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Cliff Varnell

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Posts posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. Face it:  On August 15. 1963, JFK was way in over his head.

    Ellen J. Hammer, A Death in November, pg 156:

    <quote on, emphasis in the original>

    When [Diem and Nhu] had first claimed that Americans were active behind the scenes in the agitation spreading in Saigon, they had sounded paranoid – a favorite word among Americans for Diem and Nhu that summer.  But who could disbelieve [David] Halberstam, with his excellent sources in the Central Intelligence Agency, when he reported that the CIA had been openly sending its agents into the pagodas and making daily contact with Buddhist priests and “other participants in this crisis”?  These agents were acting under orders – and they did not go to the pagodas to discuss the finer points of Buddhism.

    <quote off>

    No, the CIA's Far East cowboys weren’t discussing the finer points of Buddhism – they were teaching American-style public relations.

    Roger Hilsman:  Buddhists bit – tasted a little bit of political blood.  Bit harder – tasted more political blood -- and then finally began to use American television.  None of them spoke English but their signs were all in English.



  2. Pres. Kennedy: I assume that probably this fellow’s [Diem’s] in an impossible situation to save. I don’t know whether we’d be better off - whether the alternative would be better. Maybe it will be. If so, then we have to move in that direction.

    This was 9 days before the infamous Cable 243 green-lit the coup against Diem.







  3. 2 minutes ago, Chris Davidson said:

    I believe that is/was the general conclusion until more studies are performed:



    "The limited data available suggests that vaccines will at least partly reduce transmission, and the studies to determine this with more clarity are underway," Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the Center for Global Health Science and Security at Georgetown University Medical Center, wrote Wednesday (Feb. 24 2021) in the New York Times.

  4. 30 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

    Never before in history has a government (through the "advice" of technocrats like Bill Gates and Fauci) made healthy people so vilified.

    Turning yourself into a victim, Dennis?

    30 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

    Real science has shown that asymptomatic people (who never develop symptoms, formerly called immune and almost never tested for a virus) are responsible for almost no transmission, within the margin of error of 0 in some studies.

    The definition of "real science" in this context is that which conforms to Dennis Berube's steel-ribbed confirmation bias.

    The truth about COVID-19 and asymptomatic spread: It’s common, so wear a mask and avoid large gatherings



    The transmission rates to contacts within a specific group (secondary attack rate) may be 3-25 times lower for people who are asymptomatic than for those with symptoms.  A city-wide prevalence study of almost 10 million people in Wuhan found no evidence of asymptomatic transmission.  Coughing, which is a prominent symptom of covid-19, may result in far more viral particles being shed than talking and breathing, so people with symptomatic infections are more contagious, irrespective of close contact.  On the other hand, asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic people may have more contacts than symptomatic people (who are isolating), underlining the importance of hand washing and social distancing measures for everyone. </q>

    30 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:


    Pre-symptomatic people (those who test positive without symptoms and go on to develop them later) make up about 7% of transmission.

    From the article quoted above:

    Earlier estimates that 80% of infections are asymptomatic were too high and have since been revised down to between 17% and 20% of people with infections. Studies estimating this proportion are limited by heterogeneity in case definitions, incomplete symptom assessment, and inadequate retrospective and prospective follow-up of symptoms, however. Around 49% of people initially defined as asymptomatic go on to develop symptoms.  </q>

    30 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

    Considering the lockdowns have possibly killed thousands, it makes absolutely no sense to require masks and lockdowns.

    It makes absolutely no sense to regard the opinions of those who lie pathologically about everything.

    30 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

    There is also plenty of real science about negative side effects to wearing masks all the time, including psychological, medical, cultural and so on.

    In Asia it's been a common practice for a long time and they don't seem to have a problem with it.

    30 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

    But I understand this is already dead horse territory and that a 2021 Democrat will continually back the propaganda paid for by big pharma and their various supporters against any actual science.

    "Actual science" only applies to your confirmation biases.

    30 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

    I do not claim to have a PhD in Virology but, you are showing a complete lack of knowledge about viruses here Cliff. The vaccine (in a bizarre twist on vaccine expectations) does not prevent transmission or infection, it only has been shown to reduce symptoms, thus completely negating that argument attempting to blame normal healthy people for the "spin off variants".


    What are the benefits of getting a COVID-19 vaccine?

    A COVID-19 vaccine might:
    • Prevent you from getting COVID-19 or from becoming seriously ill or dying due to COVID-19
    • Prevent you from spreading the COVID-19 virus to others
    • Add to the number of people in the community who are protected from getting COVID-19 — making it harder for the disease to spread and contributing to herd immunity
    • Prevent the COVID-19 virus from spreading and replicating, which allows it to mutate and possibly become more resistant to vaccines. </q>


  5. 1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

     Question.  How did Artichoke Joe's Casino get away with gambling on the premises over the years?  

    Meanwhile, this is a very loose association, Cliff, but I've gotta crow about recently watching Sinatra sing, "The Lady Is A Tramp," to Rita Hayworth in the 1957 movie, Pal Joey, set in San Francisco.  Cool film, which also featured Hayworth and Kim Novak singing (dubbed) renditions of the jazz standards, Bewitched, and My Funny Valentine.

         They don't make 'em like they used to...



    Draw poker has been legal in California since 1879 when all other forms of gambling were outlawed.  The argument was that draw poker was a game of skill while any game with up cards (stud and, much later, Texas Hold'Em) were deemed games of chance.

    Good luck finding a draw game in California these days.


  6. On 2/21/2021 at 6:20 PM, Anthony Thorne said:


    OK, back in 1966 we may not have had ‘incontrovertible’ proof that he was killed by crossfire but it was a pretty good surmise.

    No, we had incontrovertrible proof of conspiracy in 1966.


    When Gaeton Fonzi confronted Arlen Specter with the clothing evidence -- bullet holes in JFK's clothes too low to associate with his throat wound -- the author of the Single Bullet Theory had a nervous breakdown.

    Instead of building on this breakthrough in the case, Tink Thompson and several generations of researchers ignored the physical evidence in order to promote their own "incontrovertible proofs."

    Acknowledging the obvious doesn't sell any books or give fodder for conference speeches, so the JFKA Critical Community has largely pretended the physical evidence doesn't exist.

    The JFK Assassination may be the only cold case murder in history where the physical evidence isn't given the greatest weight.


  7. 9 hours ago, Dennis Berube said:

    Considering Q-anon is most likely a psy-op whose goal is to discredit whomever its controllers decide to, this is a logical development. I believe we are approaching a flash point with this. The insanity of the propaganda to vaccinate everyone against something that the vast majority of people will survive, is bizarre and not based on any firm science at all. In fact, the potential consequences of such a campaign do most certainly include a mass death event, depopulation.

    To the above point, a vaccine expert who has worked at senior positions for the Gates Foundation, GAVI, and other bigpharma companies recently came out and said "We must halt all ongoing Covid-19 mass vaccination campaigns" because we are essentially destroying peoples natural immunity (NK cells) which are flexible in its response to virus variants, of which there are already thousands. It is the unprecedented nature of vaccinating people while the virus is constantly mutating that will likely lead to "viral escape". I can't urge everyone enough to watch this interview before he is labeled as some kind of Q-Anon put up job, it would be tough to call this guy an anti-vaxxer.

    And you automatically buy what this guy is selling without checking out his claims?

    9 hours ago, Dennis Berube said:

    This is where we are at folks and shame on us for allowing a multi billionaire who literally said we can reduce the population if we are good about vaccinations (no one ever asked him how vaccines would lower the population), to have such control that he does. Btw, his only explanation for that previous point I have ever heard is something like "The healthier people are, the less babies they have". Considering he has spent at least $10-15 billion dollars on his "decade of vaccines" research, how many lives could he have made healthier through simpler efforts like sanitation improvement? Anyone remember (right before the "decade of vaccines" was announced) the "Good Club" meeting in 2009 with Gates, David Rockefeller, Oprah and other billionaires where they discussed the horrible overpopulation issue through the cover of philanthropy?

    "May they for God’s sake draw the world’s attention to what I think is now likely to become the biggest and most tragic mistake made in the history of public health in general and in the field of vaccination in particular." - G. Vanden Bossche

    interview can be found here:


    his paper:



  8. 14 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    Looks to me like I'm holding Ace-King of Diamonds in a Texas Hold'em game and the flop comes A A 3 of Diamonds.  Evil Pharma has 7/5 of Diamonds.  Only thing that can beat me is a runner-runner gut-shot straight flush.  Can it happen?  Sure, around 1000 to 1.

    I woke up this morning to the realization this is a poor analogy since any runner-runner 4/6 of any suit can beat me.  Something like a 60 to 1 shot. 

    (That's why I don't play serious Hold'em anymore...)


  9. Let’s say for the sake of argument there is an active faction within the American Deep State devoted to a eugenicist vision of culling the human herd.

    The dream is to unleash a global virus that mutates faster than medical science can mitigate it.  A Plandemic.

    There are two obstacles in the way of this vision: other factions in the Deep State dedicated to containing pandemic outbreaks; the prospect of the swift development of a safe and effective vaccine.

    No professional politician wants their legacy sullied with a mass death pandemic.  A pandemic would have been right in Hillary Clinton's technocratic wheelhouse.

    But a charismatic amateur in the White House who’s entirely self-absorbed might do everything possible to make it worse. 
    There would need to be a robust anti-vaccination movement to slow down community immunity, allowing the virus to spin off variants that might not get knocked out by vaxx.

    This isn’t to say there are not reasons to be vaxx hesitant -- the better the anti-vaxx argument in general the easier to demonize the covid vaxx in particular.

    Of course, this virus would have to disproportionately effect older people and non-whites.

    Some people might say that’s exactly what’s happened.

    It’s probably all a coincidence. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

    As usual Cliff you are spot on - but through a well defined lens that you have created and which is impenetrable.

    Hi Paul, thanks for responding.

    I was a poker dealer for 25 years.  I have the utmost respect for percentages.  What are the odds that Pfizer and Moderna are a Bill Gates plot to microchip the world?  Or that Big Pharma just fkd up?

    Looks to me like I'm holding Ace-King of Diamonds in a Texas Hold'em game and the flop comes A A 3 of Diamonds.  Evil Pharma has 7/5 of Diamonds.  Only thing that can beat me is a runner-runner gut-shot straight flush.  Can it happen?  Sure, around 1000 to 1.

    I've had a few months to see what the Covid vaxx can do and I haven't seen anything to make me think it's not 99.9% safe.


    One question for you - where is the debate, in media or otherwise - about the methodology behind the Covid vaccine efficacy?

    I think the correct debate is over the vaccines given to kids.  Make a case against vaccines in general, but leave small pox, polio and covid vaxx out of the beef.


    Reminder - I’m talking debates. This is not like climate change, where quoting scientists questioning the validity of man made causality is searching for needles in the media haystack. This is a genuine lack of debate, which all of us should be concerned about.

    I'm more concerned with the virus mutating into variants the existing vaccines don't prevent, and then we go thru the whole lock down thing again.  The sooner we all get vaxxed the sooner life can go back to normal.

    I'll take Ace-King suited every time.


    Forget left right paradigms. Just look at the marginalization of RFK Jr. He is not an anti-vaxxer. He is a humanist, sensitive to the Big Brother takeover of honest debate. 

    And how long should this debate go on?  The more vaxx-hesitence there is the longer the debate, right?

    Would the photogenic Kennedy and the imp-like Fauci barnstorm the States debating the hell outta the covid vaxx while generating so much vaxx-hesitancy that who knows what mutates from our collective delay? 


    Are you getting, or have you already gotten the vaccine?

    Yep.  First jab last Monday.


    What are your thoughts, as a well educated citizen, on which one?

    Pfizer appears effective against UK, So African, and Brazilian variants. 


    When and how did you go from a disbeliever in official stories to one who doesn’t even question the popular narrative?  

    Heh heh.  Very funny.  Paul, you have no idea...

    I was born with skin allergies.  Couldn't drink milk or eat eggs until I was two.  When I was five a doc punched 400 little round ditches in my back to test for other allergies.  I had to go in and have a fish-hook like thing treat my arms like a fishie's mouth, seven hook jabs in one arm, eight in the other.  Pain like I'd never known.  Doc told my folks I needed to use a corticosteroid ointment on my arm rash, and get three shots a week. My folks trusted the science.   After ten years it was apparent that the ointment worked pretty well, but the shots were useless.  I had 1500 shots over ten years, then we quit it.  Fast forward 18 years and I came across a nearly used up tube of an ointment called Lydex.  After six applications my arm rash went away and never came back.  That was 33 years ago.  I called a dermatologist for the hell of it one day and asked about Lydex.  "Don't use that," the doc said, "It's like bombing your body."  

    No sht Dr. Sherlock.

    Suffice it to say I've been deeply ambivalent about Western medicine since the age of five.


    That question goes for all of us.  I don’t have a position, but I am concerned with the divisive nature of the debate. 

    We need to take a hard look at the vaccines given kids. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Dennis Berube said:

    Thank you for the contribution Chris and well written. Like yourself, I have been amazed at just how little critical thought has taken place in the last year. It is so bad now that most people will usually end up saying "I don't want to talk about it" before the conversation even really begins. The web of propaganda regarding this covid event is far beyond anything we have ever seen, even including historical cliches like Russia or North Korea. Unfortunately, the public has completely lost their minds and have been unable to link the Biofascists together. Tuberculosis killed over 1.4 million people in 2019 yet most people don't seem to know what it is, a lung disease spread through the air, even the Gates funded fact checkers have a hard time explaining this away. 

    If one examines the current situation in Israel, basically the infant stages of a dual society where those who are "good" aka get the gene therapy, can do as they please and those who do not lose all civil rights. This should be universally rejected, instead, Democrats seem to be leading the charge away from the Constitution under the guise of safety. Once upon a time, a good leader said we have nothing to fear but fear itself, now we must fear freedom apparently if you ask Biden or 99% of all Democrats.


    Fear of what freedom?  The freedom to poison other people because you're too vain to wear a mask?

    Covid killed 2.6 million people globally in the past year.  If the guy you are so loathe to criticize had been the least bit competent there would have been several hundred thousand fewer deaths in the U.S.  The last time there were more than 600 deaths due to TB in the U.S. was 2006.


    Ramping up vaccinations is leading the charge against the Constitution?

    The Republicans are making an all-out push to make it harder for tens of millions of people to vote -- but it's the Democrats leading a charge against the Constitution??


    The Democrats just passed a 1.9 trillion dollar stimulus that directly or indirectly goes to the poor and middle class.  Is that leading the charge against the Constitution, Dennis?


  12. On 3/1/2021 at 11:05 PM, Ron Bulman said:

    I've never listened to Lady GaGa.  Stumbled across this.  She does wail in it.  Mick seems a bit flustered at one point.  Never seen him dance With someone like this on stage before.  Keith, Ron, Charlie, just another day at work.

    Wanted to share somewhere.  She's pretty nimble in those heels.


    Gaga kicked Mick's ass!

    He was on more sure ground with these two.


  13. 1 hour ago, David Lifton said:

    RESPONSE by David Lifton:


    We may have discussed this years ago — I simply do not remember our previous back-and-forth via email, or on the London Forum.  But let me remind all readers:  There were no wounds —i.e., no shallow puncture wounds — of President Kennedy’s back or shoulder at Parkland Hospital.  Every doctor was asked about this, under oath:  the response was always the same: No, I didn’t see any such thing.

    That’s why it is all the more important to remember Perry’s testimony about Dr. Humes telephone call (to Perry) on Friday night (or Sat. morning); Perry testified that Humes ask him “if we had made any wounds in the back” (approx).

    When I questioned Nurse Doris Nelson in December 1982 —when I was in Dallas for a radio appearance— Nelson told me there was no wound in the back.   Furthermore, after JFK was pronounced dead, two nurses sponged down the body, and in general cleaned it up before placing the body in the Dallas coffin: neither reported any rear entry wound (and that would have been important news).

    Those new to the case —and even those who are “veterans” and perhaps need to be reminded: the first information (known to any Dallas doctor) that Kennedy had a “back ” wound surfaced in early December 1963, when a Secret Service agent visited Parkland Hospital — an agent who had the Bethesda autopsy report.   At that point, Dr. Carrico was shown that report (the Bethesda autopsy), a report which specifically noted the existance of a small puncture wound on the rear surface of JFK’s body —in the back (or shoulder).

    This was specifically pointed out to Caccico.  Carrico expressed surprise that he knew nothing about such an entry wound; but he didn’t dispute its existence —in the spirit of “well I’m not saying it wasn’t there; but I didn’t see it.”  (DSL; 3/03/21)

    Hi David, I don't mind going over this again.

    SS SA Glen Bennett wrote up an accurate description of the back wound on AF1.  The next day he wrote a more full official report.

    Bennett wrote that after the turn onto Elm St. he was looking to his right.  Willis #5 (Z202) shows him facing to his right. 

    Bennett wrote that he heard a firecracker-type sound, then turned to check out the President when he saw a bullet strike about four inches down on the shoulder right before the head shot.

    Altgens 6 (Z255) shows Bennett with blurred features, consistent with his head moving.

    The bullet holes in the clothes are four inches below the bottom of the collars.

    Bennett described a "bang...bang bang" shooting sequence.  So did 55 other ear witnesses.

    Glen Bennett's contemporaneous reports are the most thoroughly corroborated individual account in the entire case.

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