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Cliff Varnell

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Posts posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. 19 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    That would be Pelosi & Romney's October surprise. I guess you didn't read it.

    Nevertheless, if you are paying attention, you might want to follow along with the NY Post. 

    NY Post reporter refused to allow his byline on flawed Hunter Biden story: NYT


    EXCLUSIVE: Fox News Passed on Hunter Biden Laptop Story Over Credibility Concerns



    Trump may be despicable in the eyes of some suburban women. Still, the Bidens managed to involve themselves in something more despicable than whatever their problem is with Trump.

    Trump is okay with some women...



    The hits will keep coming everyday. 

    Giuliani has had Hunter's lap top since December of 2019.

    He is saying that Biden will have to drop out 10 days before the election. 

    He is doing an interview tonight on OAN. You should probably watch it.


  2. 23 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

     “Andrii Derkach posted to Facebook on Friday to say there is a 'second laptop' involving evidence of corruption and connected to the Bidens, The Daily Beast reports. “

    Wheeler loves his Putinista propaganda!

    Buys every word of it, poor boy.

    Rudy’s ‘Russian Agent’ Pal Teases ‘Second Laptop’ With Hunter Biden Kompromat


    Despite what Team Trump would have the public believe is a towering mountain of evidence, neither Joe or Hunter Biden have been charged with any wrongdoing, and Ukrainian prosecutors confirmed months ago that they had found no evidence of any crimes.

    Derkach is no newbie to the Biden saga. While cozying up to Trump allies like Giuliani during impeachment proceedings, he held repeated press conferences in Kyiv touting purported proof of corruption by the former vice president, and claiming it was not Russia that interfered in the 2016 election, but Ukraine. He also featured prominently in an “exposé” by the Trumpian One America News Network, and met with Giuliani in Kyiv last year as part of their anti-Biden mission. His claims have not held up under scrutiny.

  3. 1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    It’s not R vs. D Paul.

    If that’s still your paradigm then you’ll always remain two laps behind.

    Robert Wheeler is an intelligent fellow.  IQ is not his problem.  Robert is gullible.  
    He’s been conned into looking at the “Deep State” or “Cabal” as a monolithic phenomenon.  

    “The real history of the world is a history of competing conspiracies” — Ishmael Reed.

    In America there are three sometimes competing/sometimes cooperating forces within The Deep State — the Bankster Proto-Autocracy, the Dominionist Proto-Autocracy, and the hide-bound bureaucratic Institutionalists.

    This graphic tells us everything we need to know about who the Deep State players wanted to win in 2016.  

    “E-mail”, “lie”, “health”, “foundation,” “scandal”, “speech” — were the words for Clinton drilled into the heads of the voters July 17 to September 18 2016.

    In spite of Trump spending over a year making outrageous comments about women deserving punishment for abortions, or McCain not being a hero, or his refusal to release tax returns, or Mexicans bringing rape and drugs across the border — the biggest words were “speech”, “President”, “make”, “immigration”, “Mexico.”

    The Banksters wanted Trump in 2016, so did the Dominionist bible-thumpers, so did the FBI institutionalists.

    Now only the Bible-thumpers want him.


  4. 8 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    Trump supporters are not seeing a lot of enthusiasm for Biden, at least relative to their own enthusiasm.

    Biden announces record $383 million fundraising haul for September


    Democrats Dominating Early Voting In 2020 Election



  5. 5 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:


    • How did impeachment work out for you?

    Giuliani's latest B.S. Ukraine smear failed. You can thank the Trump impeachment for that


    5 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:


    • How did the Russian Bounty story work out for you?

    Military Times poll: 38% of active duty troops have favorable view of Trump

    5 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:
    • How did the Trump tax release work out for you?

    ActBlue’s stunning third quarter: $1.5 billion in donations


    5 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:
    • How did the Covid virus that was supposed to kill him work out for you?

    Poll: Trump’s Covid-19 Diagnosis Boosts Support For Biden


  6. 25 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    Paul, later.

    In the meantime, The NY Post and Twitter are going to War. Twitter blocked the Post entirely at one point today over the new Hunter Biden emails and photo of him with a crack pipe.

    Giuliani and the New York Post Are Pushing Russian Disinformation. It’s a Big Test for the Media.

  7. Vincent Salandria and Gaeton Fonzi Discuss Problems with the Warren Commission Report, Philadelphia (1966)



    Let me show you one specific point which I think will help to clear this up. You'll have to turn that off for me [meaning the tape recorder, seemingly it is on the desk where Salandria wants to lay out his books and documents. Salandria gets the book Inquest by Edward Epstein]

    [recorder off/on]

    ... the essence of the book turns on the matter which I discussed in my article in the March Liberation, 1965 which shows that the autopsy face sheet - Commission Exhibit 397. It indicates a back hit which is lower than a neck hit - the neck hit is the front hit. And there in lieu of the x-rays and photographs - which were the primary evidence and the only admissible evidence in any court room but which were never shown to the Commission - they produce Commission Exhibits 385 and 386 which contradicted the face sheet, contradicted the FBI evidence with respect to where the holes were in the clothing in the shirt and the coat of the President, contradicted the Secret Service agents who saw the blood going. [Secret Service Agent] Glen A. Bennett says it's four inches below the shoulder. Clinton Hill, who was a Secret Service agent at the autopsy, will indicate that the bullet wound was six inches down from the neck. Kellerman and Greer too - Secret Service agents also present at the autopsy. Now this is pretty dramatic and Epstein builds his whole book on this point.

    Read Epstein's book but... I don't want to be arrogant. But Epstein, you know, has been consulting with me and what he did was just take one little segment of an article of mine, and he admitted this is what he did and he promised to give full credit but didn't but that's not important. 

  8. On 10/11/2020 at 11:29 AM, Paul Brancato said:

    Love this song. Searched Dave Grohl because I didn’t recognize the name. Nirvana, Foo Fighters, love that. Then I came across my favorite Foo Fighter song Everlong, played by 9 year old drummer and all around talent Nandi Bushnell who challenged Grohl to a drum off. Maybe someone can post this - or explain to me how to post a YouTube link on this site. She is beyond awesome. 


  9. 5 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    If Trump supporters are to be belittled on religious grounds, than at least the Atheist can do so and remain logically consistent. The Atheist can argue that God does not exist, using a lack of scientific evidence as an argument, for example. The Atheist can not argue that God does not exist, except for the Presbyterian version of God.

    Therefore, the Astrologer's and the Satan aficionado's (the Wizard) superiority over the Trump Voting Evangelicals is not a function of the Evangelical inability to comprehend the scientific evidence that purports to reject the existence of God. Rather, their license to belittle arises from a conviction that they know the nature of God better. 

    Our license to belittle Trumpster Bible-thumpers stems from their support for a man who ordered 5400 children taken from the arms of a parent or two and then thrown into cages indefinitely, at least 1000 permanently.

    Or sending US troops to tear gas peaceful protesters so Trump could pose in front of a church with a Bible.

    Or seeking to deprive 20 million people of health insurance in the middle of a pandemic.

    Or pursuing a policy of “herd mentality” [sic] usually referred to as “herd immunity” which will result in the unnecessary deaths of millions.

    I haven’t a clue as to the nature of God but the nature of evil is apparent.

  10. 25 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Knew that would strike up a Trumpian twitter storm by CV/KG.  Remember the Gallagher Brothers, the heel team from the wrestling scene of the 1960's, well that is what these guys are.

    I guess that makes me Ilio DIPaolo. 

    Uh oh, here comes the Gallagher Brothers again!  LOL!  🤮

    DiEugenio misquotes me and doesn't have the guts to read what I actually wrote?

    Good show, Jim. 

    Why did it take you five years to denounce Trump's white supremacy?  When are you going to give America's first black President credit for the Iran nuke accords, the negotiated removal of Syrian chemical weapons, or the opening to Cuba?

    Putting the photos of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X on the masthead of your website is an empty form of virtue signalling.





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