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Cliff Varnell

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Posts posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. 14 hours ago, Dennis Berube said:

    The "rumors" are much worse and much more dire than that, although that is obviously happening. Unfortunately, the majority of the population apparently believes the mainstream corporate narrative despite having been burned by them time and time again.

    At 3:30pm EST Oct. 7, 2016 the cable news shows reported that the Obama Administration formally accused the Russian government of interfering in the 2016 election.

    Normally, this kind of story would occupy the Cable News Cycle for days — like the recent Russian Cyber Hack story.  If US intel had ginned up the Russia-hacked-the-DNC story in 2016 in order to frame Putin  and hurt Trump there should have been day after day of TV pundits and politicos opining about Russian intentions and methods with replay after replay of Trump’s “Russia if you’re listening” speech.

    Instead, at 4:00pm EST 10/7/16 the Access Hollywood tape dropped followed by the Podesta E-mails at 4:30.

    After that, the Russia-interference story was dead until after the election.

    It’s important to greet what’s reported in the MSM with healthy skepticism— but even more important is what they leave out.

  2. Biden Watch

    Biden’s Austerity Zealotry Helped Cut The Stimulus Bill In Half


    <quote on>

    If progressive advocacy groups, activists and lawmakers do not call out and confront austerity politics head on, it is going to be a painful four years. They’ve been warned about Biden’s ideology for a long time — the stimulus bill is the biggest warning of all. 


  3. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    She wanted four hundred billion more in October.

    And she would not talk to Trump directly about it, which would have pressured Mitch.

    She negotiated directly with the White House — Treasury Sec Mnuchin.  Trump doesn’t personally do negotiations since he doesn’t know anything.

    Trump pressured Mitch by crying for a larger relief package.  Mitch stiffed him.

    1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    So now she got a package half the amount.

    I really hope this is her last term.


    I hope when 2023 rolls around Pelosi and Feinstein both enjoy their spectacular views of the Golden Gate Bridge.

  4. 1 hour ago, Dennis Berube said:

    Thank you for the morning chuckle Cliff. Obama's "Successful liberal policies" and no, I do not need to see you re post your arguments thereof it is ok that we disagree.

    At least quote me correctly: “Successful liberal policies of his last two years.”

    DACA wasn’t a successful liberal policy?

    The expansion of Medicaid?

     Net neutrality, no?  Not liberal?

    Backing gay marriage — not liberal in your book?

    The Iranian nuke deal?  The opening to Cuba?  The negotiated removal of chemical weapons from Syria? The Paris climate accords?

    You seem to have a blinkered notion of “liberalism.”



    It's easy to attack liberalism when it doesn't exist in a historically recognizable form. Today, it apparently means, corporatism with a touch of tokenism. Also, it seemingly can mean anything other than serious economic reform and regulation (and disagreement with CIA/CFR on all foreign policy matters). If your not attacking that then what are you doing for Wallace's Common man?




  5. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

     What Trump, and McConnell, and the Federalist Society  have done to the GOP is turn its underlying motivating factor into a hatred of liberalism. 

    Because when you look at the presidents since JFK, he was the last one to really have a successful liberal term.  

    So DiEugenio denies the successful liberal policies of Obama’s last two years while decrying the right-wing attack on liberalism?

    DiEugenio gave Trump’s fascism mostly a pass for four years while routinely attacking Obama.

    Go figure.



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