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Cliff Varnell

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Posts posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. 21 minutes ago, Jeff Carter said:

    Nice one. A superficial partisan rejection of one of the more interesting and insightful observations of this sordid affair.

    So was it superficial partisanship which prevented you from making the full disclosure that John Dowd had been Trump's lawyer?

    Why would you intentionally leave out that little detail?



    Your entire take on this topic has been superficial and partisan, to the extent that you simply don't know what you are talking about - as your above characterization of Manafort's business partner Kliminik as a "Russian operative" confirms.

    Rick Gates testified that Kilimnick took possession of the internal polling data in order to pass it off to Oleg Deripaska.

    Why Did Manafort Share Trump Polling? Mueller Leaves Clues


    What specifically are you denying here, Jeff -- that it was an operation designed to put polling data into the hands of a Russian oligarch?

    What part of that do you challenge?

  2. 35 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Mueller could not prove anything about collusion in two years.  And he looked like a rather doddering old man before congress.

    Useful Idiots of Team Fascist reveal themselves by the Trump talking points they repeat endlessly.

    Mueller proved plenty about collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives. right after Trump prompted them.

    Trump openly solicited Russian aid when he asked, " Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."  Team Fascist would have us believe that it was a coincidence that Russian hackers went after Hillary's e-mails right after.

    "Collusion" is not a crime, evidently.  Mueller said Donald Trump Jr. was too ignorant of the law to know that he was guilty of conspiracy when he, Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort met with Russian operatives with the understanding they would receive dirt on Hillary Clinton.

    Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and his deputy Rick Gates met with a Russian operative and Manafort business partner Konstantin Kilimnick and turned over internal polling data for delivery to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.

    Mueller's demeanor in his House testimony was cautious, inconsistent with DiEugenio's accusation that Mueller was going out of his way to see Trump impeached.

    Mueller bent over backwards for a blatantly guilty Trump.


  3. 1 hour ago, Jeff Carter said:

    The criticism of the use of the 'process charges" is not exclusively a Republican talking point, and was best repudiated as "petty" by veteran DC lawyer John Dowd last February in an interview with ABC - "Because Flynn, Papadopoulos, Gates, I mean, look what Bob's doing, what I call nickel-dime process crimes...it's been a waste of time. And it's been petty. And it's been bureaucratic. And you don't need to do that. When you're dealing at this level, when you're dealing at this level, you're playing' the World Series, okay? And you don't-- you don't-- you don't get down with the petty stuff here."

    Why is Jeff Carter reluctant to mention that John Dowd was Trump's lawyer from June 2017 to March 2018?

  4. 5 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

     But in this thread what I have been trying to say is that people who know what happened with the Warren Commission and the HSCA, should have an interest in this.  Why?  Because we should be interested in how the process has been corrupted.  I did not at all like Dick Nixon.  But I also did not like what the CIA did to him with the help of the Washington Post and Sy Hersh at the NY Times.

    Impeaching a President for lying about adultery in a deposition ruled unrelated to a settle civil suit -- the Lowest of Crimes -- was a corruption of "the process."

    James Comey announcing a re-opened investigation into Hillary's e-mails was a corruption of the process.

    Having William Barr publicly misrepresent the contents of the Mueller Report was a corruption of the process.

    Seems Jim DiEugenio is highly selective about which processes he finds corrupt.

  5. On 10/21/2019 at 11:49 PM, Jeff Carter said:

    Ah ... tKremlin Octopus" conspiracy theory. I think I prefer Cliff calling everyone a fascist.

    Best to everyone. The next year or so will be a crazy ride.

    There are plenty of Useful Idiot non-fascists on Team Fascism.

    Like those who rail against Ukrainian fascists but utter nary a peep about Trump's attempt to overthrow the American system of checks and balances.

    Have there been any denunciations of Trump's family separation policy on Kennedys and King or Black Op Radio

    Or the Muslim ban? 

    Or the removal of regulations protecting the environment or consumers? 

    Or Trump's attempts to take health insurance away from millions?

    Or Trump's insistence that neither he nor any of his associates can be investigated while he's in office?

    Or Trump turning the Dept. of Justice into an arm of his re-election campaign?

    Or Republican voter suppression campaigns that scrubbed millions of mostly minority voters from the voting rolls?

    You guys (or whoever is the "everyone" Jeff Carter referred to above) can't even admit that Trump solicited foreign influence in American elections even though Trump committed this crime right out in the open.

    You're like those on Team JFKA Cover-up who deny JFK was shot in the back at T3...Wait a minute, you and Jim DiEugenio are those guys too!



  6. 57 minutes ago, Jeff Carter said:

    Honestly guys - believe what you want to believe. Good luck to you.

    The establishment beef with Trump has been based on foreign policy, specifically his opinions on improving relations with Russia.

    Then why did the Russia-hacks-DNC story only make two 24 hour news cycles over the last 5 months of the campaign, with nothing on that matter over the last 70 days?  The Obama administration denounced Russia for interference in the US election on Oct. 7 and that item never made the news cycle.

    The Mueller investigation didn't start until after Trump fired Comey -- the guy who installed him in the White House!

    If "the establishment" wanted Clinton to win why was she hammered relentlessly for two years over her nothing-burger e-mails?



    No lie or slander has been out of bounds in an effort to prevent a policy of rapprochement.

    Trump openly solicited Russian interference in the 2016 election.  He's openly solicited Ukrainian and Chinese interference in the 2020 election.

    Team Fascist wants to call this fake news...



    The New York Times and Marco Rubio have been leading the pack on these efforts, and their sources and methods have often lacked simple journalistic ethics. Anyone can write a report or make an assertion - the devil is in the details, as you should know. The professional journalists and analysts who have broken down the details - rather than simply take everything at face value - have clearly demonstrated that the establishment line is a pack of lies.

    The only journalists and analysts you credit are those who feed into your confirmation bias.

    Those who claim The Deep State was out to sabotage Trump's campaign couldn't "deep analyze" their way out of an open paper bag.

  7. 2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    On a general basis, I subscribe to the Fletcher Prouty assertion that the CIA places it own people in other US Agencies, Bureaus, Service Branches, etc. So, there are mostly secret CIA agents in the FAA, Pentagon, NRC, FBI, etc. (ie. Oswald worked for the CIA as a US Marine.) 

    John Solomon said the following (below) about August 18, 2019 and the article uses the term "Western Intelligence", which is implied to be CIA. (Have also seen MI6 mentioned. Mifsud was  a contractor or free-lancer [no official position in any official Intelligence agency]) Whoever he worked for in the West, the important distinction was that he was not working for Russia, which goes against the official MSM narrative and assumptions in the Mueller Report.

    How many times did the "Deep State" leak the name Joseph Mifsud prior to the 2016 election?


    2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    I mention Prouty because many of the upper management executives at the FBI are either CIA or worked very closely with the CIA. McCabe & Strzok & Page knew Mifsud was not a Russian agent but they did necessarily tell the lower level FBI field agents looking into Mifsud. Also, don't forget that Stefan Halper was on the Trump Take Down Team making introductions between Mifsud, George Pap, Carter Page.

    How many times did the "Deep State" leak the names George Papadopolus and Carter Page prior to the 2016 election?


    The Steele Dossier was written up by David Corn on Halloween 2016 but the item never made the mainstream news, which was focused solely on the re-opening of the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's e-mails.

    So the purveyors of fascist black propaganda promote the myth of a "Trump Take Down Team" which was kept hidden before the election and barely made a ripple afterward.

    Carter Page exonerated by Mueller report


    The investigations into the Steele Dossier, Mifsud, Page and Papadopolus went no where.  If Trump hadn't fired James Comey there would be no "RussiaGate."

    2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:


    Halper (Ray Cline's former son-in-law) involvement in CIA "skullduggery" goes back to Watergate, then the October Surprise, and he played important roles in Iran/Conta.

    As far as McCabe, Strzok, Page and many others, working for the CIA while at the FBI, you start to scratch the surface of the business motivations of the Deep State. To over-simplify, the Deep State (Power Elite, etc.) exports weapons and imports drugs; always and still. Human Trafficking is also an important source of revenue.

    Smear and innuendo are key tools in fascist black propaganda.

    2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    That Weapons, Drugs and People are the main business lines of the Deep State is not a new revelation to JFK researchers. That JFK's intentions and efforts to shut down these "rat lines" are pretty much the same as Trumps 55 years later, has mostly been incomprehensible. The Presidential Administrations  of JFK and Trump were/are a severe threat to the Weapons/Drugs franchise so they both had to, or have to, be eliminated. Trump of course has the benefit of hindsight that JFK did not have so Trump is much harder to kill. Instead we have the Russia Hoax, and now this Ukranian nonsense. 

    I can write about this for hours, but if you look into McCabe, you'll find his clandestine efforts go back to pushing the Italian Mafia out of NY drug markets to make room for the Russian Mob.

    This is the same Andrew McCabe who played a key role in keeping the Clinton Foundation "scandal" alive after she was formally exonerated in the e-mail case.

    FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe


    <quote on>

    About a week after Mr. Comey’s July announcement that he was recommending against any prosecution in the Clinton email case, the FBI sought to refocus the Clinton Foundation probe, with Mr. McCabe deciding the FBI’s New York office would take the lead, with assistance from Little Rock.

    The Washington field office, FBI officials decided, would focus on a separate matter involving Mr. McAuliffe. Mr. McCabe had decided earlier in the spring that he would continue to recuse himself from that probe, given the governor’s contributions to his wife’s former political campaign.

    Within the FBI, the decision was viewed with skepticism by some, who felt the probe would be stronger if the foundation and McAuliffe matters were combined. Others, particularly Justice Department anticorruption prosecutors, felt that both probes were weak, based largely on publicly available information, and had found little that would merit expanded investigative authority.

    According to a person familiar with the probes, on Aug. 12, a senior Justice Department official called Mr. McCabe to voice his displeasure at finding that New York FBI agents were still openly pursuing the Clinton Foundation probe during the election season. Mr. McCabe said agents still had the authority to pursue the issue as long as they didn’t use overt methods requiring Justice Department approvals.

    The Justice Department official was “very pissed off,” according to one person close to Mr. McCabe, and pressed him to explain why the FBI was still chasing a matter the department considered dormant. Others said the Justice Department was simply trying to make sure FBI agents were following longstanding policy not to make overt investigative moves that could be seen as trying to influence an election. Those rules discourage investigators from making any such moves before a primary or general election, and, at a minimum, checking with anticorruption prosecutors before doing so.

    “Are you telling me that I need to shut down a validly predicated investigation?” Mr. McCabe asked, according to people familiar with the conversation. After a pause, the official replied, “Of course not,” these people said.

    <quote off>


    2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    Strzok (born in Iran) and Page (mother born in Iran) are both Farsi speakers. They were on the Trump Takedown Team to keep the pipeline of centrifuges and refined Uranium from Piketon, Ohio to Iran open. (Strzok's father worked for Bell Helicopter in Iran up until the Revolution. There are all kinds of suspicious relatives in the Strzok family tree.)

    Briefly, the Awan brothers were part of a CIA spy effort to keep tabs on, and compromise members of Congress. It started under Chuck Schumer and then Anthony Weiner was put in charge. When Anthony left, Debbie Wasserman Schultz was put in charge. Hillary likely saw the opportunity to use secure Crowd Strike configured State Department Blackberry's to control the Super-Delegates and had Schultz have the Awan brothers hand them out and manage the syncing processes. Essentially Hillary's hubris exposed the secret communications system that the CIA/State Department was using to move weapons, drugs, and people for her own personal election purposes. 

    The Deep State is not happy with Hillary. She did not win (thus preserving the status quo) and she exposed the methods and means of making millions from weapons, drugs and people. That is why you saw Mueller, a real Deep State heavy weight pulled in. He could care less about Hillary. He was needed to protect the franchise and preserve their version of the historical record. Mueller failed and now you are watching them eat their own.

    Biden, overboard.

    A secret "impeachment."

    The push for Warren. Wait till you find out why the MSM wants Warren so bad (and pretending Sanders and Gabbard do not exist.)

    The MSM pretends Bernie Sanders doesn't exist?

    2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    Hint, they don't care about getting Warren in the White House, they care about getting her husband in.

    So the next target of the fascist black propaganda campaign is Elizabeth Warren's husband.

    Good to know.


  8. 3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Mr. Wheeler:

    This is really interesting.

    Addendum: It's embarrassing when a CIA operative posing as a Russian Intelligence agent looses his Crowdstrike Blackberry and Attorney General Barr and &nbsp;US Attorney John Durham travel all the way to Italy to retrieve it.

    Everyone should click through on this.  To me that just about cinches it as far as George P goes.

    But you think Mifsud was CIA instead of FBI?  Why?

    Also, what do you think the whole Awan brothers episode was about and why was Schultz invovled?

    Oh oh oh!  Look over here everybody! 

    Look at the deep state at work! 

    Don't pay attention to Trump's treason in the Ukraine and Syria, look what "they" did with George Papadopoulos!

    It's right out of the Trump playbook -- look at the latest shiny object (Steele Dossier! Steele Dossier!) while high crimes go down right out in public...Sickening.

  9. 3 hours ago, Ray Mitcham said:

    Where does it say in the constitution that a President cannot be indicted for a crime. Is he really above the law?


    Just a Limey wondering.

    It's not in the Constitution, Ray.  It's been a Dept. of Justice guideline since 1973.

    Trump has successfully politicized the DOJ, and is above the law as long as the Trump cult of personality maintains its' hold on the Republican Party.

    He'll be impeached, but likely not removed until the 2020 election.

    It's interesting to watch the defenders of fascism wet themselves over Josef Misfud's blackberries.  The investigations into Carter Page and George Papadopoulos went nowhere, and since they were never reported upon before the election had no impact on anything. 

    Trump's water carriers like Mr. Wheeler and Mr. DiEugenio want to pretend that the Mueller investigation had something to do with this nonsense, but it didn't.  These guys get all their talking points from Trump's disinformation playbook.

  10. Meanwhile, Trump sends troops to Saudi Arabia and continues to aid the Saudi slaughter in Yemen.

    By pulling out of the Iran nuke deal Trump pushed the region closer to war.

    But the defenders of Trumpian fascism celebrate when Trump betrays our Kurdish allies and plunges north-east Syria into war and ethnic cleansing.

    A real peacenik, that Trump!


  11. 1 hour ago, John Butler said:

    Has Donald Trump been indicted for a crime? 

    A sitting President cannot be indicted for a crime.  Robert Mueller indicated in his House testimony that Trump would have been indicted for obstruction of justice if he wasn't President.

    Michael Cohen was sentenced to 3 years in prison for campaign finance felonies he committed under Trump's direction.


    Has he been tried in court?  Has he been found guilty of being a traitor or a criminal by a court?

    Once the American people give this scum the boot he'll face multiple trials.


     Has the House of Representatives brought impeachment articles? 

    Only a matter of time.


    Has the Senate tried those imaginary impeachment articles?  Has he been removed by the Senate?   

    Until these conditions are met all is sound and fury offering spite and invective and little else.

    A Trump defender railing against spite, invective, sound and fury...Savor the irony, gentle reader!



  12. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    And according to Mr Wheeler, the Mueller Report was available for reading in full to select members of congress. If that was enough then I am sure they would have agreed to have an impeachment vote based on it.  They then would have gone to court during the proceedings to get it fully released.

    No, the Trump Administration kept the key witness to Trump's obstruction, former White House Counselor Don McGahn, from testifying.  Going to court to force his testimony would take so long that impeachment became untenable.

    Those who closely follow the news understand this.


    To me, the evidence in RG simply was not there for impeachment.  The Steele Dossier ended up being  something of a joke.  What with it being financed by Singer and then the DNC?  And paying the guy well into the six figures.  Ever hear of confirmation bias?

    Nobody cares about the Steele Dossier.  Mueller barely mentioned it in his report.

    Those who closely follow the news understand this.

  13. 45 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    I have CV on ignore because he is a broken record on the JFK case: Harriman and JFK's custom shirts. 

    Pure bovine offal.

    Here's the thread where DiEugenio put me on ignore:



    I started yawning on that stuff about five years ago.

    No, Jim DiEugenio started ignoring the physical evidence in the JFK murder case at least a decade ago.

    I regard this as historical malpractice.



    On this issue, we may as well be listening to the Podesta Group or NY Times.


    Or Aljazeera, which I quoted.


    So its the same thing. The examples above are what he thinks is "ass kicking".  😉  Therefore he is also an egotist.

    Jim DiEugenio accuses someone of being an egotist!  The irony is rich.



    Why waste the time on someone I consider a t-r-o-l-l.


    As opposed to an over-rated self-aggrandizing hustler?

    DiEugenio denounces Fascists in Ukraine while he carries water for Fascists in America.  Go figure.

  14. 1 minute ago, Dennis Berube said:

    Lol. I see the issue here, you and wn enjoy getting information from known propaganda outlets, whereas me and jim do not. Russia definitely annexed the Crimea, we disagree on how and why.

    So now you admit that "Russia definitely annexed the Crimea."  That's a start!  Now will you admit to fighting in the Donbass region?  You claimed I was wrong about that, too.

    I didn't condemn Russia for annexing Crimea -- I just stated it as a fact.  You make incredible assumptions, Dennis.

    1 minute ago, Dennis Berube said:


    Lol again. Im beginning to understand why Jim blocked you. 

    Yup, I'm rhetorically kicking his ass on this thread, too.

  15. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Putin annexed Crimea?   And he's helping those in Donbass.  OMG.  This is why I have CV on ignore.  He's like the NY Times on this.

    James DiEugenio and Dennis Berube may be the only two people on the planet who deny that Putin annexed Crimea in 2014.

    From the Aljazeera article linked in my previous post:

    <quote on>

    Transferred by the Soviet leadership from Russia to Ukraine in 1954, Crimea is a region populated by Russian-speakers who were genuinely frightened by the prospect of finding themselves living under the rule of extreme nationalists. They have been lukewarm about Ukraine's independence since the very beginning, and perhaps more importantly, had long been consuming the same Kremlin propaganda as Russians on their TV screens. Moreover, Ukraine's revolution may have been a genuine popular uprising against a corrupt government that rejected greater integration with the EU, but it also had an ultra-nationalist component which was displayed in full view for all Russians and Crimeans to see - Right Sector ultra-nationalists occupied a whole floor in the revolutionary HQ and flags and symbols associated with Ukrainian Nazi collaborators in the World War II were ubiquitous in Maidan square. This was naturally perceived as an existential threat by Crimeans and helped them turn their back to Ukraine and its revolution and embrace Putin as their saviour.

    <quote off>

    The reason DiEugenio has me on ignore is because I rhetorically kick his ass every time we tangle.

  16. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    In addition to the tax cut and Pentagon boost, this is another  thing the Dems should have used against Trump.  But to my knowledge they did not.




    DiEugenio never passes on an opportunity to bash Democrats....


    U.S. appeals court to revisit Trump win in hotel 'emoluments' case

    (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Tuesday said it would reconsider an earlier ruling that handed victory to U.S. President Donald Trump in a Democratic-backed lawsuit that accuses him of violating anti-corruption provisions of the U.S. Constitution with his Washington hotel.

    <quote off, emphasis added>


  17. 25 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

    Russian “linked” is a vague term. They obviously weren’t significant if the mueller report was unable to find anything “there” as the fbi was heard saying.

    Mueller bent over backwards not to go after Donald Trump, Jr. for trying to solicit dirt on Hillary from Russian operatives.

    Mueller didn't go after Trump's finances.

    Mueller didn't insist on a sit-down interview with Trump.

    When William Barr lied to the nation about the findings of the Mueller report, the special prosecutor waited many weeks to set the record straight. 

    His manner in the House hearings was cautious and low key.

    Are you unaware that Trump's campaign manager met with a Russian operative to hand over internal polling data?

    Are you unaware that Trump colluded with the Russians right out in the open when he asked them to hack Hillary's e-mails?


    This type of “facts be damned” modern democratic ideology that pervades the msm and the big “leftist” sites like dailykos, huffpost, etc is exactly what the corporate democrats are all about. And exactly the opposite of the type of democrat JFK was.

    Looks to me that the "facts be damned" ideology is coming from RussiaGate-deniers.


    Your Putin paranoia is undone by a view of a map of us military bases in europe bordering russia. Look at that and then tell us how Putin is destabilizing the entire world again. 

    What Putin paranoia?  I put Russian meddling in the 2016 election 6th on the list of reasons Clinton lost the election.

    Number 1 reason -- GOP voter ID laws and voter purge programs spearheaded by Kris Kobach kicked 16 milli0n voters off the rolls between 2014 and 2016.

    #2 -- James Comey re-opened the Hillary e-mail investigation 11 days before the election because he was afraid Hillary would fire him for the way he mis-handled the original e-mail investigation.

    #3 -- Hillary was a terrible candidate and did an awful job rebutting the ridiculous Benghazi "no there there."

    #4 -- Bill Clinton visited with Loretta Lynch, forcing her to recuse herself from the e-mail investigation and thus allowing Comey to attack Clinton, a violation of FBI protocol.

    #5 -- MSNBC, CNN and Fox gave billions of dollars in free advertising to Trump, and their talking heads rarely fact-checked Trumps lies.

    #6 -- The Vlad and Julian Show.  Trump couldn't have won without them, but by itself Russian meddling would have been no more serious than a prank.

  18. 42 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Both the Republicans and the Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee say Gareth Porter is wrong on this issue.



    PS When did Russia move to annex Ukraine?  Putin had a great opportunity, but he did not.

    Putin annexed Crimea and fortified Russian forces in the Donbass region.

    I would have thought DiEughenio would be up on this since it was in all the papers...

  19. 1 hour ago, Cory Santos said:

    The problem with this theory is N. Korea, Iran and Cuba along with several other incidents.  In each, President Trump defied heavy pressure from Pentagon advice and did not initiate an engagement response that would have started world war 3.  So, while there are plenty of networks trying to scare people to think POTUS will lead the USA into war with a bad decision-its ok this tactic was applied to Clinton early on in his campaign and presidency- the reality is President Trump has a track record of choosing the least warlike attitude.  We can all sleep safe at night.  Now that I think about it this fear propaganda was used on the guy we are all here talking about, JFK.  Hmm... times don't change much.

    Cory, dropping out of the Iran nuke deal wasn't "least war-like." 

    Neither was moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem and cutting off aid to the Palestinians.

    Pulling out of northern Syria has sparked war. 

    Trump supplies the Saudis in their destruction of Yemen.

    If Trump thought going to war would help get him re-elected he'd do it in a heart beat.

  20. 5 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    The idea that somehow one party is pure simply because they are Dems is a fairy tale.

    No one is saying that the corporate wing of the Democratic Party is pure.  Strawman.

    5 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


    And the idea that somehow Putin is a great Satan who is destabilizing the West, that is just silly.  Thanks to that drunken fool Yeltsin,  Putin has a hard time defending his own borders from NATO.

    Putin is having a hard time resisting the offensive maneuvers of NATO countries on Russia's border?

    Talk about a fairy tale!


  21. 1 minute ago, Dennis Berube said:

    It makes sense you read and apparently believe the website that is paid for by a non-profit organization whose first president was John Podesta and counts George Soros, CitiBank, Wells Fargo, Northrup Grumman, and many other friends among its donors. I'd call that a slight conflict of interest in terms of independent analysis.

    Which of the 272 instances of contact between the Trump campaign and Russians is inaccurate?
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