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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. If I were a matte artist, which I am not (although I did a lot of work with knockouts, same concept via the film route in graphic arts) and had to alter the rising action of JFK, I could probably eliminate the top half of the rise by opaquing/creating a mask to hide it.

    Viewing frame z206 from the previous posted gif, keep the following in mind as you watch JFK below the sign and the reenactment stand-in above the sign. Notice where the reenactment stand-in lands, in relationship to the mask (imo) on the original extant zfilm. 



  2. Allow me to introduce my reenactment, using the extant reenactment, along with the extant zfilm.

    Frame z212 is taken from the 6K version of a third generation(I believe)copy.

    z206 is a composite(layered opacity) which uses a frame from the reenactment film, shot, using Z's camera.




  3. Hi David,
    Reasonable disagreements are fine, that’s encouragement for me to provide a more detailed explanation of the concept /alterations.
    I’ll continue posting on this thread moving forward.

    Beginning with:

    Credit John Costella PDF:

    Bill Newman (on the north side of Elm Street, near the Presidential limou­sine at the time of the shooting), November 24, 1963: “The car was pro­ceeding toward him and it seemed that the President’s arms went up and that he raised up in his seat and started to look around.” [FBI report: CE1432: 22H842]

    I'm getting the distinct impression that Robert West saw on the original Zfilm, that which Bill Newman describes two days later.

    The difference between them being: Where West plotted the reaction and where we see that reaction on the extant zfilm.

  4. On 1/24/2023 at 4:54 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    The flat line distance for the first shot measured by Robert West was 163.64ft.
    The flat line distance for extant z207 was 162.34ft
    So, at approx extant z208, West determined a first shot response.
    Referring to the initial gif, what are the odds that the Zfilm section missing the sprocket hole images would reside from extant z208-z211 with extant z212 (red box) showing somebody in the most awkward position(body orientation) as if they are reacting to what event?


    Credit to Robert West/Tom Purvis

    What do you think West saw on the Zfilm that caused him to create a first shot impact survey at approx extent z207?

    Would a JFK 10" elevation change make a difference in what he saw above the Stemmon's Sign?




  5. Since I'm quite sure that a blind person didn't do any shooting, sometimes it helps to use the official documentation as a guide.

    For instance, the surveyed rifle height for extant z207 was 65.05ft from the TSBD base.

    Use that height, move the shooter's location to the TSBD west end connecting it to a plotted z223, use Shaw's 25° trajectory and I'd say Connally is a hit.

    Shaw was wise to the WC deception.


  6. On 1/24/2023 at 11:28 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    Thanks for the link Micah.

    I encourage watching a particular segment starting at 22:20 for approx 3.5 minutes.

    Then, take into consideration the sprocket hole span of extant z207-212.




    The SS started their re-enactment on Dec2, 1963 and ended on Dec4 with a plat created Dec 5th.
    They placed 3 pylons (which represented the limo front end) in the street.
    The following gif shows the SS agent putting a pylon down at what would be JFK’s z235 plotted position.
    When they filmed this from the snipers nest with the boxes in place, they realized it was impossible to view the limo and occupants looking over the box arrangement before extant z235.
    And, since the z207 survey had the rifle placed at 14.04” (incrementally higher as it moves further down Elm) above the window ledge, which I believe was approx 4” above the 10" window box, along with a bullet hole in JFK at 3.27ft above the pavement, a blind shot would have been in order.

    Keeping this in mind, go back and watch the segment I suggested, provided by Micah.



  7. The flat line distance for the first shot measured by Robert West was 163.64ft.
    The flat line distance for extant z207 was 162.34ft
    So, at approx extant z208, West determined a first shot response.
    Referring to the initial gif, what are the odds that the Zfilm section missing the sprocket hole images would reside from extant z208-z211 with extant z212 (red box) showing somebody in the most awkward position(body orientation) as if they are reacting to what event?


    Credit to Robert West/Tom Purvis

  8. On 2/24/2022 at 7:16 AM, Micah Mileto said:


    This video was unlisted, so it went unnoticed for a year.

    Now we at least know that this project didn't go unfinished. Now if we could just have Leiloglou's digital files, for all we know, we may have forensic proof of a conspiracy on our hands.

    Thanks for the link Micah.

    I encourage watching a particular segment starting at 22:20 for approx 3.5 minutes.

    Then, take into consideration the sprocket hole span of extant z207-212.




  9. If there is a third person standing between the two women, a candidate could be the woman in the other Willis photo.

    We have half of her body and since we are symmetrical, I just flipped her horizontally and rotated her 1.5° so her scoopneck aligned symetrically then increased her size 115% for relative headsize size match.

    Supplied the scoopneck Darnell version.





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