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Cliff Varnell

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Posts posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. 18 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    In other words, he restored the blue wall and made Georgia into a swing state.  Both of the senator races there will be runoffs.

    The credit for turning Georgia into a swing state goes to Stacey Abrams, who lead the new voter registration drive and fought Republican voter suppression.  In 2018 Brian Kemp barely beat her for the Georgia governorship in an election supervised by the Georgia Secretary of State -- Brian Kemp.



    Many here seem surprised Biden is poised to win Georgia.  Not me!



  2. 1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:



    Democrats are not showing up in Early Voting in Florida.

    Miami-Dade, HRC had a 200,000 Early Voter advantage over Trump going in to election day.

    Trump has a 66,000 Early Voter advantage in Miami-Dade as of the last update (I think yesterday.)

    Interesting site if you like this sort of stuff. https://joeisdone.github.io/florida/

    You can click on each county to see the "advantage" numbers.

    The site is a little technical but anyone can figure it out. 

    Also, it is updated every 20 minutes so the numbers change frequently.





    Don’t believe it, gentle reader.  Republicans lead in early in-person voting, Democrats lead in early mail-in voting.


    Total Voted by Party Registration

    Party Count Percent
    Democrats 3,130,430 40.0
    Republicans 2,966,747 37.9
    Minor 103,581 1.3
    No Party Affiliation 1,621,275 20.7
    TOTAL 7,822,033 100.0


  3. 'To me, it's voter suppression': the Republican fight to limit ballot boxes


    Fascists hate people voting.  So far all their voter suppression efforts have backfired.
    Over 81 million early votes in with 5 days to go.





  4. 55 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    You guys have been reduced to defending a child molester and his enfeebled father.

    Whereas Wheeler has been reduced to defending an enfeebled child molester who is the most corrupt politician in American history.

    Trump's Devotion to Foreign Strongmen and Shady Money Knows No Bounds


  5. Rudy Vents to Trump That Bill Barr Is Screwing Up His Hunter Play



    Weeks after Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani first pushed the Hunter Biden files and a collection of sordid dirt to the New York Postin a last-ditch effort to drag his client across the 2020 finish line, both he and the president, as well as several of Trump’s political lieutenants, have grown frustrated at the lack of impact it’s had.

    But rather than conceding that the broader public might not be interested, Trump and Giuliani have instead put the blame for the failure to break through in part on Attorney General William Barr.

    In the aftermath of the New York Post reporting earlier this month—for which Trump had personally greenlighted Giuliani’s decision to act as the paper’s source—the former New York City mayor has spoken with President Trump both about the Hunter Biden materials and what could be done about them from a law enforcement perspective, according to a White House official and a source close to Giuliani. Recently, the president and Giuliani discussed their mutual frustrations with the lack of action from Barr and FBI Director Chris Wray saying that the emails and Hunter files have provided legal ammunition to probe the Bidens, the person close to Giuliani said.

    The Trump attorney had also advised the president that the events of the past two weeks underscore why Trump should fire Wray, arguing that it shows that the current FBI director is an anti-Trump subversive, according to the White House official. This official was not aware of Giuliani making as harsh a comment about Barr. Reached for comment on Wednesday night, Giuliani told The Daily Beast: “I don’t comment on my conversations with my client.”

    The FBI has declined to confirm or deny if it’s even investigating the Hunter Biden-related emails and images, and the bureau and Justice Department have remained tightlipped on the issue. There is a long-standing institutional aversion to publicly talking about these types of investigations this close to a presidential election—though there is still no evidence at the moment that one even exists, much to the consternation of much of Trumpworld.






  6. 2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    Fellow First Amendment enthusiasts, you will be happy to know that the good people at Twitter have graciously stopped censoring The NY Post,

    Twitter is a private company and as such does not “censor” when it asserts it’s First Amendment right to determine what content it chooses to carry.

    If I walk onto Robert Wheeler’s property and put up a Biden/Harris sign it isn’t “censorship” when he takes it down.

  7. 1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    8. USA Today/Suffolk University Poll released on October 27: Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by 10 points in a one-on-one race and by nine points in a four way race.

    This poll was in the cable news cycle on October 28 along with two news cycle mainstays — the Access Hollywood tape and Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns.  

    Then James Comey’s letter to Congress re-opened the Clinton e-mail “scandal” which dominated the news cycle right up to the election.

    The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election

    So why won’t the media admit as much?

  8. 9 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    That's why they rushed Warren and Buttigieg and the other clowns out the door as soon as Covid hit.

    Buttigieg, Klobuchar and O’Rourke dropped out right before Super Tuesday because they were out of money and had shown no appeal with African-Americans, the crucial Democratic Party voting bloc.
    Warren dropped out right after Super Tuesday because she placed 3rd in her home state and ran out of money.

    The influence of the DNC on Dem primaries is always vastly over-estimated.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    He is doing it because he can't attract more than 100 people.

    July 20, Live Stream. Only 268 views.

    Every zoom or live stream he has done has been pathetic. There are more recent examples and I will be happy to post when I have time. (Twitter is purging accounts so these disappear fast.)


    Either no one cares about Biden or Biden supporters so deranged that they think they can get the Rona virus over the Internet.

    I think its the former, but I would not be surprised if its the latter.

    Biden concedes election night and we never know completely what was on Hunter's lap top. 

    That's how it's going to work.



    Read ‘em and weep, Wheeler.

    2020 General Election Early Vote Statistics

    Party registration statistics are provided only for states that have party registration

    Total Voted by Party Registration

    Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, KS, KY, LA, MD, ME, NC, NE, NJ, NM, NV, OK, OR, PA, SD

    Party Count Percent
    Democrats 16,153,706 48.0
    Republicans 9,784,075 29.1
    Minor 200,223 0.6
    No Party Affiliation 7,485,410 22.3
    TOTAL 33,623,414 100.0
  10. 1 hour ago, Mark Stevens said:

    In other coronavirus news...

    I had a positive test today. I have had mild symptoms at best, but I lost my taste and smell and felt that was something to check on.

    So far I haven't felt bad other than a headache.

    Here's to hoping the next 10 days pass without any real excitement.

    Good luck, Mark, hope you have a speedy recovery.

  11. 1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    As Dave McGowan wrote in his book Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream,

    Dave McGowan’s claim that the “hippie dream” was born in Laurel Canyon is pure garbage.

    San Francisco gave birth to the counter-culture.  The Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead, Ken Kesey and Bill Graham were the key figures.

    Laurel Canyon was a year behind.


  12. Poor Wheeler.  So much so wrong.

    Trump’s Campaign Backs Off Hunter Biden Attacks


    Despite aggressive efforts by Donald Trump and allies to make corruption allegations against Joe Biden and his son a centerpiece of the president’s closing 2020 argument, some Trump advisers are regretting the decision to try to put Hunter Biden and his emails front and center.

    Nearly two weeks after the New York Post first reported on the contents of a trio of Hunter Biden’s computer hard drives, including emails showing him attempting to leverage his father’s position to advance business prospects abroad, the pro-Trump internet fringe remains wild over the story. But the reelection campaign has taken a subtler approach.

    Though the president has repeatedly mentioned the allegations in rallies, on Twitter, and at a presidential debate last week, his campaign has barely supplemented it with its paid media. With the exception of a few promos for “Where’s Hunter?” merchandise, the campaign hasn’t mentioned the younger Biden in ads on Trump’s Facebook and Instagram pages since October 13, the day before the New York Post first reported on the contents of Biden’s hard drives. Pro-Trump super PAC America First Action hasn’t mentioned Hunter Biden at all in its Facebook or television ads since then. <quote off>

  13. Fact-checking claims about Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and China | PolitiFact

    Foreign policy experts say these allegations do not add up to a picture of Joe Biden being corrupt or pursuing policies contrary to the national interest.


    The documentary never says that either Biden broke the law, but its pairing of the Bidens with Chinese figures charged with espionage and other crimes, punctuated by spooky music, might give a viewer that impression. However, there is no evidence that Hunter Biden came close to breaking the law, much less any evidence that his father has done so. </q>

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