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Cliff Varnell

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Posts posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. 9 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Now we're cooking Cliff.

    Here are two surf rock classics that I recorded with my Peckerwoods studio band many years ago-- Walk Don't Run (1960) and Wipeout (1963.)

    Walk Don't Run was recorded by Chet Atkins in 1956 before the Ventures made it a hit in 1960.

    Walk Don't Run by Willie Wunderlich and the Peckerwoods | SoundClick

    Wipe Out by Willie Wunderlich and the Peckerwoods | SoundClick

    Awesome cover of Wipe Out!

  2. 54 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

    Ap fact checker, really Cliff? I do enjoy some good humor...

    I do enjoy a fact based debate, but contentless dismissals don’t cut it.


    Irving pushed back against Sund's account, saying he didn't recall speaking to him at that time, had no record of any phone calls or text messages from Sund and never said he had to run Sund's request up the chain of command.

    He also denied that he'd voiced any concern about "optics."

    "That is categorically false," Irving said. "'Optics,' as portrayed in the media, did not determine our security posture. Safety was always paramount when evaluating security for January 6. We did discuss whether the intelligence warranted having troops at the Capitol, and our collective judgment at that time was no, the intelligence did not warrant that."


    Pelosi did not say that on Jan 6, supposedly she mentioned optics to Irving in the months leading up to it, which he cited as one excuse.

    Categorically false.


    Miller, who approved the final request, is the one saying Trump told him they would need 10,000. Pelosi may well be a victim of circumstance in this case, 

    Right out of the 1933 Poopoo Playbook.

    Burn the Reichstag, blame leftists.

    Run amok in the Capitol, blame leftists.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

    Apparently, Trump had asked for 10,000 national guard for January 6th. The story about why they were not called is not clear and involves Pelosi claiming "optics" apparently as an excuse.

    You’ve fallen for another Trumpistani Big Lie, apparently.



    • News reports indicate that in the days before the attack,  House sergeant-at-arms Paul Irving resisted calls from the Capitol Police to bring in the National Guard for extra security at the Capitol because of “optics.” Irving later testified that intelligence reports didn’t show the need for the extra security, not that he rejected it because of optics.


    7 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

    That is not very credible considering everyone knew there was going to be a sizable crowd that thought the election was a selection. 

    Your Trumpistani sources are pathological prevaricators.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

    Amazing, no idea that he had gone on to punk rock although I can certainly see him as an earlier driver for surf rock sounds (a much neglected genre in my own view).


    “Whistle Bait” sounds more rockabilly to me, but I thought the article was a worthy analysis of “proto-punk.”

    In my book this is the first punk rock performance given the snarly vocals, fast beat, short sharp guitar leads, and highly confrontational lyrics.



  5. 2 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    ahem..I say Cliff, this word "butthole" leaves  me rather flummoxed!

    Punk rock, man.


    Even more so the phrase 'Butthole surfing" though it does sound rather exhilarating indeed! Are these American colloquialisms?

    They grow ‘em weird in Texas, what more can I say?

    Maybe my all-time favorite live band.


  6. 3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Yes, I contend there was a PR-stunt false-flag assassination attempt, but it was piggy-backed on by CIA elements. 

    I do not think the CIA intended Bay of Pigs to fail---they intended to corner JFK into going "all in." 

    I am confused also, but that happens a lot...

    Really?  “Going all in” was never part of the BOP planning, Bissell never exerted any pressure on JFK to commit US forces, Dean Rusk gave Cabell a chance to plead that case D-Day -1 and Cabell demurred.

    Robert Lovett (Brown Brothers Harriman banker) and Joe Kennedy tried to get Ike to fire Dulles.  Richard Bissell was brought into government service by Averell Harriman.  Dean Rusk and McGeorge Bundy were recommended by Lovett.

    Lovett, Harriman, Bundy were Skull & Bones, while Bissell was tapped but turned it down.

    Joe Kennedy was on the phone with his son throughout the BOP fiasco.

    Joe Kennedy soon after the BOP: . "I know that outfit, and I wouldn't pay them a hundred bucks a week. It's a lucky thing they were found out early."


    <quote on>

    That the United States had been behind the operation was soon reported by the press and revealed in the United Nations. Unaccustomed to setbacks in what had so far been a charmed political life, Kennedy was devastated by the Bay of Pigs disaster. An adviser who peeped into the White House bedroom as the operation was failing observed JFK crying in the arms of his wife Jackie. He called his father for advice every hour, yet did not receive the paternal support he had anticipated. “Oh hell,” Joseph Kennedy told his son,“if that’s the way you feel, give the job to Lyndon [Vice President Johnson].”

    <quote off>

    Sure looks to me like Old Joe and the Yalies sabotaged the BOP in order to get rid of Dulles. 


  7. 2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Thanks for the relief, Pat Speer. Yes, and recently Fox's Tucker Carlson, out of left field (right field?) suddenly ranted about leftists defending Oswald in a conspiracy theory....as of James DiEugenio a few days back in this forum, even at this late date, with the Woolsey book, and CNN/Fox shows, is someone is again muddying the JFK story? 

    Jeff Morley on his blog has noted President Biden again has the opportunity to open up the remaining 15,834 still-secret JFK files. Morley thinks Biden will not. Morley quotes a friend---

    Looking at Biden’s appointments to his cabinet, all of whom have close connections with the Washington Establishment, as well as Biden’s own past ties with the National Security State, the chance of these files becoming public are minimal. 


    Cliff--We just disagree.

    The Deep State is a blob, and not a monolith, but as much as it can be quantified the Deep State (aka the Shadow Government, The Double State, the multinational-globalist, national-security-intel blob) obviously backs the modern-day Donk Party, and is deeply apprehensive of the Trump wing of the 'Phants. 

    But have it....


    Isn’t the vast majority of the human race deeply apprehensive of Trump?

  8. 26 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


    We could do a tit-for-tat....what about the treatment of Hunter Biden's laptop as a "Russian disinformation campaign" 

    Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say

    What does Hunter Biden have to do with RussiaGate?


    Really? You think the NYT, WaPo, Boston Globe, LA Times, CNN, MSNBC, CBS et al were "pro-Trump"? 

    In 2016?  Hell yes!


    CBS Chief Les Moonves Says Trump’s ‘Damn Good’ For Business

    Cable news gave Trump several billion dollars in free advertising, only occasionally corrected Trump or his surrogates when he lied about supporting the ‘03 Iraq War, and made the last 11 days of the campaign a 24-hour bash-Hillary fest.


    My point remains, and is germane to this forum: Keep on eye on how the "Deep State" and globalists run the media, and the country.  

    Which comes right around to my question — why did the Deep State install Trump?


    I am aware the Biden was more popular with some ethnic and political groups than Trump, and those groups make up the Biden voting base.  

    It is a fascinating time when perhaps it is dawning on the bases on both parties that the leadership is rotten.  It happened in the GOP first.  I hope they pick a better candidate next time. I hope it also happens soon for the Donk Party. 

    The fight is over voting rights, which the GQP opposes.

  9. On 2/26/2021 at 6:39 PM, Benjamin Cole said:


    I always took the Clintons to be very tight with the US military-globalist-foreign policy establishment, which has morphed into the modern Democratic Party. Apple, BlackRock, Amazon, WalMart, Disney, NBA, etc. Profits before human rights, especially in China-Hong Kong. 

    Right?  Hillary was “their” girl.  And yet they chose Trump.  This shows who was favored in ‘16:



    Biden is bombing Syria and hiding from the unionization drive at Amazon, in Alabama. That is the modern Democratic Party. 

    As long as you don’t regard the base of the Democratic Party, then sure...


    My take is the globalists loathed Trump for his tariffs on Beijing's CCP, and his loose talk about pulling troops out of Germany (you know, 75 years after the end of WWII) and S Korea, and his lack of interest in pursuing perma-wars in the MIdeast. 

    And yet Hillary’s nothingburger e-mails were the Big Story at the end of ‘16 race and the far more “newsworthy” Steele Dossier was buried.

    Why?  What did they want out of Trump that they wouldn’t get out of Clinton?


    I am not defending Trump on his domestic policies, or his personality.  In fact, Trump can be criticized for not more aggressively pursuing a pull-out from the MIddle East. 

    A deep dive in the whole Russiagate hoax is worth it.  

    One of my favorite subjects!

    Crowdstrike found that Cozy Bear hackers had the DNC e-mails set up for exfiltration, but no direct proof they’d followed thru.

    That’s probably because they didn’t need to follow thru, somebody else did.  A non-state actor exfiltrated the e-mails and turned them over to non-state actor Roger Stone who gave them to Julian Assange.


    Trump is gone and good riddance. But the take-away is the Deep State is real, and working for the globalists-multinationals. They wanted Trump down, and they succeeded. They got Biden in there. 

    Black women got Biden in there.  He was broke and way behind until So Carolina made him a viable candidate.


    Trump is not JFK. That is not my point. My point is to remain aware of the Deep State-globalist empire does to anyone who crosses it. 

    Well, if there’s a faction of the Deep State devoted to a cull-the-human-herd philosophy, Trump gave them a big bang for their bucks.





  10. 33 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

     I am not saying this to defend Trump the man. But it was interesting how the globalist-national security state went after Trump. 

    Like when they installed him in 2016?

    Over the last 11 days of that campaign cable news obsessed on Hillary’s duplicate e-mails while the juicy, salacious Steele Dossier wasn’t reported on-screen until a couple of months after the election.

    The question to ask is: Why did Trump avoid late-campaign bad publicity and not Hillary?

    33 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Biden is back to bombing Syria. 

    And it’s Democrats leading the complaints.


  11. 54 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Biden hasn't killed anyone.  He inherited the pandemic severely under addressed by the former fake prez.

    This is almost like saying the BOP inherited from Eisenhower, tricky dick and dulles by JFK was his fault.  

    I think you could find a better analogy, Ron.

    Kennedy made a mistake giving the BOP the green light.

    Biden is correcting Trump’s mistakes.

  12. 8 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    So, the plan was to arrest Oswald, and ask him about the rifle, LOH says he knows nothing, and LOH spends his life in prison (same deal with Sirhan Sirhan). 

    A better plan: kill Oswald within an hour, claim his confederates were still at large, blame Castro, then knock off additional patsies when convenient.

    The capture of Oswald scrambled those plans.

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