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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. An easier way to look at the problem starting with the TSBD corner would be this: Myers total elapsed time for "JFK aligned with the TSBD corner" and the 313 headshot is 13.95 seconds. 13.95 sec x 18.3 frames per sec = 255 frames. The WC gives us data for frames 161-313 = 152 frames. They also tell us the distance between 161-313 is 136ft. The distance from the TSBD corner to frame 161 is 86ft. Overall distance from TSBD corner to Z313 is 222ft. Towner's film(18.3 frames per sec) runs for 76 frames after JFK's alignment with the TSBD corner. Now you have a time and distance equation you can work. So, 152 + 76 = 228 frames within that 255 total frame scenario. This leaves 27 frames to get from the end of Towner's film to frame 161. 136ft + (42.42ft end of Towner film from Myers graphic in a previous post) = 178.42ft. This leaves 43ft to get from the end of Towner's film to frame 161. 27 frames @ 18.3 frames per sec = 1.5 sec. 43ft in 1.5 sec = 28.6ft per sec = 19.5 mph. This did not occur!!!! Rate x Time = Distance This is why changing the measuring stick from "JFK in limo" to "limo front" is important to understand. Combining the Myers multi film-sync and the WC data creates obvious flaws in both scenarios. chris P.S. If two cameras film the same event for the same amount of time, but at different frame rates, the total frame count is different, but the filming duration is the same. Myers 22.8 frames per sec for Towner's camera equates to a time conversion when dealing with the 76 frames of "JFK aligned with the TSBD corner" to the end of Towner. 76frames/22.8 = 3.33 sec. 58frames/18.3 = 3.17 sec. The conversion doesn't quite match. Why? Because there is a difference of 3 frames in Towner between JFK aligned with the TSBD corner and JFK aligned with the Sniper's nest. So, 58 + 3 frames = 61 frames/18.3 frames per sec = 3.33 sec. That is a match. And, since the WC worked in terms of 100 frames, 100 + 61 = frame 161 which is the start of their data connecting it back to the Snipers nest. chris
  2. 15ft down. 15ft to go. Perhaps this part of the FBI plat will lead to the 2nd 15ft. Notice the light scribe LOS's coming off the Stemmons sign. Someone was doing planning for a little different angle. And maybe hiding a shot reaction to boot!! chris P.S No more posts for two weeks, I'm going to Disneyland.
  3. The graphic in the upper left is from Myers. He has the distance for Z175 (limo front) from the TSBD corner as 88.53ft I have that labeled on the plat in green. At that point, "JFK in the limo" would be 15ft back. This would still put JFK behind Croft at Z175. Crofts picture is included. So it becomes fairly obvious that CE884 Station No. for Z161 is supposed to reflect a measurement from the snipers nest to "JFK in the limo" and the measurements from Station C are all part of the plan to deceive. Along with Myers changing his measuring stick from "JFK in the limo" to the "limo front" chris
  4. Looking at the previous gif, one might say nothing out of the ordinary. But, if you were to look at the camera movement??? starting at 154, here is what it looks like. Coincidentally, it appears at the spliced area. Which also appears near frame 161, the adjustment has been made. What's missing from the Groden frames? Looks like the distance from the film edge including the sprocket holes to the main frame. I wonder if that's about the same distance as the film shift. chris
  5. Around frame 157 there is a splice. Long ago, I created a stabilized version using Groden's frames to fill in some missing frames from the extant Zfilm. To begin with, watch what it looks like. chris
  6. I have already done that with a red arrow. Croft is straddling the grass and concrete. chris
  7. Mike, No. You just need to research a little bit more. Which is it? Frame 161 according to the WC is a measurement from the snipers nest to the limo front or JFK in the limo? Take a look at the plat really carefully before you answer!!! Remember, Croft can't take a picture of someone behind him, if his picture shows the object is in front of him. If you tell me it's JFK in the limo at frame 161, that would be a measurement from the snipers nest. Which would mean there should be no measurements taken from Station C , which is 15.5ft back from the snipers nest. Meyers is in green. Between a rock and a hard place. Why do you think this spot (frame 161) was chosen by the WC to create CE884. chris
  8. Didn't mean to leave you hanging without a15ft section. Again, the graphic is from Myers. .82sec x 18.3 Frames per sec = 15frames .82sec x 22.8 Frames per sec =18frames chris
  9. And why not use the non-limo??? sequence as a tool for creating the masterpiece. I think the motorcycle policeman probably worked fine as a marker. Lets see: 91 Towner frames till "JFK in limo" is aligned with the TSBD corner. 132 pre limo frames 41 frame difference. And then: 167 total Towner frames Myers 22.8 frames per sec/ real rate18.3 frames per sec = 1.25 or 25% faster 167 x .25 = 41.75 frames BTW, the last frame in the gif is frame 131, with 132, I couldn't get a clear registration of the lane dividers. chris P.S. I wonder if Mike knows that a 4/3 or 3/4 ratio could also be considered reducing or accelerating by 25%. All about those ratio conversions!!!
  10. David, All part of the 100ft (85ft + 15ft) scenario. BTW, if you look at the plat in post #5, you will notice the triangle created connects Station No. 2+00 to 2+50. If you include a line to the TSBD corner and measure back from there to 2+25 and on to 2+00, the straight line distance should be approx 43.75ft Now add that to Myers distance from the TSBD corner to the end of Towner = 43.75ft + 42.42ft= 86.17ft. Now compare that back to Myers distance from the beginning to the end of Towner. IOW, 2+00 is the approx. beginning of the Towner film. chris
  11. The same can be addressed in terms of time: 167 frames/18.3 frames per sec = 9.12 sec. 9.12sec/.25 = 2.28 sec 9.12sec - 2.28sec = 6.84 sec. Does Paul Mandel of Life Magazine ring a bell!!! Published Dec6, 1963 in Life Magazine. He's giving his version with specific distance and frame counts. chris
  12. If you deal with the ratio of 22.8/18.3 frames per sec that converts to 125%. Towner film = 167 total frames. 167 x .25 = 41.75 frames/42frames "JFK in limo" aligned with the corner of the TSBD is Towner frame 91, no it is not Towner frame 85. Towner frame 91 + 42 = frame133 chris
  13. Getting back to the Towner film and the discrepancy between Myers 22.8 frame rate and the correct 18.3 frame rate is going to yield a difference in time for 167 frames. 167/18.3 = 9.12sec 167/22.8 = 7.32 sec That is a difference of 1.8 seconds. Determine the frame total for 1.8 sec @ 18.3 frames per sec. 1.8 x 18.3 frames per sec = 33 frames It is no coincidence that the Zfilm limo segment starts at frame 133. 33 frames back is frame 100. chris
  14. Mike, Go back to StationC and the snipers nest and figure out the distance between the two. Get back to me when you have a measurement for the distance. If you don't see a difference in terms of footage between the two, then why bother with addressing any additional information I put forward. Simple as that!!! chris
  15. Mike, Let me show you how you can apply the "instantaneous speed" analysis to the assassination as a whole. Let's deal with the ratio difference between the red squares in the document. 3.74/2.24 = 1.669 If I expand the answer in terms of 100(frames), this will convert to 166.9/100 I previously explained how many total Towner film frames there are: 167 Do you see the relationship between the "instantaneous speed analysis differential ratio" and the total number of Towner frames? Now, if I want to hide 30ft in 100 frames @18.3frames per sec my equation is: 100/18.3 frame sper sec = 5.46 seconds 30ft/5.46sec = 5.49ft per sec = 3.734 mph If I want to hide 30ft in 167 frames @ 18.3 frames per sec my equation is: 167/18.3 frames per sec = 9.12 sec. 30ft/9.12 sec = 3.28ft per sec = 2.237 mph So, when you show us the limo speeds up, of course it does, its acceleration in terms of "instantaneous speed" just happens to adjust for the elimination of 30ft in specific frame spans, which tie directly into the whole scheme of things. chris P.S BTW, where is the first splice in the film in relation to the frames you have been using for the "instantaneous speed analysis? Warning sign!!!!!
  16. Getting back to this area, the Towner film consists of 167 total frames. That would be 160 + 7 missing/spliced frames. Towner started filming the limo as it turned from Houston onto Elm. If I was Z and I started filming at the same time as Towner with the same "frame per second" rate I would have a parallel film version of the same time period. Why is this important? Well, the WC started there calculations at frame 161 and ended at 313 = 152 frames They shorted JFK by 15ft. They also created a 1frame per 1ft guide. Lets add the frames back first. 152 + 15 =167 frames Gee!! Thats the same amount of frames as the Towner film. Add them together and it's a total of 334 frames. When did Shaneyfelt say they stopped the photographic aspect: Mr. SPECTER. And how was the ending point of that frame sequence, being No. 334, fixed? Mr. SHANEYFELT. It was fixed as several frames past the shot that hit the President in the head. Frame 313 is the frame showing the shot to the President's head, and it ends at 334. Or, maybe it was the end of their pre-conceived film work. Work that equation forward and backward. chris
  17. Thank you David, Nicely conveyed. If I may add just a bit more. Time-Life Survey-Data Nov25, 1963. SS re-enactment Dec 2nd-Dec4th, 1963 with final Survey Plat completed on Dec5th, 1963 FBI re-enactment Feb7th, 1964 - A revised Dec5th, 1963 SS Plat was created at this time too. March16, 1964- The day the Autopsy Surgeons testified, SS Agent Howlett requests a copy of the FBI survey plat of Feb7, 1964. WC re-enactment completed in May 1964. FBI Survey Plat 6/25/1964 created, a full month after the WC phony re-enactment of the assassination. Briefly paraphrased by me. Full credit to Tom Purvis. Craig wants you to believe the investigations were Sunday strolls. Not happening!!!
  18. One and Two above I understand and agree. What does this mean? I do not see the removal of 30 feet. Since JFK is a fixed 15 feet behind the front of the limo we always know where JFK is if we know where the front of the limo is. For instance, if the FRONT of the limo is at station 3+29 then JFK is at station 3+(29-15) = station 3+14. if the FRONT of the limo is at station 3+44 then JFK is at station 3+(44-15) = station 3+29 if the FRONT of the limo is at station 4+30 then JFK is at station 4+(30-15) = station 4+15 I used the frame and station data from exhibit 884 to calculate the instantaneous speed. The average speed from frame 161 to frame 166 was 2.25 mph. The average speed from frame 166 to frame 185 was 12.61 mph. ... It does look like the limo slowed down going around the corner... The red box shows the average speed from frame 161 to frame 313 was 11.17 mph. I think the above data is some very good data. It may be the best data we have for the location and speed of the limo during the murder, even if there is some error in it that Chris is going to reveal. Mike, I believe you are missing the point of that table... It is not possible, physically, to accellerate from 2.25 to 12mph in a single second without it being noticed... to get from 2.25mph and to AVERAGE 12.61 for the next 19 frames, the limo has to accellerate thru 3, 4, 5, 6 mph which LOWERS the average speed.. To average 12.61mph the limo must spend some time ABOVE 12.61 mph to conter the time spent at LESS than 12.61. Now, to AVERAGE 18.72mph in one frame, the NEXT frame, the speed of the limo at frame 184 had to be very close to 18mph since in the next 21 frames the limo is back down to 12... (which again requires the limo to spend some of these frames at LESS than 12... Now look at the zfilm... would you say the limo DRASTICALLY SPED UP from 161 thru 184... then slowed drastically from 18 back down to 9.57 in just over 20 frames to get us to 210? When everyone who testified said it mainted a steady and average speed of 8-12mph. AS an exercise, try to pinpoint the speed of the limo IN EACH FRAME from 161 thru 210 so the averages work. I believe you will be in for a very interesting surprise... the speeds at which this table tells us the limo traveled cannot be matched back to the existing Zfilm... As this table was used to explain the shooting - one can see how morally corrupt the WC, SS and FBI were. DJ David, Thank you for pointing this out to Mike. To help him out a little more, since we know that frame 161 is actually surveyed Frame 168, he might run the span from Z168-Z255, since we know from Z255-Z313 the speed is reduced, at least according to the calculations. IOW, that is now 87 frames in 87.2ft. = 1ft per 1frame. Interesting how that ratio arises. chris P.S. Of course I didn't include the "limo front" and "JFK in limo" ratio to this either. If we wanted to stick with the original CE884 calculations, while including the 15ft "limo front" to "JFK in limo" difference, it would yield this: 161-313=152 frames 3+29.2 - 4+65.3=136.1ft + 15ft difference = 151.1ft 152 frames in 151ft or 1frame per 1 ft. So in reinstating the 255-313 span while adding the 15ft difference, we get the same ratio of 1frame per 1 ft. Amazing. chris
  19. That's what a 15ft difference would look like using the "limo front" and "JFK in limo" as starting points. Two starting points, same target. You can recreate an angle on the other end by plotting 3+14.2 and using the sniper's nest as the same point, but I believe you get the picture. chris
  20. One and Two above I understand and agree. What does this mean? I do not see the removal of 30 feet. Since JFK is a fixed 15 feet behind the front of the limo we always know where JFK is if we know where the front of the limo is. For instance, if the FRONT of the limo is at station 3+29 then JFK is at station 3+(29-15) = station 3+14. if the FRONT of the limo is at station 3+44 then JFK is at station 3+(44-15) = station 3+29 if the FRONT of the limo is at station 4+30 then JFK is at station 4+(30-15) = station 4+15 I used the frame and station data from exhibit 884 to calculate the instantaneous speed. The average speed from frame 161 to frame 166 was 2.25 mph. The average speed from frame 166 to frame 185 was 12.61 mph. ... It does look like the limo slowed down going around the corner... The red box shows the average speed from frame 161 to frame 313 was 11.17 mph. I think the above data is some very good data. It may be the best data we have for the location and speed of the limo during the murder, even if there is some error in it that Chris is going to reveal. Mike, I believe you are missing the point of that table... It is not possible, physically, to accellerate from 2.25 to 12mph in a single second without it being noticed... to get from 2.25mph and to AVERAGE 12.61 for the next 19 frames, the limo has to accellerate thru 3, 4, 5, 6 mph which LOWERS the average speed.. To average 12.61mph the limo must spend some time ABOVE 12.61 mph to conter the time spent at LESS than 12.61. Now, to AVERAGE 18.72mph in one frame, the NEXT frame, the speed of the limo at frame 184 had to be very close to 18mph since in the next 21 frames the limo is back down to 12... (which again requires the limo to spend some of these frames at LESS than 12... Now look at the zfilm... would you say the limo DRASTICALLY SPED UP from 161 thru 184... then slowed drastically from 18 back down to 9.57 in just over 20 frames to get us to 210? When everyone who testified said it mainted a steady and average speed of 8-12mph. AS an exercise, try to pinpoint the speed of the limo IN EACH FRAME from 161 thru 210 so the averages work. I believe you will be in for a very interesting surprise... the speeds at which this table tells us the limo traveled cannot be matched back to the existing Zfilm... As this table was used to explain the shooting - one can see how morally corrupt the WC, SS and FBI were. DJ David, Thank you for pointing this out to Mike. To help him out a little more, since we know that frame 161 is actually surveyed Frame 168, he might run the span from Z168-Z255, since we know from Z255-Z313 the speed is reduced, at least according to the calculations. IOW, that is now 87 frames in 87.2ft. = 1ft per 1frame. Interesting how that ratio arises. chris P.S. Of course I didn't include the "limo front" and "JFK in limo" ratio to this either.
  21. 15ft apart, should be two different measurements to the same target. Here's a visual for you. chris
  22. What does the plat show in relation to Station No. and sniper's nest alignment? In my view (partial plat with elevation and Station No. provided previously) 2+50 aligns with the sniper's nest, which is 79.2ft from Station No. 3+29.2 which is what is listed on CE884. If you have a different designation for a sniper's nest Station No. let me know. chris
  23. Look at the next entry down "Distance To Rifle In Window" in both CE884 and CE888. The distance is the same for"JFK in limo" as the target. That would mean the "Distance To Rifle In Window" target is the same distance away from Station No. 2+50 and 2+34.5. IOW, two different starting points, same distance to target. chris P.S. Why do you think the plat(CE882) was not made available to the general public. Whereas, during WC testimony, they introduce it in miniscule size as CE882 and introduce it into evidence as CE884. Maybe so we couldn't read the original numbers within. The old switcharoo. I've already shown you the survey for frame 168, which obviously shows part of the changes made.
  24. Yes Mike, Or, you can view it this way: Station C = Station No. 2+34.5 2+34.5 - 3+29.2 = 94.7ft = "JFK in limo"@Station C to "JFK in limo" @ frame161. chris
  25. Mike, The relationship of "limo front" to "JFK in limo" is 15ft +/- a few inches. The relationship of Station No. 2+50 (snipers nest) to Station C is 15.5ft. Therefore, imagine the "limo front" aligned directly with the snipers nest and "JFK in limo" aligned with Station C simultaneously. WC measurements in CE884 are supposed to be to "JFK in limo", but the starting point (measuring spot) is Station C. Immediately there is an approx 15ft difference at frame 161. chris
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