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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. On 5/11/2020 at 11:40 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    Those top two entries were then changed from z161-z166 to z168-z171, right away an obvious frame change at the same distance, which adversely affects the speed.

    The speed for z168-z171 = 18.3/3 = 6.1 x .9ft = 5.49ft per sec = 3.74 mph = .3ft per frame

    The limo wasn't traveling at 3.74mph at this point either

    Removing alternating frames from a film where a vehicle is traveling at 3.74mph = .3 ft per frame(near the headshots) will increase the vehicle speed to 7.47mph.

    This would be an example of an "instantaneous remnant" adjustment used in calculating the alteration of the original film.z168-z171.png




    In case you had forgotten what the connecting importance of a 5.4ft horizontal distance was, above is one reminder.

    btw, the conversion from 18.3fps to 18(dealing in whole frames) = 18/18.3 = .9836 x 5.49ft = 5.4ft

    A direct link between the manipulation of earlier CE884 data to accomodate the later alteration of the extant zfilm.




  2. On 5/20/2020 at 11:06 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    Added on Edit: Addition to graphic below in white boxes.







    265.26 - 262.23 = 3.03ft

    3.03ft + 2.37ft(for sake of confusion) = 5.4ft horizontal ft.

    Now you know why Specter eventually changed the original elevations from the Dec5, 1963 plat.

    Elev 418.48 - 418.35 = .13 x 18.3 = 2.379 horizontal ft.




  3. On 6/4/2020 at 3:19 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    The rifle barrel end elevation (upper right red box) was set at 492ft for extant 313.

    The z313 street elevation (lower red box) was 418.48.

    492 - 418.48 = 73.52ft

    Remember, you still have to subtract JFK's height above the street = 52.78" - 3.54" = 4.103ft

    73.52 - 4.103 = 69.417ft

    As can be seen, a difference of 10" versus what the original survey shows @ 70.25ft

    You think they were "boxed" in to that location.



    The next step is to run a comparison calculation based on where a 3.54" height difference would put JFK, allowing you to compare the slant distance difference.  


  4. On 6/6/2020 at 9:02 AM, Steven Kossor said:

    The limousine had a feature installed shortly before JFK took possession of it that would raise the back seat about 10 inches at the push of a button from the back seat or from the front passenger dashboard, "to improve the President's visibility during motorcades."  I recall reading that Kellerman was "pushing buttons" on the dashboard during the killing in DP.  I wonder if the throat shot may have been the result of JFK seeming to "jump up" (as at least one witness reported) during the shooting because the seat was abruptly raised to make JFK a better target.  Food for thought, at least.

    Thanks Steven.

    Duly noted.

    I was aware of the control from the backseat but not the front.

    Your comment about "thin slices" is very apropro, I agree that attention to minutiae is the key.

  5. On 6/3/2020 at 12:54 AM, Andrej Stancak said:

    Thanks for this update of the exact location of President's limo at the time of the fatal head shot. It is reassuring that two experts have independently arrived at a very similar estimate.🏆  


    I think I have to correct that back to 2.379ft past the extant z313 location.

    The 4.5ft mark was only part of the adjustment process which I will soon explain.

    Irregardless, Tom was right about the syncing problems that he mentions in the interview.

  6. Moving along, please remember I am using the info/data supplied by an entity that was intent on connecting all the dots/shots back to the TSBD 6th floor SE window.

    The false information supplied allows this to happen.

    For example, when the testimony states that JFK's head height above the street was 52.78", this was used in accordance with the rest to end up back on the 6th floor.

    Don't assume for a second that this is an accurate measurement.

    That said, I believe by "picking out info between the lines" and explaining it in the context of the WC fantasy, hopefully you're gaining a better understanding of how they went about it.


  7. The rifle barrel end elevation (upper right red box) was set at 492ft for extant 313.

    The z313 street elevation (lower red box) was 418.48.

    492 - 418.48 = 73.52ft

    Remember, you still have to subtract JFK's height above the street = 52.78" - 3.54" = 4.103ft

    73.52 - 4.103 = 69.417ft

    As can be seen, a difference of 10" versus what the original survey shows @ 70.25ft

    You think they were "boxed" in to that location.



  8. On 5/18/2020 at 10:22 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    At least in trying to create the overall WC fantasy:

    The pylons were supposed to represent the limo front end(bumper edge) when JFK was hit by a bullet.

    The rear bumper edge was supposed to represent JFK's position in the limo(Station#) when hit by those same bullets.



    Since the early investigations were also trying to manipulate 10", I'll give you a tie-in to the previous post.

    A ten inch elevation difference on a sloped road of 3.13° = 15.25 horizontal feet.

    The distance between JFK's position in the limo and the front end equaled 15.11ft or a difference in distance of 1.68 inches = close enough match for their task at hand.

    The chalk mark designating a throat shot would be at the limo's front end(elevation 10" lower) location when a headshot (10" higher than a throat shot/chalk mark) occurred at JFK's physical location in the limo.

    Simply put, the above describes the elevation difference between 3.27 and 4.103ft = 10"



  9. Why would an investigative body use the same bullet hole location (think chalk mark elevation) when determining the ballistics for a shot that hit JFK in his head?

    Once you realize how preposterous that is, the following might be much easier to understand.

    The difference in JFK's head height at z312 was 3.54" lower than when he was sitting upright.

    Where did the other 10" go?

    Please don't fall victim to the vehicle height difference BS.

    btw,  the extant zframe  is rotated 3.13° clockwise (slope of Elm St at this location) to fit the recreation.

    13.54.png    z312-head-height.gif




  10. On 5/24/2020 at 12:37 PM, Andrej Stancak said:

    Both reconstructions have a lot of common. There are two tunnels possibly due to two bullets or two fragments of one bullet, however, there is only so much detail one can extract from this image and it is also possible that one bullet caused one big wound with this geometry. The right tunnel is taller than the left tunnel but the left tunnel appears to be broader than the right tunnel. Both tunnels expand towards the rear. The two tunnels are separated by tissues which create a wall and that wall is orientated in about 15-20 degree angle toward the right.

    If the two holes and the tunnels would be due to to particles (bullets or bullet fragments), the right particle would likely continue straight backward and the left particle would go leftward toward the two motorcycle officers riding at the left fender of President's limo.








    Tom was close at 4ft farther down Elm.

    Documentation proves out to 4.5ft




  11. On 5/29/2020 at 12:24 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    The last acoustical shot entry is .69sec x 18.3fps = 12.62 frames after the z318.43 shot.

    If there was no interruption in frame sequencing between z318.43 and 12.62 zframes the last Thomas entry would equal z331.05.

    But, by z318.43, the removal of 8-9 frames is in progress.

    318 318A. 319 319A. 320 320A. 321 321A. 322 322A. 323 323A. 324 324A. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331.

    Starting after 318A, count 12.62 frames which runs to 325+.

    Z325+ to Z331 = approx 6z frames x .0546sec per frame = .327 seconds

    If .3sec is a reasonable reaction time for a shot then the outcome viewed in z331/332 appears to sync.


    How does the overall sync at extant Z447 work out?
    Firstly, you should have a better idea now why the frame numbering for the extant zfilm wasn't introduced until late Jan 29,1964 by Shaneyfelt.
    Converting the acoustical info from Thomas pertaining to the time between extant z313 and the next shot = .46sec = 8.43 zframes@18.3fps, I'll add this amount(excised frames) to the total original frame count using Wiegman's 24fps rate:
    24 x 11sec = 264 frames / 1.311(conversion from 24-18.3fps) = 201.37z frames + z252 = z453.37
    201.37 - 195(447-252) = 6.37 zframes
    The difference between these two being 8.43 - 6.37 =  2.06 frames
    Where does the two zframe difference come from?
    I'll use Z's reaction sync to the last registered acoustical shot at z331(see above) for the calculation.
    z331- 252 = 79 zframes / 18.3 = 4.316sec
    453.37 - 331 = 122.37zframes
    122.37 - 2.06 = 120.31zframes
    120.31zframes / 6.684sec = 18fps

    When the film slows from 18.3 to 18fps after extant z331, the two frame difference is accounted for.












  12. btw,

    The reaction to the last acoustical entry in Wiegman would have occurred as he was panning(many blurry frames) back towards the front of the TSBD, so it's rather difficult to decipher when/if the reaction took place.

    There are more acoustical entries.

    The previous two before the z310 shot would work out to this:

    z310 - 4.83sec x 18.3 - 88.39(Thomas 140.32-145.15) = z221.61

    Z221.61 - 1.05sec x 18.3 =19.21 (Thomas 139.27-140.32)= z202.4

    And no, I really don't want to get into another discussion about shots prior to the limo stop area. Start or add to an existing topic for that.

    Is the acoustical evidence valid, you can decide for yourself.

    I thought I would add it to the Wiegman sync/missing frames/limo stop/multiple shots scenario and see how it fits.


  13. The last acoustical shot entry is .69sec x 18.3fps = 12.62 frames after the z318.43 shot.

    If there was no interruption in frame sequencing between z318.43 and 12.62 zframes the last Thomas entry would equal z331.05.

    But, by z318.43, the removal of 8-9 frames is in progress.

    318 318A. 319 319A. 320 320A. 321 321A. 322 322A. 323 323A. 324 324A. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331.

    Starting after 318A, count 12.62 frames which runs to 325+.

    Z325+ to Z331 = approx 6z frames x .0546sec per frame = .327 seconds

    If .3sec is a reasonable reaction time for a shot then the outcome viewed in z331/332 appears to sync.

    Don-Thomas5d4649681a59ae3b.png                     z330-334.gif

  14. On 5/27/2020 at 10:04 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    Let me introduce some acoustical data into the equation now.

    Thomas’ time between two shots = .46seconds x 18.3 fps = 8.41zframes

    Z310 -318.4 = 8.4zframes


    The second shot response in Wiegman appears at Wiegman 93/94(remember to add one to each as my frame counter starts at 0).

    If I use the middle frame labeled as 92 but is actually 93 ( I see a little shake beginning and continuing on through 93) the second shot acoustical equation becomes:

    Wiegman93Reaction = .249sec /.0546 = 4.57 zframes x 1.311 = 6 Wieg frames = Wieg 87.12 = shot2 / 1.311 = 66.45 zframes /18.3 = 3.63sec

    66.45 z frames - 58.02 zframes(z252-z310) = 8.43z frames /18.3fps = .46sec between shots = Don Thomas acoustical.


  15. On 5/26/2020 at 8:40 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    Correction: The reaction sync between Wiegman/Z is Z313.

    Remember, my Quicktime counter starts at 0 so the actual Wiegman frame would be 80, not 79.

    A 24fps -18.3fps ratio = 1.311 x 3 frames = 3.93 Wiegman frames

    80 - 3.93 = Wiegman 76.07

    Wiegman 76.07 / 24 = 3.1695seconds

    3.1695sec x 18.3 = 58 z frames

    Z310 - 58 = Z252

    The Wiegman film started at Z252


    Look above.

    The Wiegman film starts at z252 + 58 frames later = z310 = shot, not reaction to the shot

    CE884 last data entries are z255-z313 = 58 frames

    Once again, do you believe the WC took into account Altgens and the acoustical evidence when syncing/manipulating their masterpiece?




  16. 34 minutes ago, Rick McTague said:


    The fact that none of the Parkland medical personnel saw nor described anything like the blob on the extant Z film to me is the greatest evidence for it being added into the film at some point, ala Doug Horne's fine work on Dino and the NPIC events.  A close second is the fact that what the Parkland doctors DID see and describe is NOT seen in the extant Z film.



    If you've been following the thread, you might realize I've purposely stayed away from any witness testimony except Hickey I believe.

    Using his testimony,  I applied his hair-flap description to the zfilm around z274.

    In retrospect, I think he was probably describing the z310 shot quite possibly converted(blob wise) into the extant z313 frame.

    I don't feel the need to argue whether or not there were two hits to the head, and I have no reason to doubt all the Parkland staff.

    What is obvious to me is there were two shots within a time frame which would not include one shooter.

    That aspect, along with a limo instantaneous stop and the math used to accommodate the frame removal sequence is what this is about.

    Was the frame/s with the obvious second shot(frontal location) removed or is extant z318+ a combination of an instant hit and camera reaction.

    The acoustics are a wonderful addition.

    CE884 is the data chart. The limo was not traveling 2.24/3.74mph using either chart at the designated time specified.

    It was traveling that speed at another point during the assassination.

    It's quite obvious now, (see previous posts) when that occurred.

    I just continue to show how the WC went about their business.









  17. On 5/11/2020 at 11:40 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    As you mentioned, the other data CE884 document was a remnant of the instantaneous speed change.

    Those top two entries were then changed from z161-z166 to z168-z171, right away an obvious frame change at the same distance, which adversely affects the speed.

    The speed for z168-z171 = 18.3/3 = 6.1 x .9ft = 5.49ft per sec = 3.74 mph = .3ft per frame

    The limo wasn't traveling at 3.74mph at this point either

    Removing alternating frames from a film where a vehicle is traveling at 3.74mph = .3 ft per frame(near the headshots) will increase the vehicle speed to 7.47mph.

    This would be an example of an "instantaneous remnant" adjustment used in calculating the alteration of the original film.z168-z171.png




    Let me introduce some acoustical data into the equation now.

    Thomas’ time between two shots = .46seconds x 18.3 fps = 8.41zframes

    Z310 -318.4 = 8.4zframes

    I’m the WC, I need to make the 2nd shot disappear, but have to base my alteration/adjustments on what the true frame count / limo traveled distance was.

    5 frames @.9ft (CE884 - z161-z166) / 8.4 frames = ratio of .6 / 1

    .6ft per frame ratio = Limo speed from Z301-Z313

    .6ft per frame x 9 frames = 5.4ft

    5.4ft = 3 frames @ .9ft (CE884 - z168-Z171) using 18 whole frames or 5.49ft using 18.3frames = 1 second.

    The retarding of distances between the two headshots appears in the two CE884 data charts.

    This is why (among other items) you can rest assured that the frame removal process resided within a 1 second real time span.

    So, did the WC also possess the acoustical evidence besides the original Zfilm to help them figure out what alterations were necessary?

    You decide for yourself.



    1 hour ago, Eddy Bainbridge said:

    I think your list of options is incomplete as the Zapruder film could be missing more or less than 2 seconds of film. I would repeat the evidence is quite strong that some frames are missing. I tend towards believing a small number around Z313. 


    We are now pretty much in agreement.

    I thought I made it clear that once the radius for the motorcade is corrected the 38 missing frames is no longer valid.

    A tighter turn puts the Mayor's car out of Altgen's LOS because of Brehm and the african-american gentleman extending the blocked view of the cars rounding the corner.

    Altgen's photo aligns with Z255. Wiegman starts at Z252. Mark's supplied Wiegman frame is five Wiegman frames from the start. 5 / 1.311 = 3.81z frames = Z255.81

    A photograph is one moment in time. Altgen's just missed the Mayor's car front end because of Brehm and the african-american gentleman. Remove them and I'm quite sure we see the front end of the car.

    If you want a better idea of the turning radius started by the limo, look at Towner's film as it traverses the first lane marker and compare it to where Mark has the limo in the same position.

    The turning radius is incorrect, too wide.

    Yes, Meyers used 24fps and counted back 11 seconds placing his Wiegman start at Z246, but this was all based on his placement of Wiegman's camera movement for a shot at Wiegman frame 89.

    Actually it's Wiegman 90, but it's not the first shot that he has Z313 synced with, it's the second shot. Think Acoustical syncing.

    Once you realize this, you might have a better understanding why there are 8-9 frames missing from the extant Z film between approx Z316-z324.

    One other bit of information, all the films may appear to sync around the extant 313 headshot and shortly thereafter, sorry this is incorrect.







  19. On 5/21/2020 at 9:34 AM, Chris Davidson said:


    The start of Wiegman actually begins between where Myer's(z246) and I(z257) initially,  placed it.

    The reason for this is the Wiegman/Z447 (limitation) sync.

    My apologies for not checking a full frame Altgens version against the Motorcade Animation.



    Correction: The reaction sync between Wiegman/Z is Z313.

    Remember, my Quicktime counter starts at 0 so the actual Wiegman frame would be 80, not 79.

    A 24fps -18.3fps ratio = 1.311 x 3 frames = 3.93 Wiegman frames

    80 - 3.93 = Wiegman 76.07

    Wiegman 76.07 / 24 = 3.1695seconds

    3.1695sec x 18.3 = 58 z frames

    Z310 - 58 = Z252

    The Wiegman film started at Z252


  20. On 5/24/2020 at 9:27 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    The WC didn't lie about the angle(15deg21min = 15.35°) from which the z313 headshot hit JFK's head.

    They lied about where it originated from.

    I'll explain the rest of the graphic in awhile.

    Sheldon Hershorn had it pegged.


    Once the ballistics are worked out, just look for a dark figure on the ledge.

    Then compare it to another representation.

    The limo is on Houston St. as the gif plays.




  21. 23 hours ago, Paul Bacon said:

    Chris, may I use my own words to describe what I think you're saying?  And then you can tell me where I've got what you're thinking correct or incorrect.

    A shot from the Dal-Tex 7th floor ledge @ z310.  We see Kennedy's head move forward slightly from z312 to z313.  Then, at virtually the same moment in time, the head is driven back by a shot from the front which also causes the back of head blowout.  The limousine has come to a stand-still just after z313 and before the shot from the front.  Kennedy's head is driven "back and to the left" by the frontal shot.

    So, the frame removal was done to hide the fact that there were two shots, at virtually the same moment in time, which would have been impossible for a lone gunman.  And the "blob" is real and not painted in, as has been suggested.  The "blob" was created by the first of those two shots which came from 7th floor Dal-Tex.

    Do I sort of have this right?


    The shot from behind could have missed and the blob was added to give the impression of a rear shot at that moment.

    I just believe that the forward movement of his head circa 313 is an indication of a shot.

    And, as you said, impossible for 1 shooter.

    But, this is more about timing using Wiegman's film as the clock, comparing it to the acoustical and showing the after affects of a limo stop/frame removal process.

    More coming.


  22. 5 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    The WC didn't lie about the angle(15deg21min = 15.35°) from which the z313 headshot hit JFK's head.

    They lied about where it originated from.

    I'll explain the rest of the graphic in awhile.

    Sheldon Hershorn had it pegged.


    Using the 338ft distance above for bullet travel: 338ft/2060ft per sec = .164/.0546(1zframe) = 3zframes bullet travel time. This is what I used for the z310shot - z313 hit.

    I'm not inferring that I believe the shot came from the M.Carcano. This is more for the timing aspect.

    Mr. FRAZIER - The first shot, Lot 6,000, the velocity was 2199.7 feet per second.
    Shot No. 2, Lot 6,000, velocity 2,180.3 feet per second.
    The third shot, velocity--same lot--velocity 2,178.9 feet per second.
    The third shot, velocity--and this is Lot No. 6,003--velocity was 2,184.8 feet per second.
    The fourth shot, Lot No. 6,003, was 2,137.6 feet per second.
    Fifth shot, Lot No. 6,000, 2,162.7 feet per second.
    The sixth shot, Lot 6,003, 2,134.8 feet per second.
    An average of all shots of 2,165 feet per second.
    Mr. EISENBERG - How would you characterize the differences between the muzzle velocities of the various rounds in terms of whether that difference was a large or small difference?
    Mr. FRAZIER - This is a difference well within the manufacturer's accepted standards of velocity variations. They permit in their standard ammunition manual, which is a guide to the entire industry in the United States, a 40-foot-per-second, plus or minus, variation shot to shot in the same ammunition. .

    The muzzle velocity would be near 2244ft per sec, reduced to 2060ft per sec at 113yds=339ft

    2199.7 + 40 = 2239.7 fairly close to 2244.

    Ballistics chart:



  23. 2 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    This means the DalTex 7th floor is at least 20.5ft higher than the TSBD 6th floor.



    What other location at least 15ft above the TSBD 6th floor would fit the location, especially using the WC matching bullet 15.35° trajectory.

    The obvious answer would be the TSBD 7th floor or rooftop, but then the trajectory changes to a minimum of 18.15° from the 7th floor ledge and steeper from the roof.




    3 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    The WC didn't lie about the angle(15deg21min = 15.35°) from which the z313 headshot hit JFK's head.

    They lied about where it originated from.

    I'll explain the rest of the graphic in awhile.

    Sheldon Hershorn had it pegged.


    The Dal-Tex 6th floor is 10.5ft higher than  the TSBD 6th floor. 161.1ft vs 171.6ft

    The elevation difference between z313 (88.8) labeled on Drommer and the DalTex building (101.0 ) = 12.2ft

    Each DalTex floor(minus the bottom floor) is at least 10ft high. Possibly higher because of the 6th floor elevation differences.

    Start at the TSBD 6th floor window ledge elevation of 61.1ft(I used Robert West 61.2 in the graphic)

    61.2ft + 10.5ft  (DalTex 6th floor ledge) + 10ft (DalTex 7th floor ledge) + 12.2ft (DalTex base to z313)
    minus JFK’s head height above pavement 52.78” = 4.4ft

    Total = 89.5ft displayed in graphic.

    This means the DalTex 7th floor is at least 20.5ft higher than the TSBD 6th floor.

    Keep this in mind moving forward.


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