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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. 3 hours ago, David Josephs said:

     where else is there a gap that large and conflict so deep but that corner... in which to hide most any and all evils...

    ”where the limo would have turned”  ;)



    The other logical location (imo) would be the Z/Towner gap.


    Euins says 1st shot and then it kind of "speeded up".

    I wonder if he means it slowed/stopped at this point?


    Credit to Vince Palamara for the following info:

    " DPD James Chaney (one of the four Presidential motorcyclists)---stated that the Presidential limousine stopped momentarily after the first shot (according to the testimony of Mark Lane; corroborated by the testimony of fellow DPD motorycle officer Marion Baker: Chaney told him that "…at the time, after the shooting, from the time the first shot rang out, the car stopped completely, pulled to the left and stopped." Extant Z135?

    "DPD D.V. Harkness---". . . I saw the first shot and the President's car slow[ed] down to almost a stop…I heard the first shot and saw the President's car almost come to a stop and some of the agents [were] piling on the car." [6 H 309];

    Dallas Morning News reporter Mary Woodward (Pillsworth)---"…Instead of speeding up the car, the car came to a halt."; she saw the President's car come to a halt after the first shot.

    TSBD Supervisor Roy Truly---after the first shot "…I saw the President's car swerve to the left and stop(Extant Z135?) somewhere down in the area…[it stopped] for a second or two or something like that…I just saw it stop." [3 H 221, 266];


    What 1st shot(limo location) are they referring to? Corroborating Euins?

    The gif is a camera shake reaction comparison to extant Z134, in relationship to the firing of a rifle.

    Also note the shift to the left of the limo at z135.






  2. 2 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    Just to be clear...

    The limo stop/pause is removed as are 50% then 25% of a 48fps shot film to get us to 18fps with a mathematical adjustment to 18.3 fps to make moving about the 1:18.3 rise:run of Elm.

    Agreed, 48fps then 50% removed which would mimick a 24fps version leaving 2/3 true action speed within the film. The last part of the removal process may involve a more random selection of frames than a straight 25% sequence. I say this because of another document I've been referencing which indicates the random process.

    But generally, yes, .625 x 48 = 30 frames and 48-30 = 18fps 

    The complete removal of all this "time" is incorporated into the edit at 132/133

    Not sure about the complete removal by 132/133 with two more splices to go. Definitely considering a stop/pause/slowdown at the Towner/Z film gap - Shot#1  I'll add to this in a bit.

    How can the hypotenuse of the 2 25' sides (2+00 to 2+25 to 2+50) be 50 feet?

    Sorry if I wasn't clear on this. I was not referring to any triangles, only pointing out the distance via West's path using JFK's position in the limo as the 50ft street distance from Station#2+00 to Station#2+50

    Please keep in mind, I am only supplying the reasoning for the 10"/ 15.23ft / 74 extra frames brought about via UPI and Horne's National Archive research.

    Ultimately, the 16fps divisor plays too big of a role in this latest work. I believe the final ratio will be 48fps slo-mo to 16 which would be 66% frame removal for specific spans especially from zframe1 at Station 2+00 to extant z207 at Station# 371.1. Meyer's appears to hide this and I'll reveal some more of his BS involving the Elm St turn syncing with a true 16fps.

    The speed tests run on the Z camera at "normal" setting could be accurate at 18.3 fps. But, from 48fps, the step-down to the actual speed more than likely was 16fps.


    2 hours ago, David Josephs said:



  3. There is other WC documentation showing the sync evolving from 15.23ft/74frames.

    I edited(thin red line)the appropriate part to indicate the start of the original zfilm.

    For example, when does frame 166 = 166frames?

    100ft/166frames = .602ft per frame

    171.1ft/207+74 = 281 frames

    171.1ft/281 frames = .608ft per frame

    It just depends on where you start your 100ft count from and which z version you're working from.

    Be it, Station# 2+00 or StationC = 234.5

    Station# 2+00 + 100ft = approx extant z133

    Station# 234.5 + 100ft = Station# 334.5 = extant z166 on the Robert West path.






  4. On 9/13/2020 at 3:08 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    The limo on film at Station 2+00 = Z frame1

    This is 50 ft retarded from the 6th floor snipers nest east side window aligning with Station# 2+50 on Elm St.


    Running the math from what I have labeled as Zframe1 through the final splice at extant z207:

    171.1ft/207frames = .8265ft per frame x 16 = 13.225ft per sec / 1.47(1mph)= 8.996mph

    Remove an added 15.23ft/74frames = .2058ft per frame

    .8265ft per frame - .2058ft per frame = .6207ft per frame x 16 = 9.9312ft per sec / 1.47 = 6.7559mph

    8.996 - 6.7559 = 2.24mph

    In case you had forgotten how to connect the above with what's been previously presented, here it is again:

    74frames/16fps = 4.625sec x (2.24mph) 3.294ft per sec = 15.23 ft = 10” vertical drop.


  5. 35 minutes ago, Richard Booth said:

    If anyone has read Bill Simpich's State Secret then you know how the descriptor "5 foot 10, 165 pounds" is important


    I found this in a clip from 11/22 ... there it is again, 5 feet 10, 165 pounds.

    What is interesting is this is not Oswald's height nor weight, however 5 foot 10, 165 pounds is indeed found in documents about Oswald.

    What are the odds that this description as found in CIA files on Oswald miraculously appears in the newspaper on 11/22? 

    Had the description actually been based on a person viewing Oswald they would have said 5 foot 9, 130 pounds.

    Was the description pulled from a file? 





    Even sooner than the newspapers:


  6. 20 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    The limo on film at Station 2+00 = Z frame1

    This is 50 ft retarded from the 6th floor snipers nest east side window aligning with Station# 2+50 on Elm St.


    Using the WC documentation and working backwards from z161 will give you the entries entered in red above for StationC and PositionA.

    The elevation conversion from PositionA to z161 in horizontal distance = 2.72ft x 18.3 = 49.776ft.

    So, approx 50ft retarded from extant z161(start of the zframe data) is PositionA.

    This correlates with the (zframe1 to the snipers nest) distance.

    If you use the chart above with those entries you get 329.2 - 278.5 = 50.7ft.

    Or, a difference of approx .9ft horizontal in relation to the true elevation change, which is then assigned to z166. Red flag warning.






  7. The distance from StationC to Station 2+50 = 15.5ft.
    74frames/16fps = 4.625sec x (2.24mph) 3.294ft per sec = 15.23 ft = 10” vertical drop.

     Mr. SHANEYFELT. Station C is on a line drawn along the west curb line of Houston Street in a direct line, and station C is at a point along that line that is in line with where the car would have turned coming around that corner. It is on a line which is an extension of the west curb line of Houston Street.

    We had to retard the measurement starting point in relationship to the 6th floor snipers nest the approx distance of a 10” vertical drop for the ballistics to sync. This came about because of the frame removal process which advanced the limo further ahead than the extant film portrays.

  8. 23 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    Zapruder frame#1 and the location of the cycle cop(the one within the red triangle) in relationship to the lightpost.

    Station# 2+00 is in the red box.

    Besides intersecting z171, later renumbered as z166 (for later discussion) note where the Towner/Z LOS parallel each other moving past station# 2+00.




    The limo on film at Station 2+00 = Z frame1

    This is 50 ft retarded from the 6th floor snipers nest east side window aligning with Station# 2+50 on Elm St.


  9. I'll start you off with this:

    When the WC created CE884 they used 3.27ft as the shot elevation above the street on JFK's body throughout the entire document.

    Therefore, they determined the street elevation for JFK at extant z313 to be .98ft higher in elevation than the southknoll video shows.

    .98 x 18.3ft(1ft elevation change = 18.3ft horizontal) on a street slope of 3.13° = 17.934ft

    Off to the races you go.





  10. Chris,

    Much Appreciated.

    Thanks for the video links. I am familiar with the website: http://www.jfksouthknollgunman.com/index.php/9-2/

    but the new videos have added more than were on the website when I was referencing them a few years back.

    It was nice to see them add specific measurements such as roof heights, windshield bullet height etc etc.

    This was the main reason for the research I did awhile back.

    I will have to go back and revisit what I posted pertaining to it. Posting on an aspect more important to me at this time. 

    If you are interested, start here and read on and you'll gain a better understanding of what I was trying to add to the southknoll scenario.



  11. Zapruder frame#1 and the location of the cycle cop(the one within the red triangle) in relationship to the lightpost.

    Station# 2+00 is in the red box.

    Besides intersecting z171, later renumbered as z166 (for later discussion) note where the Towner/Z LOS parallel each other moving past station# 2+00.




  12. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

     He had an attractive wife, two kids, and he had just bought three places in a Trump building to turn them into a large four bedroom for his family. 



    Speaking of Cohen's daughter:

    Now, years later, Samantha Cohen tells Vanity Fair that the incident with Trump wasn’t the first time she was sexualized by the men her father surrounded himself with. “There are so many creepy men, and it was hardly the first comment like that I’d heard,” she said. “It was almost meaningless to me at the moment because I’d heard them before. If you can hit on a 15-year-old, I am pretty sure there is something wrong with you, and when you allow someone with that little integrity to be in the most powerful office, that sets the tone for the rest of the country’s culture.”

    She goes on to tell the publication that she remembered the incident her father described just a little bit differently: “My dad always tuned out everything negative Trump said about him, but what I remember was Trump saying, ‘Thank God she got those looks from her mother. She certainly didn’t get them from you,'” Samantha recalled. “I was not desensitized to someone putting down my dad and insulting him and degrading him. That was one of the reasons I hated Trump so much.”

  13. 23 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    560 - 486 = 74 frames

    Putting this into a ratio context for all that believe the original was filmed at 18.3fps. That, which I am not a part of.

    74/560 = .1321

    16/18.3 = .8743

                 = 1.0064 whole frames

    Feels like a trap either way you interpret it.

    I suggest rereading UPI's description of their film.





  14. 20 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    560 - 486 = 74 frames


    Please note the divisor being used, carried over from 560frames/35sec = 16fps

    74/16 = 4.625sec

    4.625sec x 3.294ft(2.24mph) = 15.234ft

    10" vertical drop should have moved the limo forward 15.25ft

    All film alterations+math(trig-trajectories included tying it back to the 6th floor) had to account for the limo moving forward approx 15.25ft further than an original, uncut version showed.

    Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes; there was. After establishing this position, represented by frame 161, where the chalk mark was about to disappear under the tree, we established a point 10 inches below that as the actual point where President Kennedy would have had a chalk mark on his back or where the wound would have been if the car was 10 inches lower. And we rolled the car then sufficiently forward to reestablish the position that the chalk mark would be in at its last clear shot before going under the tree, based on this 10 inches, and this gave us frame 166 of the Zapruder film.






  15. Zavada quote:

    "On the original Zapruder film in the Archives, the entire "green chair" footage is missing, and only 14.5 frames (of approximately 117 total) of the Dealey Plaza bystander sequence is present immediately prior to the lead motorcycle sequence. Presumably, someone (at some point subsequent to the exposure of the three first-generation copies on November 22,1963) removed footage that they thought was unimportant from the original film."

    Who did Zapruder allow to cut his film of the century, knowing the so-called due-diligence incorporated into the preservation of the in-camera original?



  16. On 9/9/2020 at 8:36 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    My additions are in red.

    Moving up Elm St.

    +/- 1 frame

    Keep 33,41 and 74 in mind, along with the other labels, if you choose to decipher this.


    8mm film = 80 frames per 1ft of film x 7ft = 560 frames

    35sec x 16fps = 560 frames


    Credit to Pat Speer for the UPI article.

  17. 1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

    A question comment....  Marie Muchmore insists she did not take any film of the shooting itself...

     any thoughts then where this amazingly clear portion of the Muchmore film comes from... as the rest of the film simply doesn't match...  Even these 2 prints from that one frame doesn't seem possible it's the same original film....??




    David J,

    I don't know the origin of your supplied frame. It looks familiar to me but I just can't place where I've seen it before. If it was posted on the forum previously that's probably my remembrance of it.

    David B,

    I rechecked "The Lost Bullet" and did not find any Muchmore footage either original or restored material.

    As for Muchmore not filming, take a look at what is added to her statement(2 1/2 months later) in a subsequent interview.

    I guess she must have been a real camera buff to include the film footage length in the interview.(Red flag warning)

    I have no reason to doubt what she stated about leaving early and not filming.

    My selection for who possibly filmed this is the gentleman in the black suit standing near Wilma Bond within 1 minute after the extant z313 headshot.

    P.S. I will be filling in the details for the "Up Elm St" graphic moving forward.



  18. 1 hour ago, John Butler said:

    3. The witness statement must be clear on where the witness said they were located.

    4.  They must say where the p. limo was when the witness heard shooting.

    What I am looking for is those statements that say shooting occurred somewhere other than in front of the Stemmons sign to the Grassy Knoll.  This amounts to shooting in the Elm and Houston intersection, in front of the TSBD, on Houston Street, at the Main and Houston intersection, and on Main Street.



    This should fulfill some of your criteria.

    Whether it was from a firecracker for diversion purposes or a shot, it appears someone tried to disguise it in the version Groden supplied.

    The red x is Station# 2+99 = JFK within the limo at extant z133

    The distance difference between the red x and Euins LOS line intersecting JFK within the limo is right at the gap between the end of Towner and the beginning of extant Z133.

    Please note the jump in the Hughes' film approx 9 frames after the window flash appears.

    in the context of Myers multi-sync project, it occurs less than a second before extant z133.





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