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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. 28 minutes ago, Andrej Stancak said:


    where did you retrieve the "original" (the left-most one) from? It does not look like any of Darnell stills I ever saw. Can you please post a full-sized original still and a link to a page from which you have downloaded it? Thanks.



    This is what Alan posted.

    It's from one of his many posts over on Duncan's forum.




  2. Credit to Alan Ford (Duncan's Forum) for posting the "Original" in this collage some months ago.

    It is a frame from Darnell. The source is unknown. I believe Alan said it was floating around the internet when he obtained it.

    I was a little reserved at first, but then remembered James' comments about the neckline, from his viewing at the Sixth Floor Museum a few years earlier.

    I enlarged the original somewhat and applied a couple of different filters to it.




  3. Henry,

    In my gif, imagine putting yellow numbers on the stooping women's rear end in each frame and labeling them 1-4.

    Compare the distance she moves between 1/2 then 3/4.

    Now go back and look how far she travels between 2/3.

    These are four consecutive frames = 1/4 second

    Panning does not increase her physical speed.

    Robin's are a copy from the 6th floor museum.

    I obtained mine from a different source. They are the same in terms of content, but the 6th floor cropped some of the sprocket hole area.

    In fact, when you acquire a copy with the full sprocket hole images intact, look closely for the edge markings and how often they repeat.





  4. On 8/17/2022 at 9:37 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    Simple proof.

    Bell enlightens us.

    Unless you believe Jackie rose back up (into her same position in Nix) after she amazingly sat down in Z in 1/3second.

    Might help you realize why Nix ends where it does.

    Maybe Bronson/Z subtlety next, but un-necessary.



    And, just as it was impossible for Jackie to do her instantaneous slide, it is also a good idea to check other films for impossible feats in the same vicinity.

    Bell gives us Van Halen's version of "Jump". (Excised frames reference of course.)

    The limo and the "stooping lady" near the sprocket hole in sync.

    Helps when you stabilize stationary objects and then view the moving objects.





  5. Chris,
    In the previous gif, are you saying you see the couple in the red box and not the running man?
    I don't see her legs touching the ground. I see one person in the red box within the gif.
    I assume then, you believe the running man is in the blue box(#3) in this new collage?
    The running man being the person who first appears in Z at Z325.
    Orientation wise, how does that work? 

















  6. 6 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    (First, note that Bell is the film that is overlaid at an angle and Nix is the one behind it.)

    There are two groups of procession observers in these frames. The Nix film shows that the limo first passes the group with the child, and then passes the group with the  guy wearing a tan jacket.

    With that knowledge in hand, the Bell frame above should have occurred first followed by the Nix frame above. Bell then Nix.

    However, that is contradicted by the appearance of the overpass. The Bell frame -- not the Nix -- shows that the limo is nearer the overpass. (I guess this is what Chris wants us to see.)

    I wonder if this is the result of Mr. Bell using a telephoto lens. Telephoto lenses have the affect of bringing things far away up close.

    For this to be the case, Mr. Bell would also have to be located further north than Mr. Nix because his camera is aimed more to the west (toward the overpass) than Mr. Nix's camera. It would also mean that the second group of people might also appear in the Bell frame. Unfortunately, that area of the Bell frame has been painted brown for some reason.

    The one piece of evidence that suggests my hypothesis might be wrong is that the shape of Jackie is almost exactly the same in both frames. If Mr. Bell were standing further north and aiming more to the west (i.e. my hypothesis), he would not have captured so much of Jackie, and her shape would be different.



    The Bell/Z films have a common action(measuring point) among them. When both vehicles disappear into the underpass shadow.

    If one compares/plots moving backwards from that point, Jackie in Bell, is in the same upright position that she is in Nix, but after she has sat down in Z at 417.

    What happened!!! She got back up on the trunk. No


    Because extant Z after 417 doesn't show it.

    Whatever altering was done to the film/s was going to show up in some form, at some point. Timing

    This is the reason Nix is cut at Z411.

    It's also why it takes Jackie 1/3 second to miraculously slide down into her seat from Z411-Z417.








  7. 7 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    Whoa! In the red square you can see a guy running away from the procession.

    It actually looks like he is running backwards. And when the film runs in reverse, it looks like he is running forward, toward the procession.

    Is that the point of your showing this Chris?

    It does look like you synchronized the two films at the point when Jackie raises her hand. But the Zapruder inset runs forward from there whereas Bronson runs backward. Is that to show us the same guy running toward the procession in each?


    The Bronson film reverses(loops back and forth) from its end point so you can see the step pattern of the man in the red box.

    Since you understand the importance of Jackie's hand in both films, try locating that same man(within the red box) in the Z film.

    Then pay very close attention to his step pattern and compare them in both films.

  8. I’d like to thank everyone for their kind comments.

    But, it is/was not my intention to fill the financial overseer void.

    It was, to expedite the election process once we knew the forum was on more solid financial ground for the immediate future.

    I think this past week provided plenty of time for those interested to express themselves.

    We had a long, very spirited discussion about the many different options available for setting up - funding, etc etc.

    Apparently, Sandy has expressed interest in taking over the position.

    I think Sandy would do an excellent job and has my full support.

    If there are others that volunteered, I have complete faith the the Admin team will choose who they believe is the most capable for the forums future well being.



  9. On 8/16/2022 at 12:34 PM, Mark Knight said:

    As one of the administrators, I will stress that we seek someone trustworthy, obviously. But we also need the person to be able to track the financial situation of The Education Forum. I think we could pin a post in which you could make a monthly report on income, expense, and balance on hand, to create a level of transparency for the members and guests who contribute to the Forum. Once the PayPal account is set up and the withdrawal arrangement with InVision is established, and once we post a pinned link to the new PayPal account, the rest should more or less work on "autopilot."

    Closing Day.


  10. On 8/16/2022 at 12:34 PM, Mark Knight said:

    As one of the administrators, I will stress that we seek someone trustworthy, obviously. But we also need the person to be able to track the financial situation of The Education Forum. I think we could pin a post in which you could make a monthly report on income, expense, and balance on hand, to create a level of transparency for the members and guests who contribute to the Forum. Once the PayPal account is set up and the withdrawal arrangement with InVision is established, and once we post a pinned link to the new PayPal account, the rest should more or less work on "autopilot."


  11. On 8/16/2022 at 12:34 PM, Mark Knight said:

    As one of the administrators, I will stress that we seek someone trustworthy, obviously. But we also need the person to be able to track the financial situation of The Education Forum. I think we could pin a post in which you could make a monthly report on income, expense, and balance on hand, to create a level of transparency for the members and guests who contribute to the Forum. Once the PayPal account is set up and the withdrawal arrangement with InVision is established, and once we post a pinned link to the new PayPal account, the rest should more or less work on "autopilot."


  12. 18 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

    As one of the administrators, I will stress that we seek someone trustworthy, obviously. But we also need the person to be able to track the financial situation of The Education Forum. I think we could pin a post in which you could make a monthly report on income, expense, and balance on hand, to create a level of transparency for the members and guests who contribute to the Forum. Once the PayPal account is set up and the withdrawal arrangement with InVision is established, and once we post a pinned link to the new PayPal account, the rest should more or less work on "autopilot."


  13. On 8/7/2022 at 4:59 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    I'll make the assumption that the rifle was pointed downward toward the QueenMary floor, before it was ever raised, as I have never seen any photos/films besides the one supplied, that exposed the rifle.

    How does one raise a rifle pointed downward, up, so when the rifle barrel end reaches a certain height above the windshield, the angle from rifle barrel end to JFK's head is at approx 2.86°?

    In the stabilized gif I provided, I do not see Hickey previous to extant z313, getting up/moving from his seated position.

    His armpit was not high enough to allow windshield clearance and a 2.86° rifle angle to Jfk's head.

    The suitcases shown appear to be approx 15" (9" + 6") total in height.

    The Queen Mary was 10" higher in the rear seat than the Limo. Was the windshield proportionately higher too?

    I don't know what the windshield height was for the QueenMary, only the SS100.

    If Hickey was the approx height of JFK at 72.5" then he was 25" higher while both were seated if he was sitting on the suitcases.

    I am 6ft tall. The bottom of my armpit is 18" down from the top of my head. The rifle barrel end would have been even lower.

    25"- 18" = 7"

    52.78" + 7" = 59.78"




    Armpits don't create 2.9° angle holders for rifles.




  14. Any person interested in this volunteer position is encouraged to reply here or directly via the Admin/s.

    I believe the main requirement is that you reside in the U.S.

    Other concerns/duties can be addressed either publicly/privately.

    Initial Closing Date: Friday Aug19 

    Thank you to those who are interested.



  15. 2 hours ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

    Too many variables is a term that has significance when predicting.


    I am predicting that Hickey doesn't do what you imagine him doing.

    It's not too difficult following his movements from the beginning, especially after he turns from looking in Z's direction to straight ahead. The flesh/face tone is quite obvious.

    Maybe enlarging/rotating the film will help.


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