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Cliff Varnell

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Posts posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. 17 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    Yeah Jim, You're quite the prognosticator. I remember in early 2016, well into Bernie's campaign, Jim saying he was voting for Hilary for the primary. While  I remember Cliff once said "Feel the Bern" and I felt some kinship with Cliff at the time. Of course Jim finally came over. 

    We've talked this over before, none of us were happy with the result.  But Buttigieg and Klobuchar defection to Biden made no difference at all, except marginally in 2 states. Biden beat Elizabeth  Warren in Massachusetts! You think they care about how Minnesota and Indiana voted?  Jim still held out hope. I sympathized,  but looking at the data, I said (not to Jim) "It's the defections stupid!"

    Kirk, thank you.  Two of my favorite DiEugenio howlers were 1) his claim after the 2016 election that James Comey's re-opening of the Clinton e-mail investigation had no impact, and 2) that the "deep state" was out to prevent Trump's election.

    It was Comey who paved the way for Trump's victory, of course.

    Funny how DiEugenio has me on "ignore" yet claims to know what I write...

  2. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Jim, also this one: Varnell said that the Democratic primaries were "over" after Bernie won three.  On other words, Bernie was now in. on to the conventon.

    On February 6th on the "The Most Illuminating Trump Assessment Ever. Mind Blowing Prescient" thread I wrote:

    Iowa was a crushing disappointment.  The turnout of younger voters ticked up 3% -- we needed many times that. I despair over Bernie's prospects.

    On the same day I wrote on the "Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump" thread:

    I'm in despair over Bernie.  They're not going to let him win the Presidency even if he won the Dem nomination.  Two weeks before the election the Justice Department will announce a phony investigation into Bernie's wife, or Bernie himself.

    The choice may be democratic socialism or theocratic fascism but not enough people identify what Trump is doing as out and out fascism.  

    We're today living under a brand new form of government.  Doesn't look like that fact has sunk in...

    Same thread, same day:

    Although I hadn't made a prediction for Herr Wheeler to lay odds on, I'll offer one here: on January 20, 2021 President Mike Bloomberg and Vice President Stacey Abrams will be inaugurated.

    Anybody want to give me 15 to 1 I'll fade it all day long.

    Same thread Feb. 9:

    All US Prez elections are bought. I know Bernie is trying his best to overcome this, and I’d like to think he could win on a level playing field, I just doubt he’ll be *allowed* to win.

    Hell, the Banksters, Bible-Thumpers, and MSM CEOs wouldn’t allow Hillary, of all people.

    So, since the election is going to be bought by various star chambers why not have it bought  by one guy so rich he is no one’s puppet?

    That was a big part of Trump’s initial appeal — the fiction he was this self-funding billionaire.

    Same thread Feb. 16:

    The Banksters, Bible-Thumpers and network CEOs won’t let Bernie win. Even if he wins the Dem nomination — they know how to destroy anybody.

    Michael Moore was on one of the cable news shows and when asked — “What are you going to say when a billion dollars in ads go out accusing Sanders of being a Communist who’s going to take your health care away?” — Moore said : “We — Bernie — will remind people of FDR.”

    No one under 80 actually remembers FDR. The politics of Medicare for All is toxic, if not entirely fatal.

    Same thread Feb. 17:

    When Bernie wins the Dem nomination he’ll need a mass movement in favor of Democratic Socialism which makes the other side THE issue — Trump’s theocratic fascism.

    Why do so many people who proudly boast of their support for Bernie and AOC never denounce Trump’s bid for Fascist Autocracy?...Oh! wait! Heard the latest on Seth Rich?

    I should have written "If" instead of "When".  Pardon my exuberance.  Bernie supporters like DiEugenio failed for 4 years to call out Trump for his fascism -- which is what a successful Bernie candidacy would have required.

    Same thread February 23:

    Bernie has the lead, the momentum, the money and the organization.  Bernie is winning. People vote for winners.

    Ask yourself this: has there ever been an instance in modern American politics where the winner of the first 3 contests was denied the nomination?

    Bernie won the popular vote in Iowa, New Hampshire and a big win in Nevada yesterday.  This could be over on Super Tuesday. Bernie is set to romp.

    Popular vote wins in the first 3 contests don’t show how strong Bernie is?

    Bernie practically cinched the nomination in Nevada yesterday.

    On the "Presidential Debates" thread on Feb. 26

    My crystal ball hasn’t worked all year. I’m due.

    Bernie wins it all in a relative walk...hope I don’t jinx the guy!

    Somehow DiEugenio conflates "could be over on Super Tuesday" as flatly stating that the primaries were "over."

    Somehow the self-deprecating context of my speculation eluded him.


    Geez.  How anyone could think that after 2016 was simply fruity.

    Fruity?  When a guy breaks out the homo-erotic insinuations you know his ego is wounded.


    The DNC under Perez was the anti-Bernie part of the party.  And Perez was more or less appointed by Obama in order to neutralize Ellison, the Bernie guy.  Well, Ellison left. And presto, the rest of the candidates drop out early and--well I don't have to tell you what happened.  That was it for Bernie.

    DiEugenio can't tell us what happened because he understands little about modern American politics.  After Biden romped in South Carolina the money poured into is campaign while Buttigieg and Klobuchar had gone broke.  Neither had made any in-roads into the black community, and so dropped out before Super Tuesday out of necessity.


    So much for Varnell's sagacity in the current political sphere.  About as bad as he is on JFK.

    People will have to take DiEugenio's word on that since he doesn't have the nerve to debate me on JFK.



  3. 23 minutes ago, Jim Harwood said:

    Ground breaking?  Seriously Cliff you cannot be serious. No wonder Jimmy D put you on invisible.

    You are invited to do the same. I‘ll take it as a confirmation my arguments are too much for you to handle, as is the case with DiEugenio.

    In the late-80’s there were two publishing companies that broke the mold of collector’s trading cards, which had previously been devoted exclusively to sports figures — Eclipse Comics and Rigamor Press.  
    Rigamor put out the first and most notorious of serial killer trading cards — “Murderers!“.  In 1992 Rigamor put out a set called — “The World’s Most Hated People.”  I wrote the text for that set using a variation of my “punk rock” pseudonym N. Kidd Sylene.  It was a big hit in New York City — Trump made the set!  Both sets were restricted to purchase by 18 and older in New York.  
    Unfortunately the distribution network for these collector’s cards collapsed in 1994.

    I regard Paul as my only peer. 

    So my question stands — what the hell have you ever achieved, Harwood?

  4. 1 hour ago, Jim Harwood said:
    What does milieu mean?
    surroundings, especially of a social or cultural nature: 

    Huge difference between San Francisco in 1978 and 1998. I started hanging out in the Haight-Ashbury in 1977, moved here in 1989.  Lots of social and cultural changes.

    It’s always amusing to see people speak authoritatively about things they know little about.

    In the interest of full disclosure I should note that there was a lively live music house party scene out in the Sunset the last few years, but I don’t know if it’s survived the covid.

  5. 1 hour ago, Jim Harwood said:

    ‘Every Tree in the Forest Will Fall’

    Oct. 7 (EIRNS)—On July 27, 2017, the LaRouche Political Action Committee published a report under the title “Every Tree in the Forest Will Fall.” The occasion was the release of the forensic proof issued by William Binney, former Technical Director of the NSA, that the supposed Russian hack of the Democratic National Committee emails and the deliverance of those emails to Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks, was a hoax. Binney showed that there had been no hack at all



  6. 10 hours ago, Jim Harwood said:

    Kamala Harris comes out of that whacked out San Francisco political milieu famous in the late 1970's for the promotion of koolaid mass killer the Reverend Jim Jones

    Harris was 14 years old in 1978.  She lived in Montreal.

    She didn't go to work in San Francisco until DA Terence Hallinan hired her as assistant DA in 1998.  If you insist on tying Harris to the zeitgeist in San Francisco in 1998 have at it -- it was the height of the "dot.com" boom when the City's live  music scene was decimated by the closures of nightclubs to accommodate the invasion of tech-nerds.  Rents exploded making it impossible for many nightclubs and rehearsal spaces to stay open, or for musicians/artists to move in.

    In the 60's San Francisco gave birth to psychedelic rock 'n roll.  In the late 90's rock 'n roll died in San Francisco.



  7. 2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    Joe Biden is a child molester. He was a regular on Little St. James. He would stay on Water Island which is 8 miles due west of Epstein's place.


    Little St James is closer to most of St. Thomas and most of St. John than it is to Water Island.

    Is everyone who visits the US Virgin Islands a pedophile?




  8. 29 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    I think most on the Trump side just feel sorry for Joe Biden.


    The president posed for photos and appeared to be taking part in a video shoot following his return to the executive mansion after spending three days undergoing treatment for COVID-19 at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. After landing in Marine One, Trump walked up the stairs of the South Portico, removed his mask and looked over the balcony.

    The president was near an official photographer, and other staffers could be seen behind him. He did not put his mask back on as he turned to walk back into the White House.

    What’s not to hate about Donald Superspreader?

  9. 1 hour ago, Micah Mileto said:

    Is there any medical litetature suggesting that the skin on the back could have shifted enough to have a t3 wound look as high as it does on the autopsy photos? If it were possible for the skin to move that much, maybe one could argue for a t3 wound without the photos being faked.

    In the Fox 5 back-of-the-head photo the head was tilted back, pushing down on the skin — thus the folds in the skin at the base of the neck.

    The photo is a fake — full stop.

  10. 56 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    It was to drive the MSM and Trump haters in general to a new level of derangement.

    It seems to have worked!

    Trump required a couple of Secret Servicemen to accompany him in a hermetically sealed SUV, which will require them to quarantine for 14 days and hope they didn’t get infected.

    Trump and Wheeler both could care less...And Wheeler wonders why I accuse him of fascism.

  11. 33 minutes ago, Robert Burrows said:

    I find it hard to believe that anyone (who's not a dead end, hard core Trump supporter) would feel much sympathy for the man who has, publicly, minimized the Coronavirus threat while privately telling Bob Woodward that  "...this is deadly stuff."

    I was taken aback by the sadness I felt when I first heard the news.  I stand behind no one in my hatred for this man.  My second emotion was anger — how many people did this idiot sentence to death with his criminal incompetence?

    I may get to schadenfreude soon — a couple more Wheeler posts and I’ll be there.

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