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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Plotting Wiegman’s starting position using Mark’s CameraCar#1 location at extant z447(11 seconds in) and Wiegman’s filming position of the Hester’s using the Bell film, along with a direct line down to where Wiegman starts filming the Newman’s approx five feet up from the sidewalk.

    Wiegman to steps        = 165ft
    Wiegman to Newmans =  41ft


    Wiegman stops to film Hesters    = 2.56sec
    Wiegman Stands 3.4(Couch) -1   = 2.4sec
    Wiegman stops to film Newmans = 6seconds

    31.15 - 11sec = 20.15seconds

    206ft / 20.15sec = 10.22ft per sec = 6.95mph = average Wiegman running speed.

    The two possible extended time gaps would be Wiegman standing up between the Bell and Couch films and before he starts filming the Newman’s.


  2. 10 hours ago, John Butler said:





    This montage is of 3 frames at 17,18 and 38 seconds.  The frame at 38 seconds shows that Weigman was not in the vehicle and could not have taken the frame at 17 seconds and the frame at 18 seconds:



    The small center frame above is approx 11 seconds after the Wiegman film begins.

    From that point until the 26.75 second mark(Hester sync in the colonnade) is continuous filming.

    Wiegman stops filming approx 4/10 sec after that.

    Bell picks up Wiegman starting to rise, then Couch picks up Wiegman fully standing and running down the knoll.

    Wiegman then films the Newman's on the ground and then onto Cameracar 1.

    26.75-11 sec = 15.75 + .4 = 16.15seconds

    1.73Bell + 1rise + 3.4Couch(-1Wiegman rise overlap) + 3.58 run down knoll + (6+) Wiegman starts filming Newmans = 15 seconds more

    16.15+15 =31.15sec

    This assumes when Wiegman arrives at the bottom of the knoll and starts filming the Newman's, it starts immediately after we no longer see him in Couch. Any delay adds more total time.

    The Wiegman film was 36.5 seconds total for the Elm St sequence.

    It was not a continuous 36.5 second clip.



  3. 56 minutes ago, Chris Davidson said:

    Bob Jackson was also in CameraCar#3:


    In addition to the graphic above, using the same fame as the stopping point for CameraCar#3 while referring back to the National Press Pool Car (which appears in the Couch film shot from CameraCar#3)as it hits the underpass shadow, the motorcade stop is approx 20.7 seconds using CameraCar#3 as the marker in the gif below 


    I pointed this out to Mark and he duly implemented it, in the animation, some time ago.



  4. 3 hours ago, John Butler said:

    The bottom quote from Couch refers to the turn from Main onto Houston.  They were on Houston when they heard the shots.  This was Camera Car #1.  Correctly shown. 

    Couch was in Camera Car#3

    The problem with Mark's work is that it doesn't show the Mayor's Car stopping there as indicated in that frame of the animation or Camera Car #1.  He has it stopping well down Elm and not in the intersection.  They breeze through the intersection in contradiction of witness testimony and stop on Elm Street down from the intersection.  Dearie says the motorcade came to a stop.  She was referring to the stop from the position shown in the frame above. 

    That's because you have applied the motorcade stop to Dearie's description of the first shot she heard.  According to her testimony, the motorcade didn't stop until after the last shots. See her testimony below. 

    The stop was not brief or a rolling stop.  It lasted for the length of the shots and perhaps a little more.  They were released and then a short time later the rest of the motorcade was released.  This could have been 25 or 30 seconds later as documented by Weigman at the end of his film and the Couch film.

    The motorcade stop at least in CameraCar#3's case was somewhere between 20-25 seconds. imo

    The people doing the releasing were probably Welcome Barrett and J. M. Smith.  Neither say this in any testimony I can find.  It is interesting that Mark has the Pilot Car, Chief George Lumpkin, stopping in the intersection and briefly reacting with Welcome Barrett.  Was it at this point that Barrett got his instructions to stop the motorcade at the point where the Cameral Cars would be kept stalled on Houston during the shooting?  If so, this enhances the idea that the DPD was heavily involved in the assassination.

    Another problem I find with Mark's work is that he takes the Plaza films and witnesses at face value or close enought to be the same.  He ignores witnesses who have something different to say.  If you do that then you are re-telling the official story and not what happened in Dealey Plaza.

    In terms of his animation, a few slight tweaks are necessary to reveal the truer picture. But overall, he has done a nice job for the volume of work involved.

    He does mention problems in his handbook and I have not analyzed whether they make into the animation.

    Mrs. CABELL. If I did, I don't recall. I am completely aware of the people running up that hill. I saw the man throw the child on the ground and throw himself. I saw a woman in a bright green dress throw herself on the ground. I saw the policeman running up the grassy slope.
    Mr. HUBERT. You also mentioned that you were acutely aware of the smell of gunpowder?
    Mrs. CABELL. Yes.
    Mr. HUBERT. When was that relative to the shots? I mean how soon after?
    Mrs. CABELL. I cannot say for sure, because as I told you, the motorcade was stopped. And somewhere in there, Congressman Roberts said, "That is a .30-06." I didn't know what a .30-06 was.
    Mr. HUBERT. Did he say that after all the shots were fired?
    Mrs. CABELL. I believe so. There was much confusion.
    Mr. HUBERT. And it was about that time that you observed the odor?
    Mrs CABELL. Of gunpowder.
    Mr. HUBERT. That was when your car at least had come to a standstill?
    Mrs. CABELL. Every car in the motorcade had come to a standstill.


  5. John,

    The Cabell/Couch descriptions of their first shot reaction locations are placed fairly accurately by Mark, if you use the extant z207 splice and Robert West plotting of a shot at approx the same z207 location. imo

    Couch's description is 15-20ft after the turn onto Houston St.



  6. 8 hours ago, Eddy Bainbridge said:

    Hi Chris, would you be willing to estimate the range of gap size that is currently up for debate? 


    For a number of reasons,

    I'm sticking with approx 1.8 seconds+1 frame  = 33/34zframes at 18.3fps, not necessarily all in one swoop, for now.




  7. 1 hour ago, Mark Tyler said:

    The Mayor's car didn't stop at the intersection, it stopped well into Elm Street.  The Wiegman film shows the Mayors car cruising around the turn and then stopping a few seconds later.

    The only cars that stopped on the intersection were the camera cars as shown by the Couch and Darnell films.

    Dearie Cabell referred to the first shot being fired while she was turning on the intersection.  Ergo the next two were fired while she was on Elm Street.

    No films, photos, or witness statements support the notion of the Mayor's car stopping at the intersection.

    Matches quite well with what Mrs.Cabell states below. imo

    Mrs. CABELL. If I did, I don't recall. I am completely aware of the people running up that hill. I saw the man throw the child on the ground and throw himself. I saw a woman in a bright green dress throw herself on the ground. I saw the policeman running up the grassy slope.
    Mr. HUBERT. You also mentioned that you were acutely aware of the smell of gunpowder?
    Mrs. CABELL. Yes.
    Mr. HUBERT. When was that relative to the shots? I mean how soon after?
    Mrs. CABELL. I cannot say for sure, because as I told you, the motorcade was stopped. And somewhere in there, Congressman Roberts said, "That is a .30-06." I didn't know what a .30-06 was.
    Mr. HUBERT. Did he say that after all the shots were fired?
    Mrs. CABELL. I believe so. There was much confusion.
    Mr. HUBERT. And it was about that time that you observed the odor?
    Mrs. CABELL. Of gunpowder.
    Mr. HUBERT. That was when your car at least had come to a standstill?
    Mrs. CABELL. Every car in the motorcade had come to a standstill.



  8. On 8/15/2021 at 6:54 AM, John Butler said:

    This is an earlier representation picked up from the internet and from whom is a guess.  But, it confirms Dearie's testimony on where her vehicle was and stopped.  This puts the first shot in front of the TSBD.  If Zapruder is invoked it is more than likely at Z 157-160.  This fits with what many witnesses who were in the TSBD said.  They heard shots when the p. limo was under the trees in front of the TSBD.  400+ witnesses are a lot of testimony to read.  However there are about 110 or more witnesses that say the shooting of the president happened in a different manner than the official story.  That is enough witnesses to take what they said seriously.





    Don't have a problem with earlier shots. Possibly near the film splices at extant z157/207 as the limo slows (same driver reaction) in each instance. Nor at the extant z133 and Towner splice.

    But, as I specified previously by showing the plotting differences between Mark and me in relationship to the mayors car radius and converting that into distance and frames via the speeds provided, the limo is slowly retarding to its correct position while syncing up the Wiegman start along the way. imo

    I think we agree there is a gap, not necessarily the size/s or location/s of it. 




  9. On 8/15/2021 at 6:54 AM, John Butler said:

    This is an earlier representation picked up from the internet and from whom is a guess.  But, it confirms Dearie's testimony on where her vehicle was and stopped.  This puts the first shot in front of the TSBD.  If Zapruder is invoked it is more than likely at Z 157-160.  This fits with what many witnesses who were in the TSBD said.  They heard shots when the p. limo was under the trees in front of the TSBD.  400+ witnesses are a lot of testimony to read.  However there are about 110 or more witnesses that say the shooting of the president happened in a different manner than the official story.  That is enough witnesses to take what they said seriously.

    The animation shows the Mayor's Car not stopping in the intersection, but it does stop further down in front of the TSBD in a position that directly contradicts what Dearie Cabell said.






    I believe the mayors car stops (slows to a stop?) after the extant z218 shot(probably between extant z224-z257), when put in the context of Wiegman decides to start filming as the motorcade starts moving again.



  10. 18 minutes ago, Chris Davidson said:

    Do you believe a reasonable belief could be that cars in close proximity to the mayor's car would traverse the Wiegman film start location at the same speed as the limo? In this case, Wiegman's car.

    In other words, within the motorcade the mayors car was sandwiched between the limo and Wiegman's car.

    Why would I believe otherwise that the speed(8.6mph) of the limo, mayor's car and Wiegman's car would vary much as is portrayed by Wiegman's speed matching the limo speed at the appropriate location?


    What I do believe is quite possible and highly probable is the mayors car traversed that same location at 8.6mph along with the limo and Wiegman's car.

    8.6mph x 1.47 = 12.642ft per sec

    12.642ft / 18.3 = .69ft per frame

    6.88ft/.69ft per frame = 9.97frames

    This difference matches the radius difference and therefore would set the start of the Wiegman film at extant z270 or ten frames earlier than extant z280.

    Added on Edit: The plat key I'm using is 1" = 10ft - broken into 1/8 spans = 1.25ft

    The difference in radius's previously supplied are:

    3.75 x1.25ft = 4.68ft

    5.5 x 1.25ft = 6.875ft

  11. On 8/12/2021 at 12:27 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    Tightening your radius aligns both cars vertically but advances your mayors car approx 6.88ft.


    Do you believe a reasonable belief could be that cars in close proximity to the mayor's car would traverse the Wiegman film start location at the same speed as the limo? In this case, Wiegman's car.

    In other words, within the motorcade the mayors car was sandwiched between the limo and Wiegman's car.

    Why would I believe otherwise that the speed(8.6mph) of the limo, mayor's car and Wiegman's car would vary much as is portrayed by Wiegman's speed matching the limo speed at the appropriate location?


  12. 13 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    Tightening your radius aligns both cars vertically but advances your mayors car approx 6.88ft.


    The speed increase starting ten frames earlier from the mayors car at z280(version2.1) vs. the mayors car at z270(version2.3): Refer to my two previous graphics for help.

    10.4 - 7.8 = 2.6mph x 1.47 = 3.822 x 1.8 sec = 6.8796ft

    2.6 x 1.47 = 3.822ft per sec/18.3 = .208ft per frame

    6.8796ft/.208 = 33.07frames

  13. On 8/10/2021 at 11:31 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    I believe you need to check your plat in relationship to the Elm St turn.

    I've indicated with the vertical red stripes a difference in the radius.

    The red horizontal line with the 4.68ft designation(front end of cars) is a difference indicator between where I would plot the Wiegman start and where you have it starting at z280. Your cars back end is your z270.

    I have the mayors car at 16.25ft in length which is the spec given for that car from the manufacturer.

    If this makes sense, I'll then convert the differences moving forward.


    Tightening your radius aligns both cars vertically but advances your mayors car approx 6.88ft.


  14. On 8/10/2021 at 11:31 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    I believe you need to check your plat in relationship to the Elm St turn.

    I've indicated with the vertical red stripes a difference in the radius.

    The red horizontal line with the 4.68ft designation(front end of cars) is a difference indicator between where I would plot the Wiegman start and where you have it starting at z280. Your cars back end is your z270.

    I have the mayors car at 16.25ft in length which is the spec given for that car from the manufacturer.

    If this makes sense, I'll then convert the differences moving forward.


    10.4mph - 8.6mph = 1.8mph x 1.47 = 2.646ft per sec x 1.8sec = 4.76ft = see graphic above.

    2.646ft per sec/18.3 = .1445ft per frame

    4.76ft/.1445ft per frame = 32.94frames = https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/25932-the-motorcade-puzzle/?do=findComment&comment=445523Motorcade-Tyler-Elm-St-Turn3.png



  15. On 7/30/2021 at 9:06 AM, Mark Tyler said:

    Well spotted Chris, I changed the start of the Wiegman film to Z280 as I found it smoothed out the deceleration of the Mayor's car as it turned onto Elm Street Z133-Z220 (and then the acceleration that followed a few seconds later on Elm after Z250).  This slightly slows the film frame rate down to 29 FPS from the 31 FPS which I had before for the Z295 start of the Wiegman film, but it's still within the 27-31 FPS range which is my visual estimate of the true Wiegman film rate.  If you think this causes any problems let me know the details and I will check these workings again.

    I believe you need to check your plat in relationship to the Elm St turn.

    I've indicated with the vertical red stripes a difference in the radius.

    The red horizontal line with the 4.68ft designation(front end of cars) is a difference indicator between where I would plot the Wiegman start and where you have it starting at z280. Your cars back end is your z270.

    I have the mayors car at 16.25ft in length which is the spec given for that car from the manufacturer.

    If this makes sense, I'll then convert the differences moving forward.


  16. Mr. SPECTER. Well, can you describe the view you say is from the right-hand side of the automobile?
    Mr. KELLERMAN. That is right.
    Mr. SPECTER. So that would be on the side of the road where the Texas School Book Depository Building was?
    Mr. KELLERMAN. Yes, sir.
    Mr. SPECTER. And approximately where did those pictures begin and end?
    Mr. KELLERMAN. These pictures began as we turned off Houston Street onto Elm.

    Wrong side of the road for Towner.

  17. On 8/7/2021 at 2:27 AM, Mark Tyler said:


    There could be a slightly tighter radius if the car started turning slightly earlier on Houston Street, so anywhere near Z270 could work for the beginning of the Wiegman film.  Z270 would mean a Wiegman film rate of about 27.3 FPS.  Anyone can do this calculation as follows:

    Wiegman FPS = 264 / ((447 - START) / 18.3)

    264 = Wiegman frames elapsed since frame 1 (to match Z447 with W265).
    447 = Z-film frame sync point with Wiegman 265 (based on the Presidential limo location being visible in both film frames, triangulated with the lamppost).
    18.3 = Average Z-Film FPS.
    START = Zapruder start frame synchronized to Wiegman frame 1.

    For example, using START=246 results in the 24.0 FPS that Dale Myers used.

    Wiegman had his camera fully wound before he started shooting the 36.5 seconds of the z sync segment. In essence, he shot all but approx 1/2 second of footage before a rewind was necessary. imo

    16mm film = 40frames per foot x 22ft per full wind = 880 frames

    36.5sec x 24 fps = 876 frames

    He stopped filming after Hester entered the colonnade but is picked up by Bell/Couch rising and then starting his run down the knoll to film the Newmans. The time difference connecting the Wiegman rise from Bell/Couch is 1.7 seconds.

    I truly don't believe Wiegman was winding his film as he was starting to stand and head down the knoll to film the Newmans.

    Nor do I believe during his run down the knoll he was winding his camera.

    Nor do I believe when he reached the Newmans that he rewound his camera.

    I do believe he had his camera fully ready to shoot and shot 36.5 seconds of a 37 second limitation for that rewind.

    The network television version has a total of 1095 frames(converted from 24fps to 30fps) for the 36.5 second version.

    30 x 36.5 = 1095

    That version is a 3/2 pulldown result.

    In essence, for every 4 real(progressive) frames that existed, an extra one was created.

    4/5 = .8

    1095 x .8 = 876 frames

    Yes, Myers has the Wiegman start sync wrong at z246, not the frame rate. imo

    36:15 below is reflective of a 30fps clock, so 15/30 = .5 second










  18. 42 minutes ago, Mark Tyler said:

    For those reading this who don't know about what I call the "Wiegman Timing Anomaly", Myers said that the Wiegman film was recorded at 24 FPS (based on the assumption that 16mm film cameras typically used that rate in the 1960's).  However, I have concluded that due to the measurements of the Mayor's car position I think it was closer to 29 FPS.





    Sometime in the distant past(I'll see if I can find it again) I supplied a graphic that showed the turning radius/position for the mayor's car was tighter than what you were showing, when you had the Wiegman film starting/syncing at extant z295.

    You now have the Wiegman film starting/syncing at extant z280.

    The supplied graphic shows you tightened up the turning radius of the mayor's car.

    In doing this, your Wiegman frame rate dropped.

    If an even tighter radius exists, does this create another Wiegman frame rate reduction in your opinion?







  19. On 7/30/2021 at 9:06 AM, Mark Tyler said:

    Well spotted Chris, I changed the start of the Wiegman film to Z280 as I found it smoothed out the deceleration of the Mayor's car as it turned onto Elm Street Z133-Z220 (and then the acceleration that followed a few seconds later on Elm after Z250).  This slightly slows the film frame rate down to 29 FPS from the 31 FPS which I had before for the Z295 start of the Wiegman film, but it's still within the 27-31 FPS range which is my visual estimate of the true Wiegman film rate.  If you think this causes any problems let me know the details and I will check these workings again.

    It's helping me clarify the (almost) exact differences between two competing scenarios.

    33 frames (+/-) 1 frame

    Frame Markers for example: 100,133,166,200


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