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Cliff Varnell

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Posts posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. 2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

     Predictably, just like in the Presidential Race, the MSM refuses to call a win for an "R" even when it is clear the "R" is going to win.

    I think you guys are victims.  The GOP should continue to run on pure grievance.

    The D votes for Biden were rigged but the R votes for the House were legit.  That's the ticket! 

    People love a whiny loser.

  2. Biden Watch

    Biden: I was right about Libya


    "My — my question was, 'OK, tell me what happens?,'" Biden recalled. "'He's gone. What happens? Doesn't the country disintegrate? What happens then? Doesn't it become a place where it becomes a — Petri dish for the growth of extremism? Tell me. Tell me what we're gonna do."

    Rose responded, "And it has."

    "And it has," Biden said, going on to say that the United States should not use force unless the interests of the country or its allies are directly threatened, whether it can be done "efficaciously" and whether it can be sustained. </q>

    Biden likely to break barriers, pick woman to lead Pentagon


    From Michele Flournoy's wiki:

    In 2011, in the midst of the Arab Spring and popular street uprisings, Flournoy, then Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, helped persuade President Obama to intervene militarily in Libya, despite opposition from members of Congress and key White House advisors, such as Joe Biden, Vice President; Tom Donilon, National Security Advisor; and Robert Gates, Defense Secretary.[29]. Flournoy supported the NATO-led imposition of a no-fly zone over Libya to oust resistant leader Muammar Gaddafi, accused of ordering the killing of demonstrators and promising to "hunt the rebels down and show no mercy."[29] Flournoy said imposition of a no-fly zone necessitated first destroying Libya's air defenses with U.S. and British cruise missiles targeting the Libyan missile defense system, and U.S. B-2 bombers attacking Libyan airfields.[1] In a 2013 conversation with the Council on Foreign Relations, Flournoy said she had supported US military intervention on humanitarian grounds.[30] Critics who disagreed with Flournoy described the war on Libya as "disastrous" in its destabilization of entire regions in the Middle East and North Africa,[31] facilitating the transfer of arms to extremists across countries. Two years after the ouster of Muammar Gaddafi, Flournoy defended the U.S. military intervention in Libya, telling the Council on Foreign Relations: “I think we were right to do it.” </q>

    Biden doesn't have a problem hiring women with whom he's had sharp disagreements.

    We'll see...

  3. 7 hours ago, Dennis Berube said:



    Jeff, maybe Cliff is starting to sense you were right about Russia Gate after all and this is his first step in coming to terms with it?

    Now now Dennis.  Just because I don’t believe in dropping the F-bomb any more doesn’t mean I won’t respond to staggering ignorance with my signature condescension and ridicule.

    7 hours ago, Dennis Berube said:


  4. 1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    All the raw voting data that went through Dominion Voting Systems servers has been made public and there are literally a few hundred code monkeys going through each ward in each county in each state where the Dominion System was used.

    False claims spread online about election tech firm Dominion Voting Systems


  5. 38 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    If you have an hour and ten minutes, this video describes how the code in Dominion Voting Software was used to delete Trump votes or switch them to Biden in Michigan. The guy doing the presentation invented email, so presumably he has some technical expertise. Watch it before Youtube censors it!


    Here's The Truth: Shiva Ayyadurai Didn't Invent Email


    The Guy Who Claims He Invented Email Just Lost His Bogus Lawsuit


  6. Top cybersecurity agency demolishes Trump campaign conspiracy theories about the vote count



    On Thursday, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency issued a statement on the 2020 election, directly contradicting President Donald Trump’s efforts to delegitimize the results.

    “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history,” said the statement. “Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result … There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

  7. 1 hour ago, Jeff Carter said:

    Fair enough. Trump telegraphed a challenge to mail-in votes back in September so I hope extra care was taken to ensure the integrity of the ballots stand up to scrutiny. 

    Jeff, September was when you noticed that Trump challenged the integrity of mail-in votes. 

    For us long-time Trump watchers it's par for the course -- anytime Trump loses he claims the vote was rigged.

    Fail to win an Emmy three years in a row -- Emmys rigged.

    Lose the Iowa caucus in '16 -- rigged.  Wisconsin primary '16 -- rigged.  He won the Presidency in '16 and still claimed the popular vote was rigged.

    All year long Trump has claimed that any loss is rigged.

    The integrity of mail-in voting cannot be seriously challenged.

    1 hour ago, Jeff Carter said:

    During the summer the Dem-linked Transition Integrity Project analyzed a scenario whereby a tight Trump Electoral College lead on election night gradually withered away through the ensuing counting of mail-in ballots. This was essentially Scenario One of four possible scenarios gamed out by the project. See here starting page 15:


    Looking at the TIP scenarios, it is fairly evident that the anticipated levels of chaos and crisis are not at all in play. And whereas the scenario hinged on a single state, the multiple states which ended up in Biden column similar to the scenario should be too much to overcome. But its interesting that TIP also invokes the disputed 1876 election as a likely template - its not difficult to predict that the legal dispute will continue through the Georgia run-off, which result will inform the strength of bargaining power for the backroom negotiation which will ultimately decide the terms by which Biden is sworn in.

    What legal dispute?

  8. 16 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    I'm sticking with my original map (posted here Nov. 2)

    Once Trump hits the 270 number, we will all mostly forget the non-battle ground states like, Virginia and New Jersey.

    Probably after the 2nd inauguration, we will find out that NJ and VA were also "Cesspools of Democrat Corruption" (Also our motto here in the Garden State.)



    Do you want to give it another try Cliff?


    Give it another try?

    Five hits and a near-miss out of seven states looks pretty good to me.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    About the convictions. that's hard to say. Wait till he plays this out.

    Jeff responded. Well so much for the "olive branch". Now you're  just waiting for Wheeler.

    I have three friends who were pulling for Trump to win, although only one voted for him.  I'm trying to figure out the attraction.  I just don't think everyone who supports the guy is a fascist, even though he is.


    4 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    I figured I'd cover both the Canadian base and the drunkenness base in one fell swoop. I hope you enjoy!



  10. Among centerist corporate Democrats Biden has a relatively dovish record. 

    When he came into the Senate in '72 he opposed the Vietnam War. 

    He voted against the first Iraq War. 

    He voted for the second Iraq War after offering a non-war alternative that went no where. 

    He opposed the Bin Laden raid, proposed a much smaller Afghan surge in '09, and said during the '16 campaign that he opposed the Libya regime change action Hillary enthusiastically supported.

    Antagonistic toward Russia?  So what?

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