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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. On 11/17/2021 at 11:55 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    The three previous posts introduce different elevation puzzle pieces of 10"  .56ft and .13ft

    See if you can apply that elevation connection/adjustment to the last two shots plotted by the FBI/SS in early Dec 1963.


    If you understand the WC adjusted BS elevation span(utilizing the puzzle pieces) between shots noted above, you will probably understand why that same span was applied "in place" to the extant 313 survey(left hand side) with the accompanying result on the right side:





  2. 1 hour ago, Dennis Berube said:


    Does locking away critical data from public scrutiny for decades sound familiar to anyone on this forum?

    It’s called “Lack of Transparency”
    Trump is a poster child for it

    Maybe in 2076, when the FDA comes clean (assuming the president doesn’t delay the release of the files… ::cough: :::cough::), we can finally see how bad it all was. 

    2021-2076 = 55 years
    That’s about the same amount of time Trump has taken “stonewalling” the public using tax evasion methods created by daddy and his accountants.

    This “Trump bad, everything else fine” mentality is really long in the tooth at this point.

    No, it’s not.
    He is a bad apple and deserves some jail time.

    Absolutely zero democrats have mentioned the BMJ whistleblower

    I’m willing to give the expedited process for vaccine creation(especially this one) some latitude.
    If the whistleblower was wrongly terminated, she will have her day in court and I hope she sues the heck out of Ventavia/Pfizer and is duly compensated for it.

    and most do not have a clue what they are talking about when it comes to the FDA/CDC/WHO, but they still manage to talk about Trump.

    Guilty as charged.

    Pfizer did exactly what they were criminally convicted for ten years ago, falsified safety data, the BMJ is even publishing about it and no one on the left cares.

    I’m fairly certain, many, if not all of us would prefer “full transparency” and honesty, we just don’t have much control over it regardless of our party affiliations.

    Only time will tell in regards to the adverse affects from the vaccines.

    Moderna and the government share the vaccine patent. There is a clear record of gain of function research on corona viruses for the last 15-20 years funded by the DOD through cut outs like Eco-Health Alliance and the University of NC. None of this discussed at all on the left and it seems no one is capable of talking about it,

    “Many have the impression that GoF research involves making an organism more deadly – for example, increasing the capacity of a virus to cause disease. That impression is incorrect. Certainly GoF research might lead to a more dangerous organism, but most of the time that is not the goal.
    There are two broad approaches to GoF research. I’ll illustrate them with viruses but the principles could apply to any organism. In one approach, a virus is passaged in a host until a virus with different properties is obtained. An example is the adaptation of a strain of poliovirus – the type 2 Lansing strain – to replicate in mice and paralyze them. The Lansing strain does not infect mice, but an investigator passed the virus 99 times from mouse to mouse and ended up with a new strain that could now paralyze the mice. The new version of the virus had a new property – it could now infect mice. This experiment was GoF research.
    Another way to do GoF research is to use recombinant DNA technology to engineer changes in the genome of the organism. In experiments done in my laboratory, we took a small piece of the genome of the mouse-adapted Lansing strain of poliovirus – coding for just eight amino acids – and spliced it into the genome of another poliovirus that is unable to infect mice. The recombinant virus from this experiment had a new property – the ability to infect mice. This experiment would also be classified as GoF.”

    They have completely submitted sovereignty to corporations that answer to the davos crowd and its disgusting they even call themselves democrats imo. 

    As non-wealthy individuals, we are surely at a major disadvantage compared to major corporations.

    No one seems to blame twitter for censoring trumps tweet telling the protesters to go home and respect police, instead, “arrest the traitor!” in the best Robespierreian tradition.

    Two hours after Trump incited and then viewed the events unfold safely from his bunker, realizing the coup was not going to succeed, he told his rioters(still whining about a stolen election) to go home.
    Here’s a brief reminder for everyone that conveniently forgot the events of that day:





  3. 21 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    3.27ft above the street was the height used on all entries within CE884(both versions)for the chalk mark on JFK's back in the re-enactments.

    Common sense would dictate that JFK's head is/was higher than his back when shot at extant z313. Ballistics!!!







    WC maximum vertical range between shots 39.24" to 52.78" = 13.54"

    WC advancement of 10" vertical:

    Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes; there was. After establishing this position, represented by frame 161, where the chalk mark was about to disappear under the tree, we established a point 10 inches below that as the actual point where President Kennedy would have had a chalk mark on his back or where the wound would have been if the car was 10 inches lower. And we rolled the car then sufficiently forward to reestablish the position that the chalk mark would be in at its last clear shot before going under the tree, based on this 10 inches, and this gave us frame 166 of the Zapruder film.

    How high do you think it is from JFK's head top to the WC re-enactment head top?

    And, if you're approx 72.5" tall, measure from your eye/brow to your headtop.

    Or, subtract 10" from 13.54"





  4. 2 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    A 6.72"(.56ft) vert lead is reflective of a vehicle traveling over 28mph, Frazier uses the BS information on CE884(WC final plat) showing the limo traveled 2.3ft between Z207-208, once again tying it back to the 6th floor sniper's nest in terms of ballistics.


    Why would any version of CE884 have a limo traveling approx 28.63mph from extant z207-208?

    It's just a residual effect from the BS ballistic sync manipulation that leads us back to the snipers nest.

    3.27ft above the street was the height used on all entries within CE884(both versions)for the chalk mark on JFK's back in the re-enactments.

    Common sense would dictate that JFK's head is/was higher than his back when shot at extant z313. Ballistics!!!

    Early on the extant Z313 shot was determined to be at elevation 418.35.

    Of course, that was adjusted to an official elevation of 418.48

    It's Ballistic Conversion Time: 418.48 - 418.35 = .13 x 18.3(conversion to horizontal distance) = 2.379ft

    btw, when they adjusted that same distance traveled (from extant z207/208 to 207/210 using different CE884's), it reduced the limo speed down to 9.5mph.






  5. 21 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    The vertical adjustment for 10.24ft horizontal was used in CE560, in the form of a shooter's lead height hitting its target.

    .56vert x 18.3ft = 10.248ft

    The WC supplies the necessary connections for the puzzle, it just helps to understand what and where to look for them.

    Note the 3/27/64 date which indicates (imo) the gang was working long after the necessary frames were removed trying to sync/connect it to the TSBD sixth floor snipers nest.  


    Or, Peter Frampton's "I Want You To Show Me The Way"



    "Two, two shots in one".

    Sound like an old (certs) breath mint commercial.

    A 6.72"(.56ft) vert lead is reflective of a vehicle traveling over 28mph, Frazier uses the BS information on CE884(WC final plat) showing the limo traveled 2.3ft between Z207-208, once again tying it back to the 6th floor sniper's nest in terms of ballistics.

    Mr. EISENBERG - And you calculated the speed of the car by translating the figures on total time elapsed between first and third shots?
    Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir. The time the speed of the moving object was calculated on the basis of an assumed 5.5-second interval for a distance of 90 feet, which figures out mathematically to be 11.3 miles per hour.
    Mr. EISENBERG - Now, you said before that in order to give this 2-foot lead, you would have to aim 2 inches--for a target going away from you, you would have to aim 2 inches above the target, or in front of the target.
    Mr. FRAZIER - 2 feet in front of the target, which would interpolate into a much lower actual elevation change.
    Mr. EISENBERG - The elevation change would be 2 inches, is that it?
    Mr. FRAZIER - Well, no. It would be on the order of 6 to 8 inches.
    Mr. EISENBERG - 6 to 8 inches?
    Mr. FRAZIER - Yes.
    Mr. EISENBERG - What was your 2-inch figure?
    Mr. FRAZIER - I don't recall.

    Mr. EISENBERG - But it is 6 to 8 inches in elevation?
    Representative BOGGS - May I ask a question?
    Using that telescopic lens, how would you aim that rifle to achieve that distinction?
    Mr. FRAZIER - Well it would be necessary to hold the crosshairs an estimated distance off the target, of say, 6 inches over the intended, target, so what when the shot was fired the crosshairs should be located about 6 inches over your target, and in the length of time that the bullet was in the air and the length of time the object was moving, the object would move into actually, the path of the bullet in approximately 1/10th to 13/100ths of a second.
    Mr. EISENBERG - So that if the target of the assassin was the center of the President's head, and he wanted to give a correct lead, where would he have aimed, if we eliminate the possibility of errors introduced by other factors?
    Mr. FRAZIER - He would aim from 4 to 6 inches--approximately 2 inches, I would say, above the President's head, which would be actually 6 inches above his aiming point at the center of the head.
    Mr. EISENBERG - How difficult is it to give this--a lead of this size to this type of target?
    Mr. FRAZIER - It would not be difficult at all with a telescopic sight, because your target is enlarged four times, and you can estimate very quickly in a telescopic sight, inches or feet or lead of any desired amount.
    Mr. EISENBERG - Would it be substantially easier than it would be with an open or peep sight?
    Mr. FRAZIER - Yes. It would be much more difficult to do with the open iron sights, the notched rear sight and the blade front sight, which is on Exhibit 139.
    Mr. EISENBERG - Now, you have been able to calculate the precise amount of lead which should be given, because you have been given figures. If you had been in the assassin's position, and were attempting to give a correct lead, what lead do you think you would have estimated as being the necessary lead?
    Mr. FRAZIER - It would have been a very small amount, in the neighborhood of a 3-inch lead.
    Mr. EISENBERG - As opposed to the 6 or 8 inches?
    Mr. FRAZIER - As opposed to about 6 inches, yes.
    Mr. EISENBERG - What would the consequence of the mistake in assumption as to lead be that is, if you gave a 3-inch lead rather than the correct lead?
    Mr. FRAZIER - It would be a difference of a 3-inch variation in the point of impact on the target.
    Mr. EISENBERG - Now, if you had aimed at the center of the President's head, and given a 3-inch lead, again eliminating other errors, where would you have hit, if you hit accurately?
    Mr. FRAZIER - It would be 3 inches below the center of his head--from the top--it would be not the actual Center from the back, but the center would be located high. The bullet would strike at possibly the base of the skull.
    Mr. EISENBERG - Now, suppose you had given no lead at all and aimed at that target and aimed accurately. Where would the bullet have hit?
    Mr. FRAZIER - It would hit the base of the neck--approximately 6 inches below the center of the heart.
    Mr. EISENBERG - Mr. Frazier, would you have tried to give a lead at all, if you had been in that position?
    Mr. FRAZIER - At that range, at that distance, 175 to 265 feet, with this rifle and that telescopic sight, I would not have allowed any lead--I would not have made any correction for lead merely to hit a target of that size.

  6. Once you make the connection(previous post) take another look at the extant Zfilm in that area.

    Since Robert West plotted a shot reaction(according to early Zframes he possessed-TimeLife Investigation) at what would be the physical street location of extant Z207, anywhere near/between this approx location and the WC determined shot location of extant z218(Station# 3+81.3) is a good indication of where to look.

    I previously showed the problem with Croft's lower body missing in this area.

    Here's another indication of film alteration/excision using extant 206, 212 and 213 for comparisons.


  7. On 11/5/2021 at 12:32 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    Another chance to connect a big part of the real Zfilm scenario for anyone interested.

    There is no math involved in this question(unless you have the desire), just deductive reasoning from above and/or the previous post.

    What is the other camera frame rate involved that validates the following equation?

    74.61frames/16fps = 4.663sec x 3.294ft per sec = 15.36ft / .18ft per frame = 85.33frames
    74.61frames/16fps = 4.663sec x 5.49ft per sec.  = 25.60ft / .30ft per frame = 85.33frames
                                                                                         10.24ft / 85.33 = .12ft per frame






    The vertical adjustment for 10.24ft horizontal was used in CE560, in the form of a shooter's lead height hitting its target.

    .56vert x 18.3ft = 10.248ft

    The WC supplies the necessary connections for the puzzle, it just helps to understand what and where to look for them.

    Note the 3/27/64 date which indicates (imo) the gang was working long after the necessary frames were removed trying to sync/connect it to the TSBD sixth floor snipers nest.  


    Or, Peter Frampton's "I Want You To Show Me The Way"



  8. 10 hours ago, Jeff Carter said:

    The tripartite separation of powers in the U.S. federal system requires a 2/3 majority to assume or presume nominal control. In January 2021 Trump was in last weeks of a lame-duck Executive, with no Congressional or Court support for his claims of irregular election practices. There was therefore no constitutional avenue to a second Trump term, and an insurrection led by characters such as Mr Buffalo Horns had realistically no chance to reverse that fact. Claims of a supposed coup attempt  have yet to describe a process by which this coup would be at all feasible.

    I believe they had a different path in mind, to meet their objective/s.


  9. 1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

    November 10, 2021

    Journalist Jonathan Karl wrote:

    "the then-vice president was in hiding during the deadly rioting at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

    the vice president, Second Lady Karen Pence, their daughter Charlotte Pence Bond and staff members absconded into a hiding place with seconds to spare

    the vice president and at least some of his entourage were moved to an undisclosed location.

    the place where the vice president and others hid for "approximately five hours."

    "The photos show Pence in a barren garage. There were no windows and no furniture. This was a loading dock with concrete walls and a concrete floor,"

     "I saw all of the photographs and by the way, it is wild to see that he was in a loading dock in an underground parking garage underneath the Capitol complex,"  "No place to sit, no desk, no chairs, nothing. He was in this concrete parking garage with his family. This is the vice president of the United States and he's holed up in a basement."

    Excerpted from previous posting.

    Sounds like someone incited a riot, then hid himself while his second in command(among others) got ready for his lynching.

    What was the attitude among the followers, after the speech, as they reached the capitol preparing for the invasion?

    A video is worth a thousand words:




  10. On 11/5/2021 at 12:32 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    What is the other camera frame rate involved that validates the following equation?

    74.61frames/16fps = 4.663sec x 3.294ft per sec = 15.36ft / .18ft per frame = 85.33frames
    74.61frames/16fps = 4.663sec x 5.49ft per sec.  = 25.60ft / .30ft per frame = 85.33frames
                                                                                         10.24ft / 85.33 = .12ft per frame






    For math enthusiasts, just cross multiply:

    16 x 85.33 = 1365.28 / 74.61 = ?

  11. And, if you consider/comprehend the last two posts along with the earlier Wiegman sync posting, you now have the secret to what Myers did allowing him to convince you that his frame x frame film sync among multiple films was somehow valid:

    Myers 22.8fps - 4.5 (18.3fps) - 2.3(16fps) = 22.8 - (6.8fps) x 11 sec = 74.8 frames = 33 + 41.8
    Myers sync with Wiegman start = Z246 + 41.8 = Z287.8 see link below:

    "Let there be no doubt about it"


  12. On 10/17/2021 at 3:10 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    The variation starts at Station# 2+00.
    The parallel track is 100ft from Station 2+00 to 3+00 (extant Z133) = 208 frames
    The altered(forwarded) track is 100ft @166frames

    Relink in case you forgot from what document you saw the 100ft/166frame split:


    100ft/208frames = .48ft per frame
    100ft/166frames = .60ft per frame
                                    .12ft per frame difference created by a 42 frame total difference.

    Towner’s line of site plotted to the signal light post in the background crosses Station# 2+00.  Then connect back to the Z pedestal.
    Common landmark among both filmers.
    It’s also where they start the cycle cop pre-limo tracking coverage.
    Look closely and you can see his cycle being traversed by Z’s LOS at bottom and the signal light post above.
    His body is actually one frame from reaching the traversing lines.
    That signal light-post was surveyed in by Robert West in a completely separate document which placed it in line with the CriminalCourts building corner and 2ft in from the curb.




    I'll assume most everyone figured out the other frame rate.

    In conjunction with the previous post, if you desire more ammunition.

    Remember 75 frames (+/-1) = 42 + 33

  13. 1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Well, I can only shake my head about the credulity of Benjamin Cole and the Trumpsters here.  Critical thinking?  Huh?

    First Trump advertised his Russia-gate cover up scenario as, "Obama-gate," then it was "Spy-gate," then he presented his carefully contrived, "Nunes Memo."  They were all debunked as nothing burgers.

    The available evidence has clearly shown that the 2016 Trump campaign had extensive contacts with Kremlin officials, and that Putin meddled in our election to put Trump in the White House-- as Felix Sater foretold in 2015.  Paul Manafort repeatedly committed perjury during the Mueller investigation, but knew all along that Trump would pardon him if he stonewalled the investigation-- in a blatant case of witness tampering and obstruction of justice by a sitting President.

    Next, Barr was appointed as AG in a dubious 53 Senate party-line vote, and promptly aborted the Mueller investigation, presenting a false summary of the results, while withholding the unredacted Report from Congress and tying it up in the courts-- to this day! 

    Lastly, Barr appointed Durham to cook another Russia-gate Denial nothing burger for public consumption.

    So, when do we finally get to read the Barr-aborted, heavily-redacted Mueller Report?

    Similarly, Trump is now aggressively trying to block access to the records of his involvement in the January 6th coup attempt.

    And I'm still waiting for Benjamin Cole to answer my old question about how an alleged Deep State "false flag" January 6th attack on Congress could have conceivably benefited anyone but Donald Trump.

    Perhaps Ben could apply his critical thinking skills to answering that question.

    You forgot one other aspect.

    The creature of habit repeated his actions right after finishing his Jan 6th inciting a riot speech.

    Someone more intelligent realized(easier prosecution) they couldn't have him leading the crowd on foot. So a final  deferral was issued.

    This, along with the four educational and one medical(BS that Michael Cohen(personal attorney) exposed) for Vietnam War duty.

    A full circle.



  14. On 11/3/2021 at 2:44 PM, Chris Davidson said:


    Where have I recently seen 10.24ft? (See latest pyramid)

    Zcamera fps rate.




    Another chance to connect a big part of the real Zfilm scenario for anyone interested.

    There is no math involved in this question(unless you have the desire), just deductive reasoning from above and/or the previous post.

    What is the other camera frame rate involved that validates the following equation?

    74.61frames/16fps = 4.663sec x 3.294ft per sec = 15.36ft / .18ft per frame = 85.33frames
    74.61frames/16fps = 4.663sec x 5.49ft per sec.  = 25.60ft / .30ft per frame = 85.33frames
                                                                                         10.24ft / 85.33 = .12ft per frame






  15. On 10/14/2021 at 8:45 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    133 - 166 - 208 - 250

    133 +  33 +  42 +  42 = 250

    604 - 250 = 354

    354 = extant z133 - 486.

    Actually it's 250.66 missing, but I reserve the right for +/- 1 frame







    8mm film = 80 frames per 1ft of film x 7ft = 560 frames

    35sec x 16fps = 560 frames

    There is another way to match this with what's been revealed:

    353/18.3fps = 19.289sec
    251/16fps =     15.687sec
                      34.975sec x 16fps = 560frames


    The WC was way ahead of the times with their use of hybrids.


  16. On 11/2/2021 at 12:04 PM, Chris Davidson said:


    I haven't forgotten about the limo length as part of the pyramid:

    Official documentation listed it as 210.1 inches/12 = 21.34ft

    Or, in puzzle pieces: .9ft + 10.2ft + 10.24ft

    GeeWhiz!!! It's as if ballistically (puzzle pieces comprised of the limo's length) the limo was used as a measuring tool for said "re-enactments/recreation manipulation".

    Conveyed many times before, this is some of the math manipulation used to put a lone shooter in the 6th floor of the TSBD.

    Let there be no doubt about it.




    How could anyone expect to obtain proper ballistic data if they weren't using JFK's position within the limo as their mark.

    The last I heard, he is the one that was shot, not the rear bumper of the limo.

    "Games people play"

    See pyramid.



  17. On 11/1/2021 at 10:06 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    I see no-one was bold enough to go where no-one has ever gone before:

    421.75 - 418.48 =3.27ft vertical

    3.27ft x 18.3 = 59.84ft horizontal

    490.9 - 430.2 = 60.7ft vertical/horizontal

    60.7ft - 59.84ft = .86ft

    See pyramid.





    Where have I recently seen 10.24? (See latest pyramid)

    Did the WC really think that frame313 denoting the extant headshot on a street slope of 3.13° was not going to raise red flags in the future?

    Or, that same 3.13° street slope ratio (18.3ft horizontal/ 1ft vertical) coincidentally matched the Zcamera fps rate.




  18. 1 hour ago, Chris Davidson said:

    Slightly more precise can make a world of difference/s:



    I haven't forgotten about the limo length as part of the pyramid:

    Official documentation listed it as 210.1 inches/12 = 21.34ft

    Or, in puzzle pieces: .9ft + 10.2ft + 10.24ft

    GeeWhiz!!! It's as if ballistically (puzzle pieces comprised of the limo's length) the limo was used as a measuring tool for said "re-enactments/recreation manipulation".

    Conveyed many times before, this is some of the math manipulation used to put a lone shooter in the 6th floor of the TSBD.

    Let there be no doubt about it.




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