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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. 29 minutes ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

    Be all that as it may, It's a lesser of two evils thing. While the Democrats and Neocons are plenty evil, history has shown that nothing good ever comes from nationalism and cults of personality. They always devolve into ignorance, lawlessness, violence and mass death, which we are already abundantly witnessing merely four years down this road. 





  2. 17 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    Listening to Right wingers bitch about fair elections is music to my ears, after decades of  witnessing  U.S. election fraud and voter suppression on the right. If in the future you actually want to make it better, I'm sure the Democrats would spend more money on it, but it's the Republicans who'd shaft it, because it would only benefit the Democrats. Being a connoisseur of American politics, Paul. I know I don't have to tell you that.


    Speaking of suppressing the vote:

    2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    Murphy's Law of Combat - If the enemy is in range, "SO ARE YOU!!!"

    The post election chaos was telegraphed months ahead of time. Aside from the War Gaming, Hillary was telling Joe not to concede for any reason, Trump said the Mail in Ballots would be a disaster, and any number of talking heads were saying it would take days to count the votes, so don't expect an answer on Election Night.

    Like in any War, even the most careful amount of planning can not anticipate every possible variable.

    The huge Trump Crowds in the final few weeks through some sand into the "Steal the Election" machine. The lock downs were supposed to have prevented Trump from speaking directly to the people and thereby negate the "visual" of large crowds affirming his popularity. He rallied the base so much in PA, his lead of 600,000+ in PA on Election Night was well in excess of the War Game model.

    That's when they went from organized, hard to detect cheating, to blatant hard to ignore cheating.


    The reason Trump was ahead early in Pennsylvania was because the mail-in ballots were counted last. I believe that was due to the state legislature (Republican controlled) who decided not to start counting the mail-in ballots early, unlike other states which did.

    It's not difficult to find the approx entry where the mail-in ballot counting began.

    At that point, Trump was approx 661,000 votes ahead.

    But, if one looks at the overwhelming ballots cast by mail in terms of party affiliation, it is rather clear, that seemingly insurmountable lead, was just a momentary illusion.

    In fact, the 1,775,297 figure Biden has before the mail-ins start, added to just the Democratic mail-in total would give him more than the overall total he has received in Pennsylvania.

    Trump lost Pennsylvania because of the sheer difference between registered Democrats and Republicans.

    The Trumpians were well aware of this, hence the push to suppress the delivery/counting of mail-in ballots.




  3. 28 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    That white woman thing does blow my mind Chris!

    Extrapolating by yesterdays data. California (87%) counted has 2 million more votes to be counted,  at least at the present rate of a 64% Biden clip, should mean around at least 560k more for Biden. New York has counted less, (79%) has about 1.7 million outstanding votes, but at a lower Biden rate of 55.7%, means about 100k more for Biden. But that's a very conservative estimate if  considerably more of  the % of remaining votes that were mail in ballots, which it appears they are..

    Mine too.

    But, broken down among my siblings who are all in their 50's and 60's, it's not as surprising, but disappointing.

    4Men/3Women - One male who has passed and one I don't see anymore.

    2 Men/1 Woman (all married) - Biden

    2 Women (One married, one not) - Trump

  4. 31 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Really interesting statistics.

    What is the source for these numbers?

    Is this for the Biden/Trump presidential election and the entire nation?

    And if so, it is obviously not finished as there are still about 3% of votes that have not been counted.

    Still, I am shocked at the Trump favoring white women's vote. Many so-called credible pre-election polls showed a 20+ anti-trump margin among women voters nationwide. Although I never saw a breakdown of this women's vote by race.

    Again, if these numbers are accurate, I guess the total anti-Trump women's vote numbers are only higher because of women of color voting anti-Trump.

    If it was just our white women voting Trump would have won.

    I thought most white women were repulsed by crude, sex predator, anti-abortion Trump.

    I still can't believe that white women voted for Trump over Biden...55% to 43%.

    It actually makes me sick to think our American white women voted for Trump by such a wide margin. 


    I've been double and triple checking white women vote numbers for this election and it appears that the chart numbers above are correct.

    What do we have here? A nation of racist Trump brainwashed Rosanne Barr's?

    Guess race hatred is the biggest issue with America's white women to the point of ignoring Trump's "grab em by the pu$$y", sex predator ( even rape?) , misogynistic women insulting, wife cheating filandering, anti-women's right to choose, and throw in pathological lying and corrupt money dealing issues of Trump.

    Seriously, reading this white women Trump favoring vote just sickens me and has shocked my sense of reality. I can't believe the majority of our white women are like this. Like Roseanne Barr.

    How do these white moms explain their support of a sexual predator to their daughters?

    Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-elections/exit-polls

    I was thinking along those same lines.

    Don't know how accurate this will be when it's all said and done, but I don't believe it will change greatly.

    But, at this time, take a look at the total vote count difference between them, approx 4.5 million.

    Now, look at the total difference just in California, it's fairly close to that 4.5 million.

    I understand that difference will grow once California is completed, but this is way too close for a total vote count approaching 150 million voters. 

    So, kudos to the majority of African-Americans for being much wiser/smarter in their character assessment of Trump.


  5. 2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    When all the legal votes are counted, you are going to find that the African American vote is what won it for Trump. The early numbers are showing that Trump attracted 18% of the Black Vote, the most of any Republican in the modern era, and up from 10% in 2016.

    That 18% number includes all of the fraudulent votes that were stuffed into the Biden column in places like Milwaukee, Detroit and Philly. It will probably be well over 20% when all is said and done.


    You forgot about the super majority of African-American women who rejected your theory.




  6. 4 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    God bless Senior Citizens in Michigan who were able to make it to the polling station at great risk of immediate death from Covid, just to vote for Joe Biden.

    Emerick Tufnell, at the age of 122 I salute you, and you have an awesome sounding name. May you live as long as Harry Kiesissewski, which is sort of a cumbersome name. 




    Another worthless tweet.


  7. 18 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

    The election counting center protests are by Trump supporters only.

    And, they are organized ala a Roger Stone MO.

    These protesters are given the same signs and flags we see at Trump rallies which are printed up and distributed by Trump's campaign people. Many have signs that charge the Democrats with stealing the election. It really is an angry shouting mob.

    Someone obviously contacts these people to let them know where to congregate and how to act. No one is telling these protest groups to be calm, peaceful, respectfully quiet.  They are given highly inciting message signs.

    Some look like they may have even been bussed in. Armed police have to guard the entrance doors and protect and even escort ballot counting workers to their cars! Can you believe that?

    These are just pure fear and intimidation rallies. It's really fascist appearing.

    Exactly like Roger Stone bussing in paid fake protesters in Dade County Florida in 2000 ( called the Brooks Brothers event because they were wearing suits ) to act out extremely aggressively, breaking through the entrance doors, banging on windows, scaring the heck out of election workers.

    In Detroit, they are also acting aggressively, crowding up to the windows, shouting loudly, intimidating the count workers inside. Police have to block the entrance.

    Anyone know of any Democratic voter protests going on at any vote counting centers anywhere?

    These Trump people are just that aggressive and threatening. Their highly provocotive, loud honking and bus encircling highway caravans have caused much fear and congestion.

    And their cult leader Trump not only refuses to tell them to stand down, he even encourages and emboldens them and their aggressive threatening public behavior by calling them patriots!

    Like I mentioned in an earlier post. There is no displaying of Biden/Harris signs in people's yards or bumper stickers on their cars like you would find in all our past presidential elections.

     Maybe one sign every mile or so?   I've never seen this before and I have been through 16 presidential elections.

    The reason I hear most often about the almost complete absense of presidential political signs is fear. People fear others shooting at their signs and homes or cars.

    Says alot about inflamed Trump times in this country imo.

    Why don't we congregate outside the Nevada/Arizona ballot counting stations and demand they stop the vote counts. 

    Trump would be in favor of it not realizing it would cost him the election.

    A win win for everyone except the abused election workers.

    PS. On our block, our across the street neighbors and us have Biden signs. Those are the only two among a total of 20 houses.

  8. 18 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

    When I visited Dealey in January, the first place I went was the South Knoll, as I believed that was only place a shot from the front could occur. As mentioned above there is a spot at the end of bridge that curves, and a shooter from there could not be seen by other people on the bridge. That is an absolute fact, and anyone can go to Dealey and see it for themselves. This is the view a shooter would have through the spaces in the stone: 



    Moving closer to Matt's location.



  9. 42 minutes ago, Richard Price said:

    On a slightly related note, down here in Georgia there was a scheduled debate between our Senator David Perdue and a Democratic challenger, David Ossoff.  At the last minute, Perdue has cancelled trying to use the debate to get his ideas across and swaying citizens from voting for the "Socialist" Democrat.  He is instead appearing with "Dear Leader" to again mispronounce Kamala Harris' name to the adoring fans whose vote he already has, and who don't care that he has lined his pockets the same as most Trump lackeys.

    Glad to see Ossoff tell it like it is, directly to Perdue's face. He called him a crook(using quite factual information) which so aptly applies.

    After that a__ kicking, I wouldn't look forward to having another debate either.

    Instead, Perdue will be a__ kissing his leader.


  10. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/lesley-stahl-claims-trumps-healthcare-plan-doesnt-contain-actual-plan-60-minutes-060421463.html

    Excerpt from above:

    Stahl pushed Trump for details about his healthcare plan, and giving her the book may have been an effort to satisfy her curiosity. But after having time to review the contents of the book, Stahl said that there isn’t actually much of a plan at all.

    “It was heavy. Filled with executive orders, congressional initiatives,” Stahl said, “but no comprehensive health plan.”

    What a surprise.



  11. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/24/hunter-biden-hard-drive-lev-parnas-432108

    Excerpt from above:

    "A GOP aide told POLITICO earlier this year that the document portrayed an “innocuous meeting with Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky.” But the truth, Parnas said, was more insidious — the exchange was part of an effort to gauge Zlochevsky’s willingness to cooperate with Giuliani’s dirt-digging mission.

    Ultimately, Giuliani was not satisfied with the answers he got back on July 7, 2019. Asked, for example, whether Joe Biden, while vice president, had ever assisted Zlochevsky or Burisma “in any way with business deals or meetings with world leaders or any other assistance,” Zlochevsky replied curtly: “No.” Asked to detail any contacts he had with Joe Biden from 2013-2019, and whether Hunter ever facilitated any meetings, Zlochevsky replied: “No one from Burisma ever had any contacts with VP Biden or people working for him during Hunter Biden’s engagement.”

    Giuliani was furious, Parnas recalled. “At that point, after seeing the answers, Rudy started pounding the table and saying, ‘We just need to get this information,’” he recalled. Giuliani then tasked Parnas with forging a relationship with Ukrainian billionaire Dmitry Firtash, who said he was willing to help in the search for Biden dirt, Parnas said."

  12. 1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

    My wife and I watched 60 Minutes last night, and I turned to her at one point and said, "This is like a de ja vu of 2016-- Trump is repeating his same old bogus sales gimmicks."

    Trump is like a used car salesman selling a lemon.  He's the lemon.

    1)  He, again, claims to have a "terrific healthcare plan"-- including a television prop of a large binder which was given to Lesley Stahl with a claim that it was Trump's healthcare plan.

    2)  He, again, claims that he will create "the greatest economy" ever, etc.  (See Jennifer Rubin's op-ed debunking Trump's "great economy myth" in today's WaPo.*)

    3)  He, again, claims that he will release his taxes "after the audit."

    4)  He, again, smears his opponent with fabricated allegations.


    *Trump’s mythical economic success and the end of supply-side tax cuts

    And another:


  13. You're three days late.

    Secondly, he wants to add more of his a__ kissing cronies so there is a continuous "pucker up" line.

    Thirdly, for those interested in a general description:

    “This executive order strips due process rights and protections from perhaps hundreds of thousands of federal employees and will enable political appointees and other officials to hire and fire these workers at will,” Kelley said. “Through this order, President Trump has declared war on the professional civil service by giving himself the authority to fill the government with his political cronies who will pledge their unwavering loyalty to him—not to America.”

    Kettl said that the order could be far reaching in scope. Not only would high profile employees who publicly disagree with a president be targeted for removal, but lower level employees tasked with collecting the data and evidence underlying much of what the federal government does could be affected.

    “If you think about examples of how this could play out, Dr. [Anthony] Fauci could be fired, as well as individuals at the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] who are producing analysis about the spread of the coronavirus, social distancing and the importance of masks,” Kettl said. “You could have people within the State Department raising questions about the administration’s expansion of efforts to engage in crackdowns and change other policies who could be fired. The people counting the number of immigrant children who cannot be reunited with their parents could be fired. There’s no end to it because the biggest risk is that anyone who says anything that would be in opposition to the administration’s policy could be viewed as in a policy-making position, put in Schedule F and fired.”


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