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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Mr. SPECTER. And does a 42-frame count have any significance with respect to the firing time on the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle? Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes; we have established that the Zapruder motion picture camera operates at an average speed of 18.3 frames per second. And we have been advised that the minimum time for firing the rifle in successive shots is approximately two and a quarter seconds. So this gives us then a figure of two and a quarter seconds of frames; at 18.3, this gives us this figure of 41 to 42 frames. Representative FORD. Would you repeat that again, please? Mr. SHANEYFELT. The camera operates at a speed of 18.3 frames per second. So that in two and a quarter seconds it would run through about 42--41 to 42 frames.
  2. Brad: Part 2 http://www71.zippyshare.com/v/43677499/file.html In the background at extant Z233,the front end of the first blue impala convertible aligns with the last wall hole, from Zapruders LOS. This is also reflected in the attachment. At that point, it has traveled 99ft from the starting point (McClain crosswalk). McClain in Hughes is actually trailing the 2nd blue impala convertible. The one directly behind the first. The cars are 17.5ft in length. At Z233, most likely, the farthest McClain can be up Houston is 64ft. 99ft-35ft(17.5 x 2) = 64ft Originally, he needed to travel approx 319.7ft from starting point to Z161 location. At Z233, 80 frames until Z313, he needs to travel 319.7ft-64ft = 255.7ft to get to Z161 location. 80/18.3 = 4.37seconds. 255.7ft/4.37seconds = 39.8mph average. I have stabilized versions of the background from Z133-Z255 approx where the background drops out. McClain does not appear farther up Houston in that span. Baker does, just briefly trailing the 1st blue convertible. chris
  3. Brad's previous inquiry: The speed of the limo factors into the acoustics analysis recently presented by Donald Thomas: In his lecture, Mr. Thomas relies on the FBI/WC speed of JFK's limo at slightly over 11 mph. If your research presents the analysis that this speed is not factual, does it not also indicate the audio analysis of Dr. Thomas is based on untrustworthy data? Brad, I did get a chance to watch the Don Thomas video. Thank you for supplying the link Here's what I came up with. I'll do it in small bits. Thomas has the recording motorcycle at approx Z161(Station#3+21.7)while the extant Z313(Station# 4+65.3) headshot occurs. That 321.7ft starts where the "Houston St corner building aligns onto the street". Edited should say "crosswalk" not corner building. A two foot difference between them. In other words, take the last Hughes frame of McClain in it, and that's your starting timing point also. Close enough. In Hughes, from the time "JFK in limo" is aligned with the TSBD corner until McClain hits the starting timing point is approx 6 seconds. This means, McClain is the distance traveled by the limo in those 6 seconds + the distance from starting point to the TSBD corner, behind the limo. Remember, there is the Elm St turn to traverse when arriving at the TSBD corner aligned spot on Elm St. chris
  4. Excellent James, I'm glad you were able to clear that up. chris
  5. A simple request for the future. When I refer to CE884 and use data from that document, please don't refer to it as Chris' data. The information was created by the WC/FBI/SS or whatever entity it may be. My math and what I exculpate (show or declare (forget the guilty part) I'm more than happy to claim. thanks chris
  6. James, The SS film was shot at 24FPS. If you have the ability to advance my comp video SS/Z one frame at a time, you will notice both cars in both films advance every frame. There are only progressive frames in both. This is a 1/1 frame ratio. To put it in terms of frames, they have the same amount of frames. In terms of speed, the Zfilm average 196.5ft over 218 frames = 11.22mph The SS average speed using those same numbers = 14.72mph I am trying to convey that 24fps or some form of it, was used as part or all of the coverup. This was one of the reasons I showed the video frame of the WC not filming their recreation from the pedestal. What possible reason would there be to film from any other location? They were afraid to climb up I guess. My speculation of course. The SS video is very important because it also shows stationary objects where their original positions were, when filmed from the pedestal. chris Just a quick followup on this aspect. The common SS/FBI plat also supports the non-pedestal filming idea of the recreation. Take note of the LOS lines from the pedestal and other position through what stationary object? chris And another followup on this, I encourage all to compare the location of the Stemmons sign between the SS recreation and Zfilm. chris P.S James, I'm not sure on CE877 where the exact beginning point is for the total distance listed. Do you know?
  7. Jon, I would agree with most of what you have stated. Let me add this: If I have a surveyed plat with stationary objects, representative of the road being traversed, know the filmers location, and my measuring marker(JFK within the limo) I can using a film with known FPS rate, accurately gauge the speed of the car. chris
  8. James, Refer back to document CE884. Z168 = Station# 3+29.2 Z313= Station# 4+65.3 465.3-329.2 = 136.1ft. This is the street measured, straight line distance between increment entries (using JFK's position in the limo) from Z168-Z313). chris
  9. James, The SS film was shot at 24FPS. If you have the ability to advance my comp video SS/Z one frame at a time, you will notice both cars in both films advance every frame. There are only progressive frames in both. This is a 1/1 frame ratio. To put it in terms of frames, they have the same amount of frames. In terms of speed, the Zfilm average 196.5ft over 218 frames = 11.22mph The SS average speed using those same numbers = 14.72mph I am trying to convey that 24fps or some form of it, was used as part or all of the coverup. This was one of the reasons I showed the video frame of the WC not filming their recreation from the pedestal. What possible reason would there be to film from any other location? They were afraid to climb up I guess. My speculation of course. The SS video is very important because it also shows stationary objects where their original positions were, when filmed from the pedestal. chris Just a quick followup on this aspect. The common SS/FBI plat also supports the non-pedestal filming idea of the recreation. Take note of the LOS lines from the pedestal and other position through what stationary object? chris
  10. James, The difference is 9 frames. Eventually the SS car will make up the 9 frame difference and the distance of that 9 frames, but not until the end of the video. Remember using the average overall speed, the SS car will eventually gain x amount of distance over x amount of time because it is traveling at a faster speed. chris
  11. James, CE884: Z168-313 =136.1ft Z313-Z351 using the yellow curb marker aligned with JFK's position in the limo is 30.2ft. Z133-168 = 30.2ft using light post in background aligned with JFK's position in the limo. Total = 196.5ft chris
  12. James, The SS film was shot at 24FPS. If you have the ability to advance my comp video SS/Z one frame at a time, you will notice both cars in both films advance every frame. There are only progressive frames in both. This is a 1/1 frame ratio. To put it in terms of frames, they have the same amount of frames. In terms of speed, the Zfilm average 196.5ft over 218 frames = 11.22mph The SS average speed using those same numbers = 14.72mph I am trying to convey that 24fps or some form of it, was used as part or all of the coverup. This was one of the reasons I showed the video frame of the WC not filming their recreation from the pedestal. What possible reason would there be to film from any other location? They were afraid to climb up I guess. My speculation of course. The SS video is very important because it also shows stationary objects where their original positions were, when filmed from the pedestal. chris
  13. http://www.filedropper.com/sswc Just click on download file. Then enter the code requested. The SS recreation video was shot from the pedestal. The WC version was not. Note the relationship between the light-pole and wall openings in each. The WC version was at approx the same height, but the filming position is to the west and probably north of the pedestal. If you were on the pedestal facing the street, this would be to your right and back aways. chris
  14. Brad, I would encourage people to obtain the CE884 comp. document I supplied in post 31. Good reference piece. As for the Nix film sync, Itek's study of the limo in Nix circa 1967 has the limo traveling at 7.6mph for frames Z300-312. It also states an overall average of 8.7mph from frame 285-313. 8.7 mph + 3.74mph =12.44mph = 1ft per 1frame ratio. 3.74mph x 1/2 frames = 7.48mph = awfully close to 7.6mph determined speed by Itek. chris
  15. Hi John, What aspect needs clarification? chris
  16. Brad, http://www55.zippyshare.com/v/10363003/file.html http://www55.zippyshare.com/v/43816588/file.html Yes, If you remove frames, the action will appear to increase in speed. The opposite if you add extra frames. Of course this all depends on the speed of the "original" action to begin with. I have Mr.Thomas' results from back in 2007. I didn't know about his latest video. Give me a little time to watch it and I'll respond. The last question I will answer this way. The WC made adjustments to the film as well as their data to accommodate a 30.2ft distance. 15.5ft of that 30.2ft is the starting point of their initial adjustments. Lets not forget the street location aligned with the snipers nest is at Station#2+50. And, since they started their measurements at what is commonly known as Station C = Station#2+34.5, they have pulled their measurements back an initial 15.5ft. So, at 15.5ft to start, if I pull that distance back from the last frame on my video at 351, does it appear to land close to the pylon, or in essence, about halfway between the extant 313 shot and Z351? chris
  17. Robert, Too much footage and too many splices to cover. Plus, you need overlapping events in the different films to come close. This may be of some help. Added: Come to think of it. I believe Martin Hinrichs created a fairly extensive post-assassination timeline among the different films/photos. I just don't remember how far he went. It might be worthwhile to find out. http://www.savingjackiek.com/conspiracy_timeline.html chris
  18. http://www21.zippyshare.com/v/76365163/file.html A better copy from Hughes. btw, I don't supply these gifs to represent a particular position on this issue. chris
  19. Larry, Here are a couple of relative parallel distances. The street location parallel with the TSBD snipers nest, is at Station# 2+50. Station#2+50(TSBD snipers nest street location) to Z255 (Station#4+16.4) = 166.4ft. Z133(Station# 2+99) to Z313(Station#4+65.3) =166.3ft Also, Z168 (Station# 3+29.2)-Z351(Station#495.5) = 166.3ft The distance from Z133-Z351 = 196.5ft minus the distance from Z313-Z351 (30.2ft) = 166.3ft chris
  20. So one magic formula would look like this: 132frames/24frames per sec = 5.5sec. 30.2ft/5.5sec = 5.49ft per sec = 3.74 mph. chris
  21. The WC determined the time between the 1st and 3rd shots, document CE560 as 5.5 sec. If I had to keep a specific time frame in mind of 5.5sec, in terms of a larger picture(scenario with more frames@24 frames per sec), I might have to cut out the equivalent at some point. The WC starts the extant Zfilm frame count at 133. The first 132/24frames per sec = 5.5sec.
  22. 30.2ft in terms of 3.74mph is: 30.2ft/5.49ft per sec = 5.5seconds 5.5seconds = the WC determined time between shots 1and 3. As you can see, these numbers are all part of the equation. Everything in sync for a certain amount of time. chris
  23. This might help a little. Let me backfill some of the info for those interested. The distance between Z313 and Z351(last frame in my original comparison video)= 30.2ft chris
  24. Larry, Yes, a certain amount of frames were removed within the film. Remember, when a car slows down, regardless of the frame rate it is being filmed at, more frames are created. The difference is what we are after. Your geometry is good. Think about the different angles created by moving laterally west, up in the TSBD, in relation to the extant shot locations on Elm St. The WC had to keep things synced/timed using the snipers nest as the pivot point. What I move at street level, I will have to move up high, accordingly. This way, I can make you believe a shot which happened further west, say Z351(Altgens spot) occurred actually at Z313. That's not the only shot which would disappear, either. But gee, the extant film tells me otherwise. Guess what, films can be altered. Failure to understand this concept = a lifetime of research futility. Math is black/white. I am showing you the math that was used to create the WC masterpiece It appears you are finally grasping this. I can introduce more of the scenario, but the majority of people appear to get lost in the numbers. This is why I have purposely stayed away from the majority of testimony. The WC documentation tells you what happened, I'm just revealing their work. This is not a theory, this is their math, not mine. chris
  25. Did you ever wonder where the WC might have started their frame counting scheme? Well, we have final data CE884 May1964 plat with a starting point of Zframe168. So maybe somewhere around 168 frames earlier, they started their count. How about 169 frames over 50.7ft or the distance from Position A to Z168. That would make sense. 169frames/18.3fps = 9.23sec 50.7ft/9.23seconds = 3.74 mph Now once again folks, what is the speed of the limo at entry points Z168-171 on the CE884 1964 WC plat? For that matter, it's the same on the "preliminary" from Z161-Z166 =3.74mph Yes, 3.74mph. chris
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