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Cliff Varnell

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Posts posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. 7 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Rite of Spring premiered in 1913 to boos and shock. These excerpts are nice but don’t do it justice. I must have listened to 2 hours of No Wave and Punk by now. Would some of you go to YouTube and find a live recording of the entire piece, lay down somewhere quiet and turn up the volume? No piece in the past 120 years was as influential. And of course you will recognize some bits because you’ve all seen Disney’s Fantasia. 


  2. 1 hour ago, Dennis Berube said:

    W, I am not able to post a credible source. It appears that any social media documentation of the supposed "all Biden votes" overnight event have been taken down. The media is even spreading false claims about Trumps legal case, attempting to weaken his support I assume. 

    Look at this page for instance, every single twitter post about the vertical lines for the Biden tally have been removed! I'm not saying that makes their claims credible, but it certainly smells bad to me. Twitter never censored flat earthers, but this potentially critical information is censored? Even from the POTUS? That's a major issue to me, again not a trump supporter. 


    Dennis, have you ever met a Trump talking point you didn’t like?

  3. On 11/14/2020 at 9:54 AM, W. Niederhut said:

          Since we're all interested in history here, I'm going to post an obscure Rocky Mountain footnote in the history of American punk rock.

          So, when I moved back to Denver in 1983, after living in New England for eight years, I was very disappointed with the local live punk rock and jazz music scene.  (Boston was teeming with punk bands and great jazz musicians from places like the Berklee School of Music.)

         But there was one punk rock band in Denver that was surprisingly good, in my estimation -- the Kamikaze Klones, from Evergreen, Colorado, (of John Hinckley, Jr. fame.)  I went to several of the Klones' performances at a local club called The Mercury Cafe in about 1983-84, (including a show where two of the band members were arrested in the parking lot for possession of cocaine between sets.)

        The Klones wrote songs like, Give Texas Back to the Mexicans-- a punk parody of Paul McCartney's song, Give Ireland Back to the Irish.

         One of the Klones later became a patient of mine, and told me the inside story of their rise and fall in the 80s.  Even at the height of their considerable local popularity-- which included one or two out-of-state tours-- the band never earned enough money to live on, especially since most of the money went up their noses.

          This low budget video, filmed at Denver's old Larimer Street wino district, (of Jack Kerouac/Neal Cassidy fame) doesn't really do justice to the quality of the Klones' live performances back in the day.



    My cousin Al Stratton (a/k/a AJ Coon) played bass in the Kamikazi Klones.

    Great band.  Tight.

    Around ‘77 they sent a demo tape to Devo and challenged them to a battle of the bands.  Devo didn’t directly respond, but Al was convinced these lyrics from “Smart Patrol/Mr.DNA” (“Mr. Kamikazi, Mr. DNA”) referred to the Klones:

    Wait a minute, something’s wrong

    He’s a man with a plan

    His finger’s pointed at Devo

    Now we must sacrifice ourselves

    So many others may live

    Oh baby we got a lot to give

    The Klones came to San Francisco in ‘82 and played a Friday night at the On Broadway and Saturday at the Fab Mab.  The punk rockers showed on Friday, but it was young couples night at the Mab and the place was packed.  There was some slamming in the pit on Friday, but Saturday it was couples dancing.  I’d never seen that before at the Mab!  

    I’ve been out of touch with Cousin Al since his Mom passed.  W., you probably know him.  If you see him around Evergreen tell him his Cousin Cliff sez hey.


  4. Yes, the election was rigged — but by the Republicans


    It turns out that Donald Trump was right: the election was rigged. He would know, of course, because he and Louis DeJoy were the ones who rigged it.

    Historically, “conservative“ (e.g. “white racist”) efforts to rig the vote were almost entirely focused on preventing people of color from voting. For almost a century, this involved literacy tests, guessing the number of jellybeans in a jar, and other low-tech, blatant strategies.

    In the 1960s, William Rehnquist and friends launched “Operation Eagle Eye“ in the Southwest where they would send “poll watchers“ to threaten and intimidate Native American, Hispanic and Black voters.

    By the 1980s, Republicans had rolled out “caging,” where they’d send a postcard to voters and if it wasn’t returned they’d remove you from the voting rolls; the Democratic Party got a restraining order against caging that just expired a few years ago.

    In 2000, George and Jeb Bush, the governors of Texas and Florida, used the Texas felon list to purge mostly Black and Hispanic people from the Florida voter rolls. Jeb knocked 90,000 African-Americans off the rolls, just in time to steal the 2000 election for George.

    Kris Kobach turned this into a system, called Interstate Crosscheck, and took it nationwide over the last 15 years, comparing states’ voting rolls in ways that would largely disenfranchise Asians, Blacks and Hispanics.

    Finally, in 2020, Trump came up with a new scheme that benefited from the Covid virus, and the worse the virus got, the better his scheme worked.

    Letting the pandemic run wild while telling his supporters they should only vote in person, Trump and DeJoy dismantled over 600 multimillion dollar high-speed mail sorting machines, hitting swing states the hardest, so mailed ballots would arrive too late to count.

    Recent reporting suggests that if the courts had not intervened when and how they did, the mail would have been so slowed in several critical swing states that Trump would’ve been declared the winner. We were saved by a federal judge.

    Now the scam Republicans are promoting is to challenge the signatures on the outside of mail-in ballots from big cities, and this has helped them throw out literally millions of ballots just this month.

    Nobody is sure what the next conservative scheme will be to disqualify votes in American cities, but you can bet they’re working on it. Which is why we need a law or Constitutional amendment that unambiguously asserts a “right to vote.“

    If Governor Brian Kemp wants to take away the home of a person who lives in Atlanta, he has to go to court and prove his case: our property rights are intact.

    If Governor Ron DeSantis wants to take away a gun from a person who lives in Miami, he has to go to court and prove his case: the Supreme Court has recently affirmed Americans’ right to own a gun.

    But if any governor wants to take away your vote, they don’t even have to tell you, they just kick you off the voting rolls, because right now voting is not a right in America, it’s merely a privilege.

    America needs to join the rest of the developed world and put the right of citizens to vote into law. Since everything from pandemic relief to education to foreign policy flows out of the democratic process, this must be Job One in the new Congress. </q>






  5. 6 hours ago, Paul Rigby said:

    Excellent post - this seems to me pretty obviously what transpired. And I have yet to see a single equivalent example disfavouring Biden as can be found, for example, at this link:

    Like this?

    Georgia recount uncovers 2,600 new votes in presidential race


    A recount in Georgia’s presidential race found more than 2,600 ballots in Floyd County that hadn’t originally been tallied, likely helping President Donald Trump reduce his 14,000-vote deficit to Joe Biden.

    Trump could gain nearly 800 net votes from the discovered ballots. There were 1,643 new votes for Trump and 865 for Biden. </q>






  6. Trumpism 101 — do everything possible to rig the election while accusing the Dems of rigging the election.

    102 — claim to be a peacenik while jacking up military spending and craving a war with Iran.

    Trump Sought Options for Attacking Iran to Stop Its Growing Nuclear Program


  7. 5 hours ago, Paul Rigby said:

    One of the many jokes currently available to connossieurs of this sort of thing resides in the fact that the Democratic elite, unnoticed by its base but not by foreign observers, has embraced Trumpism, albeit minus the man. 


    Can foreign observers objectively critique the man who’s genius was to turn the 24 hour cable news cycle into Reality TV?

    How much CNN/Fox/MSNBC did these foreign observers observe over the last 5.5 years?

    Without a solid understanding of how Trump plays the 24 hour cable news cycle you’re like a journalist covering a foreign war from your basement.




  8. 3 hours ago, Paul Rigby said:

    Excellent post - this seems to me pretty obviously what transpired. And I have yet to see a single equivalent example disfavouring Biden as can be found, for example, at this link:



    Liverpool is in the house!

    Welcome back, Paul.  The arguments of the anti-anti-Trumpers on this Forum are weak and kinda whiny — they desperately need your help.

    Over the years you and I have been allies on the journalism of Richard Starnes and opponents on the subject of Trump.  I’ve never felt that our sharp exchanges of opposing views are taken personally.

    There’s a lot to unwrap in your post, let’s start with the article above:


    With members of both the local Democratic and Republican parties observing hand counting of presidential votes in Floyd County it appears that close to 3,000 ballots were not counted on election night. </q>

    Are we to believe Republican observers participated in a plot to rob Trump of hundreds of votes in a state he had no chance of winning?


  9. Biden Watch
    Washington Lobbyists Know Biden Well—as Their Former Boss


    WASHINGTONPresident-elect Joe Biden’s ambitious Democratic agenda—including raising corporate taxes—faces formidable opposition from a power center he knows well: former aides who are now lobbyists or advisers to companies and industries at odds with his goals.

    Scores of Mr. Biden’s former aides now on K Street represent hundreds of companies, trade groups and foreign companies. One person in the mix for a top White House role is Mr. Biden’s campaign chairman Steve Ricchetti, who co-owned a lobbying firm for more than a decade with his brother Jeffrey Ricchetti.

    Mr. Biden, unlike the four most recent presidents, has deep ties to the Washington establishment from his 44 years in the Senate and as vice president. He named at least 40 current and former registered lobbyists to his transition team.




  10. 9 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    No Wave - completely new to me 


    No wave was a short-lived avant-garde music and art scene that emerged in the late 1970s in downtown New York City.[3][4] Reacting against punk rock's recycling of rock and roll clichés, no wave musicians instead experimented with noise, dissonance and atonality in addition to a variety of non-rock genres, while often reflecting an abrasive, confrontational, and nihilistic worldview. </q>




  11. On 11/14/2020 at 5:52 PM, Paul Brancato said:

    Nice try Cliff. As it turns out I was very much part of the first Metallica collaboration but not the more recent one. Nor did I play on the West Side Story video. One of my favorite pieces btw, but I was playing in a music festival at the Clos Vougeot in Burgundy France that week. I’m sure I’m playing on Beethoven 9 though..


    What are some of your favorite pieces?

  12. 21 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

    Cliff, you beat me to it...I was just about to post Johnny Burnett with the Train Kept on Rolling - the Yardbirds did a great job with it too.

    But if you want to see some heavy guitar work (and footwork as well) check this out:


    13 year old kid rippin’ it up on a double neck Mosrite?

    How did I never hear of these two before??

    This is my favorite double neck trad player...


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