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Cliff Varnell

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Posts posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. 2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    I'm a numbers guy Kathy.

    Re: Michigan - In other words, only 4.0536% of total votes in this "batch" went to Trump.

    With the mail-in vote, Trump was outvoted 25 to 1 in black precincts in Detroit.

    No surprise there.  Same with Milwaukee, Philly and ATL.


    Biden's new "boot" is an ankle monitor. Just FYI.

    He wasn't wounded by Hugo Chavez and the Laptop Killshot?



  2. Biden Watch

    Potential Biden Officials’ Firm Is Promising Big Profits Off Those Connections


    Two former government officials who may now run President-elect Joe Biden’s national security team have been partners at a private equity firm now promising investors big profits off government business because of its ties to those officials, according to government documents reviewed by The Daily Poster.

    Pine Island Capital Partners lists former Under Secretary of Defense Michele Flournoy and retired General Lloyd Austin as a partner in the firm, and lists former Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken as a partner on a leave of absence. Flournoy and Austin are reportedly among the leading candidates being considered for Secretary of Defense, and Blinken is Biden’s designated nominee for Secretary of State. Pine Island’s chairman is John Thain, the former top executive at Merrill Lynch when the company paid out huge executive bonuses as it began to collapse during the financial crisis

    Flournoy and Blinken’s ties to Pine Island were first reported by The American Prospect.


  3. 9 minutes ago, Jeff Carter said:

    Canada and the European countries have neutral standalone election commissions in charge of free and fair voting, which work almost flawlessly tabulating results along with precise voter registration systems which are updated ahead of elections. A common feature is paper ballots. It is unbelievable that the United States has such a messy system, prone to political influence. Particularly after the 2000 election.

    Jeff, would it kill you to do a little research before you start spouting Trump talking points?

    Voting methods and equipment by state



    • Ballot-marking devices and systems (BMDs): A BMD "allows for the electronic presentation of a ballot, electronic selection of valid contest options, and the production of a human-readable paper ballot, but does not make any other lasting record of the voter’s selections." Initially used primarily to accommodate voters with disabilities, BMDs are used by all voters in some locations.[1]


    The 2020 American election was a model of “a free and fair election.”

    Trump is launching a blizzard of frivolous lawsuits to make for “messy” optics which the Trumper-sympathetic gullible buy.

  4. 1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

    You mean the hearing Trumps lawyers lost?



    Only a disingenuous partisan hack would ignore the outcome of that Pennsylvania hearing.

    Trump PA case brutally rejected by 3-judge panel of 3rd Circuit


    Pennsylvania Third Circuit Judge Stephanos Bibas, a Trump appointee, wrote the opinion rejecting the Trump campaign’s election suit appeal from the three-judge panel.


  5. 50 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    DATA: Michigan Analysis Suggests Absentee Votes ‘Manipulated By Computer’, Flags Hundreds Of Thousands Of Ballots

    The report explains in detail the various red flags, such as “288,783 [ballots] that have the application sent and ballot received on the same day.”

    I am completely open to hearing any explanations as to how a ballot could be:

    1. Mailed out.

    2. Filled out.

    3. and received back, all in the same day.

    Robert, how can you participate in such a corrupt system?

    The only honorable thing for you is to quit “voting.”

  6. What are younger people likely to encounter when they start to explore the JFKA on-line?

    A bunch of boomers bickering over bs.

    I recommend all newbies start here:


    Kudos Kennedys & King for the Master Class (at last!) acknowledgement of the physical evidence found with the body —the primary evidence in any homicide investigation.



  7. Biden Watch

    Tony Blinken, courtly guitar aficionado with interventionist streak



    But Blinken, a deputy secretary of state during Barack Obama’s presidency, may show different instincts than Biden even while remaining loyal to him.

    The stepson of a Holocaust survivor, Blinken has advocated interventions on humanitarian grounds while Biden as vice president was cautious on the use of force.

    Blinken, a deputy secretary of state during Barack Obama’s presidency, may show different instincts than Biden even while remaining loyal to him.

    The stepson of a Holocaust survivor, Blinken has advocated interventions on humanitarian grounds while Biden as vice president was cautious on the use of force.

    “Superpowers don’t bluff,” Blinken was reported to have warned repeatedly in deliberations on Syria’s civil war, in which Obama issued warnings but ultimately decided for a limited role.

    Speaking earlier this year about the “horrific” loss of life in Syria, Blinken said: “The last administration has to acknowledge that we failed — not for want of trying, but we failed.”

    “It’s something that I will take with me for the rest of my days. It’s something that I feel very strongly,” he told CBS News.




  8. 22 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    Did you put your name on your ballot?

    If you did, then you are the only one out of 140 million votes cast.

    Your name went on the safety envelope if you mailed it in.

    They took your ballot out and put it in a basket. They took the envelope and put it in another basket.

    No one knows who Mark Stevens voted for. It is not "classified". The information does not exist.

    Your original assertion was so amateurish I didn't at first even consider a presumably informed adult would make such an uninformed assumption. 

    If 10,000 mailed out ballots were mailed back in on the same day, and they were all marked for Biden, why would a name matter? Pennsylvania.

    If 138,000 ballots came in at 3:45 AM and they were all marked Biden, why would a name matter? Michigan.

    If 17,000+ votes are deducted from Trump in the NY Times JSON files and 17,000 were added to Biden, why would a name matter? Wisconsin.

    If 200,000 ballots are counted in a ward, but there are only 100,000 registered voters, why would a name matter? Michigan again.

    Fraud vitiates all.

    That is where this is going. 

    I do not expect you to see.




    No judge has seen it either.  
    Funny how that ultraconservative judge in PA didn’t see it when he threw Giuliani out on his head.

    The only solution is for Trump-loving Patriots to boycott voting.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Jim Harwood said:

    Genius here is what you wrote:.


    He’s done everything he can to make Covid worse, killing higher numbers of the elderly, Blacks and Hispanics.

    Eugenicist wet dream.

    Now if you look at the definition of therapeutics you get the statement pasted below. Now who made an error in fact genius?

    relating to the healing of disease.
    "diagnostic and therapeutic facilities

    Vaccines prevent disease.  Therapeutics treat disease you already have.


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