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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. 3 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

    Ok so to be clear these are not donations.   This should be clear this is fir people to access and post on the forum.   Non payments should be access only.  


    Let's at least get September funded to give us a little more breathing time. This will allow us to work out what type of access format is preferred, among other addressable items.




  2. 1 hour ago, James R Gordon said:

    I am not able to pick up the September payment but I can make the payment on your behalf.

    As yet I have not informed Invision I am no longer the payee. My bank account is still linked to Invision. I am certain the donation link still operates for Paypal contributions. So I can make the payments on your behalf and I am willing to do so, The present payment - because of currency conversion -is now £60. That means you need to collect $80 [ not $ 70 ] to allow for the $ 60 payment. That is roughly $6 if 15 members are contributing.

    Membership is our problem but there appears sufficient membership to meet the $80 threshold.

    In the long run the EF has a serious funding problem. But if we can donate $80 each month [ and I pledge to transfer that payment to Invision on your behalf ] then the EF is still alive for the short term.



    Thank you James.

    So, just to cover the month of September, I will start a new topic asking for everyone who has chimed in on this topic(and any others interested) who offered to contribute, go ahead and use the "donation" link once they are logged in and donate only $5.

    I suggest we let this $5 contribution period last one week.

    After one week, you can then inform us as to how much was raised, if we're short of the $80 mark we'll make up the difference.

    Please do not inform us before a weeks time is up if we hit the $80 mark.



  3. 8 hours ago, James R Gordon said:

    I should point out is that you have a problem with donations.

    They have to come later. There is a present system but it is linked to my bank account.

    Once someone has taken over then a new accounnt needs to be set up.



    So far, the total number of responses from contributors is between 10/15 people.

    You already have the donation link set up to your account.

    If everyone who has chimed in on donating, can contribute $5 at this time(covering 70$ for September) via the donation link, can you make a last payment for September?

    This, in essence,would be a trial run for the future,with the contributing members knowing that our payment process would evolve via Paypal.

    It would give everyone a little breathing space and allow more time for you to help the new administrator/others with running the forum via Invision.

    If our initial $5 contribution total is not enough to cover September, just give us the remaining amount needed.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Ty Carpenter said:

    I think we have our answer there. Set up a PayPal and pin it to the forum and have Invision debit the account monthly. Maybe update us periodically on the balance and shake the tree when we need more cash money.

    Sounds like that could be completed, expeditiously.

    With that said, can we get a headcount of the participating members on this forum.

    Once we have that number, divide it into the monthly cost.

    Start a new topic(run for a few days?) asking for a confirmation from participating members if they can contribute the equal monthly fee. See what the response is.

    Create a link which shows(doesn't give access) participating members the ongoing balance in the Paypal account.

    Equal payment by all participating members.

    Personally, I don't want to be reminded that we're going to run short on funds.

    X amount of paying members x  X $amount = coverage.





  5. 53 minutes ago, Chris Davidson said:

    The point being, Sean Murphy (imo) should be credited with the importance of Prayerman.

    I believe it was Robin Unger who found this same person in the Darnell frames at a later time. If that is incorrect, I stand corrected.

    Credit Below:Bart Kamp



    Wallace didn't see who we refer to as prayerman in Wiegman.

    He thought Lovelady was Oswald.

    Nothing is visible in Groden's copy unless you apply some shadow contrast.

    He did mention the Fritz note.


  6. Nor did I say Bart discovered/created Prayerman.

    He has done a fantastic job with the Malcolm Blunt documents.

    "New evidence from these files leads to Prayer Man"

    That's fine.

    I stand corrected.

    My apologies.



  7. The point being, Sean Murphy (imo) should be credited with the importance of Prayerman.

    I believe it was Robin Unger who found this same person in the Darnell frames at a later time. If that is incorrect, I stand corrected.

    Credit Below:Bart Kamp


  8. 3 hours ago, James R Gordon said:

    Regarding 2022 I believe the toal sum was under $1000.

    I understand your criticism and maybe we need to tighten up what happens to the money donated.





    It is not meant as criticism as we know you financed the forum for a long time.

    Relating to our last fundraiser, if you go back and look at that thread, you listed 10 contributors, 4 others afterward who chimed in and contributed, which equaled a total of approx $1200, close enough to $1000 if that is what you meant.

    So 14 contributors last round unless there were others un-named.

    Everyone should keep this in mind when projecting future revenue based on X number of participants.

  9. 2 hours ago, James R Gordon said:

    Chris and Jean Paul,

    It is true that in 2019 the reserve balance was  $4, 774:00. The end date of December 2024 was based on a monthly extraction of $70:00 per month. I see the reference to £89 per month. That is not the contract that is presently in place.

    At present our band width requires a fee of $70:00 per month, that was not always the case. In 2019 we had a larger membership and for a period our band width exceeded the requirements of the present charge which is the 100 user plan. For a lengthly period of time - I believe somewhere in the range of 14 months - our charge rose to the next charge of $120:00 per month. That quickly depleted the reserve funds.




    Thanks James,

    This is just a guess, but basing it on the info from above it sounds as though the monthly fee from say "the beginning of 2019" has been $120 per month.

    Jan2019 -Jan2022 = 36 months x $120 = $4320

    $4774-4320 = $454 remaining(circa Jan2022) and you realized we were falling behind "big time" with the reserves.

    $454/120 = good for approx 4 more months after Jan2022, unless more funding could be obtained.

    I'm not sure how much was raised in the Jan2022 fundraiser, but take that total and divide by 3(equals months after the $454 would have been used up) bringing us to July/August 2022.

    If you don't have any reserves left, the following would be close to what the monthly charge has been for these past 3 months.

    After the fundraiser, you gave an estimate of being paid up through April 2024.

    Based on $70 per month, I assume we raised about 26 months worth(Jan2022-Apr2024) x $70 = $1820

    $1820/ last 3 months = $606 per month which would extinguish the fundraising reserve.

    Just one way of looking at it.







  10. James,

    Sorry to hear about your predicament, but I'm not sure I follow this clearly.

    We had a fundraiser in the early part of this year. At that time, supposedly we had raised enough to get us through April of 2024:


    Moving forward, I then suggested that it might be easier for everyone to contribute in smaller monthly amounts, via automatic payment.


    Where do we actually stand in regards to our reserve totals?







  11. 55 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Well, curiosity killed the cat, as they say, and I find myself curious about individuals named "PERSON-1" -2 and -3 in the superseding indictment against the Proud Boys. 

    By context (if you read primary materials, the indictment), the anonymous individuals were involved in planning the 1/6 event, and their true identities are obviously known to the Proud Boys (at least by now) and to the AG's office. 

    So, I wrote an e-letter to the media office of the US Justice Department, and maybe we will get answer.


    Proud Boys Superseding Indictment and PERSON -1 PERSON-2 PERSON-3



    OK, in the superseding indictment, some people are identified as "PERSON-1" -2 or -3 and so on.

    These anonymous individuals appear to have been active in Proud Boys planning and activities leading up to Jan. 6, and their identities known to the government (by context). 

    Why are the individuals not named? Were they government informants? Are they witnesses who are now cooperating with the federal government? 

    I cannot find any reference to PERSON-1 -2 -3 in the M$M, or indeed anywhere else. 

    The Proud Boys stand accused of illegally occupying the US Capitol, and people who participated in the planning of the event are referenced in an indictment, but their identities not revealed. They are not "un-indicted co-conspirators" or they would be ID'ed as such. 

    I gather doing primary research is not something the M$M does anymore. 

    I guess reporters nowadays like to re-post each other's stuff. 

    I may not get a response from the Justice Department. Sometimes you have to work for a "name publication" to get a response. I contacted media relations. 

    Plenty of names for you from the main stream media:


  12. 2 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

    You probably should brush up on the history of eugenics and efforts to reduce population, plenty have written about it, it isn’t all that hidden. I am guessing you think blood clot warnings on TV have always been around, and that Pfizer releases weren’t worth looking at. JJ jabs got pulled for no reason right? I guess I know why you don’t want to see it, because your fragile ego asserted that the treatments were safe and effective. It would be funny if we weren’t talking about the health of friends, family and loved ones. Living in a small community the effects are all the more polarising. I could sit here and bombard you guys with links, evidence, to the point you’d feel neurotic and stressed, there really is no upside. Just open your eyes a bit more. 







    Risk vs. Reward:





  13. 3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    My guess is that if there were any connections between Trump officials and the Proud Boys of the Oath Keepers, the 1/6 committee would have highlighted it. In the age of smartphones, smartphone geolocation abilities, and trackable banking details, it is almost impossible to hide connections between people. 






    A court document filed by an accused Proud Boy included '1776 Returns,' a detailed plan for the Capitol riot.


    Ahead of Jan. 6, Willard hotel in downtown D.C. was a Trump team 'command center' for effort to deny Biden the presidency.

    Bannon, Stone, Powell, Flynn among others.

    Why is Bannon going to prison? He can't spill the beans on this aspect of the operation.

    So, believe what you must, relating to the connection between "Don the Con" and these low life thugs, but you're wasting your time trying to convince anyone who has paid the least bit of attention to those 99% of Trump Republicans who have testified before the committee.

    In this instance, there is no value engaging in a discussion with those that choose naivety.









  14. 2 hours ago, Robin Unger said:

    Yes, Bell jumped down from his pedestal and ran around the peristyle onto the grassy infield, by that time the shooting had already taken place.




    Bell's segment which includes the limo moving beneath the underpass on Elm St., was not taken from the grass.

    It was taken from a position slightly to the left of where the photographer took the more modern day photo on the right side of the collage.

    If Bell was on the grass when the limo was moving beneath the underpass, Bell did not shoot this segment attributed to him.



  15. 2 hours ago, Joseph Borelli said:

    Hi everyone! 

    New member here!! I have been reading this forum for a couple years now but finally joined recently when they started accepting new members. 

    I’m looking for rare dealey plaza video that I stumbled on very early on in my research where a Caucasian man in a suit was caught on video leaving the grassy knoll area walking back towards the street where jfk was shot after the assassination and A bunch of bystanders were walking up towards the tracks / fence area. There was a cop directing foot traffic on the steps I think and this guy in the suit was going the opposite direction and shadily looked back as he passed the cop expecting to be stopped but wasn’t. I have a couple ideas as to who this guy could have been but I wanted to find the video again to see if there is any resemblance before I presented any possible theory of mine. 


    I know some people here focus specifically on Dealey Plaza so they’ll probably know what video I am referring to. It’s probably only a few seconds long. I appreciate any help and am happy to be part of this msg board ! Cheers 🥂 



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