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Cliff Varnell

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Posts posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. During the break today, Trump's lead lawyer did a great impression of a babbling idiot.

    Jay Sekalow said "the whole thing goes back" to Jill McCabe, wife of former acting-head of the FBI Andrew McCabe -- two of Team Fascist's ginned up bogeymen.

    So Trump fights the quasi-suppressed Mueller probe since he can't defend his attempt to coerce Ukraine to help his Prez campaign.

    The 2-hour Saturday "defense" should be a real hoot.

    Popcorn, anyone?





  2. On March 2, 2020 I'm going to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the debut of the Original 7 Seconds at the Townhouse in Reno.  There's an expanded version of my "The Only Town That Matters" timeline re-naming it The Birth of Hardcore.

    This is one of the new entries:

    January 18, 1980

    The plan was for Tom and Kevin come over to my house and we’d all go down to Maytan’s Music to rent a drum kit.  The night before we left it off where Tom and I were going to form a band with Kevin and Steve but we needed to sort out who’d drum and who’d manage.  The audition for drummer was on!

    Kevin came over at two and we stood out on the front lawn, spirits elevated and impatient, for an hour for Tom to pick us up when he rolled up with the bed of his white Toyota pickup full of drum cases.

    He knew he was going to be the drummer so he went down to Maytan himself.  We both knew he was going to be the drummer the night before when I suggested we audition for it.

    We loaded in down in the basement. Tom set up the kit and killed it.  I sat down and demonstrated my lack of hand-eye co-ordination.

    “You’re the drummer, I’m the manager,” I said to a grinning Tom Munist.

  3. 9 hours ago, Dennis Berube said:

    It doesn't take a grand jury investigation to determine very quickly that Cliff is not a positive poster in any way  and simply fires invective off at every chance. 

    Someone who doesn’t read my posts knows what they are all about?

    ...What does the word “deep” mean in the classic use of the word by Peter Dale Scott?  That which is meant to be kept hidden.  Wall Street Banksters keep their influence in the National Security State hidden by control of the mass media. Theocratic Fascists keep their influence in the National Security State hidden by promoting the narrative that the “deep state” only works for the Banksters.

    Left non-fascists repeat the myth that the ruling elite is a monolithic “High Cabal”. This is an egregious mis-analysis which begs to attract withering ridicule.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    Good one Jeff. As the only actual Trump Supporter, I was disappointed not to be named in the list with you, Dennis and Jim.

    Wheeler doesn’t get the meaning of the German word “links” — “left.”

    Wheeler isn’t left.

    10 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:


    Clearly Cliff has made up a word for people who like the "truth" but do not necessarily support Trump. "Trumpenlink" is apparently the best he can come up with.

    • Like Truth & Support Trump = Me ("Trumparians?", "Trumpites?" {what's the 70's sitcom reference Cliff? anyone?})
    • Like Truth & Do not Support Trump = The "Trumpenlinks"
    • Hate Truth & Support Trump = The imaginary people Cliff thinks he's arguing with.
    • Hate Truth & Do not Support Trump = The real people we are arguing with.

    Most of the people in the last bullet point still seem pretty intelligent and are certainly articulate.

    It is hard to believe the high level of cognitive dissonance, they usually show, is congenital.


    Another guy who knows all about my argument but doesn’t read my posts.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

    Jeff you havent blocked Cliff yet? 

    All these guys are able to think

    Berube has me blocked but he knows all that I’m able to think?

    3 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

    is that every statement they disagree with automatically means the person who said it loves trump and therefore needs to clarify their position on every move trump has ever made.

    No, I push back every time someone who should know better repeats Trump talking points about the secret cooperation with Russian operatives.  Berube and DiEugenio especially spend far more time bashing Democrats than bashing Trump — right out of the Trumpenlinks playbook.

    3 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

    This is emotional analysis more than anything else. They probably think they “won” something when we say that the drone strike was wrong and probably a war crime. Thats how attached they are to a never trump philosophy. 

    That Berube is openly “unattached” to a never Trump philosophy says a lot.


  6. 6 hours ago, Jeff Carter said:

    FYI - completely denounce this utterly bat———- crazy move.

    Did you denounce Trump pulling out of the Iran nuke deal? Or his pulling out of the Paris Climate accords? Or his rollback of Obama’s Cuban policy? Or the tearing of babies from the arms of their mothers on the southern border? Or the myriad white supremacist policies and statements?

    You decry the Carter Page FISA warrants but have you ever denounced the FBI hijacking the 2016 election in Trump’s favor?

    6 hours ago, Jeff Carter said:

    I’m not a “ trumpenlink” and neither are the others you mentioned, as has been repeatedly stated.  

    All your “no collusion” nonsense defines your Trumpenlinks membership.

    6 hours ago, Jeff Carter said:


    your inability to process that is widely shared I have noticed. 



    You repeat Fascist talking points endlessly.

    Live with it.

  7. 18 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:


    • Why, on a JFK Assassination discussion forum of all places, are their participants that believe it is necessary to protect the reputation of a CIA lawyer who on more than one occasion attended actual JFK conferences to spread disinformation?

    Why would it be necessary to protect the reputation of Mark Zaid?

    The whistleblower became irrelevant when all those diplomatic corps witnesses came forward.

    Team Fascist and it’s non-Fascist Useful Idiot Auxiliary obsess over sweet nothings — FISA warrants, the Steele Dossier, the UkraineGate whistleblower — because they can’t face the facts of Trump’s egregious treason.

  8. 5 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

    Except, where is the evidence LHO was on the steps at the time of the shooting?  With multiple witnesses present, can you prove he was there?

    Cory, Oswald claimed in his 11/22/63 interview that he was watching the “P. parade”.  He was accused of firing 3 6.5mm Full Metal Jacket rounds.  It can be proven that JFK had a shallow wound in the soft tissue between his Third Thoracic Vertebra and the upper margin of his right scapula.

    6.5 mm FMJ don’t leave shallow wounds in soft tissue.  

    Since Oswald was provably innocent of the charge against him — isn’t the burden of proof on those who insist he *wasn’t* outside watching the motorcade?

  9. 7 minutes ago, Rob Clark said:

    Just wondering what the members considered the best revelation, best research, or the best book that was released or came to light in 2019 would be in their opinion?


    The Larry Hancock/David Boylan work on Wheaton Names, focusing attention on Carl Jenkins and Rafael Quintero

    The Malcolm Blunt/Bart Kamp release of FBI SA James Hosty’s notes on Oswald’s interview in custody, underlining his alibi that he went outside to watch the “P. parade.”

  10. 9 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    As everyone can see by his performance, if there had been anything to Russia Gate, Adam Schiff would have jumped on it like a mad dog.

    There wasn't.

    DiEugenio appears oblivious to former White House Counsel Don McGahn’s refusal to testify before the House on Trump’s extensive obstruction of justice, and the protracted court battle over that refusal.

    It’s been in all the papers — how could DiEugenio miss it?

    9 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    So he jumped on Ukraine Gate. And he got Pelosi to go along.

    Almost the entire Dem caucus reacted with instantaneous revulsion to Trump’s extortion of an ally to meddle in our elections. No one had to get anyone to “go along”

    DiEugenio has photos of Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X on his website, but not once has he denounced Trump’s blatant racism.

    I wonder what AOC would think of such fecklessness?

  11. On 12/17/2019 at 4:56 PM, Vince Palamara said:

    I firmly believe (based on my second book- the compilation of all medical statements/evidence) that the back wound was on the back, NOT the back of the neck, and it did not penetrate the chest (and, of course, it did not come out the front of the neck).

    I further believe the neck wound (where the tracheostomy was located) was an entrance wound from the front.

    I also believe that the occipital-parietal area of the head was blasted out and that the shot came from the front. I do not rule out another shot to the head from behind.

    I also believe there was AT LEAST one missed shot.

    Finally, I believe Connally was hit by a separate shot so, obviously, I think the SBT is crap.

    Vince, you go to the top of the list of "name" JFKA researchers, in my book.  

    To the best of my knowledge, you, Don Jeffries, David Josephs, and Lawrence Schnapf are the only active members of the JFKA Master Class who acknowledge the T3 back wound/throat entrance wound.  (I don't put Vincent Salandria or E Martin Schotz on the active list.). 

    While Schnapf acknowledges the T3 back wound he didn't present it at the Oswald Mock Trial in 2018, and when the prosecution claimed JFK was shot in the back of the neck the defense didn't challenge it.

    The list of JFKA Master Class T3-deniers is long and imho -- inglorious.

    I don't think people fully appreciate how significant the T3 back wound is.  A shallow wound in soft tissue between T3 and the upper margin of the scapula precludes a 6.5mm Full Metal Jacket strike.  That lets Oswald off the hook and bolsters his alibi.  T3 proves that at least one autopsy photo is a fake, and the final autopsy report is a fraud.

    And of course it proves conspiracy.  

    The T3 back wound is the most powerful evidence in the case and yet it's been buried for decades under Pet Theorist bull-offal.








  12. On 12/17/2019 at 4:56 PM, Vince Palamara said:

    I firmly believe (based on my second book- the compilation of all medical statements/evidence) that the back wound was on the back, NOT the back of the neck, and it did not penetrate the chest (and, of course, it did not come out the front of the neck).

    I infer you've concluded the shallow back wound was at T3.  Yes?

    On 12/17/2019 at 4:56 PM, Vince Palamara said:

    I further believe the neck wound (where the tracheostomy was located) was an entrance wound from the front.

    I also believe that the occipital-parietal area of the head was blasted out and that the shot came from the front. I do not rule out another shot to the head from behind.

    I also believe there was AT LEAST one missed shot.

    Finally, I believe Connally was hit by a separate shot so, obviously, I think the SBT is crap.

    I think we're on the same page regarding the medical evidence.  Thanks, Vince.

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