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Cliff Varnell

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Posts posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. 3 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    I can't believe after all the "Russia", "Russia", "Russia", hysteria, your side was trying to tell the country to the Chinese.


    The hypocrisy is staggering.

    Ivanka’s Trademark Requests Were Fast-Tracked In China After Trump Was Elected


  2. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    See above. 

    Andrew did not even check out his Varnellian quote before he printed it.  A Google search of about 1 minute would have proved it was wrong. CNN did push  Russia Gate before the election.

    Wow.  I correctly pointed out that the Russia-hacked-the-DNC story didn’t make the cable news cycles over the last 70 days of the campaign. 

    I rightly pointed out that when the Obama Administration formally accused the Russian gov’t of interfering in the election, it didn’t make the 24-hour cable news cycle, the story wasn’t repeated after the initial reporting.

    The Access Hollywood tape and Podesta e-mails dominated the news cycles for weeks.

    DiEugenio is setting a new standard for intellectual dishonesty.



    Andrew then doubled down on that erroneous assertion by saying heck, they did not even print the Steele Dossier before the election.

    Geez maybe because HRC was funding it?

    So HRC had editorial control over cable news?  The Steele Dossier wasn’t covered on cable news because Clinton nixed it?


    Somehow the Clinton e-mail non-scandal dominated the cable news cycles over the last 11 days of the campaign.  Why didn’t she nix that as well?

    DiEugenio should stick to Garrison and leave the political discussions to those who know what a “news cycle“ is.


    The late Bob Parry had this whole RG mythology smoked out years ago before he passed on.  Aaron Mate has also exposed it in several columns. Matt Taibbi has also gone after it. These guys are all liberals and worked for left of center publications.  But they also had some innate skepticism about printing something as rancidly smelly, and so full of holes as the Steele Dossier. 

    I mean, if you did not sense something was wrong with that pile of garbage, then what does raise your antennae?

    And did those left-wing worthies sniff out the anti-Clinton garbage like the Uranium One or Comey Letter non-scandals?


  3. 10 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    He was responding to me.  Andrew quoted CV saying that no cable company brought up "Russian interference" in 2016 prior to the election.  Andrew quoted that like it was accurate and worth quoting.  As I showed, it was not.   

    DiEugenio insists on embarrassing himself with this blatant prevarication.

    Does he truly not know that a “news cycle” involves repeating stories over a 24 hour “cycle”?


  4. Conservatives’ latest smear against Joe Biden gets debunked — by a Fox News reporter


    The latest conservative effort to smear Democratic presidential nominee has now been debunked by a reporter at Fox News.

    On Thursday night, President Donald Trump invited Tony Bobulinski, an ex-business associate of Hunter Biden, to accuse Joe Biden of lying about his knowledge of his family’s overseas business dealings.

    Part of his case against the Democratic nominee was a series of text messages in which Hunter Biden referred to consulting with someone known as “The Chairman” about an investment in a company called SinoHawk Holdings.

    In Bobulinski’s telling, “The Chairman” referred directly to Joe Biden.

    However, Fox News reporter Jacqui Heinrich combed through all of the texts and emails released by Bobulinski and determined that his claims about Biden being “The Chairman” were false.



    Scoop: Rudy Giuliani declined offer of compromising Hunter Biden emails and images in May 2019

    Giuliani turned the offer down out of credibility concerns, a source familiar with the meeting 


    The newly revealed meeting also aligns with key aspects of new report from Time, in which two individuals alleged that emails and photos said to belong to Hunter Biden had been for sale for as much as $5 million on the Ukrainian black market while Giuliani and associates attempted to dig up dirt in the foreign country.

    Giuliani's efforts to smear the Bidens with baseless allegations about business dealings in Ukraine led directly to his client's impeachment last year. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    The biggest Nail in Joe Biden's coffin occurred before the debate last night.

    President Trump referenced it. 

    Why is it, somebody just had a news conference a little while ago, who was essentially supposed to work with you and your family, but what he said was damning. Transcript Time-stamp 23:56

    This is what Trump was talking about. (Excerpted from transcript. transcript linked below.)

    A whistleblower CEO and Biden insider, Tony Bobulinski, released a public statement on Wednesday evening backing up the reporting of the New York Post from last week and claiming that he personally witnessed Democrat presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden discussing business deals with his son, Hunter Biden.


    What I am outlining is fact. I know it is fact because I lived it. I am the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family. I was brought into the company to be the CEO by James Gilliar and Hunter Biden. The reference to ‘the Big Guy’ in the much publicized May 13, 2017 email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden. The other ‘JB’ referenced in that email is Jim Biden, Joe’s brother.


    Bombshell Statement: Biden Insider Claims He Was ‘Recipient of the Email’, Says He Witnessed Joe, Hunter Discussing Deals

    Link to 7 minute press conference video.


    The Biden family is a criminal syndicate. Joe Biden got 10% of the proceeds from the arrangement described by Bobulinski.

    This is only one of a few deals that have come out over the past few days and that Twitter feels the need to censor.




    Hunter Biden’s Ex-Business Partner Alleges Father Knew About Venture

    Former vice president says he had no involvement; corporate records reviewed by The Wall Street Journal show no role for Joe Biden


    Text messages and emails related to the venture that were provided to the Journal by Mr. Bobulinski, mainly from the spring and summer of 2017, don’t show either Hunter Biden or James Biden discussing a role for Joe Biden in the venture.

    Mr. Gilliar told the Journal: “I would like to clear up any speculation that former Vice President Biden was involved with the 2017 discussions about our potential business structure. I am unaware of any involvement at anytime of the former Vice President. The activity in question never delivered any project revenue.”



  7. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    You quoted CV saying the Russian Interference was not noted by the cable companies until after the election.

    NO, that’s not what I wrote.  I pointed out correctly that the story did not make the news cycle.

    The news cycle consists of stories repeated over and over.  The Obama denunciation of the Russian gov’t was reported on Oct. 7, 2016 at 3:30 EST but not repeated due to the Access Hollywood tape and Podesta e-mail stories, which dominated the news cycles for many days.


    Which, as I showed, was not the case.  That is not being smart ass, its correcting an inaccuracy which you quoted.

    The inaccuracy is DiEugenio’s.  
    How does anyone posing as an expert on politics not know what a “news cycle” is?


    <quote, emphasis added>

    The 24-hour news cycle (or 24/7 news cycle) is 24-hour investigation and reporting of news, concomitant with fast-paced lifestyles. The vast news resources available in recent decades have increased competition for audience and advertiser attention, prompting media providers to deliver the latest news in the most compelling manner in order to remain ahead of competitors. Television-, radio-, print-, online- and mobile app news media all have many suppliers that want to be relevant to their audiences and deliver news first.

    Although all-news radio operated for decades earlier, the 24-hour news cycle arrived with the advent of cable television channels dedicated to news[1] and brought about a much faster pace of news production with an increased demand for stories that could be presented as continual news with constant updating. 


  8. 13 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Andrew, the following story is from CNN, clearly a cable compnany, and its from October of 2016: https://www.cnn.com/2016/10/07/politics/us-blames-russia-for-targeting-election-systems/

    Yes, the cable news shows reported the Obama Administration‘s denunciation of Russian interference on October 7, 2016 at 3:30 pm EST— then the Access Hollywood tape dropped, soon followed by the Podesta e-mails.  

    Those latter two stories occupied the news cycle for days on end. The stories in the news cycle are repeated over and over.  Obama’s accusation against the Russians was reported but not repeated.


    So the excerpt you used from CV is wrong.

    DiEugenio is allergic to quoting me directly. 

    I wrote:

    An even bigger “coincidence” that day —the Obama Administration formally accused the Russian gov’t of interfering in the 2016 election.

    That bit didn’t make the cable news cycle.

    Does DiEugenio know what a “news cycle” is?

    The Access Hollywood tape occupied the cable news cycle until October 28 when the Comey letter hit and the Hillary e-mail non-scandal took over until Election Day.


    Your comment above is incredible.  That utterly unreliable and bought and paid for pile of rubbish--going by the name of Steele Dossier-- should have never been published by anyone in any venue.  It was clearly an oppo assignment.  Since when does that merit being published?   But further, for Buzzfeed to have published it without any attempt at fact checking it was even worse. It was a  serious blow to whatever credibility that online journalism had, which was not much.

    It’s hilarious to see a Russia-gate Denier critique anyone’s credibility.

    Why would Crowdstrike conspire with the FBI/CIA to make up a phony Russia-hacked-the-DNC story only to bury it prior to the election?

    If the goal was to prevent Trump from winning why wasn’t the Steele Dossier widely reported prior to the election?

    Instead we had Hillary’s e-mails shoved down our throats for 11 straight days.


    Correction: the Russian-interference story broke at 3:30 pm EST not 2:30.

  9. 2 hours ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

    This is not unlike the Podesta emails purely by coincidence being released when Trump's grab them by the genitals tape was released.

    An even bigger “coincidence” that day —the Obama Administration formally accused the Russian gov’t of interfering in the 2016 election.

    That bit didn’t make the cable news cycle.

     NO Russia-hacked-the DNC stories made the cable news cycle over the last 70 days of the campaign.

    “The Deep State” clearly favored Trump.

  10. 1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    Did Joe happen to poke his head out of the basement today? Did he see his shadow and go back down? I can't seem to find any press coverage.

    That’s what happens when the head is shoved up the right-wing echo chamber.

    In debate countdown, Trump holds rally, Biden does debate prep



    U.S. President Donald Trump pushed into arguably the most important state on the electoral map on Tuesday, opting for a rally in Pennsylvania instead of formal debate practice two days ahead of the final presidential debate that may be his last, best chance to alter the trajectory of the 2020 campaign.

    Democrat Joe Biden took the opposite approach, holing up for debate prep in the lead-up to Thursday’s faceoff in Nashville. But Trump, trailing in polls in most battleground states, continued his travel blitz in the race’s final fortnight, and delivered what his campaign has wanted to be his closing message.

    “This is an election between a Trump super recovery and a Biden depression. You will have a depression the likes of which you have never seen,” the President said in Erie. “If you want depression, doom and despair, vote for Sleepy Joe. And boredom.” </q>

    Who outside Fox viewers buy this?

  11. The new Sacha Baron Cohen flick drops October 23.  Over the last 11 days of the election the pervert under discussion will be Rudy Giuliani.

    Rudy Giuliani faces questions after compromising scene in new Borat film

    The reputation of Rudy Giuliani could be set for a further blow with the release of highly embarrassing footage in Sacha Baron Cohen’s follow-up to Borat.

    In the film, released on Friday, the former New York mayor and current personal attorney to Donald Trump is seen reaching into his trousers and apparently touching his genitals while reclining on a bed in the presence of the actor playing Borat’s daughter, who is posing as a TV journalist.

    Following an obsequious interview for a fake conservative news programme, the pair retreat at her suggestion for a drink to the bedroom of a hotel suite, which is rigged with concealed cameras.

    After she removes his microphone, Giuliani, 76, can be seen lying back on the bed, fiddling with his untucked shirt and reaching into his trousers. They are then interrupted by Borat who runs in and says: “She’s 15. She’s too old for you.”



    Hunter who? 


    Trump Records Shed New Light on Chinese Business Pursuits


     President Trump and his allies have tried to paint the Democratic nominee, Joseph R. Biden Jr., as soft on China, in part by pointing to his son’s business dealings there.

    Senate Republicans produced a report asserting, among other things, that Mr. Biden’s son Hunter “opened a bank account” with a Chinese businessman, part of what it said were his numerous connections to “foreign nationals and foreign governments across the globe.”

    But Mr. Trump’s own business history is filled with overseas financial deals, and some have involved the Chinese state. He spent a decade unsuccessfully pursuing projects in China, operating an office there during his first run for president and forging a partnership with a major government-controlled company.

    And it turns out that China is one of only three foreign nations — the others are Britain and Ireland — where Mr. Trump maintains a bank account, according to an analysis of the president’s tax records, which were obtained by The New York Times. The foreign accounts do not show up on Mr. Trump’s public financial disclosures, where he must list personal assets, because they are held under corporate names. The identities of the financial institutions are not clear. </q>

    Trump has open bank account in CHINA ‘that paid $189k in taxes to the communist country over three years’



  13. 47 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:


    You guys realize Giuliani has had these lap-top contents for almost a year.

    These daily releases are all planned out.

    You know the worst of what's on the lap tops will be the "kill shot."

    The "when" part will be close enough to election day so that Biden's name can't be removed from the ballots. 

    Do these clowns realize that by “Election Day” 70-80 million votes will already be cast?

    And this has been carefully planned for a year?

    The Steele Dossier was first reported mid-September 2016 — how much airtime did it get, with it’s salacious gossip about hookers peeing on Trump’s hotel bed?  
    It got ZERO attention from the networks prior to the election.  Why?  Because the “deep state” wanted Trump to win.  This year they want Biden.

    The Fascists will have to enjoy the lap top story by themselves.

  14. 1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    I may be wrong here gentlemen, but I think Covid is the cure for the Flu.

    CDC: Fight against COVID may help in fight against flu

    According to a new report, the threat of the flu season may be lowered this year because of the efforts to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

    “If we continue doing the right thing for COVID, we may not see flu this season,” Dr. Carlos del Rio, an Emory Infectious Disease Specialist, said.

    With increased mask-wearing, social distancing, and handwashing, we are protecting ourselves from COVID-19 and the flu. In fact, countries in the southern hemisphere are already seeing some positive trends.


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