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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. On 8/9/2022 at 6:54 PM, Sandy Larsen said:


    I agree. I believe that if James or any of the admin says it's time for donations, that's all that would be needed to collect enough for another year or two.



    I think most of us agree with you on this sentiment.

    But, there is enough money (using only the $5 contributions) to pay for September. Before we start the larger donation drive(hopefully), I encourage the Admins to select the new financial overseer and set up all elements related to payment methods first.

  2. 3 hours ago, James R Gordon said:

    Unless I have ,made an error:-

    25 members donated.

    That means aside from those 4 who did not donate $5 -  21 members donated $5.




    Hopefully, this gives the future "financial overseer" a clearer picture of the situation.

    Would you care to start a new topic asking for volunteers (publicly/privately) interested in the "financial overseer" position?

    Have it posted through Monday and have the Admins make a selection by Thursday.




    The fundraiser for those who would like to contribute either in one lump sum or on a monthly basis should follow the selection of the financial overseer. I would assume once that person is chosen, you will collaborate with them to set up the donation(Paypal???) & Invision method of payment moving forward. 



  3. On 8/4/2022 at 12:34 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    Please contribute only $5 using the "donation" link. This is located at the top of the page under the "Store" menu. Just place your cursor over the word "Store" and the "Donations" link should appear.

    After a one week contribution period, sometime next Thursday, Aug 11th, James can provide us with the total amount raised.

    This will provide us with more time to discuss/resolve the changes that are upon us.







    One week has passed.

    Can you provide the total number of members (not by name) who contributed $5 only.

    Plus, the total number of members(not by name) who gave more.

    Lastly, what is our total collected, as of now.

    Thank you,


  4. On 8/8/2022 at 10:10 AM, David Josephs said:

    I think that's Harvey Oswald.. IMHO.




    If Lee was PM, he had a golden opportunity to say he was outside during the shooting.

    Instead, he indirectly says (interpret how you will) he was inside. imo

    As stated previously, a preponderance of research still leads me pondering.


  5. 6 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    Thanks Chris... 

    I think the answer to who that is lay in the authenticated evidence leading up to that moment.  Like the oft forgotten Ms ARNOLD placing Oswald within proximity of PM location within 10-15 minutes of his appearance there. 


    I think Shelley, like Frasier, is not seen on the steps in any of the pre shots images.  the bottle of ? sitting in the far west corner of the stairway after the fact MAY have been PMs but then SAWYER (the oft lying about key locations) has a bottle in his hands destroying any and all fingerprints



    then both Bookout and Fritz recall in their notes how Oswald mentions "1st floor lunch, 2nd floor Coke, out front with

    Shelley"...  The asking of witnesses "Did you see Oswald DURING THE SHOOTING" precludes them from answering they saw him afterward... nor do I think their answers were accurately recorded...

    I think that's Harvey Oswald.. IMHO.



    Possibility using other avenue's?

    Does there appear to be more than one person in RED apparel upon those steps as the limo passes by?

    Bell's LOS puts both objects to the WEST end of the entrance.

    A mere coincidence?????



  6. 3 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    The bottom line is there will never be enough information in that tiny portion of those tiny frames to say definitively who that is...  With all those people just walking by this person, not a single soul every states they see Oswald on that landing (better yet most are not directly asked but asked a series of questions that satisfy the inquiry but do not answer any questions about Oswald during the shooting)



    The gif was, in no way, meant to represent a particular person.

    It was to give Tom an idea (in terms of photo enhancing tools- Topaz Labs filters) along with shadow contrast adjustment, what is capable with the Wiegman frame he referenced, along with possible head/body orientation(Bernabei drawing) and what’s in his hand.

    All speculative on my part.

    Yes, I agree. The quality we have to work with is not adequate and never will be.

    And, I surely don’t believe he was shooting JFK.

    Is it Oswald in Darnell/Wiegman, a preponderance of the research would indicate it is, but I’ll wait until
    the opportunity arises and someone acquires a clear image. Which will probably never occur.

    Good to have you back.


  7. 1 hour ago, James R Gordon said:

    Through the present donation drive we have collected just under $300. Twenty seven people have participated and two members donated $100 each.


    Had it not been stipulated that donations be $5 the sum might well have been larger.



    27-2 = 25

    $25 x 5 =$125 + 100 +100 =$325

    Sounds like you don't expect some, among those $5 contributors, to give a more substantial donation after the financial overseer position is in place.

    I thought it rather obvious by the earlier responses, a certain number of forum members had already pledged more than $5,but have chosen to remain patient.

    The reason for the $5 cap was stated.

    You originally informed us we didn't have a September payment available.

    Preliminarily, depending on what math is being used, there is enough to cover September without the latest, generous $100 contributions.

    Thanks for announcing the totals, once again, before the requested deadline, which you recently stated you wouldn't.







  8. 6 hours ago, Tom Gram said:

    I honestly think a clear copy of the Weigman film might reveal PM’s identity better than Darnell. If you check out the Sprague negative print on Bart Kamp’s site, you can see features of the figure’s face, shirt, arms etc. It’s blurry as hell and inconclusive, but just a slightly better copy might be enough to get an identification.

    Amateur photo interpretation is basically a Rorschach test, which is why we need better scans, but there are forensic image experts who “enhance” and extract meaningful data from shitty photos all the time. Can any useful data/features be pulled from the Sprague negative, or any of the other currently available images? It’s image number 2 in the Prayer Man gallery: 


    Basically I feel like it should be possible to run the currently available films through some sort of forensic enhancement process and extract meaningful data, but I have no idea what I’m talking about so maybe I’m wrong. 

    You are right Tom.

    We are limited with what we have to work with, which is not a reflection of the great research many have accomplished.

    It is mainly a reflection of "greed". imo

    Anyhow, here's a manipulation of the Bart Kamp discovered, Bernabei frame, from Wiegman.

    btw, a few years back, I came across something similar to your desired forensic enhancement process.

    He was an engineer for NASA who created the program specifically for photo/films.

    I emailed him, but never received a response.

    If you want to pursue this, I can pass along his previous email info to you along with the program name.






  9. I'll make the assumption that the rifle was pointed downward toward the QueenMary floor, before it was ever raised, as I have never seen any photos/films besides the one supplied, that exposed the rifle.

    How does one raise a rifle pointed downward, up, so when the rifle barrel end reaches a certain height above the windshield, the angle from rifle barrel end to JFK's head is at approx 2.86°?

    In the stabilized gif I provided, I do not see Hickey previous to extant z313, getting up/moving from his seated position.

    His armpit was not high enough to allow windshield clearance and a 2.86° rifle angle to Jfk's head.

    The suitcases shown appear to be approx 15" (9" + 6") total in height.

    The Queen Mary was 10" higher in the rear seat than the Limo. Was the windshield proportionately higher too?

    I don't know what the windshield height was for the QueenMary, only the SS100.

    If Hickey was the approx height of JFK at 72.5" then he was 25" higher while both were seated if he was sitting on the suitcases.

    I am 6ft tall. The bottom of my armpit is 18" down from the top of my head. The rifle barrel end would have been even lower.

    25"- 18" = 7"

    52.78" + 7" = 59.78"




  10. On 8/4/2022 at 4:15 AM, James R Gordon said:

    Having the admin staf choose the Paypal owner - especially Kathy who has an excellent knowledge of members - seems a good way forward.

    Because of currency transfer I agree the Paypal account owner needs to be American.

    It would seem logical if the account is also linked to Invision.


    Would someone care to get this rolling via a new topic, asking for those interested in the Paypal/financial overseer position

    to respond by a set date (How about 4 days from today, after it is posted?)

    And then 3 days afterwards for the admin staff to choose a person?

    Total Time Frame - 1 week.


  11. James,

    I would appreciate it if you would STOP giving updates on the $5 donation drive until after the week has elapsed.

    This defeats part of the reason for having it.

    This last page of conversation is another reason for it.

    You already informed us that we had enough money to cover September's payment without the $5 fundraiser. 

    The $5 donations should extend our Invision subscription through October.

    This should allow plenty of time for discussions/concerns about the forward moving direction of the forum.

    Of course, there needs to be a discussion cut-off date too. Maybe by the end of August.

    This would allow plenty of time for people to have their voices heard.









  12. Sandy,

    Multiple people sending checks through the mail is a variable I don't think we want to deal with. Speaking for myself.

    I don't want to write a check when I can just click a few keyboard keys and be done with it via a Paypal link or something similar.

    I believe you can "gift" a friend up to $16,000 dollars without having to claim it.

    I would suggest any contributions/donations be labeled as a "gift" when sent to whomever ends up being the finance overseer.

    I also have read in the case of a non-profit corp, the first $1000 in donations are usually tax-free if that is a concern. 

    Since the monthly Invision fee for us appears to be $80 per month, that's $960 per year which keeps it below a grand.

    I find it hard to believe that we would have legal problems regarding this amount unless there is some other revenue the forum is generating.





  13. Jim,

    Go to the top of this page and on the left hand side, within the blue banner running across the entire page top, rest your cursor on the word "Store" and just below it, the "donations" link should appear as a drop down option, then click it.

    After you enter the amount ($5),the rest is self-explainable as it will eventually ask for a payment type.

  14. 2 hours ago, Ty Carpenter said:

    I have not yet donated in this funding round. Should we hold off on donations until we figure out what we will do moving forward?


    Ty's response is exactly why I asked you not to disclose any amounts until after the week of $5 contributions.

    The  $ amount reflective of those contributions would probably give us a better idea on how many members will likely be responsible for funding the forum.

    I don't expect it will be anywhere near the 55 members Kathy revealed.

    At the end of one week, can you still let us know how many members contributed the $5?

    Even though we have enough for September, I still encourage you and everyone else to donate the $5.

    Any extra can be applied to future Invision payments.

    It appears from the other discussion, there are many details to work out moving forward, so the extra time is a good thing.



  15. Please contribute only $5 using the "donation" link. This is located at the top of the page under the "Store" menu. Just place your cursor over the word "Store" and the "Donations" link should appear.

    After a one week contribution period, sometime next Thursday, Aug 11th, James can provide us with the total amount raised.

    This will provide us with more time to discuss/resolve the changes that are upon us.






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