to prominence in the Bush Adminisration. There's a lesson in this for all neocons. Just stick to the script. No favours for Muslims, It's OK to screw them (any which way you choose). But no pay rises.
  6. Did you coin that Mark - or have I been missing out on the word that makes sense out of Reality TV? Anyhow, a great word! Not copyrighted, I trust? Thanks - there are actual steps one can take to secure rights to such a word. Weird, eh? Apparently famegasm.com is "coming soon!"
  7. Well thanks Andy. To state the obvious, this is not about being able to search my own threads on Google. I gave the example of searches on "Sid Walker" and "Len Colby" as I was fairly sure these terms do not appear anywhere else. The serious issue is that, as far as I can tell, Google has not been spidering the forum. If the forum was spidered over a month ago.. well, the pages have already vanished from the cache. I'd have thought they'd linger longer, but I'm not a search engine wonk. Perhaps that's what happens in 2007. Here are other searches that illustrate the point: "Gus Hall and the American Communist Party" "jim glover" - no results in Google as of today. "nosenko, Angleton and Oswald" - no results in Google as of today. "Olover Stone and Fidel Castro" - no results in Google as of today (this is a very old thread). One search did yield a result.: "Assassination, Terrorism and the Arms Trade" gave: In this case, the forum comes up first. However, the google entry does not encourage further viewing. There are two steps, IMHO, that may be needed (assuming the intent is to make the contents of this forum available to the wider world). The first is to enable spidering. The second (which may be necessary) is to optimize the pages for search engines. An example of where it seems to work well may help illustrate what I think should be possible here. I visited Richard Dawkins' Forum. While there, I selected a thread at random: < Politics & Current Affairs. ~ Trouble in Paradise Then I selected a block of text on that page, again at random: Then I typed that same text into Google and clicked Search.As I expected, first entry up matched that text perfectly. It also made sense as a Google entry: -
  8. Did you coin that Mark - or have I been missing out on the word that makes sense out of Reality TV? Anyhow, a great word! Not copyrighted, I trust?
  9. Thanks Gil Great footage, nicely put together. Powerful stuff!
  10. It looks like Rush Holt is still on the case... although he doesn't want to push too hard. After all, the FBI have only had nearly six years to investigate so far... and Congress passed the Patriot Act (1) in a cipro-induced frenzy almost as long ago!
  11. Two articles of interest. Light relief first. Sarah Gillespie, writing in Peace by Truth, takes over where Hunter Thompson left off with: The irate Iranians, who've just welcomed back a former prisoner of the USA in Iraq whose body actually shows signs of torture, suggesting that his horrific narrative of captivity may actually be true, are so pissed off with the smarmy lying Brits (who don't even have the grace to say thanks for free chess lessons), that they propose to make a book and CD documenting the "cruel and callous" detention of the Famous Fifteen: Iran plans book, CD on Britons' detention. It should go well on Youtube - although in this case, a five-figure advance from Rupert Murdoch is unlikely. Now for the bad news... a grim assessment of what may be coming from Leonid Ivashov, formerly a top-ranking General in the Russian armed forces: Iran: the Threat of a Nuclear War. His analysis, IMO, is right on the money. It concludes:
  12. Another 'neocon' foreign policy disaster and extension of the ludicrous and (intentionally?) counter-productive WoT.
  13. It was only added yesterday. Google's spider searches the forum a couple of times a week. John - I think the problem is more general. See Forum not visible in Google, Is Google spidering deliberately blocked?
  14. The Guardian chimes in.. Wots 'appenin to our bees? Let's hope that, for once, British Government reassurances are based on competent and truthful assessments of reality. It would make a nice change and our future may depend on it. Put another way, is there any real intelligence left in HMG, or have the spooks wasted it all with inducements, threats or assassination?
  15. Those nifty New Zealand cops have outsmarted the terrorists again! Or perhaps it was - after all - just a few hunting types having a bit of fun? What's great about New Zealand is their laid back approach to the WoT. Police too busy to bring the case to court quickly. Busy with what? Issuing parking tickets? The next time an Artab or Muslim gets framed with high explosives in other, less civilized parts of the English-speaking world, they should use the New Zealand defence: "Your Honour, I was looking after (the explosives) for some other person I trusted. Some were a bit odd and unless you really had knowledge, you wouldn't recognise them." That's if they ever get to see His Honour before they confess under torture...
  16. The middle classes, whether they realise it or not, are part of Marx's Proletariat for the simple reason that they do not own the means of production, and distribution, they, in the main, simply manage this state of affairs for the true ruling class, and are as liable for dismissal as any "mere labourer" Nearly all great Revolutionary leaders have come from this particular social strata, not surprising when you consider their advantages in wealth, education and leasure time over the working class. I do, however, find the idea that "The Worlds Middle classes might unite" unlikely in the extreme, one only has to look at the History of the muddle-class(as a class, not as individuals) to see why. Put simply, they dont do solidarity. They are far more likely, IMO to continue to enact their historical role, that of a buffer zone between the true poor, and the vampiric rich. Steven, As I recall, a classical Marxist analysis did not entertain the notion of a 'middle class'. Accepting that 'middle classes' actually exist in the real world, however - as you appear to do - and that we both mean roughly the same thing when we use the term, I strongly disagree that "they dont do solidarity". I think that is an old left-wing myth. It contains a kernel of truth - because working class solidarity, at times in the past, has been inspiring, powerful and occasionally decisive (at least in the short term). But overall, it's a stereotype that romanticizes poverty and desperation. Extending your own argument, I'd say that educated people with a modicum of leisure time are generally much better placed to "do solidarity" than their less fortunate fellow citizens. In the last fifty years, middle class people largely formed the leadership and cadres of a plethora of progressive movements - from the environmental movement to the peace movement, consumer rights and third world justice. It’s the same with most political parties, for that matter. Even, increasingly, with trade unions. Much harder for worker class people - especially impoverished workers - to sustain involvement in political activity. That's not to put faith in the middle class as a force that will 'change the world'. It's a fuzzy term at best, IMO. Anyhow, a class analysis is no substitute for a strategy. The bottom line is that humanity as a whole needs a plan to get out of this dreadful mess we find ourselves in, where governance and public plicy is warped by the machinations of a cryptocracy underwritten by a plutocracy. It would be one thing if this 'ruling elite', to use the term coined by John, was competent and grounded in fundamental realities of ecological science. But there's little sign of that. as far as I can see. I don't mean to brag, but it was clear to me more than 15 years ago that we'd most likely need carbon emissions reductions of well over 80% in the industrialized countries - and should embark on the transition ASAP. I wrote stuff at the time about it - not because I was a genius, but because I was paying attention to scientific articles available in places such as the New Scientist. Of course there was 'room for debate'. But no-one in their right minds conducts an experiment with the entire planet. Except the ruling elite... I was interested to learn a year or so ago that Rupert Murdoch has just figured out that climate change is real and we need to do something about it. Since then, it has taken off big time. I'm not saying Murdoch set the elite trend. He's part of it. Gee whiz! These guys have finally figured it out. Skiers at Davos each winter now chat about climate change like they discuss interest rates or the futures market. Apparently Schwarzenegger broke a leg over it. The BBC World 'Service' currently runs a series on high-flying corporate whizzes who are taking on the challenge of climate change. All of which, IMO, is very well - and thank God it's happening at long last - but where have these brilliant minds been for last two decades? Funding think tanks to slow down and erode the process of building a consensus behind action, if I remember correctly. A peaceful world is the sine qua non of successfully resolving our critical social and ecological problems, but because the elite has come to be dominated by a highly partisan agenda (Zionism), owing to the wholly disproportionate number of Jewish Zionists among the ranks of billionaires, there will be no peace until these idiots either win or lose (whatever 'winning' might mean... one dreads to imagine). How long will that take? After 9-11, I recall speeches softening us up for a new 100 years war. Some were more 'optimistic' and suggested 50 years. I'd say we have much less time than that to get our act together. Even the current, 'low level' warfare (an Iraqi or Palestinian might justifiably take exception to my use of the term in this connection) is so destructive to our ability to work together as a planet and focus on obvious common priorities that it represents a very grave danger to our future. Hot war of course, would be a lot worse and is potentially cataclysmic. I was struck, after 9-11, with the swift and efficient way FEMA dealt with the crisis. It helped that a team of FEMA folk were conveniently in NYC the day before. Within hours of the three unprecedented collapses, the machine-like precision with which FEMA controlled the crime scene and swept up the evidence was a marvel to behold. By contrast, FEMA's inadequacies when faced with the real (natural) catastrophe of Hurricane Katrina made the USA the laughing stock of the world in 2005. A man (or a bureaucracy, or a major western government, and ultimately the UN itself) cannot serve two masters: the cryptocacy and the common good. If we want a decent future, we leave obvious criminals in charge at our peril. Michael Chertoff, for example, should be facing prosecution over 9-11 - not still in a high position of power and able to do yet more serious damage to our civilization, whether by malicious intent or plain bloody incompetence. Parenti's article bears re-visiting in the context of this discussion:
  17. Mark... forgive me if I missed something, but where have you explained the name of this thread's title?
  18. Thank you for sending me the photograph. I have uploaded it as your avatar. I have also added your website to your signature. It will help your rankings with search-engines. Only if Jim's pages on this site are spidered and entered into its database. As of today, there's no entry on Google:
  19. israelinsider - not a medium renowned for opposition to Israeli strong-arm tactics - reminds us that With Olmert's roller coaster running off track, desperate moves may be expected It reports: "Olmert, whose approval ratings are at three percent... is under several corruption investigations" In London, Blair has only a few months to go. He may leave office and face prosecution. Bush has longer to linger... but his used0by date is also approaching expiry.This situation is not conducive to good policy and forging peace. It is conducive to more false flags operations, war and terror in general. On this basis, there are no grounds, IMO, for relaxing. On the other hand, I don't believe these three men are really in control. If anyone is in control, it s not these guys. That is a source of concern - because it suggests our democracies are shams. On the other hand, the devils we don't know clearly don't have total power and we must hope they have judged that another hot war at this time may not serve their best interests. It's frustrating that our survival and well-being as a species is in the control of maniacs, clandestine or overt, clever or stupid. We really must get out of this situation. JFK realized this and showed the will to achieve it, as his little-remembered proposal, delivered personally to the UN General Assembly in 1961, clearly indicates:
  20. Google, of course, accounts for the lion's share of web searches as of April 2007, but I did a more comprehensive search for the same search terms, using the Vivisimo.com facility which search several sources at once. Two searches, using slightly different parameters, are recorded below. In summary, Gigablast had two pages, MSN one... that's all. This means forum contents are effectively invisible to anyone outside the forum network. What's more, given the rather poor internal search facility, even someone at the site may have difficulty finding what they seek quickly.
  21. A search on Google for "Len Colby" "Sid Walker" should bring up hundreds of references, as Len and myself have appeared on the same page (webpage, that is) on many occasions in this forum. In fact, as of today, it brings up no references at all. Is this deliberate? I can only assume it is, as by default Google would spider the site. Is the forum invisible on Google as a matter of forum policy? If so, why?
  22. A real joker, Mr Ford, to the end... ably assisted by this 'LBJ scholar'. Although to be fair, LBJ himself apparently believed Ford to be a first rate fool (and thus presumablyincapable of telling devious lies, unless put in his mouth by others, whether pre- or post-mortum) "Jerry Ford is so dumb he can't fart and chew gum at the same time." In the same vein, perhaps we should establish a 'Lee Harvey Oswald Patsy Award'. I nominate Sirhan Sirhan.
  23. His wife's bio says he was "in Dallas." I know of no evidence that he was in Dealey Plaza. Unless, of course, he's one of the candidates for Frenchy. (How tall was Rabin?) Also Rabin could hardly have been at the scene of the crime, then arrive in Tel Aviv with his wife just as word was received of the assassination. He left Dallas "hours before" (to quote his wife), if not a day or two before, as he apparently rejoined his wife in New York. I agree. The only source I can find on the web for the inference that Rabin was in Dallas at the time of the shooting is Barry Chamish (although a lot of opther folk have picked up on his comments). I don't dismiss everything he says automatically. But what Chamish says needs to be taken with caution, in my opinion... to say the least. That's why I found the original extract (as far as I know), which Chamish doesn't cite in full. On the other hand, the timing, circumstances and itinerary of Rabin's visit - and his role in the Israeli Government at that time - suggest he could have been involved in the assasination plot at the organizational level. Indeed, if Piper's thesis about the JFK slaying is essentially correct, Rabin almost certainly was involved. Someone at his level, assigned to visit the USA at that time, would almost certainly have been in the loop, along with Aharon Yariv. The latter, incidentally, was to direct Operation 'Wrath of God' under Golda Meir, some ten years later. Clearly at that later date, he was deemed to be the best available co-ordinator of undercover assassinations.
  24. Facinating. This is the actual extract from Leah Rabin's 'Our Life, His Legacy' as far as I can tell (I don't have access to a printed copy)
  25. What a tantalizing remark, Greg. I am truly all ears. Can you say more? Sid, I'm all too aware of how many times this case has been closed; how many times the Fat Lady has entered stage right, only to throw a pie at the audience, so whilst I may end up satisfied it's the FINAL final solution, what I really want to see is legal closure. That is the ultimate aim, but whether or not it is achieved, I'm sure those involved will present the work in due course. Obviously I can't go into specifics but (just to tantalise you even further), there will be some surprises. Ron - thanks for posting the comment that refers to Bruno's story of how the day was arranged. Was Connally relaying orders - or acting independently - when he battled Bruno over the itinerary? As you point out, the former is possible - neverhteless, the discrepancy between Bruno's first hand narrative and Mike Piper's account is interesting. Not wishing to speak for Ron, but if I can add my 2.8 cents worth... Connally was who I had in mind when I said previously you need to look at which politicians were involved along with the CC. I do believe it had the last say in the matter. If for instance, Connally had pushed for the Womens Centre, the CC would have over-ruled. As it was, the Trade Mart suited both Connally and the CC - and for ostensibly similar reasons; it ensured a lockout of the Great Unwashed aka Yarborough supporters, and it gave great publicity to the still newish Trade Mart complex. As far as the PR (Bloom) side of things went - they could care less about security. That isn't what PR people are paid for. It would be interesting to get a response from Piper on this. Agreed. Thanks Greg All very interesting. Without being unduly cynical, I don't expect the folk working on a Final Final Judgment (with closure) are short of funds if they really are onto something important that is as you report. Mike Piper has a lot of folk believing that's he has pinned the tail on the donkey (including me). There must be billions aplenty available to decisively prove him wrong. Sid, consider people like Karen Silkwood and Erin Brokavich. I'm talking about ordinary people with ordinary occupations and debts - including a retired welder. No one is setting out to prove anyone wrong - and no one I'm talking about has the time or inclination to indulge in such nonsense. When it all comes out, you will of course, be free to continue supporting whatever theory you want, and maybe one day, you, me and Mark can get together over a beer and discuss it. Convince me of your take on the JFK assassination, Greg and the drinks shall be on me. I retain an open mind and would actually be relieved if you are correct, but I feel confident I shaln't be shouting you. It's clear that other players were involved in the assassination of JFk and subsequent cover-up. However, the Israel Lobby, to use Piper's term, is the tie that binds, IMO. It alone could pull together an internationally effective cover-up. It alone had the necessary pull in the mass media. It alone had ties to Angleton, Ruby, Shaw, Bloom and many others we pretty well know had key roles in a conscious conspiracy. It alone had sufficient influence within the US Government - including LBJ himself - to carry through the cover-up. It alone had a network of prominent journalists and other talking heads capable of steering attention away from its own role in the assasination for decades. The Israel Lobby - along with the American MIC with which it is inextricably connected - benefitted from the assassination, in the short and long term. That's no accident, IMO. The reasons why JFK was murdered still have massive political relevance. This explains why it is still such a hot topic, so heaviliy contested, with so many disniformationalists still involved. To illustrate this point, I'd argue that the 'debate' about Iraq's WMDs, prior to 2003, that was the pretext for invasion by the USA, was a grotesque inversion of the 1960's reality faced by John Kennedy and the outcome of that contest of wills. (incidentally, this isn't a wholly original take; I recall Israel Shamir making a similar argument in around the time of the 2003 Iraq invasion). Iraq 2003 and Israel 1963 - A Tale with Two Outcomes Four Decades through the Looking Glass Although Saddam Hussein had been sold tidbits in the past by western governments, he got rid of Iraqi WMDs in the 1960s as demanded by the UN. He had never been within a country mile of building nuclear weapons. The pre-invasion WMD story was bogus. Those orchestrating the war knew that very well. By contrast, in the early 60s, Ben Gurion was actively pursung a policy of developing Israeli WMDs - biological, chemical and nuclear. The American Government suspected it. In retort, he maintained his WMD program and lied about it (along with his accolytes such as Simon Peres, who had the priviledge of meeting JFK personallyand lying directly to his face about Israel's nuclear intentions). In the case of Iraq, the UN was used for the whole circus of mediating increasingly hysterical US demands and exasperated Iraqi responses. International inspection authorities were utilized. In other words, the saga was acted out in the glaze of publicity, although the process was corrupted. The UN Security Council, ultimately, was not convinced. Nevertheless, the USA attacked Iraq anyway. Israel had been more furtunate. Discussions between the USA and the suspected nuclear-armed aspirant were kept top secret. Kennedy never pushed Israel in public. Hence few had any notion of what had been going behind the scenes until decades later - protecting Israel's secret and a key possible motive behind Kennedy's assassination from public knowledge until the horse had well and truly bolted. In the case of Iraq, the Brits were actively involved (and implicated) in the propaganda show and the ensuing invasion. By contrast, Britain was kept entirely out of the loop, as far as I know, in Kennedy's negotiations with Israel over Israel's WMD program. In the case of Saddam Hussein, his country’s invasion was followed by his own execution, following a show trial orchestrated by the victors, Ben Gurion had much better luck. His angst of early 1963 appeared to dissipate - rather as though he had suffered a bad toothache, but the offending molar had been successfully extracted. Kennedy, as we know, died a violent death (followed by no trial and a four-decade cover-up of the truth). Dubya is alive – and makes a living out of killing.
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